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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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We're through the looking glass people

HERE'S our alternative version of the Labor attack ad which stars a paid actress who complains on her personal blog about the price of Spanish handmade tiles.

Our remake, which features the voice of reporter Caroline Marcus, highlights the tough times faced by actress Susannah Hardy, who was paid to make the campaign ad in which she shares her fear of Tony Abbott cutbacks.

In real life, though, 'Sour Susie' uses her blog Dreaming of a Dishwasher to complain about more pressing issues - the price of Spanish tiles (and how she had to pay extra for shipping) the joy of ultra-quiet dishwashers, and how she's loving living with her parents (who provide gourmet food and wine) while her Paddington home is renovated

Earlier, the Daily Telegraph reported that the actress mother hired to bag Tony Abbott in a negative Labor TV ad campaign actually lives with her parents, enjoying their gourmet food and wines, while whingeing about the price of Spanish handmade tiles.

Hardy is being paid by Labor to pretend she fears cutbacks from an Abbott government while, in real life, undertaking expensive renovations to her dream Sydney home, complete with a "stylish stainless steel dishwasher that only makes 42 decibels of noise".

Hardy, whose acting credits include Packed To The Rafters, Blue Heelers and Wish You Were Here, has become the "Sour Susie" of the 2013 election, reviving memories of Bob Hawke's "Whingeing Wendy" in 1987.

Her agent said yesterday Hardy, who also writes articles about kitchens and bathrooms for glossy home magazines, lives in Paddington, in Sydney's leafy east.

Her posts on her blog reveal a woman who loves to live with style - rather than fretting about the number of nurses and teachers employed by governments like the hard-working mother she portrays in the attack ad. The 44-year-old boasted on her blog last weekend that her lawyer husband and their two daughters, aged 5 and 2, had been living with her parents for the past 10 weeks while undertaking renovations.

"Being a Parent Never Ends - at least not for my parents,'' she wrote. "I've cooked about three meals in 10 weeks and yet have enjoyed countless gourmet dinners.

"Apart from one vacuum, I've done no cleaning and not really sure if I've changed our sheets or towels. My parents wine supply is slowly diminishing because my husband and I have whole-heartedly embraced the pre-dinner drink and chat.''

Hardy's parents are also helping by looking after the children. "Friday night, they babysat our children and I think we're going out next Saturday night as well," she wrote.

But life can be hard when you've got renovations to worry about - even if you aren't concerned about whether Mr Abbott has got something to hide.

"I was furious!'' she wrote earlier, referring to a misunderstanding over a bill. "I hadn't been told about a courier charge, which would add another $15 onto my expensive Spanish handmade tiles. Not a lot I know but it's the principal [sic]."

Hardy tells how she once lived in Paris and "before kids . . . was known for my shoes". "Then pregnancy, childbirth and a mortgage changed everything," she laments.

But the thought of one day being in her new kitchen, with "sexy" appliances, lifts her spirits: "The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that somewhere in a factory in Sydney is a dishwasher with my name on it - a stylish stainless steel dishwasher that only makes 42 decibels of noise.''

"So now when my builder calls, I take a deep breath and visualise myself stacking the dishwasher and all those extra costs and potentially disastrous household features simply slip through my tense little fingers.''

But it's unlikely Hardy's star political role will help her achieve the New Year's resolution she set at the start of the year.

"I want to be subtle. I want to be mysterious. I want people to ask: 'Who is that woman and what's her story?' . . . So this is the year of keeping things a little closer to my chest.''

Labor campaign director Ge­orge Wright confirmed last night that Hardy was a professional actress, but said he wasn't aware if Hardy was a member of the Labor Party.

So, a couple of issues:

-Does the Tele understand the concept of acting? (if not, i recommend they watch this handy guide from Sir Ian McKellen)
-There seems to be quite a bit of projection going on here: even if this woman is comfortably middle class and is unaffected by Abbott's cuts, does that not mean that she can still care on the behalf of people that are? Not everyone lives by "fuck you, I've got mine".


I just canceled my Foxtel Play subscription after I find out the owner of Foxtel in Australia actually owned 70% of Australia media newspaper.

I really want NBN because I'm stuck on Telstra cable, on ADSL2+ connection I only can get 1.5Mbps max speed because of that the distance from the telephone exchange is over 4km.
I just canceled my Foxtel Play subscription after I find out the owner of Foxtel in Australia actually owned 70% of Australia media newspaper.

I really want NBN because I'm stuck on Telstra cable, on ADSL2+ connection I only can get 1.5Mbps max speed because of that the distance from the telephone exchange is over 4km.

Yeah, I cancelled my Australian subscription. There were a couple of sections worth reading, but their crazy bias went into overdrive after the election campaign started and it became a little too obnoxious for me to enjoy the bits I used to. A daily refugee counter in the week after Rudd announced his policy to "prove" it wasn't working was one of those things.

Dead Man

Yeah, I cancelled my Australian subscription. There were a couple of sections worth reading, but their crazy bias went into overdrive after the election campaign started and it became a little too obnoxious for me to enjoy the bits I used to. A daily refugee counter in the week after Rudd announced his policy to "prove" it wasn't working was one of those things.

What the fuck? Jesus.

Dead Man


Why did you make me go to the Telegraph? You are a bad person.

But yeah, bizarre plan.
Edit: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...as-abetz-goes-freelancing-20130822-2seh8.html
Tony Abbott's industrial relations spokesman Eric Abetz has attracted internal criticism for ''freelancing'' on future Coalition policy by suggesting an Abbott government would intervene in wage settlements if wage rates were too high.

Senior Liberals were aghast on Thursday when they read that Senator Abetz had granted an unscheduled interview on his party's workplace relations laws, during which he flagged that enterprise agreements entered into by unions and employers might be struck down if deemed excessive.

He signalled changes to the Fair Work Act to require the industrial umpire to satisfy itself that productivity improvements had been ''genuinely discussed''.

LAWL Productivity improvements.
I think it was Aamer, but I think Nazeem's video I saw was just a little off. The other stuff I've just looked up now is much better :)
Aamer was the MC at my wedding :D they are both awesome though, very different styles of comedy.

Aamer is earnest, and lately very sincere, if more self conscious.

Naz is less self conscious and less subtle. His humor is more familiar and has I think a broader appeal.


Aamer was the MC at my wedding :D they are both awesome though, very different styles of comedy.

Aamer is earnest, and lately very sincere, if more self conscious.

Naz is less self conscious and less subtle. His humor is more familiar and has I think a broader appeal.
That makes a lot of sense, then. I tend to prefer less-subtle stand-ups. Not that either is bad though, they're both pretty hilarious. But I think Naz might labour his jokes that little bit too much? Anyway, yeah. At least one good thing came out of this thread for me ;)

That reminds me. I need to watch their Australian Story.

Dead Man

Thank goodness for http://belowtheline.org.au/ and http://senate.io/ ;)

For the wonks out there, Antony Green has his senate calculators up. Even just going with the voting trends from last election, and ignoring the impact from new parties, there's some interesting flows here...

What the fuck?

Count 17: Leon ASHBY (No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics) elected #5

Oh fuck you SA.
Anyone posted this hard hitting story yet?





Abbott's twitter staff apparently objected to this video and twitter banned Nazeem's Uncle Sam account.


Fucking seriously? Are there any articles on this?

Man, that's just a fucking shithouse effort there. Very poor form

Am I wrong in thinking that Abbott and his staffers are taking the low road in this campaign (at least, moreso than Rudd) or is it just because I think he's a complete fuckwit?


in ten years time, mark my words, Gillard is going to be seen as the most important PM of our generation. Not a populist like Abbot, not charismatic like Rudd V1.0, and not even a great insulter as per Keating. Instead, she will probably be seen as a great negotiator and far better for our country than any PM since Hawke. Maybe even since Whitlam. Certainly more than he.

In the mean time, there is a question we all must ask ourselves as Australian voters.

I shall let Bernard Hill pose it as indeed only he can.


Isn't the rise up party run by a fundamentalist christian refugee from Sri Lanka?

I mean, I'm all for humanitarian goals, but that is surely the height or irony, yes?


Isn't the rise up party run by a fundamentalist christian refugee from Sri Lanka?

I mean, I'm all for humanitarian goals, but that is surely the height or irony, yes?
Yeah, sounds like a real piece of work too:

Nevertheless, his candidacy caused considerable controversy when conservative National Party Senate candidate Barnaby Joyce launched a heavily publicised attack on Family First and his own party's preference deal with them the day before the election. Joyce used some of Nalliah's statements to illustrate why, in his words, "these are not the sort of people you do preference deals with" - most notably a quote from one of Nalliah's brochures that asked parishioners to pray that God would pull down "Satan's strongholds", which included brothels, gambling places, bottle shops, mosques and temples (including Freemason, Buddhist and Hindu temples).


In the wake of the Black Saturday bushfires, in which 173 died, Nalliah claimed he had received "prophetic dreams" on 21 October 2008 that these bushfires were a "consequence" of Victoria's decriminalisation of abortion in 2008


After the catastrophic 2010–2011 Queensland floods, Nalliah declared on his website "...at once I was reminded of Kevin Rudd speaking against Israel in Israel on 14th December 2010. It is very interesting that Kevin Rudd is from QLD. Is God trying to get our attention? Yes, I believe so."


"We also know that Stalin and his communist ideologies were responsible for the murder of millions of people. Although communist ideologies seemed to be very good to many millions of people, the end result was much death and destruction. In other words, ‘One Word’ becomes a gate way to lead to great disaster if we don’t wake up in time. We have seen Nazism and Communism destroy many nations.
"So we need to take a good look at the word ‘Multiculturalism’. Although this word seems to sound so good, in reality it is currently destroying the Judeo-Christian West and replacing it with an ‘Interfaith’ deceptive agenda led by the United Nations. It is Communism wearing a new uniform. It is also worth noting that the first few letters of this word is “Multicult”-uralism."
Left everything default and told it to run the flow of preferences. Still gives that result for me. SA preferences must be fucked up.

I got that result as well for the default settings. At the level of primary vote the climate sceptics are getting, +-1% and they probably get knocked out first count so anything could happen and anyway he/she is taking the place of a Lib! You also have to wonder how Cory Bernardi has the first ticket on the Liberal senate paper, he's legitimately a crazy person.

If you run the same on the Victorian senate, someone from Family First gets elected!
Left everything default and told it to run the flow of preferences. Still gives that result for me. SA preferences must be fucked up.

Thankfully, the defaults are deeply flawed here, since it gives 0% to the Nick Xenophon Group (due to him not having been up for election in the last half-election, which the default numbers are based off), instead of the 14.78% he got last time. Plug that number in, get it to automatically adjust the vote totals so it adds up to 100%, and you'll get a result that's a bit more realistic (2 Labor, 2 Liberal, Nick Xenophon and a Green).
Hmm. You were doing an analysis of where vote's likely end up before Bulba. Where do you think a vote for Pirate Party is likely to end up in each state ?
Hmm. You were doing an analysis of where vote's likely end up before Bulba. Where do you think a vote for Pirate Party is likely to end up in each state ?

You can read all about our preferencing in the Pirate Party here and here.

I wouldn't call what I did earlier all that much of an analysis, to be honest. I just looked at the GVT's, and considered which parties were likely to be eliminated early based on the votes from the last election. Now that we've got Antony Green's calculator, it's something anyone could do a lot better as well. What throws a spanner into the works is that the calculator doesn't make any assumptions about vote totals for all the new parties, and things can change dramatically with just one party getting 0.1% more than another. The initial vote total of the Greens will be very important as well. Given that it's unlikely the Greens would get multiple quotas in a state, the sooner the Greens do get one quota, the sooner their preferences would be allocated to another party. If it's too late and all the other minors are gone, those preferences will likely flow to Labor. If it's unusually early (ie. the Greens poll higher than in past elections, like if they get a quota outright on 1st preference votes alone), their preferences could go the way of the Pirates or Wikileaks and actually give either of those parties a serious fighting chance for a seat.

So, keeping in mind that everything I'm saying is a complete guess at this point, since there's just too many unknowns.....the Pirates have preferenced the Greens quite highly. If us in the Pirates are eliminated early, I believe the votes would likely end up there (though they may pass through the Democrats or Wikileaks first, depending on the state and if those parties were already eliminated or not). If us Pirates are eliminated late in the piece though, and the Greens have already been eliminated after getting a quota...it would depend entirely on who is still in the race, and it's pretty much impossible to predict anything after that many counts. My best guess (and I stress it's very much a guess) would be Sex Party, since they had reasonably high 1st preference votes for a minor party last time, and they seem to have a fair bit of staying power in preference flows when I play with Antony Green's calculator.

(And just to put a disclaimer on all that....while I am a candidate for the Pirate Party in QLD, everything I've written here is just my personal guesswork, and should not be taken in any way as an official statement by the party.)


So member-for-New-England-in-waiting Barnaby Joyce, has preferenced One Nation ahead of The Greens and Labor.

As if it's not embarrassing enough to be in his fucking seat already without choice, now I'm in a seat that will be won by some cunt that preferenced One fucking Nation ahead of anything.

Fuck you Barnaby, just as I was coming to grips with and making peace with having you as our representative.


Urgh I am so sick of this constant pandering to Abbott in the media, it seems to have gone into overdrive today. Can't wait for this election to be done with.
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