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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Any word on whether Arksy's ban was temp or perm? If temp, how long will it take us to erect the Marxist utopia tent before he gets back?


wat he do??

People sure get banned for stupid reasons on this board if thats why.
He made the "Oh so I guess all muslims are terrorists then?" argument at the top of a page in a GamerGate thread

I'm not aware of any previous posts to give it context so I can't exactly say I agree with it, regardless of my personal feelings on the matter. (Anyone who frequents KiA or /gg/, or uses the hashtag on Twitter should know by now that by doing so they're abetting terrorists).


Holy shit that post was Arksy? I've only ever recognized him with the sackboy avatar.

Damn I wonder if it was a permanent ban?


"22:21 - Arksy: Yo, could someone pop into the AusPoliGAF thread and tell the folks there that it wasn't perma?"

(The man assures us that his intent was not to come across as a Gamergater, but ask yourself this: how well can you know the heart of an internet man?)




Abbot should go old school and offer one of his daughters to the Prince if he really wants to show respect.

Thats how you really cement an alliance.

quite a charming member the seat of wyong has for the nsw parliament…

There really is stupid in the water in that part of NSW Though the fact that the whole area is corrupt and NSW Labor still can't make any inroads into the Libs is telling. Hopefully when ICAC is handed down, I think before the state election, there will finally be some reckoning.

Dead Man

I think Abbott might be deeper in the shit today than yesterday:


Some of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's most senior colleagues are bewildered, angered and dismayed by his decision to award an Australian knighthood to Prince Philip.

Prince Philip and former Defence Force chief Angus Houston were named Australia's newest knights today, under an honours system reinstated by Mr Abbott last year.

Cabinet ministers have told the ABC the Prime Minister did not consult any of the leadership group before announcing the move.

Mr Abbott agreed it was a "captain's call", saying he consulted only with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Order of Australia chairman Sir Angus.

Ministers said they would have opposed the knighthood, if asked.

One described it as a "stupid" decision that would make the Government an object of ridicule.

Another said the Prime Minister's colleagues were willing him to succeed, but he had started the year badly and had made the job of trying to lift Coalition's electoral credibility just that much harder.

"There is an old saying that when you are in a hole you should stop digging," one minister said.

"Well, we've just punched through the Earth's crust."

Another Coalition MP said the move reinforced the left-wing caricature of the Prime Minister: the appointment harked to Australia's past and the opportunity of making a positive statement about the future on the national day had been squandered.

The private anger of Coalition MP's and ministers was given public voice by the conservative chief minister of the northern territory, Adam Giles.

He said that when he read reports of the Prince's knighthood this morning he wondered if he had woken on April Fools' Day.

"It's Australia Day," he said. "We're not a bunch of tossers, let's get it right."

The move to award an Australian knighthood to the Queen's husband has also been criticised by republicans, with former Western Australia premier Geoff Gallop calling it a "sad reflection" on Australia.

Making a unilateral decision when you know the party is unhappy with you? That seems like a great idea.
By the way Tom Uren passed away today. One of Witlam's Ministers and a finer man than any of the current lot.

ABC Online

Saw Albo tearing up on ABC24 this afternoon, I wonder what life would be like had he won the leadership ballot.


I liked the quote about how he hated the Japanese, then he actually went over there, and realised they had been thrown in the shit by their government too and realised what he actually hated were facists and madmen


Saw Albo tearing up on ABC24 this afternoon, I wonder what life would be like had he won the leadership ballot.
There would be reason to hope for a win next election is Albo was in charge.

I've worked out who Shorten reminds me of: Mitt Romney. A personality-free ambition machine, that's it. Not someone to overcome a 31 seat majority.


I liked the quote about how he hated the Japanese, then he actually went over there, and realised they had been thrown in the shit by their government too and realised what he actually hated were facists and madmen

Kind of like you when you went to Japan.


I don't think I'm actually capable of being upset about knighting Prince Phillip on account of how fucking hilarious that is.

By the way Tom Uren passed away today. One of Witlam's Ministers and a finer man than any of the current lot.

ABC Online

Saw Albo tearing up on ABC24 this afternoon, I wonder what life would be like had he won the leadership ballot.

Very sad to hear.


I don't think I'm actually capable of being upset about knighting Prince Phillip on account of how fucking hilarious that is.

It's like he had to perform a manual override of the whole rationale of honours to get this fucking stupid thing done.


Kind of like you when you went to Japan.

i still hate the japanese
i'm kidding

fun fact: one of the two americans in this town said, when informed that people of asian descent were less partial to cancers from smoking, "oh god they're like cockroaches" and was completely oblivious to why I reacted the way I did until I explained that it was kind of an insulting comparison

"I didn't mean it that way!" fuck you who cares how you meant it? you said those words



A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think I'm actually capable of being upset about knighting Prince Phillip on account of how fucking hilarious that is.
I too was thinking along these lines until I heard David Flint's views on the matter. Did you know that not only was Prince Philip not paid for any of the service he has given for our country, but also that he will never receive any superannuation upon retirement? One can only hope that Abbott and Hockey do the right thing and institute a temporary 2% Philip Levy on all earnings below the tax free threshold in the next budget, so that we may proffer some small token to repay this selfless man.


I too was thinking along these lines until I heard David Flint's views on the matter. Did you know that not only was Prince Philip not paid for any of the service he has given for our country, but also that he will never receive any superannuation upon retirement? One can only hope that Abbott and Hockey do the right thing and institute a temporary 2% Philip Levy on all earnings below the tax free threshold in the next budget, so that we may proffer some small token to repay this selfless man.
wont someone think of the nazis
Can Greeks even qualify for knighthood?

First he said that Knighthoods were anachronistic, then he said they are great for AUSTRALIANS and now anyone has a chance. I'm surprised he didn't knight his bike, though after he fell off last week, I imagine he had it sent to Manus Island.

I wonder if Sir Prince Duke Phillip of Somewhere Else Entirely is finally peak stupid.*

* Probably not.
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