Took about 9 hours!

I can't remember the chain of events that caused it (I think I was on a huge Chomsky kick at the time) but I went to a Socialist Alternative meeting in Newtown in Sydney about 8 years ago, when I was a young lad. I talked a few of people and they were almost all awful. At the time they had a party policy of "US troops out of Iraq immediately!". I asked if it wasn't likely that a staged withdrawal would result in less bad outcomes, and this made everyone upset. Nope, couldn't join the party unless you agreed that the situation required an immediate and complete pullout. Dogmatism game was strong af.
Had some trouble working out if this was referring to a sane person at a SA meeting or a military occupation.Shouldn't have been there in the first place, but once you are you have something of a responsibility to fix things up before leaving yeah. The whole half arsing it thing has turned out poorly.
Change has to come from within wonzo
Still harping on about this eh? People do actively attempt to 'change' policy within a party. It's hard. Better to try then complain and laugh about it ad nauseum.Change has to come from within wonzo
Everything is just awful.It's a good day to Try Hard.
For what it's worth, I'm trying as hard as I can to change the ALP from within the liberal party.
I might have more sympathy if there wasn't a clear alternative. But there is. So I don't.
I might have more sympathy if there wasn't a clear alternative. But there is. So I don't.
A number of people don't see the Greens as an alternative to Labor a significant number of Labor's core base see the Greens as worse than the Liberals.
How much of that is perception rather than knowledge of their actual policy? It seems like throwing your energy behind "awareness" would be more fruitful than trying to resolve embedded structural issues.
The Marriage Equality debate between Wong and Bernardi is filling the cricket/sport brutality hole I've had while waiting for the next test.
Bernardi = England?
Absolutely. And no surprise Bernardi believes the booing against Goodes isn't racist.The Marriage Equality debate between Wong and Bernardi is filling the cricket/sport brutality hole I've had while waiting for the next test.
Absolutely. And no surprise Bernardi believes the booing against Goodes isn't racist.
But yeah, this is completely one-sided and Bernardi is getting laughs for all the wrong reasons.
I've only caught the last 10 minutes or so (had been reading a transcript via here.Yeah... As soon as he said that I was like, "Of course you don't think it's racist..."
It has been fun to watch. Every volley back she just kills it and Bernardi looks like a fool. He's such a humorless piece of work too.
I've only caught the last 10 minutes or so (had been reading a transcript via here.
For what it's worth, I'm trying as hard as I can to change the ALP from within the liberal party.
In retrospect setting up for that line makes taking the cheap shot seem worth itGenuine laughs
You're alright arksy ya big goof
This is like Pell debating Dawkins. One lightweight who couldn't tie shoelaces and another who is polite and thoughtful and intelligent.
How much of that is perception rather than knowledge of their actual policy? It seems like throwing your energy behind "awareness" would be more fruitful than trying to resolve embedded structural issues.
Pre-empting Bernardi's argument: "I believe in freedom. That is, as long as you have a penis. Oh and as long as that penis hasn't been cut and also as long as it isn't involved in touching other penises."
Interestingly, one researcher tried to figure out using published data which newspapers were most trusted. The results were that, according to the data, the Fairfax papers were the most trusted, a lot more than the Murdoch papers.
Yep Essential has established this for a while.
And the ABC is more trusted than any of them.
EDIT: Actually the purpose of the study was not to find out which was the most trusted, but which held the wider influence given the levels of trust reported by Essential and the reach of the paper.
Actually it proves something that I have been thinking for a while now. That the Murdoch press is becoming increasingly irrelevant in this country.
I would imagine that quantifiying the ABC's level of influence would be much harder since you would have to measure the levels of trust for each program and multiply them by the ratings.
I wouldn't get too cocky about the Murdoch papers. Even if people don't trust them, they still frame the debate in a lot of ways.
Interesting, but I'd take the influence of the "trust quotient" on errr... influence with a grain of salt. People who aren't interested in politics at all may not trust tabloids, but if it's all they read they will still be influenced by framing, lack of alternate narratives etc...
lol @ Dawkins being polite & thoughtful
remember elevator gate?