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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Reading this all I can think of its not the politicians lying that made me lose faith in the system, but more both parties voting in human right violating shit.

It's very unlikely that this is the case for the majority of Australians.

I think it is more likely that these politicians vote for such policies is because so many people are disengaged. People didn't become less engaged with politics during the Tampa affair (in fact it was likely the opposite) and these recent trends certainly aren't causing it to happen now.

I'm not even saying that Triffit's idea will solve the problem but it would at least bring a level of accountability that exists in many other fields.
If you want to throw stuff a the TV Sunday Night is doing one of those terrible foreign investment panic pieces that shows a disturbing lack of understanding about how resumption / compulsoryacquistion works (ie it's literally impossible to take all the agricultural land from a country and starve them unless you could do it by military force any way).


On the other hand, an IR environment that allows an employer to apply a unilateral change in remuneration conditions like Laban did is the stuff of Liberal party wet dreams.

* Irrelevant aside*

I never understood what was meant in the description of Leah being "weak eyed". I mean, if it's a reference to the older sister having poor eyesight, okay, sure, in the days before spectacles that might be a pretty bad disability and I could see why he'd be pissed, but at the end of the day he's getting a wife, not buying a horse. In the days of polygamy, most guys were lucky to even get even the one because the rich guys soaked up all the single girls.

I have seen translations that render the phrase "delicate eyes" rather than weak, which makes a lot more sense. It's hard to know if it's a post hoc rationalisation though.

Isn't modern Christianity entirety based on post hoc rationalisation?


So we can't have marriage equality because Asian nations might look at us funny? We can't follow America's lead because they aren't as powerful as they were last century?

Still close enough to America to accept their troops into our borders and be really happy about it, not close enough to follow their civil rights.

To say nothing of the fact that Australia is probably seen as decadent in about a million other ways. Like how 98% of the population has access to adequate medical services, clean water, education, little things like that. Where Australians can joke about being "third world" because there isn't widespread, cheap, high-speed internet. But naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, two men or two women marrying each other. That's where we draw the line. Are you kidding me?


So we can't have marriage equality because Asian nations might look at us funny? We can't follow America's lead because they aren't as powerful as they were last century?

Still close enough to America to accept their troops into our borders and be really happy about it, not close enough to follow their civil rights.

To say nothing of the fact that Australia is probably seen as decadent in about a million other ways. Like how 98% of the population has access to adequate medical services, clean water, education, little things like that. Where Australians can joke about being "third world" because there isn't widespread, cheap, high-speed internet. But naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, two men or two women marrying each other. That's where we draw the line. Are you kidding me?

Yeah the "it'll piss of China/Asia" line is a bit rich when our PM is cosplaying a Top Gun character this weekend on a US warship in Sydney Harbour.

But you're going to see increasingly irrational arguments against marriage equality precisely because its opponents are in such a poor position (in terms of logic, international momentum, public opinion, party unity, etc). The cornered animal is much more erratic.


Yeah the "it'll piss of China/Asia" line is a bit rich when our PM is cosplaying a Top Gun character this weekend on a US warship in Sydney Harbour.

But you're going to see increasingly irrational arguments against marriage equality precisely because its opponents are in such a poor position (in terms of logic, international momentum, public opinion, party unity, etc). The cornered animal is much more erratic.

Yep. The excuses are rapidly running out, so the arguments against same-sex marriage will become even more desperate and contrived until it finally happens.


So one of my seminar leaders recently wrote a piece in The Age arguing that due to low levels of faith in the political system that it should be made illegal for politicians to lie.
The sad part is that this wouldn't be anywhere near the realm of necessary if the media would do it's fucking job


It's pretty funny really, they must have hit the bottom of the pathetic excuse barrel by now.

I'm sure some fossil will surprise us yet. There's been relatively little "we're the real victims" talk like you've seen in the US.

It's only a matter of time until Abetz or Bernardi or someone compares it all to the Holocaust or some shit.



Call the leftist lynch mob waaaaambulance.

Seriously hope Turnbull doesn't bow to this ridiculous and yet not unexpected move.

Tony testing out Malcolm's loyalty.

Personally I wouldn't be forbidding my frontbenchers to appear on a popular program on the most trusted news channel about a year before an election, especially when Joyce is basically saying they've done a new culpa.

All you do is ensure the rougher, less media savvy standard bearers for your party will be on the program instead, while Labor and the Greens presumably send their best people.

Some polling released today from Fairfax even implied this might jeopardise the seats of Hockey, Turnbull and Pyne given their electorates tend to like the ABC more than they do the government.

JC Sera

I'm sure some fossil will surprise us yet. There's been relatively little "we're the real victims" talk like you've seen in the US.

It's only a matter of time until Abetz or Bernardi or someone compares it all to the Holocaust or some shit.

They seem to be running with another one today. Each minister that gets the question responds with the economy and terrorism being the most important issue and then they rattle off all the various polices in their portfolios and finally say Marriage Equality is just not as important at the moment or they don't have the time. Basically the Abbott government can only work on so many policies at once, they are just too overworked to possibly think about something else.

David Marr made a good point on Insiders yesterday: You spend too long swimming against the tide and wave eventually drowns you.

Also Julie Bishop LIED to parliament for three days, no one seems to care. Imagine if the ALP had delayed a millisecond in correcting the record? The LNP would be out starting convoys, putting up road signs, burning effigies, The Australian would have dedicated a whole section to it, the LNP do it and crickets.

It's amazing that the ALP have lead in 149/151 polls since the the last election with absolutely no press, a complete lack of direction, rolling over and having their tummies tickled on anything resembling TERRORISM and having a spud as a leader.





So is it just front benchers that have been banned? I look forward to some of the others getting a gig.

Yes which is what seems to be so nuts.

Your front benchers are your most informed, most competent, most accomplished, most articulate and charismatic MPs. Well, they should be at least. I'm not gonna claim that's a hard and fast rule.

Letting whoever else wander through the door to represent your positions seems like you're letting the conversation get away from you.
On the bright side, according to the latest Fairfax-Ipos, the 2PP is holding steady, while both Tony and Shorten's popularity has fallen significantly, and the Greens have 16% of the primary vote. And Richard Di Natatle has barely even started. If they can reach their target of 20%, that would be huge.

In other news, the Australian Progressives have been putting up well-structured policy documents over time, all voted on and overwhelmingly endorsed by members.


Yes which is what seems to be so nuts.

Your front benchers are your most informed, most competent, most accomplished, most articulate and charismatic MPs. Well, they should be at least. I'm not gonna claim that's a hard and fast rule.

Letting whoever else wander through the door to represent your positions seems like you're letting the conversation get away from you.



Did I just watch Greg Sheridan attack Richard Marles from the left on the asylum seeker whistle-blower issue?

Fuck, between that, the two party cynicism and the debate on asylum seekers generally Larissa Waters had an awfully easy night tonight. No wonder the Greens primary vote rose in that latest poll...


I was just shaking my head at that. Thought there is a fair bit of self interest on the part of Sheridan going on.

When he made the comment about Bill Shorten not being part of the AWU where the irregularities were occuring and that the majority of union culture and politics was populated by upstanding decent hard-working people I thought for a second holy shit is Newscorp quietly getting out of the LNP business to preserve their status as kingmarkers.

Marles is from the right Labor Unity faction, eww. When he began defending a Coalition policy and blaming doctors, just ugh.

Yeah I'm really hoping there's a shake up at the Labor Conference later this month. Letting this shit go in the name of not giving Tony Abbott a fight is really depressing.


Hey let's be fair here.

The NSW Right deserves it just as much.

Probably my biggest "holy shit" moment of the Killing Fields was Kevin Rudd's fucking slam that Mark Arbib, part of that group, slunk back to casino land, "the moral epicentre of that particular factional grouping".
because when their answers are fortuitously what politicians want their credibility makes thing easier to sell. when their answers are different they're easy to drown out.
On the bright side, according to the latest Fairfax-Ipos, the 2PP is holding steady, while both Tony and Shorten's popularity has fallen significantly, and the Greens have 16% of the primary vote. And Richard Di Natatle has barely even started. If they can reach their target of 20%, that would be huge.

In other news, the Australian Progressives have been putting up well-structured policy documents over time, all voted on and overwhelmingly endorsed by members.

What are the chances of the Greens actually reaching 20%?
What are the chances of the Greens actually reaching 20%?

Do you mean in terms of polling or in terms of actual votes (the Green vote generally drops a couple of percent on polling day without much effecting the 2PP) ? In the former pretty low (the only thing that makes it even conceivable is that the ALP seem pretty willing to eat their left at the moment) , in the latter basically 0.


Marles is from the right Labor Unity faction, eww. When he began defending a Coalition policy and blaming doctors, just ugh.
It was him who did that on Q&A? Fucking hell, he's my local member. I mostly hate him because he was on team Shorten when the party were looking for a new leader. Hate him even more now, what a spineless, gutless fuck.

JC Sera

Yeah its pretty much false hope
but at this point I'd settle for false hope over the fucking scum we have for our 2 horse system

edit: this was posted again in the gun control thread https://youtu.be/9pOiOhxujsE?list=PLOKWcH1zBl2kfnCwyyZWk5MW28lgaNa7L
episode 2 and political priorities hits a bit close to home, seeing how the current government is going
with the political suicide, putting your party before society, putting yourself before legislation ect ect.


Yeah I'm really hoping there's a shake up at the Labor Conference later this month. Letting this shit go in the name of not giving Tony Abbott a fight is really depressing.

So much dejavu I'm having. So much reminds me of the whole Labor strategy around the tampa debacle. Which was the time I abandoned Labor for good.
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