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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I'm just gonna leave this here... (From today's Tele)

And from last night's Media Watch

Yeah maybe. But probably not:



Fred I still have my fingers in my ears singing "lalalalalala" regarding the NBN. I am not deluding myself into thinking it definitely won't happen (NBN lite) but until that fat lady starts screaming a tune in my ear I am remaining extremely cautiously optimistic. The alternative is too depressing, I want to remove these Telstra shackles.


Fred I still have my fingers in my ears singing "lalalalalala" regarding the NBN. I am not deluding myself into thinking it definitely won't happen (NBN lite) but until that fat lady starts screaming a tune in my ear I am remaining extremely cautiously optimistic. The alternative is too depressing, I want to remove these Telstra shackles.

I don't think the changes will be able to pass the senate, and I don't think the coalition have a mandate on this issue to really force the point.


Here's the Headline Worm if anyone's interested.

The guy says he won't release the numbers until after the election:
How is bias calculated? Detecting bias is tricky. There’s no way to automate it as bias is entirely subjective. So the way that bias is calculated is through visitors to the site ranking headlines without any idea of the publisher. I had my doubts about this system at first, but visitors were ranking several headlines when they visited, and there’s now at least 4 rankings per headline. It could be better, but given the polls that create so much of the election news are based on data from automated phone surveys interrupting the dinner of as few as 300 Australians, I’m not too concerned.

Why is it so wiggly at the start? At the beginning it was assumed everyone had zero bias. So the first few articles influence the overall bias for that publisher massively. Because the bias is cumulative, over time it becomes smoother and large jumps more unlikely.

Can I have the data? I’ll make all of the data downloadable at the end of the election.




On the Australian Christian Lobby’s Australia Votes guide to the election, the Liberal National Coalition was asked: “What will your party do to encourage marriage and resilience in couple relationships?”

Here’s the surprising response: “The Coalition will provide a $200 voucher to all couples when they register their intention to marry, which will be redeemable on an approved marriage education, counselling or parenting skills service.

“Couples can use this voucher before or after their wedding to choose the service that best suits their needs, be it one which assists in developing communication skills, conflict resolution, financial management, parenting skills, or for counselling services if problems arise in a marriage.”

how fashionable

e: beaten
For those interested in the preference flows, two very interesting visualizations have been put up, one by @matthewlandauer of the OpenAustralia Foundation, and one by The Global Mail. Certainly a lot easier to get than the group voting tickets.

Very nice.


I saw the video earlier, and now the site. I try to not let politics get to me emotionally, but it's just goddamn depressing that we came within a few years of universal fibre.

Also it's pretty obvious that Murdoch sees the ABC as a competitor and the Libs are just going to gut them in return for favourable coverage.

The whole world is laughing at us.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

Labor had been relentless in its personal attacks on him during the past four years, Mr Abbott said.

''Basically every day since I became Opposition Leader the prime minister of the day with several ministers in support has come out to say that I am the world's worst so-and-so.

''The government has a very big megaphone and while the current government has been hopeless at administration, by God, they have been good at politics. At least a part of my supposed unpopularity is due to the fact that I have been smeared by experts up hill and down dale.''

Every time I drift towards apathy I read something infuriating which quickly reverses the trend. If Abbott actually believed in the decency he espouses then the oblivious, two-faced hypocrite would have died of shame a long time ago.

Every time I drift towards apathy I read something infuriating which quickly reverses the trend. If Abbott actually believed in the decency he espouses then the oblivious, two-faced hypocrite would have died of shame a long time ago.

heh. I seriously cannot believe he is doing this. Are people really going to fall for double-think?

At least a part of my supposed unpopularity is due to the fact that I have been smeared by experts up hill and down dale

again with the "experts don't really know anything". People in this country really REALLY hate intellectuals don't they?


again with the "experts don't really know anything". People in this country really REALLY hate intellectuals don't they?

Not so much that, they think they know better. Like Malcolm Turnbull, regularly attacks companies like Google and ignores 'experts' claims about his second rate broadband solution. Then again I guess he did invent the Internet in Australia.



Every time I drift towards apathy I read something infuriating which quickly reverses the trend. If Abbott actually believed in the decency he espouses then the oblivious, two-faced hypocrite would have died of shame a long time ago.

Read Bertrand Russell's essay on The Harm that Good Men Do. I think it explains what irritates you about so called decency.


Not so much that, they think they know better. Like Malcolm Turnbull, regularly attacks companies like Google and ignores 'experts' claims about his second rate broadband solution. Then again I guess he did invent the Internet in Australia.

I think Turnbull is just toeing the party line. When he talks about the Liberal NBN solution he seems genuinely embarrassed to be a proponent of it.


I think Turnbull is just toeing the party line. When he talks about the Liberal NBN solution he seems genuinely embarrassed to be a proponent of it.
I dunno, this line of thinking sounds like the wishful thinking of Young Progressives more than anything else given Turnbull's pro-market views on most economic matters. The man really isn't some "ALP member/Leftie in disguise" like some like to paint him as.
Turnbull is not in the wrong party, as some claim, and nor is he politically progressive. Rather, he is an extreme economic rationalist who doesn't believe in the greater redistribution of social wealth to ensure a more equal, more just, and fairer Australia. I say leave him where he is, in the party full of those who argue the market not the community should determine important social questions.

My favourite press release of Turnbull's is where he defends the interests of the 1 per cent while condemning the ALP means testing of the private health insurance rebate. Turnbull decried that 'Residents in the Eastern Suburbs will carry a disproportionate burden of the cuts'. He is no fool, and clearly knows this is because the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney (where he and I both live) is home to a 'disproportionate burden' of the wealthy, full stop. He lives amongst those who can most afford private health insurance, and those whose tax returns will indicate they earn above the rebate threshold. The electorate of Wentworth is home to the three wealthiest suburbs in the country (Darling Point, Edgecliff and Point Piper) with a mean taxable income of $186,202.


Isn't the popular belief in the I.T community that he knows nothing really and just says things just to sound smart?

Dead Man


Every time I drift towards apathy I read something infuriating which quickly reverses the trend. If Abbott actually believed in the decency he espouses then the oblivious, two-faced hypocrite would have died of shame a long time ago.

What the hell? Do people actually have the memory span of some single celled organism?


Tone said:
“If you are walking down the street at 2am in Kings Cross in Sydney and you get king hit, maybe you shouldn't be there. Maybe it was an unwise place to be, an unwise thing to do."

Victim blaming: check.

Edit: dammit Jintor


He was saying that such a victim would still get victim's compensation in NSW, so he's not entirely insane. But still, victim-blaming, great job Tony
Can we make sure 'Abbott's Australia' and 'Thanks, Abbot' catch on?

Hahaha. From what I've seen the majority of us are more left than Labor. We're too small a demographic to get that to really catch on. Though, hmm, given the general trend of the intrawebs , you might be able to get it going on Twitter or Facebook ?

He was saying that such a victim would still get victim's compensation in NSW, so he's not entirely insane. But still, victim-blaming, great job Tony

Actually it was a little better than that even. In the context of him saying that Australians should get compensation for being victims of overseas terrorism, he compared it to someone getting king hit in King's Cross and saying they still get compensation. It's a stupid thing to say but he's not really claiming they shouldn't get compensation, he's using it as an argument that other people in perhaps unwise locations should.


Actually it was a little better than that even. In the context of him saying that Australians should get compensation for being victims of overseas terrorism, he compared it to someone getting king hit in King's Cross and saying they still get compensation. It's a stupid thing to say but he's not really claiming they shouldn't get compensation, he's using it as an argument that other people in perhaps unwise locations should.

Meanwhile Rudd was planning to move naval bases to Brisbane without telling the Premier of NSW. Less gaffe-worthy but still pretty dumb, Kev. Should've at least given him a ring first.


I dunno, I somehow think Abbott has the capacity to be much worse than Howard.

I don't think there is room on the scale for "much worse" than Howard, but the main thing to worry about is the economic climate that Abbott will be trying to be like Howard in. Howard governed during boom times, so his general economic recklessness didn't really matter until down the track. Abbott will be trying to do the same things, like cutting public service jobs, and raising taxes like the GST, but in a shakier climate where we should be encouraging spending to get the economy moving again. He will probably cause a recession, and then blame the previous government on it. You're from QLD, so you know this isn't far fetched.


No need to remind me :(, I notice Campbell has been pretty much vacant from the spotlight since the election was announced, funny that.
I'm not voting for Abbot or Rudd, they are both fucking nut jobs and neither have got any policies that sound good to me.

About the only minor fucking thing I have an interest in is better dental care but really I know I'll get fucked in the end anyway.

Voting independant


Surprise surprise, the coalitions released costings just ask more questions rather than answer them. Also Hockey says they are the most open opposition ever in regards to policies and how they are funded.


Don't get me started. I really feel like I live in a bizarro world.

At this point Abbott could come out on stage with a newborn baby, slit its throat, drink its blood and throw its corpse onto a pentagram while screaming SATAN IS THE ONE TRUE GOD and everyone in Queensland would still be quietly chuckling about how much of a daggy dad he is.

This really is an election between people who grew up with newspapers and those who didn't.
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