Adam Goodes situation is seriously ridiculous. We're beyond the point of coded language and dog whistles here. I thought Charlie Pickering's bit on it would've contained the dumbest examples, but
it gets worse:
That article made my blood boil. Stupid people have a tendency to bring that about. Benefit of the doubt could have been given for the original word used in the incident, but things said after they've had time to reflect on things remove that entirely. Fault could be admitted and an honest apology issued, but a bigot's feelings have been hurt, so:
If he hadnt have done it he wouldnt be having the problems hed be having now, she told Fairfax. He probably should apologise because maybe he should have picked his target a little bit better.
A completely unprovoked attack you say? How awful that must have felt.
Not sure if it's just me, but I feel like this sort of reaction has been happening with an increased frequency. Someone says or does something that would rightfully upset another. When the expected reaction occurs, the offender is shocked and appalled at what is being said or done to them.
Who does this person think they are?
I picture someone throwing a ball at a brick wall and then admonishing the wall for daring to fire the ball back at them.
They often attempt to justify this point of view like this:
Shed only turned 13 five days beforehand. She was technically still 12. She had no idea what she was saying.
No, she was technically 13. She'd been alive for over 13 years at that point, which is how age is determined. If counting figures as simple as these are challenging, engaging in the debate could be considered unwise.
Of course, pointing towards the girl's age is meant to diminish the significance of her role in the incident. If she truly had no idea what she was saying at the time, one would believe that high school will not be kind to her. Teenagers aren't known for their restraint.
Picking on a 13-year-old child I thought was absolutely ridiculous and having her questioned by police without an adult being present was absolutely disgusting on the part of himself and the AFL, she said, adding: It was the way he carried on on the ground that made them do what they did.
If that actually happened, it's a matter for the police. Fingers can people pointed at Goodes and the AFL, but any actions taken by the police is on them. No amount of on-field behaviour of anyone can make them do anything. It does read as though they're trying to show that they've suffered toolook what they've done to this poor
13 12 year old girl, it's just awful.
If he hadnt have carried on like a pork chop it wouldnt have mattered. I dont think he should retire, he should man up and just take it if he wants to play the game.
Here we are again. If only he hadn't reacted to being called an ape, everything would have been fine. How
dare he.
Sports stars in particular do need a thick skin, because people will always yell things at them. Even if the crowd doesn't, most opposition players will, particularly in team sports. There's nothing inherently wrong with crowd members yelling things out, lots of them can be funny. What's wrong with the classic, so-and-so is a wanker!? If Goodes or anyone else reacted to
that, the above would be applicable and I'd agree with it. Yelling out something you might say to a friend and even they wouldn't laugh it off, keep your trap shut or live with the consequences.
There's only a few words in the above quote I like carried on like a pork chop. No idea where it originated, but I've heard it all my life. The rest could be easily turned back on the piece of work who used it:
you should man up and just take it if you want to play the bigot.
I'm not sure what has brought this about, but it is very ugly. What is wrong with everyone? This country is becoming more and more well-known worldwide, but more for things like this than others. Australia has been the origin for many great things, but our main exports appear to be bigotry, selfishness and stupidity. Will we soon need to add a qualifier to our country of origin?
I'm not a racist but... I'm Australian.