Maybe he's talking about kilograms?Do you think Joe Hockey realises how fucking stupid he sounds when he starts talking about people living to 150?
No I do not.Do you think Joe Hockey realises how fucking stupid he sounds
Fairfax have taken the crazy pill today. Mark Kenny is defending Hockey's statement because it's true a child might live to 150. Ok, but how does that relate to a sustainable medicare today? Since when have the Libs been about long term solutions, especially 150 years long term. He pulled it out of his arse, it's completely bullshit reasoning and has nothing to do with why they are trying to do this.
Then Matthew Knott posts an article about university deregulation. He parrots on like a Lib that it's a "communication issue". He goes on about the vice chancellors needing to explain these important reforms. In a thousand words he completely ignores the real world application of the policy in the US of A. Everybody knows what a clusterfuck it's been over there and of course overwhelmingly hate the idea as a result.
Barring major breakthroughs it's not going to be the norm for a very long timeFairfax have taken the crazy pill today. Mark Kenny is defending Hockey's statement because it's true a child might live to 150. Ok, but how does that relate to a sustainable medicare today? Since when have the Libs been about long term solutions, especially 150 years long term. He pulled it out of his arse, it's completely bullshit reasoning and has nothing to do with why they are trying to do this.
Luckily you don't have to worry about that, because it doesn't exist.I wonder if I'll live long enough to see what impact climate change has on these stats
Luckily you don't have to worry about that, because it doesn't exist.
I thought the current line was that it did exist but that it was too damaging to the economy to do anything about it. Did I miss a memo somewhere ?
1. It doesn't exist
2. It exists but we're not causing it
3. We're causing it but there's nothing we can do about it
Stage 4:
Jones is apparently real pissed off at Newman. I have no idea why.
I know he's been campaigning against Newman. Something about farmers vs miners.
The science is actually unsettled on fracking.
Courier Mail: "Queensland voters can do without Sydney shock-jocks like Alan Jones telling us what to think"
Holy shit: "Jones is actually taken quite seriously by some in his home town of Sydney, where his progressive lifestyle and inner-city views have resulted in him becoming the pin-up boy of anti-development politicians, such as Jeremy Buckingham of the Greens."
Courier Mail: "Queensland voters can do without Sydney shock-jocks like Alan Jones telling us what to think"
Holy shit: "Jones is actually taken quite seriously by some in his home town of Sydney, where his progressive lifestyle and inner-city views have resulted in him becoming the pin-up boy of anti-development politicians, such as Jeremy Buckingham of the Greens."
fucking lmaoCourier Mail: "Queensland voters can do without Sydney shock-jocks like Alan Jones telling us what to think"
Holy shit: "Jones is actually taken quite seriously by some in his home town of Sydney, where his progressive lifestyle and inner-city views have resulted in him becoming the pin-up boy of anti-development politicians, such as Jeremy Buckingham of the Greens."
'Progressive lifestyle'?
Are they going there with a dog whistle?
#AlanJonesLefty tweets are taking off, this is amazing
This is the first I've ever heard this. It's like the day I found out Bob Brown was gay. Him, and my friend from uni... and my other friend from high school... and the kid who lived across the street from me growing up.Of course they are. Being gay is something that will smear him pretty well amongst his key demographic. It's why he hides it so much.
This is the first I've ever heard this. It's like the day I found out Bob Brown was gay. Him, and my friend from uni... and my other friend from high school... and the kid who lived across the street from me growing up.
I have just come to the realisation that my gaydar is terrible.
This is the first I've ever heard this. It's like the day I found out Bob Brown was gay. Him, and my friend from uni... and my other friend from high school... and the kid who lived across the street from me growing up.
I have just come to the realisation that my gaydar is terrible.
I'm still new to Australia (arrived from the UK 8 months ago) but even I know that Jones is a tory cunt.
Courier Mail through the looking-glass moment then.
Courier Mail: "Queensland voters can do without Sydney shock-jocks like Alan Jones telling us what to think"
Holy shit: "Jones is actually taken quite seriously by some in his home town of Sydney, where his progressive lifestyle and inner-city views have resulted in him becoming the pin-up boy of anti-development politicians, such as Jeremy Buckingham of the Greens."
So any over/unders on when someone from the right wing commentariat will think #AlanJonesLefty is a serious tag and start defending Jones' right wing credentials ?
(I've already seen a couple of lefties mistake it for something serious on twitter)
Tony Abbott has acknowledged growing internal criticism of his performance, conceding he could be a better salesman but urging the team to stick with him and saying the alternative to his government was national decline.
We are living off our luck, and that was your goddamn party's fault in the first placeThe last thing we want to be is a second-rate nation living off its luck. This is very serious. Our country is a great country. Weve got a fundamentally strong economy, but we face many challenges and the political party which is serious about economic reform, the only political party which is serious about budget responsibility is the one I lead.
Campbell Newman, Jeff Seeney suing Alan Jones for defamation
Sydney radio broadcaster Alan Jones is being sued for defamation by Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney.
Papers for the lawsuit have been lodged in the Supreme Court in Brisbane.
More to come.
well they were dumb enough to adopt most of labors social policy at the last election only to tear it all up once they got in. i'd say theyre suicidal enough to try fucking around with IR againI'm no longer surprised by anything this government does but surely messing with IR will completely destroy them.