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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Aren't they basically the ultra conservative party for unions?

I think they may have started out as that in 1950s. There's mention of it being a party opposed to communism in Australian unions. However their current policies seem not to reflect that, from what I can tell.


A quick look says they're still Anti-Abortion: http://www.dlp.org.au/about/principles/

"the sacredness of human life, from conception until natural death, as the fundamental basis for all human rights;"

Their one senator introduced a bill to remove all funding for abortions: http://www.crikey.com.au/2013/02/27/dlp-senators-anti-abortion-bill-likely-to-have-little-impact/

A shame. But as I said, they seem to be getting better. I vividly remember looking at their policies last election and thinking they were nutcases.
It definitely can't happen until after next July, but remember that Abbott has the power to appoint his own Governor General. Quentin Bryce's five years is up at the end of this year, so it would be completely non controversial for Abbott to install a new GG. No doubt he would make sure said GG was friendly with his ideas re having a DD election.

Rumours are still floating around and have been for months now that Abbott's pick for GG is John Howard.
Had a look at Palmer's policies. He's promising all things to all people. With absolutely no plan for implementation (he wants to allow refugees to come in freely with a valid passport and then be processed. Where they are getting this passport appears to be magic).

A lot of his finance plans are based on terrible maths too: A $2500 extra tax threshold per household circulated 10 times is not recouped in GST (the first time it circulates is is 2500 and you can recoup 250 , the second time it is now 2250 (and you recoup 225) , the third time it is 2025 (and you recoup 202.50) by the 10th time it's ~968.55 (and you're recouping $96.85) The net recouped is 1628.30. Which is ~65%. And this is ignoring that business (ie several points in the circulation chain) get to claim back the GST for products they are buying in order to sell, and so effectively only pay GST on the selling price, which effectively removes them from the circulation chain.

His fringe benefits tax elimination and eliminating quarterly payments operate on similar misunderstandings (which appear to boil down to if we give you money for free we get it back).


What's the easiest way to see who there is to vote for in a district?

Recently changed my address so I'm now in the Mount Coot-Tha part of Brisbane but I'm having a difficult time trying to find who the candidates are for the place.
Hence why I said it's a good rhetorical argument, but not so good a logical one. Sadly, I feel it's also the kind of argument that's sounds great to the already converted, but which does little to sway opponents or those on the fence. Anyone who felt that homosexuality was a choice, on being presented with this argument, would just feel justified in being opposed to marriage equality.

Having said all that, Rudd accepting that marriage equality is something that should happen, and being confident enough to say so on a public stage like Q&A, is at least a step in the right direction.

I'm sure he chose it because other than "it's in the bible!", "it's unnatural!" is one of the most common arguments against gay marriage, and probably one he struggled with personally.

Only at election time do I hate where I live - Abbott is the member

The power is in your hands Krioto!
I'm sure he chose it because other than "it's in the bible!", "it's unnatural!" is one of the most common arguments against gay marriage, and probably one he struggled with personally.

I can't help but snicker at this. Marriage is as far as we can tell a uniquely human concept. Homosexual activities on the other hand are not particularly uncommon in nature.


Just a point of correction about what the pastor said. It was actually Moses that said the "A man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh" in Genesis (provided you hold to the traditional authorship, which this guy no doubt does). Jesus only quoted it when he was trying to refute a point by a religious scholar on the subject of divorce, basically saying that no, a man can't just (unilaterally, I might add) divorce his wife because she burned dinner, marriage is a bigger deal than that.

He takes the absolutist position here, at least rhetorically, which I disagree with, but he was speaking on an unrelated point.

At any rate, this guy needs to LERN2BIBEL.

So in summary, we have a Christian fundamentalist using selective quotes from the bible to support their bigotry. Without being flippant... that isn't exactly "news".
So in summary, we have a Christian fundamentalist using selective quotes from the bible to support their bigotry. Without being flippant... that isn't exactly "news".

It's the factually incorrect attribution , that he was pointing out. If X quotes something Y said, we don't latter claim that X said it. Christian fundamentalists being wrong about what the Bible says in support of their bigotry isn't precisely news either though. I'm pretty sure that Pastor was wearing mixed fabrics for one thing.
What's the easiest way to see who there is to vote for in a district?

Recently changed my address so I'm now in the Mount Coot-Tha part of Brisbane but I'm having a difficult time trying to find who the candidates are for the place.

Welcome to the safe liberal seat of Ryan!
I haven't seen seen anything of the Labor candidate all election. There's signs for the Liberal and Greens candidates everywhere, but no sight of Labor.

Someday Ryan will turn Red!
While even the seat of Brisbane is Liberal I don't share your optimism.
Welcome to the safe liberal seat of Ryan!
I haven't seen seen anything of the Labor candidate all election. There's signs for the Liberal and Greens candidates everywhere, but no sight of Labor.

The majority of his campaign and campaign people are living in and focused on Indooroopilly.

He's an IT expert with a family. That's about it.
Welcome to the safe liberal seat of Ryan!
I haven't seen seen anything of the Labor candidate all election. There's signs for the Liberal and Greens candidates everywhere, but no sight of Labor.

Woah, you're totally right. I hadn't even noticed. I think there are too many families who settled here generations ago and consider themselves "Broncos and Liberals, through and through" or something. Just speaking around though Katter seems to bet getting some traction.


The National Press Club is painful at the moment.

Scott Morrison v Tony Burke.

Concern trolling, dog whistles, bootstraps, stimulus of the Indonesian boating industry; it has it all!


It's the factually incorrect attribution , that he was pointing out. If X quotes something Y said, we don't latter claim that X said it. Christian fundamentalists being wrong about what the Bible says in support of their bigotry isn't precisely news either though. I'm pretty sure that Pastor was wearing mixed fabrics for one thing.

That's even better. The only thing more amusing than a hypocritical fundie is a hypocritical fundie quoting the wrong source.
I'd frankly like to see a more international focus... This is just silly though.
I have only loosely followed this thread so slap me if already posted...I know it's from the 29th Aug but it's the first I saw of it.

Sportsbet pays out early on coalition to win 2013 election

Sportsbet has declared the federal election a one-horse race and we’re paying out all bets on the Coalition nine days before Australia goes to the polls.

We’re so confident of a landslide Coalition victory for Tony Abbott and his team, we’ve paid out more than $1.5 million in bets to our members – a first in Australian federal election history.

Following last night’s third and final debate between the two leaders, the Coalition is at Black Caviar-like odds ($1.03) to claim government.

- See more at: http://www.sportsbet.com.au/blog/ho...ion-to-win-2013-election#sthash.Nu3c2Uxk.dpuf

More in the link jump


I'd frankly like to see a more international focus... This is just silly though.



Might want to steer clear of the news for the next six-ish years then.

Straya, cunts.

I'm all for remembrance services, but it has gone far beyond that these days with an overt sense of unhealthy nationalism. So much so that it has taken on a tone of defiance from people who refuse to accept that some things done in our nation's history are unsavoury in nature.



There's a reason I hated history classes in highschool.

I've actually become really, really interested in history since then though. Mostly ancient history of China, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
By comparison, Australian history is relatively uneventful and uninteresting.


There's a reason I hated history classes in highschool.

I've actually become really, really interested in history since then though. Mostly ancient history of China, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
By comparison, Australian history is relatively uneventful and uninteresting.

Of course international is a lot more eventful, but the stuff we did in high school shouldn't completely put you off Australian history. I mean we lost a war with emus.

The fact that the Black War is not mentioned whatsoever, despite it being used by the UN as an example when crafting the definition of genocide, is completely shameful.


Welcome to the safe liberal seat of Ryan!
I haven't seen seen anything of the Labor candidate all election. There's signs for the Liberal and Greens candidates everywhere, but no sight of Labor.

While even the seat of Brisbane is Liberal I don't share your optimism.

Actually based on the boundaries it looks like I'm in the Brisbane area:


I live in Kelvin Grove, but the letter said something about Mt. Coot-Tha. I'll have to double check tonight.


Have to quote this in full because it's so so good.

Rest assured, if the polls hold and Tony Abbott wins this election, he will be carried to a Victory of Shit on the shoulders of dingbats and dogfuckers in electorates with frustratingly low suicide rates.

A few weeks ago, when the media was still trying to make this corpse of a campaign dance, much was made of Abbott's remark about the sex appeal of Fiona Scott, who looks likely to reclaim the seat of Lindsay for the Liberals, which was lost in 2007 by the known but not convicted ratfucker Jackie Kelly. Barely had the sex appeal furore calmed when, a week later at an exceptionally odd press conference in St Marys, Abbott saved Scott from a tremendous pratfall by declaring 'she ain't just a pretty face.' It was a perfectly executed piece of misdirection by a master troll, replete with hues of absurdity. The true depth of the pathetically subservient Scott's miserable stupidity was veiled, the newsmakers caught a fine headline, and Lindsay still looks set to fall to the NSDP.

Of course, no one has the time or inclination, amid the hurly-burly of this shitpot national backslide, to properly analyse Abbott's language when he isn't being deliberately aggravating. “Is Kevin Rudd man enough to [preference] the Greens last?” he challenged from a netball court in Caboolture, flanked by the improbable personage of Wyatt Roy. Admittedly, 'Gender Discoursegate' doesn't make for a particularly snappy headline, but what can you expect from the chorus line of sub-literate hype addicts furiously Dutch-ruddering over an alpha-bigot asking a narcissistic, has-been pussy if 'he ever shuts up'?

But I digress. If the blobs on the bus need their soundbites gifted, fine.After all, it is true that Abbott's 'gaffes' are indicative of just how badly he will decimate this country's reputation and international relations. Given the man's track record, it wouldn't surpise me if he turned up in Washington on his baptismal visit as PM, called Obama "Boy" and then propositioned Michelle for a group session with Nicolle Flint and Julie Bishop.

Verily, what can one expect of a brash, handsome egomaniac with a healthy working knowledge of the reptilian brain? Let us not forget David Marr's damning 2012 chronicle of Abbott's formative years in politics, which saw Young Tony use physical and sexual assault to intimidate his political opponents, while relentlessly trolling the campus lesbians and their 'counterfeit of love'. Marr might be a muck-raking communist who looks like a sharpened pencil, but there's nary an act of profligacy recorded in Political Animal that isn't consistent with the Tony Abbott we were dealing with until a few weeks ago, when all this Daggy Netball Dad bullshit started.

Make no mistake, Ladies. Tony Abbott barely even hates you. Shit-stirring notwithstanding, his contempt seems increasingly less like active chauvinism than celestial entitlement. In Abbott's world, women are ingénues, divinely consigned to a life behind the apron, crocheting curtains, administering blowjobs and smoothing Band-Aids on the knees of abortions that could have been.

In the meantime, Kevin Rudd's bastardised neopopulism has moved steadily towards its logical conclusion: he has followed the mandate and gone and fucked himself. Shit, the dude couldn't even parlay an interview with VICE, so I guess he'll have to stick with The Project for now. Political manoeuvre or not, the day Rudd tried to out-dick Abbott with his asylum solution was the day the left wing finally folded totally onto the right, and now the whole goose is plummeting towards doom. Rudd has always been spectacularly full of shit, and never really made any bones about it, but it was never going to play forever. Still, I for one will miss the glory days of his ill-engineered personae. It's a squalid choice, but I'd rather smile faintly at the humanising image of a flushed Rudd being hustled out of a New York strip club than picture Abbott punching out the bouncer and rushing back inside to defile the dancers.

So who's going to vote for this asshole and his legion of protozoan candidates? My suspicion is that the grubby winning ballots will be cast by people who fuck animals. Bestiality, after all, is significantly more common than most Decent People care to consider... though in the interest of Political Correctness, a distinction must be made between gentle zoophiles who make sweet, erotic love to animals and those who stick it in or slot on during fits of wanton bourbon-depravity. That is the fundamental difference between, say, Malcolm Brenner, and that 'prankster' Joel Monaghan.

Though statistics are hard to come by for obvious reasons, it is my contention that the margins in the swing electorates that will probably effect an Abbott regime are roughly congruent to the proportion of opportunistic bestialists in our midst... and make no mistake, they're out there. I have had the displeasure to personally know at least one, a violent speed-freak who is said to have been among those implicated for inciting the Cronulla Riots. Once you accept the grim reality, these gangrenous miscreants become easier to recognise. Take a look at some of the prime specimens who appear in Sophie McNeill's morbid tour of Blacktown and tell me there's not a soul among them who's never even so much as considered a little interspecies action. Now, we may be approaching heavy slander here, but consider this: these people are going to vote for Jiymy Diaz, who, as we all know, is a few points short of a Six Point Plan.

The trouble is that many decent, moderate citizens have something in common with these repugnant deviants—a vengeful disinclination to vote for Labor. The only thing to do now is try and lock up the Senate, and fling the preferences as far from the Coalition as possible. The division an Abbott government will cause in this country is already stirring the hard left of the underground into palsies of desperate aggression... late at night my sources call, tripping on bad acid, rasping about how they'd like to see Abbott dosed with psilocybin and torn apart by pighounds on Peptides. There have even been whispers of a conspiracy to kidnap Abbott, beat the shit out of him and then film John Hopoate vigorously fingering him in the back of a van... but so far these are just psychotic fantasies, and I for one would like to see them remain that way.

So let us Good People prepare for damage control... but if you're thinking of going there, remember this: a vote for Tony Abbott is a vote you will never quite wash your hands of. Sometime over the next three years you may find yourself stewing in Golden Staph in an understaffed public hospital, waiting for a student doctor to Google treatments for Bovine Tuberculosis on dial-up internet. On the television overhead the news anchor throws to a story about the Australian Navy machinegunning another asylum boat in the Arafura Sea. And at that point you may realise, if there is still a neuron flickering dimly somewhere in your syph-addled brain, that this is the bed you made.
Hilariously, I think Abbott would still be considered centre-left in American's climate of right-wing extremism.

It's really hard to get a grasp on America's political climate for me. And we as a country are relatively conservative politically compared to a lot of Europe. I can only imagine how they feel looking at American politics.

Their right wing varies from waaaay out on the cuckoo fringe extremist right wing to centre-right (though their numbers are diminishing). Their voting system means that the extreme right tends to dictate their public face as well. The party overall seems to be right and moving further right.

The Democrats are much less spread out, and much less ideologically "pure". They vary from centre-right to centre-left. Obama seems fairly centrist (perhaps a bit right leaning in practice).

Actual Left politics barely even exist in the US . I'm not sure the average US voter could tell the difference between a Green and a Communist (thanks McCarthy!).

I guess you mean relative to the American average though. It's hard to tell if Abbot would end up on the left of the Republicans or the right to centre-right of the Democrats. He actually admits that climate change is a thing (just not an important one) and he doesn't publicly declare that he thinks gays are terrible. The lines get pretty fuzzy depending on the state (Bible Belt Democrats are usually more right than Blue State Conservatives and vice versa). Either way though, yeah , he's not particularly far right by US standards (at least what he's willing to say in public anyway).


Reads like typical arts faculty young labor vitriol. Unintelligent, over-extending bile that will annoy more than it appeals to.

I have no preference for Libs/Nats, but that article is just dumb.

it's vice.

edit: can anyone work out which of these thousands of far right nut job parties is worse or better than the others? I have no idea what order to put them in.
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