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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Glad to see the ABC votecompass get a mention in here. It's a bit of fun.

No Tony Windsor means Barnaby has this seat in the bag (ACTU pulled out of its targeted seat campaigning in the electorate, too). Fuck me, can't believe I'll be living in the seat of Barnaby fucking Joyce. Jesus H Christ. Just, fuck, urgh.

Anyway, vote below the line, don't draw a dick or a middle finger on your ballot paper blah blah blah. Send this link to all your friends and family and make sure they're enrolled.

I guess it's interesting that even though the polls (oh, the fucking polls) are close, it kind of doesn't matter. A party only needs to win a majority of seats, and the people who make a living out of these things have already worked out where those seats might come from. It will only take one or two of those marginal seats to go to one party or the other and the election is over, basically. Antony Green may have a very short night ahead of him on Sep 7.

Heaven, hell and every other fantastical place help us if the Libs get in. Fucking hell, Hockey running the goddamn budgets, Joyce as deputy PM (ohgawddddddddddd) and fucking Abbott on centre stage. representing this country.

Some other sites people maybe interested in keeping up with:





I wonder at what point your ballot paper becomes invalid. Like if I fill it out correctly, how many dicks am I still able to draw on it?

Old mate Bob easily wins that one, no other PM's have world records in drinking.


And he hasn't lost his touch.
Dude can still rock a beer better than anyone in our current Cricket squad too. Off season he needs to lock them in a tavern and harden them the fuck up.

what are the restrictions to being PM anyways? She wasnt even born in Australia correct? 0_o

Daily Telegraph has a 'specialist' come in for a column every Sunday on page 3 and detail how at age 5 she masterminded her parents migration to the country she was chosen by Lucifer to sully.


No Tony Windsor means Barnaby has this seat in the bag (ACTU pulled out of its targeted seat campaigning in the electorate, too). Fuck me, can't believe I'll be living in the seat of Barnaby fucking Joyce. Jesus H Christ. Just, fuck, urgh

Another fellow New Englander?

Pretty much what mine was, and no doubt the majority of GAF users.

Got my vote last election :)

Same, but I think the senate is a half senate election?
Heh, old dude is like, "who is this suit and why is he saying he has been knocking on our doors?".

Dear God, this is uncomfortably awful.

Ah I remember this guy!
He dismissed speculation the preselection took more than six months because Tony Abbott didn't want him to run.

"Tony Abbott congratulated me and said I'm a great local candidate committed to delivering real results for the community," he said.

"I'm very happy to have Tony Abbott's support, I'm thrilled."

"You get sick of sitting on the sidelines whinging about bad government you just go 'mate get in there do something about it'."



Now Abbott might be over-egging the amount a bit – the government’s recent economic statement has gross debt reaching $370bn in 2016-17 – but aside from that, both sides are correct. The economic argument, of course, relates to whose point of view is more valid. Australia’s debt level is low compared with the rest of the world – and as I noted in my first post, even the increase in debt in the past five years has been lower than average.

But why Rudd refers to debt per head of population is a mystery. The ALP has recently put out an infographic on Facebook showing that we are only second to Estonia in terms of lowest debt per capita. Of course we are second only if you leave out a few countries such as Sweden, Norway and Finland.

But economists pretty much only talk in terms of debt per GDP. And on this score we’re still looking OK. The LNP prefers gross debt (because it is bigger), but even that has Australia sitting nicely:


The triple-A rating is a good pointer for showing how we sit with regard to the rest of the world, but we shouldn’t worry too much about it. A triple-A credit rating is nice to have, but when a government starts viewing it as the arbiter of a good economy, that way lies madness, and usually massive austerity. Better to aim for employment growth than worry about what Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s are saying about your budget.

Can we please shut up about the debt/deficit? The debate is spectacularly misinformed, and - given recent unemployment figures - we should probably be spending more, not less. Sweden and Norway having such low levels of debt despite having extensive welfare states says everything you need to know about the austerity fetishists (hello Judith Sloan).


With the video I was kind of hoping it would be something like "we are so sick of people of X having bad government we want to change it blah blah blah" and then the Ten guy be all like "liberals were in here last time". Like if one retried or something.

Dead Man

Coalition rebuffs Labor criticism over policy costings; Abbott says voters can 'do the arithmetic'

The Coalition has fended off Labor attacks over its decision not to commit to its own budget bottom line when it releases its policy costings, with Opposition Leader Tony Abbott saying voters will be "able to do the arithmetic".

His treasury spokesman, Joe Hockey, has again confirmed the Coalition will not provide a final budget figure because he does not trust the Treasury numbers used by the Government.

"We've been using the independent Parliamentary Budget Office to assist us, as well as other sources to assist us in helping to make sure that our numbers are far more robust than anything Labor has had," Mr Hockey told the ABC's AM program.

Mr Abbott has confirmed the Opposition will not release a final figure.

"What we'll be doing in the campaign is we will be fully funding and fully costing all of our commitments and the budget bottom line will be better under the Coalition than under the Labor Party," Mr Abbott said.

"You'll be able to see, you'll be able to do the arithmetic and you will see that the budget bottom line will be better under the Coalition than under Labor."
Bit hard to do the arithmetic when you won't relase the damn figures you clown.


Oh the math isn't that hard. Abbott wants to kill the Carbon tax, but keep the Carbon tax assistance plan. He wants to kill the mining super profits tax, but also implement a $500,000,000 metropolitan road infrastructure upgrade that's significantly useless to anybody outside of major population centres.

Perhaps it's Abbott who can't do arithmetic?


The numbers don't matter, the plan is and always has been to promise the world, gain power, and then be all "OH SHIT, LABOR MISMANAGEMENT, BUDGET BLACK HOLE, SORRY WE CAN AFFORD IT ANYMORE"
"Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey has again confirmed the Coalition will not provide a final budget figure because he does not trust the Treasury numbers used by the Government."

This is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read. Anyone voting the coalition after this quote should be laughed at.
God forbid a challenging politician ever make a realistic promise.

This reminds me of the stuff Mitt Romney's campaign was doing last year. Shouting loud and clear that they have a plan to fix the country, then making vague assertions and obfuscations when asked for specifics. Seems like a tactic as old as democracy itself.


Yeah mate, I'm on the cold-but-NBN-connected side of the Moonbies :)

Supreme jealously. I look out my front window every morning to see new houses being built across the valley from me with fresh NBN fibre. Meanwhile I have to wait until next year before it's even starting to get rolled out on my side.


Supreme jealously. I look out my front window every morning to see new houses being built across the valley from me with fresh NBN fibre. Meanwhile I have to wait until next year before it's even starting to get rolled out on my side.

When the coalition win, I guess you can look forward to more copper :/
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