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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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for anyone wondering where that future alp™ leader went


Never respected a word that came out of his mouth.


A Current Affair running a story right now on a planned Chinese theme park to be built at Wyong on the Central Coast.
The subtle racism is amazing. Forget the economic and cultural benefits,ACA is leading with "But why build it? Wave of Chinese visas! Just got to China to see Chinese culture!"
Absolutely gross.


I admit, I chuckled.

Obviously from a Leftie point of view I'm in agreement with majority of his policies but from what I understand he's been considered as an old school radical leftie in the UK? I do hope he gets the UK Labour party leadership if only for how the Blair section of the party will respond.

A great article by a UK conservative on the issue.

It also pretty much demonstrates what's happened here, a useless opposition has helped make the governing party hopeless and potentially corrupt.
A great article by a UK conservative on the issue.

It also pretty much demonstrates what's happened here, a useless opposition has helped make the governing party hopeless and potentially corrupt.

I am amused that the recommendations section is basically "Be Tories". In fact I don't think I've ever seen Very Serious People give the symmetric advice (that Centre-Right parties should move Left). Whereas the default position is that any and all parties left of centre should move rightwards (win, lose or draw), a position I might add that is often held by substantial chunks of said parties anyway.

Oh, Arksy, you seem to be something of a student of political history, any insights into why centrist parties in the Anglosphere are basically always run from the right (the centrist argument would suggest that centre-right parties should be run from the left but that doesn't seem to happen) ?


So I find the Jeremy Corbyn thing to be utterly fascinating. In relation to Australian politics he basically makes Richard Di Natale look like Tony Abbott and there are very few people in with Labor or the Greens like him.

I mean I guess he could work out but he could also split the Labour party and give the Tories a default mandate to do pretty much anything they want. Despite this he is by far the most appealing person in the current leadership election at the moment. Here is why he is kind of awesome.

And yes he is an old school socialist who wants to nationalize a bunch of stuff (rightly or wrongly someone wanting to do that in this day and age is pretty crazy).

I kind of seeing him as a fascinating experiment in what happens when you put a hard-core lefty in charge of a social democratic party in 2015 but I wouldn't want to run that experiment in Australia. I probably wouldn't support him though no matter how tempted I would be.

I'd still take him over Blair though because fuck everything about Blairism.
So I find the Jeremy Corbyn thing to be utterly fascinating. In relation to Australian politics he basically makes Richard Di Natale look like Tony Abbott and there are very few people in with Labor or the Greens like him.

I mean I guess he could work out but he could also split the Labour party and give the Tories a default mandate to do pretty much anything they want. Despite this he is by far the most appealing person in the current leadership election at the moment. Here is why he is kind of awesome.

And yes he is an old school socialist who wants to nationalize a bunch of stuff (rightly or wrongly someone wanting to do that in this day and age is pretty crazy).

I kind of seeing him as a fascinating experiment in what happens when you put a hard-core lefty in charge of a social democratic party in 2015 but I wouldn't want to run that experiment in Australia. I probably wouldn't support him though no matter how tempted I would be.

I'd still take him over Blair though because fuck everything about Blairism.

The last line seems to be English Labor's problem in a nutshell. You can't achieve anything if you're not in power, you also can't achieve anything if you sacrifice the ability to achieve anything in order to get elected. They are struggling to find some sort of workable position between those points.


The last line seems to be English Labor's problem in a nutshell. You can't achieve anything if you're not in power, you also can't achieve anything if you sacrifice the ability to achieve anything in order to get elected. They are struggling to find some sort of workable position between those points.

My hope was that Milliband would be that but he wasn't, which sucks.

I still believe that Blairism is an unacceptable option which is just being completely indistinguishable from the Tories.
Various countries have been seeing some leftist figures step up for leadership roles lately, it seems. Bernie Sanders in particular is actually becoming a highly capable rival for the democratic primary against Hillary Clinton, though it also helps that the Republican primaries is a hilarious clusterfuck guest starring Donald Trump, who would be virtually unelectable. At the least, Sanders is gonna drag the overton window kicking and screaming to the left.


Thought some people in Aus poli gaf might appreciate this:

Ugh, I just read this now. I despise the media (and the sheeples who blindly fall for tabloid headlines).

I kind of seeing him as a fascinating experiment in what happens when you put a hard-core lefty in charge of a social democratic party in 2015 but I wouldn't want to run that experiment in Australia. I probably wouldn't support him though no matter how tempted I would be.
Which is why we'd never see someone like Penny Wong head up Labor. Or Albo :(
I think you underestimate how awful some of other Republican candidates are, if you think Trump is particularly unelectable in comparison.

It would be significantly more accurate to describe several of them (like Cruz) as Fundamentalist Fascists than it would be to describe Obama as a Socialist. Hell some of these people run on the Laffer Curve without understanding that there's a point where the appropriate thing to do may be to leave taxes alone or *gasp* raise them *gasp*.

The reason Trump is drawing big numbers is pretty much because he's willing to seem anti-establishment by taking off the thin veneer of respectability that candidates have worn to get Establishment and there's section of the party who are feeling disenfranchised (for a mix of reasons. Some noble; Corporate bailouts, Trade Treaties that screw everyone but business, some not: Racism, Bigotry, Sexism, Anti-Abortion activism).


I think you underestimate how awful some of other Republican candidates are, if you think Trump is particularly unelectable in comparison.

He's particularly unelectable because he's rather loudly outspoken against a significant portion of the electorate though, right? In a way that a lot of the others aren't. Laffer curve has nothing on that. It's not bad policies, it's directly insulting the people he needs to vote for him in order to come into power.
He's particularly unelectable because he's rather loudly outspoken against a significant portion of the electorate though, right? In a way that a lot of the others aren't. Laffer curve has nothing on that. It's not bad policies, it's directly insulting the people he needs to vote for him in order to come into power.

Honestly , I'm reluctant to employ logic to predict the outcome of an election, in a scenario in which you can run as a strong economic manager on the platform of having torpedoed your state's budget (note that these are budgets that roughly correspond to European nations with an actual (semi)-functional EU backing them fiscally) while also making the standard conservative cuts to education, health, etc. Rationality just doesn't seem to have a place.

I don't think its impossible that Trump could make it through the primary just riding the wave of his own momentum, Republicans fall into line (better Trump than a Democrat, especially since for certain sections of the party he's making all the right noises) and that Hillary, fails to get enough of the (definitely) larger Democratic block out to vote (or worse case that Trump picks up some of the more dissatisfied Democratic voters). Just on a world level I hope it doesn't happen but it could. I think its more likely that as the relatively less crazy drop out, their support will move to Bush, and Trump will lose the primary that way, but that only works if those more moderate candidates drop out early, which the past couple of Republican primaries suggests may not happen.


Honestly , I'm reluctant to employ logic to predict the outcome of an election, in a scenario in which you can run as a strong economic manager on the platform of having torpedoed your state's budget (note that these are budgets that roughly correspond to European nations with an actual (semi)-functional EU backing them fiscally) while also making the standard conservative cuts to education, health, etc. Rationality just doesn't seem to have a place.

Not the logic of his policies, but just numerically the base that he is appealing to just isn't big enough to elect a president on it's own. Sure in voluntary voting you have a question of voter motivation, but the voters that he's alienating in the process will be sufficiently motivated against him that I don't think how good the democrat leader is matters all that much.

He would have to tone the anti latino sentiment way down to be a hope at all. I mean, theoretically he could be going balls out to get the nomination, and then take a moderate turn so enough people forget what he said in the past that they don't feel motivated to vote against him. Toning down doesn't seem like his style though.
Not the logic of his policies, but just numerically the base that he is appealing to just isn't big enough to elect a president on it's own. Sure in voluntary voting you have a question of voter motivation, but the voters that he's alienating in the process will be sufficiently motivated against him that I don't think how good the democrat leader is matters all that much.

He would have to tone the anti latino sentiment way down to be a hope at all. I mean, theoretically he could be going balls out to get the nomination, and then take a moderate turn so enough people forget what he said in the past that they don't feel motivated to vote against him. Toning down doesn't seem like his style though.

There's a chunk of the GOP base that will vote for him even if they don't find him particularly appealing though. I mean he'll easily roll in the Libertarian support on the grounds that he has no reason to take corporate lobbying. There's a biiig chunk of business interests that will lobby hard for absolutely anyone who will ignore the whole Climate Change / Renewable Energies thing and there's those people who'll vote for anything with an (R) after the name. Hell despite all logic he hasn't alienated the Fundamentalist vote even though everything about him should. I don't think he'll make it but I think its unwise to underestimate him as a contendor (he's already only 6 points behind Clinton, when the GOP vote is split between about 15 people* at this stage).

*Some of whom are still willing to pretend that the might vote for Hillary over a crazier Republican but don't bet on it.


He has specifically talked about taxing the rich, so I don't think the Libertarians will vote for him (as in the ones that typically vote for the Libertarian candidate). All the rest seem to just be stuff you can apply to any Republican candidate, no? With the added bonus of removing the vote of most latinos (and people of colour generally) who might have considered themselves part of the GOP base. He would have to tone down the racism to be a contender at all imo.
He has specifically talked about taxing the rich, so I don't think the Libertarians will vote for him (as in the ones that typically vote for the Libertarian candidate). All the rest seem to just be stuff you can apply to any Republican candidate, no? With the added bonus of removing the vote of most latinos (and people of colour generally) who might have considered themselves part of the GOP base. He would have to tone down the racism to be a contender at all imo.

I hope you're right. And he can't tone down the racism before he wins at least the first few primaries (in a nutshell its why he's ahead, he's willing to *say* the things the rest of them only imply).


And he can't tone down the racism before he wins at least the first few primaries (in a nutshell its why he's ahead, he's willing to *say* the things the rest of them only imply).

Yeah, I was thinking he'd have to shut up about it after getting the nomination. I don't really have a feel for the US political media to know whether they'd let him forget. It seems like he's already getting away with forcibly removing reporters from press conferences though.
A Current Affair running a story right now on a planned Chinese theme park to be built at Wyong on the Central Coast.
The subtle racism is amazing. Forget the economic and cultural benefits,ACA is leading with "But why build it? Wave of Chinese visas! Just got to China to see Chinese culture!"
Absolutely gross.

Reminds me of the reactions to the multifunction polis Japan wanted to build here in the 90's.


This is so annoying, I'd LIKE to go to a Chinese theme park here :(


Tony Abbott said something along the lines of "this is why we stopped the boats" today.

In reference to the drowning of Aylan on the Turkish beach.

Well, yes, Tony, stopping drownings is good. But your party and it's warhawks helped create the situation these people are fleeing from.

But hey, at least you can pretend to be helping when you race to drop Australian bombs in Syria via a new air campaign.

It's all fucking meaningless until you help foster stability though. The boats will always be heading somewhere and not all the drowned kids will be found on a beach to remind you of your failure.


Tony Abbott said something along the lines of "this is why we stopped the boats" today.

In reference to the drowning of Aylan on the Turkish beach.

Well, yes, Tony, stopping drownings is good. But your party and it's warhawks helped create the situation these people are fleeing from.

But hey, at least you can pretend to be helping when you race to drop Australian bombs in Syria via a new air campaign.

It's all fucking meaningless until you help foster stability though. The boats will always be heading somewhere and not all the drowned kids will be found on a beach to remind you of your failure.


It takes a special kind of stupidity to think that turning back boats is going to prevent people fleeing their country in the first place.

It takes a specialer kind of stupidity to agree with your political opponents on this point.


instead of drowning at sea they're just being raped and living in horrific decisions in taxpayer funded detention facilities. see, but they're safe, so

Jintor if we stop the boats those people will be safe wth Assad and those folks worse than Nazi's

Also, it would be good if we were bombing that place.


A wet lettuce has more backbone than the ALP on this issue.

Until one of the parties grows a conscience then every asylum seeker death is partly their fault.

They want to bomb, liberate, change regimes etc then they need to own a proportion of these deaths.
Of course, the public is sick and tired of us getting involved in middle eastern wars, and actually steamrolling both ISIS and the Syrian government and actually going back with a proper, well-thought-out reconstruction plan this time around (which the US didn't do for both Iraq and Afghanistan) is pretty much really the only obvious way to fix the problem, but that has its own litany of problems. So it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't problem.


Why is the NSW government spending a billion dollars on stadiums when basically none of the current stadiums are full more than a few times a year?


Why is the NSW government spending a billion dollars on stadiums when basically none of the current stadiums are full more than a few times a year?

Because they're in the pockets of sporting clubs with large poker machine halls and they asked for more stadiums.


That and they have some serious pocket money from stamp duty as result of Sydney property prices going crazy. Stadiums are a good way to get some political points out of the windfall.

Not that they need it really, Baird is easily the most popular leader in Australia at the moment. 72% preferred premier.


Tony Abbott said something along the lines of "this is why we stopped the boats" today.

In reference to the drowning of Aylan on the Turkish beach.
The funny thing is that the reason these particular people drowned is because they tried to make the crossing without the help of people smugglers


I understand the new Parramatta stadium, but upgrading Allianz Stadium is a massive waste of money. They're not going to play Origin there and a well attended NRL game is lucky to get close to 20k.


What I can't believe is that NSW Liberal party has 12 sitting member resignations due to corruption exposed by ICAC last term, plus the fucking Premier resigning, but the party has somehow come out unscathed.

Just because they put a smiley guy out front. SMH.



Tony Abbott is an S-Rank Cunt for saying that.

1. People leaving Syria are not illegal. Seeking refuge from Syria is entirely legal.

2. Way to pretend to be a humanitarian and argue against getting on boats. You and your Party willingly beat the war drums and caused this mess in the first place.

Fuck you Abbott. Fuck you and everything you stand for you fucking classless, spiteful cunt.
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