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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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From memory, this is generally the way it's always done. They often release the costings in the last week before the election, or right after the election. Labor is guilty of doing it too, I think.

Shady stuff.

The difference this time is that Joe Hockey has specifically said they WON'T do what Labor did in 2007 and would release their numbers well prior.
The difference this time is that Joe Hockey has specifically said they WON'T do what Labor did in 2007 and would release their numbers well prior.

Seems like a big mistake to me to focus on the costings so much. All they are going to be is a huge load of "efficiency savings" and other rubbish that is impossible to prove conclusively either way.

I just can't wait till it is over and companies can start acting with some certainty again.
The optimist in me hopes they just steal all of Labor's infrastructure policies and takes credit for it.

The realist in me looks at their NBN policy. Which is to save a small amount of money now, by doing a job badly and then to spend more in the future in order to fix it (when as opposed to being a competitive advantage it will be a competitive necessity).
Supposedly they aren't going to break NBN contracts in place and my area is already being rolled out. They haven't reached my suburb yet, but there are in the adjacent one.

I wonder how a man who only knows how to operate as an opposition leader shooting targets will operate as Prime Minister?

I imagine the next three years will be exactly like the last three, blame the Labor party for everything and act like you have a manifest destiny to rule all. The senate won't change till next July so if the Greens and Labor have any balls left they can block anything and everything and just mention Whitlam's Senate as inspiration.

If Tony doesn't have a majority come next July, or at least a workable one with various right-wing nutter parties, he might be up shit creek without a pair of budgie smugglers. Double Dissolution elections can't just be called on a whim and according to various constitutional experts, it very very unlikely it could happen before the new senate has had a chance to sit and consider legislation. The GG will just tell them to go back to parliament. For a man who's entire political reputation is based solely on repealing a handful and someone else's, it's unlikely to be as easy as Tony thinks it will be.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Leigh Sales pressuring Mr Abbott now on ABC. Apparently the right time to release your full policies and costings is as late as possible in the election cycle. Why? Who knows. I suspect so nobody analyses it and calls bullshit in time. Look at the record. Under the last coalition government...

From memory, this is generally the way it's always done. They often release the costings in the last week before the election, or right after the election. Labor is guilty of doing it too, I think.

Shady stuff.

This might be of interest.

It is a twofold problem for me. Firstly, talk of baddies and goodies implies a rather simplistic world view, when there no 'goodies' or 'baddies' in the traditional sense. The opposing forces both have various factions, they are not all bad on either side. It demonstrates his utter inability to appreciate (publicly at least) nuance.

Secondly, it is another sign of his utter lack of ability to be articulate. He cannot seem to speak with a prepared speech in front of him without stammering like an idiot, complimenting a girl on her looks, or getting huffy and walking off.

Not to mention the problems associated with basically the lead diplomat of a country calling another country's government "baddies". What if we did trade with them? Imagine if he had said that about China.

I wonder how a man who only knows how to operate as an opposition leader shooting targets will operate as Prime Minister?

It's not hard to guess.


Last election their costings were how many 10s of billions in the wrong? They know it doesnt matter. Theyre the 'economic srs party', no matter how full of shit and incompetent they are.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
If the Kevin Rudd who was on Q&A tonight showed up five weeks ago the polls could be very different.

Woah, interesting.

Why didn't Abbott just say that?

Probably a few reasons: didn't want to bring up the history of the system as a biased creation of the Howard government, remind people that the Coalition messed around with costings in 2010 and were found to have fudged it and (most likely) because they probably intend on keeping it just as Labour did.


Not to mention the problems associated with basically the lead diplomat of a country calling another country's government "baddies". What if we did trade with them? Imagine if he had said that about China. .

If we did trade with them I'd hope we would tell them to stop being murdering bastards. And seek trade elsewhere.


My point was that comments made even unofficially can mess up relations. But yeah, you'd hope we could tell them to stop either way.

I guess in politics that is an interesting dilemma. Calling the head of a major trading partner a "baddie" is going to have downsides but in purely moral standards, if there are human rights abuses in the countries you trade with, you should be doing all you can to coerce them to stop, and if that doesn't work, go elsewhere.

Australia is the kind of place that has some key raw materials that present and future economies will depend upon (uranium for one) and that should be a major carrot.

Also, Australia has always been the 'roaring mouse' of international diplomacy, and we seem to have been trading well pretty much since forever.


Lesson learnt from Q&A on WA time delay:

Middle income welfare seems to get more people to feel entitled than does low income welfare.

"I intend to earn lots of money" woman needs to start intending to save.

Dead Man

It's currently gaining some pretty good viral traction on social media. Hopefully people see it tomorrow.

The only people that will see are people that would already not be voting Liberal. Hopefully I'm wrong, but the people that need to be reached aren't watching Q&A or watching clips of it.
The only people that will see are people that would already not be voting Liberal. Hopefully I'm wrong, but the people that need to be reached aren't watching Q&A or watching clips of it.

Unfortunately, I agree. By this point, most people have made up their minds. Those that haven't by this stage would be less likely to expose themselves willingly to any political media whatsoever.

I hope Jim Wallace was listening. And that he fell off his chair in shock.

I'm sure he's already preparing his "Rudd attacks religious freedom" press release already.



via Twitter


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The extreme close ups were pretty fucking funny.

Dead Man

Unfortunately, I agree. By this point, most people have made up their minds. Those that haven't by this stage would be less likely to expose themselves willingly to any political media whatsoever.

I'm sure he's already preparing his "Rudd attacks religious freedom" press release already.

Labor and Rudd should have been making noise weeks ago. They should have been more aggressive about calling out bullshit, they should have made a cohesive stand for something instead of trying to appeal to everyone. They have just acted like cocks so far.
I only have one concern about what Rudd said there. He said his decision to change his mind was based on the fact that if someone is gay or not is a natural condition. But I have to ask, why should that even matter? Even if being gay was a choice (it's not, but let's put that aside for a moment), why should that be an excuse to discriminate against homosexuality?

So yeah, while he made a great on the spot rhetorical argument, I'm not quite comfortable with the logic behind it.
Because since he initially wasn't in support of gay marriage, he had to equate his reasoning for changing his direction on 'being educated' through science... And the more psychological/scientific reasoning behind homosexuality and transgender is because they were, literally, born that way.

In other words, he's vaguely using science to retort against the religious.
Because since he initially wasn't in support of gay marriage, he had to equate his reasoning for changing his direction on 'being educated' through science... And the more psychological/scientific reasoning behind homosexuality and transgender is because they were, literally, born that way.

In other words, he's vaguely using science to retort against the religious.

Hence why I said it's a good rhetorical argument, but not so good a logical one. Sadly, I feel it's also the kind of argument that's sounds great to the already converted, but which does little to sway opponents or those on the fence. Anyone who felt that homosexuality was a choice, on being presented with this argument, would just feel justified in being opposed to marriage equality.

Having said all that, Rudd accepting that marriage equality is something that should happen, and being confident enough to say so on a public stage like Q&A, is at least a step in the right direction.
Just a point of correction about what the pastor said. It was actually Moses that said the "A man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh" in Genesis (provided you hold to the traditional authorship, which this guy no doubt does). Jesus only quoted it when he was trying to refute a point by a religious scholar on the subject of divorce, basically saying that no, a man can't just (unilaterally, I might add) divorce his wife because she burned dinner, marriage is a bigger deal than that.

He takes the absolutist position here, at least rhetorically, which I disagree with, but he was speaking on an unrelated point.

At any rate, this guy needs to LERN2BIBEL.
Man this is so good. Should make a new thread for this.

The best thing about this is the clear look of embarrassment on the pastor's face when he gets called out on his bigotry. It's clear that their is a cultural shift happening, whereby people with homophobic views are no longer free to spread their bigotry without being called on it.


I only have one concern about what Rudd said there. He said his decision to change his mind was based on the fact that if someone is gay or not is a natural condition. But I have to ask, why should that even matter? Even if being gay was a choice (it's not, but let's put that aside for a moment), why should that be an excuse to discriminate against homosexuality?

So yeah, while he made a great on the spot rhetorical argument, I'm not quite comfortable with the logic behind it.

It's never mattered to me if it's a choice or not (and I agree it's unlikely that it is), but yeah, I see what you're saying.


Labor and Rudd should have been making noise weeks ago. They should have been more aggressive about calling out bullshit, they should have made a cohesive stand for something instead of trying to appeal to everyone. They have just acted like cocks so far.

It's really baffling to me just how passive Labor has been throughout this entire campaign.


So yeah, this is such a dumb thing my mind is equating it something Sarah Palin might say.

A Liberal candidate in western Sydney has said she believes asylum seekers are contributing to outer-suburban traffic jams.

''[Asylum seekers are] a hot topic here because our traffic is overcrowded,'' Fiona Scott, the Liberal candidate for the seat of Lindsay told the ABC's 4 Corners program.

When asked to explain her view she said: ''Go sit on the M4, people see 50,000 people come in by boat - that's more than twice the population of [western Sydney suburb] Glenmore Park,'' she said.

Ms Scott also suggested asylum seekers were exacerbating hospital waiting queues.

Asylum seekers are the cause of all of Western Sydney's problems.


Double Dissolution elections can't just be called on a whim and according to various constitutional experts, it very very unlikely it could happen before the new senate has had a chance to sit and consider legislation.

It definitely can't happen until after next July, but remember that Abbott has the power to appoint his own Governor General. Quentin Bryce's five years is up at the end of this year, so it would be completely non controversial for Abbott to install a new GG. No doubt he would make sure said GG was friendly with his ideas re having a DD election.


Finally sorted out my voting preferences on belowtheline.org.au

I'm actually surprised at the policies of the Democratic Labor Party this election. They're significantly less shit than last election, from memory.
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