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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I just had a theory: Could this have been timed with everyone's guesstimate that the most recent budget was that of a government going to the polls this year, and if it doesn't get passed by the Libs it will be a black mark to put against them come voting time?

Plausible. However genuine this push is, Labor know they wont get it through without an LNP conscience vote, so its likely to be defeated. If they genuinely cared they would have done so when in government.

It's political opportunism by the party, riding on genuinely held beliefs of some of its members.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

It's basically the political equivalent of concern trolling. And if they were so concerned with preserving politician's time and energy for the important issues™, they'd simply be trying to legislate it quickly, given it's the view of a significant majority of Australians, an international standard among countries we want to be compared to, and a legally and morally sound position.

It's the tactic of someone who is foolish enough to oppose it but smart enough not to openly state that opposition.
I think this is close, I knew I'd heard a term for something similar before.

As for the timing of the bill, I think it's to capitalise on the Irish referendum. Election or no it bloodies the government's nose a bit without requiring any real risk or effort. Might as well do it when the issue's already in the news cycle.


Plausible. However genuine this push is, Labor know they wont get it through without an LNP conscience vote, so its likely to be defeated. If they genuinely cared they would have done so when in government.
True. Looks to me like it's designed to make Labor look good regardless of outcome. Gets through? Labor pushed for it. Doesn't get through? Blame the Libs.



Very good political move. It's an overwhelmingly popular very popular policy. If it gets defeated it will harm the coalition a hell of a lot. The Coalition basically has to allow a conscience vote.


True. Looks to me like it's designed to make Labor look good regardless of outcome. Gets through? Labor pushed for it. Doesn't get through? Blame the Libs.


Libs will block it if they can come up with a snazzy three word slogan

Axe the tax

Stop the boats

Pray gay away?

Whatever they do, LNP cabinet members do not get a conscience vote. So we can only hope anti-gay people like Joyce and Bernadi are already in cabinet so extra "no" votes for them aren't added to the cabinet's bulk "no" vote.
Libs will block it if they can come up with a snazzy three word slogan

Axe the tax

Stop the boats

Pray gay away?

Whatever they do, LNP cabinet members do not get a conscience vote. So we can only hope anti-gay people like Joyce and Bernadi are already in cabinet so extra "no" votes for them aren't added to the cabinet's bulk "no" vote.

I don't think cabinet solidarity technically applies to official conscience votes (there's certainly a split in Cabinet positions for the Labor conscience vote in 2012). I don't doubt there'd be significant pressure applied though (and the Labor circumstances were somewhat odd, in that the party leader was voting against what seemed to be majority internal support and possibly the majority cabinet position too).
That ain't going to happen.

1) There's no terror of the Far Right in the Coalition, the way that the Red Scare / Communism was eating the ALP at the time. If anything there's something of a tendency for the Center-Right to be embracing the Theocrats (the legislation of marriage as between a man and a woman dates back to such ancient history as the Howard government), Extreme Free Marketeers (see Wind Turbines, Renewable Energy Targets and Carbon Tax) and semi-Fascist positions (security and law enforcement) at the moment. .
2) Parties are more regimented than ever, due to the increased importance of media in elections.



Lambie is against marriage equality? That's honestly a big surprise.
It's really not…

That ain't going to happen.

1) There's no terror of the Far Right in the Coalition, the way that the Red Scare / Communism was eating the ALP at the time. If anything there's something of a tendency for the Center-Right to be embracing the Theocrats (the legislation of marriage as between a man and a woman dates back to such ancient history as the Howard government), Extreme Free Marketeers (see Wind Turbines, Renewable Energy Targets and Carbon Tax) and semi-Fascist positions (security and law enforcement) at the moment. .
2) Parties are more regimented than ever, due to the increased importance of media in elections.
It'll never happen but it's nice to dream.


The beauty of programming is that it's a low barrier to entry hobby as well as a job skill

Also I may not agree with Natasha Griggs on marriage equality but I like that she's trying to put the views of her electorate first


Go read yesterday's Hansard and flick through the bits talking about this issue. It's really surreal. The Labor party is talking about how important it is and then Turnbull gives a speech about how it's really important, but Labor made cuts so Labor is dumb.

Even when they're in general agreement on something they have to fight about it


Screw pushing the technology/science sector which is going to be the next big "boom", lets make baristas and hipster cafes feel good about getting that coffee machine early!
That is the dumbest non sequitur Ive ever seen.

How about this, from 2011 but relevant:
Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce told the rally his four daughters would be affected if same-sex marriage was allowed.

"We know that the best protection for those girls is that they get themselves into a secure relationship with a loving husband, and I want that to happen for them.

"I don't want any legislator to take that right away from me."


Abbott logic:

Labor wants to teach primary kids coding skills therefore he wants them to work at 12yo.
Labor didn't do their homework.
Liberals have already implemented this.

I mean, WTF 0_o
Is he implying the only chance his daughters have at marriage is if gay men can't get married and have to use his girls as beards or....?
That's the usual interpretation. Other possibilities are he puts his hopes on them all marrying bi men because we are great, and he is incorrectly trying to 'minimise the competition'. Also he was possibly thinking women can't protect themselves or others and he wasn't wanting his daughters to marry women. Or be alone because that would happen.


I agree you can't teach good programming at 11 - we don't want programming monkeys that have no mental skills that can't turn ideas into reality. Now maybe in Years 11/12 you can, like they already do. But the reason is that FB and co. Don't want to pay 100K a year for an engineer they want to pay min wage.


I agree you can't teach good programming at 11 - we don't want programming monkeys that have no mental skills that can't turn ideas into reality. Now maybe in Years 11/12 you can, like they already do. But the reason is that FB and co. Don't want to pay 100K a year for an engineer they want to pay min wage.

By that logic we shouldn't teach anything to 11 year olds

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
When I was in primary school we had to write programs that would allow Lego robots to complete an obstacle course. Sure it's not the same as learning an actual language but as an introduction to the broad concepts and ways of thinking it was fine.

Then again we also had to beat Myst and learn to walk on stilts so maybe not the best example.


Is he implying the only chance his daughters have at marriage is if gay men can't get married and have to use his girls as beards or....?

Maybe he was worried gay marriage would be compulsory and then all men would instantly turn gay if not already, ruling out any potential mates.

Or maybe all women would become lesbians and then marry each other and only cloning would be allowed for procreation. BarnabY: The Last Man.


When I was in primary school we had to write programs that would allow Lego robots to complete an obstacle course. Sure it's not the same as learning an actual language but as an introduction to the broad concepts and ways of thinking it was fine.

Then again we also had to beat Myst and learn to walk on stilts so maybe not the best example.

Same the Lego bots are fine since its just drag and drop blocks but I mean doing something like. Net or python.


Gay marriage is now compulsory? Oh man who do I pick?

Pick? You will need to submit a Notorised Official Partner Requisition/Acquisition Form S (NoPrams) to the Ministry regarding Meaningful Relationships (the MrMr department). If the state determines that it's in our collective interest for you to be gay married, your wedding date and location will be faxed to your nearest post office three working hours prior to the ceremony.


Pick? You will need to submit a Notorised Official Partner Requisition/Acquisition Form S (NoPrams) to the Ministry regarding Meaningful Relationships (the MrMr department). If the state determines that it's in our collective interest for you to be gay married, your wedding date and location will be faxed to your nearest post office three working hours prior to the ceremony.
You had me at "hello".


Tony Abbott ridicules his own party in school coding gaffe

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has made an embarrassing blunder, ridiculing his own government's investment in technology education.

During question time on Wednesday, Labor leader Bill Shorten asked the Prime Minister whether he would support coding being taught in every primary and secondary school.

"Let's just understand exactly what the Leader of the Opposition has asked," the Prime Minister said. "He said that he wants primary school kids to be taught coding so they can get the jobs of the future. Does he want to send them all out to work at the age of 11? Is that what he wants to do? Seriously?"

The Abbott government has already invested $3.5 million in the coding across the curriculum package. While the program does not make coding compulsory, it will develop a suite of resources that support and promote best practice teaching across different year levels, including primary schools. Science and business leaders have long called for coding to be taught formally in schools.

adults in charge™


i just read the most moronic 'i'm not bigoted but marriage is between a man and a woman only' article and i want to throw myself into a river. people are always like 'keep it civil' but dude, recognise it; you're a discriminatory idiot. oh yeah marriage between men and woman always been this way until last 15 years nope idiot go learn some history like twenty ancient cultures had gay marriage all over the damn shop. also, appeal to history much? oh yeah but what about the children i mean nuclear families always raise children better, except when they don't, and also gay families have difficulties raising children for some reason, probably not because we totally discriminate against gay people, i mean they're not married, what's up with that, probably just out there banging people in sex clubs all day. What? Are you idiots? What the fuck is wrong with you? How many actual human real life gay people do you know?

facebook friends and their bleeding ignorance, christ


It's almost like when you start treating people and their children as sub-human over things they have no control over they develop a complex. Breaking the cycle is totally on them though because reasons.


i don't understand how anyone with a working brain can simultaneously think 'i want to extend all the same rights to gay people as hetero marriages!' but also think 'but i don't want to call it marriage because that would totally pollute marriages'

what's wrong with you
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