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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I remember writing a letter to P.Rudd back in grade school already wondering why we had to lock up all those dang boat people when my parents had made it over on a plane without anyone apparently giving a shit


I think this is all the more delightful to see such a broken LNP government.

They spent six years throwing tantrums about being in opposition, especially in the 3 years from 2010 and the minority Labor gov't.

Everyone (News Ltd sycophants, racists, miners, battlers) thought that good government would start when they came in. Instead they have remained in tantrum mode.

Cant wait to see them fucked off.


Liberal Backbench: Look someone has to go and it has to be you or Credlin.

Abbott: I understand your frustration Ruddock has to go.

Liberal Backbench:

I swear Abbott only has the ability to hear things he wants to hear.
And now at least one backbencher has gone on record saying Abbot's lost his vote because of what he did to Ruddock. Oh, and the new whip is a pro-Abbot nutjob.

I'm actually impressed, it's like he's shot himself in the foot so many times his legs are completely mangled. And one bullet may have gone right into his crotch, too.
The government has finally been forced to release the Australian Human Rights Commission's report on children in overseas detention, which criticises both parties, and naturally Abbot, Brandis and other backbenchers are accusing the report of being a 'blatantly partisan political exercise', and Brandis had, before the report's release, tried to ask the president of the Commission, Gillian Triggs, to resign.

The current state of affairs on asylum seekers is utterly abhorrent. I wonder if some politician actually cut the crap and actually said that 'stop the boats' and the whole offshore detention bullshit is a racist policy to appeal to racist voters.


Sacking the elder statesman of the party is a bad idea? You don't say. Even a Labor government wouldn't be stupid enough to sack John Faulkner.


Can you believe though that apparently we were looking at the nice tony abbott up until now though? jesus christ there must be another few sub-basements of jackassitude and incompetence to dig into


i mean this is reportedly abbott's second chance but no chances for anyone else apparently. yo fuck rule of law. you terrorist dole-bludgers. who's writing his speeches?
Are we sure that he's aware that the Prime Minister isn't Leader of the Opposition to the Opposition ?

Also how many times can you say "They hate our freedom, so we must destroy our freedom to save our freedom" without your brain crawling out your ears and booking a trip to Aruba ?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Just heard this on the radio:
ABC broadcaster reading listener's SMS said:
Scott Morrison is a great man. Can you and the ALP stop rubbishing this great man for Australia?


Also, is anyone else getting Clive Palmer video ads in this thread?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Just clips of Clive talking about policy. I closed about five news site tabs thinking I'd opened an interview before I realised where the sound was coming from
So, anyone watched Four Corners? Tonight's episode was basically a huge expose on live baiting in greyhound racing, involving the biggest names in the industry. It's not directly political stuff (yet), but I bet it could potentially bleed into state politics as well, as the regulators have turned a blind eye despite the ease that non-profit organizations were able to expose this despite being on a shoestring budget, indicating some serious regulatory capture.

Seriously, the stuff shown on the footage they took is horrific. I was actually happy to see the cops able to rescue two piglets during the raids. I doubt the industry's carefully-cultivated reputation will survive this mess.


Haven't watched it yet but I'm planning on it. Sounds pretty damned fucked up.


also from todays crikeys tips n rumours

Scholarship murmurs. We received this from an insider saying all was not well in the Indonesian embassy in Jakarta:

"Australian diplomats in Jakarta are fairly busy at the moment, and their workload hasn't been helped by the recent awarding of a scholarship named in honour of their much loved former colleague, Elizabeth O'Neill. Turns out this year's Elizabeth O'Neill Journalism Scholarship was awarded (at the wishes of the Foreign Minister's office) to a reporter who didn't even bother getting a complete application submitted on time. To make matters worse the young journalist has so far also failed to tell Embassy officials what she's planning to do with the scholarship, putting a lot of pressure on staff who are trying to arrange her itinerary in Indonesia. Diplomats are also unimpressed that the journalism prize went to someone who's recently written puff-pieces about the Minister, rather than a person genuinely interested in reporting Indonesia."

The journalist mentioned in the tip is Fairfax's Latika Bourke, who travelled to New York with foreign minister Julie Bishop last year. We asked Bishop's office if she had influenced the decision and our enquiry was passed on to a DFAT spokesperson, who said:

“The annual Elizabeth O'Neill Award winners are selected by the Board of the Australia-Indonesia Institute, an independent advisory board of eminent figures in education, media, medicine, the arts and law, and Indonesian politics and society. The due date for applications was extended until 24 November due to the limited number initially received. The Board considered applications at the 79th Board meeting in Darwin on Tuesday 2 December 2014 and made the final decision on the winners. The Foreign Minister had no involvement in the selection and decision-making process."

We also asked Bourke about the comment that she has only written "puff pieces" and hadn't completed her application, but didn't receive a response before deadline.


Dead Man


Federal opposition treasurer Chris Bowen has been accused of not knowing a key area of his portfolio after he was unable to identify Australia's tax-free threshold during a live television interview on Tuesday night.

Repeatedly pressed by talkback host Alan Jones to outline Australia's tax levels, Mr Bowen was unable to identify the $18,200 figure as Australia's tax-free threshold.

In the fumbling interview on Sky News, Mr Bowen appeared visibly uncomfortable as Jones pressured him to prove his knowledge of Australia's tax structure.

Asked by Jones at what point Australians pay "no tax at all", Mr Bowen declined to nominate a figure.

"You get a tax-free threshold. You get a low income earners' tax off-set," Mr Bowen responded.

Not satisfied with the answer, Jones repeatedly asked: "What is it?"

Jones eventually gave the shadow treasurer the answer, before berating his credentials as would-be treasurer.

"This is a serious issue. The man wants to be the treasurer of Australia but he doesn't know the tax thresholds."

Jones persisted with the issue, asking the NSW MP to identify the percentage of tax paid in the next bracket.

Attempting to shut down the line of questioning, Mr Bowen said: "I'm not going to do a pop quiz with you, Alan."

He then incorrectly nominated 15 per cent as his answer.

Fucking useless Labor fuckwits. Fucking hell. How in the fuck do you do something so stupid?
Stupid gotcha journalism, it's clear from the transcript Jones was just going to hammer him until he got a mistake out of him and then frame the interview thusly. I don't know why anyone from the Labor bothers with him and trying to appeal to the ever aging group of conservative rusted-ons that listen/watch him. They should have banned him after how he treated Julia Gillard.

I can remember at least 2 other examples in recent years, one polly couldn't remember the price of litre of milk and another didn't know some other tax rate and both were labeled out-of-touch. Pathetic journalism practiced by the inane.

Dead Man

It is one of the most basic features of the tax system, it seems a fundamental thing that a shadow treasurer should know.

Frankly, I'd be worried if anyone who worked in any capacity in a financial service or related field couldn't name the threshold.


its stupid to be gunning for the treasury and not even being able to recall something's so basic offhand but it's nothing compared to being fucking dumb enough to appear on morning talk back radio if youre anywhere to the left of mussolini


It is important a shadow treasurer know it but it's a bit like most sciences; it's more important to know the larger picture of what's going on than the precise temperature x combusts at or whatever. (At least in an interview capacity; obviously if you're actually fiddling with policy or making a combustion machine or whatever you need to know what you're talking about, but that's what referring to information is for)

Kind of like law really. Law is mostly fundamentals and knowing how to look up things and how to apply them
Again, random American popping in, but it seems that your guys left-leaning party hasn't learned what the DNC, outside of people who like throwing bombs, learned by 2005 or 2006 - don't appear on conservative media unless you absolutely have too.

Then again, we don't have a megalomaniacal right-wing billionaire in control of half of our media. So, I guess that makes it more difficult.


Again, random American popping in, but it seems that your guys left-leaning party hasn't learned what the DNC, outside of people who like throwing bombs, learned by 2005 or 2006 - don't appear on conservative media unless you absolutely have too.

Then again, we don't have a megalomaniacal right-wing billionaire in control of half of our media. So, I guess that makes it more difficult.

Don't you? I thought old roo had it all

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
lol Alan seeking revenge for Q&A.
At least he knows what progressive taxation is
It is important a shadow treasurer know it but it's a bit like most sciences; it's more important to know the larger picture of what's going on than the precise temperature x combusts at or whatever. (At least in an interview capacity; obviously if you're actually fiddling with policy or making a combustion machine or whatever you need to know what you're talking about, but that's what referring to information is for)

Kind of like law really. Law is mostly fundamentals and knowing how to look up things and how to apply them
This. Unless you're a world away (like Joyce and Bishop's gaffes in opposition that contributed to them shifting portfolios) getting the figures wrong is pretty inconsequential. Though seeing as Labor are the ones that tripled the tax-free threshold in the first place you'd think he'd have that one committed to memory.

So, anyone watched Four Corners? Tonight's episode was basically a huge expose on live baiting in greyhound racing, involving the biggest names in the industry. It's not directly political stuff (yet), but I bet it could potentially bleed into state politics as well, as the regulators have turned a blind eye despite the ease that non-profit organizations were able to expose this despite being on a shoestring budget, indicating some serious regulatory capture.

Seriously, the stuff shown on the footage they took is horrific. I was actually happy to see the cops able to rescue two piglets during the raids. I doubt the industry's carefully-cultivated reputation will survive this mess.
It was disgusting stuff and given the prominence and blasé attitude of those involved, the lenient sentencing history and the evidence of regulatory capture I don't see why the industry (it's not a sport) shouldn't be suspended and pulled apart, root and branch. It can't (or at least shouldn't) be played off as a few bad apples. I know the Greens, Wilkie and Alex Greenwich (NSW Independent/Clover Moore protege) are calling for a suspension.


I remember when Wayne Swan was asked by Turnbull what the definition of the NAIRU was (the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment a bullshit concept really but still demonstrates a point). He couldn't answer and looked like a git but the nobody gave a shit and the world moved on. He also happened to steer this country through the financial crisis.

Honestly to know every facet of economic policy off the top of your head is not important. It is far more important to get the bigger picture questions right like what to do when a recession hits.

He really shouldn't have gone on Alan Jones unless he knew he was going to get positive coverage like Annastacia Palaszczuk did because as much as I hate Alan Jones he may very well have swung the Queensland election for Labor.

Still I'm glad he knows it now...


So Abbott is thinking of abolishing the census.


The census provides critical information on incomes, education levels and on smaller groups in society that is necessary not just for academics.

Here is an excellent blog post from a Canadian perspective as to why this is bad.


Basically it is bad for:

Investors. Suppose you're planning to start a business somewhere, and a crucial factor is a supply of well-educated workers.
Marketers. Yes, it's all good fun to mock marketers, but if they can't identify what will sell, people lose their jobs.
Policy-makers at all levels of government. How do we know if a school's poor performance can be explained by socio-economic factors if we don't have reliable data for income and education levels?
Academic researchers. 'Nuff said.
So Abbott is thinking of abolishing the census.


The census provides critical information on incomes, education levels and on smaller groups in society that is necessary not just for academics.

Here is an excellent blog post from a Canadian perspective as to why this is bad.


Basically it is bad for:

Well we could theoretically resolve that by giving those people access to the retained metadata. So Abbott's just being forward thinking.
The carnival of stupid just keeps rolling

Rolling, rolling, rolling...

So as anyone with a brain realises, university deregulation will result in massive fee rises for under-grads. Of course Pyne and Abbott say not so and to prove it they have refused to release the modelling the Department of Education has conducted, not only to the public, but also to the senate cross benchers who they are trying to woo.


THE Abbott government knows what its university deregulation would do to fees but wants it kept secret because it is “sensitive” information.

Even cross bench senators, whose votes will decide the fate of the deregulation proposals, will not be shown the modelling, with hints it is too scary for public consumption.

Department of Education documents, in reply to a Freedom of Information request, describe the proposed changes as a “sensitive policy development”. So sensitive that the reaction to its public release might inhibit public servants from giving further controversial advice.

So they have destroyed the manufacturing sector, the mining boom is over, they are subsidising vast coal fields where no one wants to buy the coal and now they want to reduce the participation in Higher Education. I ain't got no formal economics edumacation, but something don't add up!

Dead Man

So Abbott is thinking of abolishing the census.


The census provides critical information on incomes, education levels and on smaller groups in society that is necessary not just for academics.

Here is an excellent blog post from a Canadian perspective as to why this is bad.


Basically it is bad for:
Jesus christ, what a fucking moron.

why disregard data when you can get rid of it altogether


Rolling, rolling, rolling...

So as anyone with a brain realises, university deregulation will result in massive fee rises for under-grads. Of course Pyne and Abbott say not so and to prove it, they have refused to release the modelling the Department of Education has conducted, not only to the public, but also to the senate cross benchers who they are trying to woo.


So they have destroyed the manufacturing sector, the mining boom is over, they are subsidising vast coal fields where no one wants to buy the coal and now they want to reduce the participation in Higher Education. I ain't got no formal economics edumacation, but something don't add up!
I swear, just when I think they can't get any more cartoon villain like they do something like this. Fucking pathetic.


An update on the census thing.

The idea to axe it is being proposed by the ABS and NOT the Abbott government.

Still fucked tho.


Sure, except Labor's leader election rules gave them the leader the party members rejected.

If Albo was in now instead of cardboardman preferred PM would be like 95/5.

I wonder what will happen in regards to the tampering of voting allegations that have recently arisen?
First Dog was right when he said they were now beyond satire.

The Age said:
Josh Frydenberg nominated busting the grip of unions over Australia's $1.9 trillion superannuation industry and giving a leg up to retail super funds as one of his first priorities upon becoming Assistant Treasurer.

But the star recruit of Prime Minister Tony Abbott's recent cabinet reshuffle has not exactly put his own hard-earned money where his mouth is on creating a level playing field for commercial and industry super.

An update to Mr Frydneberg's pecuniary interests register shows the Kooyong MP has switched his work super out of an AMP super fund (retail) into Australian Super (industry).


I have no words.

Going to interrupt our regularly scheduled left wing love in to bring you an example of the Greens being terrible from today's Crikey's Tips & Rumours section.

Paint it green. We've had tips before about staffers and pollies running loud phone conversations in public places, but lucky for us, it seems they never learn:

"Overheard on Lilydale train bound for the city this morning -- loud, colorfully dressed woman dialing into telephone conference with Greens colleagues. She was discussing publicity material to argue for proportional representation in House of Representatives. 'We can't colour in all the seats to show the result from the last election as PUP would get eight yellow seats. Greens supporters won't like this and won't support PR for seats. We should just colour Greens seats and not any others, so they won't know.' Nice to see Greens staff/officials treating their supporters the same way as major parties."

Can't wait to see the campaign, guys.


First Dog was right when he said they were now beyond satire.


I have no words.

Holy shit. That would have to result in some kind of charge like insider trading, no? Or an equivalent?

Jesus christ.

Edit: Wait, I completely misunderstood. Still, doesn't look good when he can't stand behind a policy he's backing. But I don't even know if that move he's pushing for is a good thing or not :/
As a Greens supporter, I'd love any opportunity to get in and actually legitimately criticise the Greens for any wrongdoing they do or for any policies I don't agree with.

The loud, lady is just talking base marketing though. Her biggest crime is having a loud phone conversation on a peak hour train.
I'm a Greens supporter too. I'm just disappointed they appear to think so little of their voter base that they think they don't understand the following obvious point: The results of proportional representation in the house would be proportionally similar to the results in the senate (for obvious freaking reasons). And then following that up with the assumption that Greens supporters would be so put up by increased PUP representation as to not support it , despite the fact it would lead to an even larger Greens block. Its just horrible in a "we think our supporters are stupid so we should mislead them" / politics as usual way, rather than a "Whats the most political pragmatic way to sell out our values ? " / "What's the most efficient way to transfer wealth to the already wealthy" way. It's disappointing not because its bad on a general political scale but because I hold the Greens to a higher standard.
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