it never dies
oh god are they having "Get out of the country i invaded ya fuckin' c*nts" rallies again?
She renamed the Party to "Pauline Hanson's One Nation" and I suspect that'll give her a big enough of a boost to get over the line. ._.The scary part is if she sucks up the preferences she did last time she could actually win a seat since I can't imagine people will accidentally vote Liberal Democrat this time.
I think the publicity the legalisation of it in the US has received is working fiercely against them. I hope it never dies down.It's really a rock and a hard place because while I suspect the Coalition would love to kill this issue, they probably REALLY don't want it brought to an election with Labor on the opposite side.
At least, I suspect they do not. Look at how much nuance Tones uses when he talks about this issue "respecting viewpoints on both sides" compared to his usual slather.
On the train this morning I had to suffer a tradie going on this racist/misogynistic/international conspiracy/pro-gun tirade to his apprenticeLast time I recall the counter rallies rolled them.
Who are they protesting anyway? Far as I can see the xenophobic racists are winning
Do they think it can be forgotten? Or are they just relying on the usual media cycle passing it out?
speaking of nazis andy did a decent writeup of all the little fuckers knockin about[/URL]
Do they think it can be forgotten? Or are they just relying on the usual media cycle passing it out?
Nah Labor have already smelled blood in the water on this as far back as the Irish vote. The US Supreme Court decision has only intensified that. If the Coalition tries to bury it in August they'll just keep pressing; it's an issue where they're on the right side of public opinion and the Coalition isn't.
If you had to make me guess, I'd say the theme of Labor's election pitch will be equality and fairness; marriage, housing affordability, negative gearing, capital gains, etc.
With all the noise on TV today, it appears as though the marriage equality bill isn't even going to see the floor, let alone cabinet. Looks like the stacked committee that decides what can be voted on is either going to deny it or just mire it down until, they think, everyone forgets.
I wonder what part of Asia they want to copy. The massive investment in manufacturing? Social housing in Singapore? Massive investment in renewables in China? Or supporting Taiwan so they will probably be the first country to allow marriage equality in Asia? Or maybe, deep racism towards immigrant communities in SEA? Jailing and Death Penalty rates in China? The horrendous oppression towards religious minorities also in China? Ridiculous territorial expansionism? The treatment of women in India?
Abetz should have taken a longer holiday.
God, that argument is just so ridiculously all over the place. It's almost funny how he's obviously just pulling up the first idea that comes into his head after the previous argument gets shot down. Plus, says no one wants it but he won't agree to a referendum to find out. I guess he's not that deluded to think that he's really in the majority here.
The issue is that we still don't know where the Labor right from Victoria and SA stand yet. Conroy is completely silent and none of the numpty right wing senators have spoken up. Just imagine what would happen if someone from the Labor party came out and spoke against marriage equality, it would probably kill momentum stone dead and make it very hard to run on it at an election. At least Joe de Bruin is retiring very soon!
Our Watch subscribes to the social theory of patriarchy: that engrained sexism and gender power imbalances are the root causes of domestic violence.
All women in all parts of society are said to be at risk – or, as the organisation's chairperson, Natasha Stott Despoja, puts it: "Violence against women does not discriminate, regardless of ethnicity, social status and geography."
This is the Big Lie of feminist propaganda. The data shows that domestic violence in Australia is heavily concentrated in Aboriginal and other underclass communities.
The Federal Department of Social Security has allocated $7.9 million to Our Watch in special program funding, part of which is being used to train and reward journalists who mimic the feminist mantra on family violence and patriarchy.
I just can'tYet, given its fanaticism about men in the home, Left-feminism wants the media to soft-peddle on this issue.
Journalists are being encouraged to write up violent attacks on women by strangers as a non-event. And as taxpayers, we're funding this rubbish.
The Abbott government needs to close down Our Watch immediately. Far from helping women, it's jeopardising their safety.
Not usually, only when hes shitting on the australian of the yearDoes anyone even listen to Mark Latham anymore?
Yeah, once he lost the leadership he pretty much went full Busey."Last few years"? Latham's been nothing but concentrated crazy since he lost the leadership of the Labor party.
It's fucking sickening, isn't it?This whole struggle with approving the very basic rights of two loving people no matter their gender in Australia is just disgusting. I'm really ashamed to call myself Australian when we have politicians going out into the public claiming that no one should be able to celebrate their love and commitment because they aren't what a shitty fairy tale book dictates.
Fucking disgusting.
Governments need to target their efforts at a critical, concentrated problem: feral males in feral communities.
sounds like the lnp is self-destructing over gay marriage
sounds like the lnp is self-destructing over gay marriage
and ol bill still can't catch a break because he's a twit
god how rad would this past year have been if we had an opposition leader worth a damn
The motion proposed by people in your area is not a reflection of people in your area.
I cannot fucking believe what I am reading
I just can't
look at all these evil lefty-feminists pushing the agenda violence against women stems from a patriarchal society. Obviously if we were in a matriarchal society we would still have this problem.
i mean after all we successfully stopped single parents having kids because kids deserve the best start in life
Dear Eric Abetz,
Fuck off.
Yours sincerely,
(Raised by two women)
Not all tasmanians are like abetz. Hopefully the ones who vote for him change their minds and kick him out soon.
Not all tasmanians are like abetz. Hopefully the ones who vote for him change their minds and kick him out soon.
thats a riotThe prime minister has always declared Indigenous affairs as an issue close to his heart.
first dog on the moon?Does anyone have a link to that tone abet comic about the budget? It featured camo bucket hats and pingaz. Can't find it.
Why can't we have traditional marriage, such as the Bible describes in Genesis 29?
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has warned Asia could see Australia as "decadent" if same-sex marriage is legalised, potentially damaging negotiations and our trading relationship in the region.
While Mr Joyce says Australia should not necessarily take its cues or cultural values from its near neighbours, his comments echo fellow cabinet minister Eric Abetz' warning last week that Australia should not legalise gay marriage because no Asian country has done so.
"I think that what we have to understand is that when we go there [Asia], there are judgments, whether you like it or not, that are made about us and they see in how we negotiate with them whether they see us as - whether they see us as decadent," he said.
BREAKING: Agriculture Minister calls for dual nationals to be stripped of citizenship if they refuse to eat Johnny Depp's dogsAsia would see us as decadent if we embraced gay marriage: Barnaby Joyce
cant believe theyre actually doubling down on this. lmao
Asia would see us as decadent if we embraced gay marriage: Barnaby Joyce
cant believe theyre actually doubling down on this. lmao
I have no idea if this or something similar has been mentioned anywhere, but an awesome RPG designer (and respectful christian) caused this to appear in my G+ feed:
Cue a few people jumping to get their thoughts in without bothering to understand what his point was. It is the internet after all.
Anyway, a quick google of Genesis 29 and you can't help but laugh (at first).
On the other hand, an IR environment that allows an employer to apply a unilateral change in remuneration conditions like Laban did is the stuff of Liberal party wet dreams.As if the government would want people to keep stable jobs for 7 years.
Reading this all I can think of its not the politicians lying that made me lose faith in the system, but more both parties voting in human right violating shit.So one of my seminar leaders recently wrote a piece in The Age arguing that due to low levels of faith in the political system that it should be made illegal for politicians to lie.
I think he makes a good argument.