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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Actually if their support was that concentrated, they'd do significantly better than they do in the lower House. It's much much better to have ~30% of the population in 4 inner city seats across Australia (assuming Labor preferences flower to the Greens) than their current situation. The Nationals have as many seats as they do because their vote is very concentrated in rural electorates. The Nationals have more than 9 time as many lower house seats as the Greens despite having approximately the same number in the Senate.

You are right. I probably should have said "more concentrated."

It also seems that according to today's essential poll, most voters oppose Abbott's plan to cut income tax and raise GST.


Corey Bernardi managed to hit a new low


Waves of people are arriving in Europe for “opportunistic” economic reasons rather than because they fear for their lives,the Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi has argued.

Speaking on Monday against a Greens motion urging Australia to resettle an extra 20,000 Syrian and Iraqi refugees, Bernardi said the country needed an ordered migration system and could not simply open its borders to anyone.

“This seems to me to be becoming an opportunistic cycle which is masking the true humanitarian need that is the responsibility of all western nations.”

Bernardi also criticised the father of Aylan Kurdi, the drowned three-year-old boy whose photograph sparked an outpouring of public sorrow and sympathy.

“The facts remain that that terrible image was not brought about by recent events in Syria or Iraq,” Bernardi said. “That boy and his family had lived in Turkey for three years. The money for that boy’s father to pay the people smugglers was sent from Canada.

“The father sent them on that boat so the father could get dental treatment. They were in no fear, they were in no persecution and they were in no danger in Turkey.”


Yeah they lived in Turkey and moved back to Syria early this year.

Then ISIS attacked their home again and they had to flee again.

But not before the dad was captured by ISIS and they pulled out all his fucking teeth, but I guess having a group like ISIS pull out your teeth doesn't really rate as fear inspiring, or a form of persecution. It's just frivolous dental treatment.

I think if I ever saw Cory Bernardi on the street I'd try my hardest to punch him in his smug face.
Yeah they lived in Turkey and moved back to Syria early this year.

Then ISIS attacked their home again and they had to flee again.

But not before the dad was captured by ISIS and they pulled out all his fucking teeth, but I guess having a group like ISIS pull out your teeth doesn't really rate as fear inspiring, or a form of persecution. It's just frivolous dental treatment.

I think if I ever saw Cory Bernardi on the street I'd try my hardest to punch him in his smug face.
Oh is that what happened? I guess that explains all the fb comments on news stories about them that accused him of "killing his kids in order to get free dental". Wow.


The "father was fleeing just to get a dental plan" story has been circulating around far-right groups (and shared by racist British parties like UKIP and Britain First) for the past few days. I'm not surprised that Bernardi is buying into it. He's such a contemptible excuse for a person.


Finally a 3 word slogan we can agree with. Well, two three word slogans combined into a coherent sentence.


“German thoroughness is great, but right now we need German flexibility,” she said. “We have many examples where we showed we can respond. Remember the bank rescues. During the international financial crisis, the federal and state governments pushed through the necessary legislation in a matter of days.”
Merkel said her government will propose a package of legislation by Sept. 24. The goal is to process migrants more quickly to weed out those who don’t qualify for political asylum, while boosting funding for states and municipal governments to handle shelter, food and care for refugees.

The headline in question (not a direct Merkel quote):

If We Rescued the Banks We Can Save Refugees, Merkel Says

Andrew Bolt said this to Richard Di Natale on his show.

Andrew Bolt also called them illegal immigrants.




The "father was fleeing just to get a dental plan" story has been circulating around far-right groups (and shared by racist British parties like UKIP and Britain First) for the past few days. I'm not surprised that Bernardi is buying into it. He's such a contemptible excuse for a person.

Ask Bernadi what a refugee looks like and he'll probably say Kim Davis.

JC Sera

The Abbott Government wants to restrict any intake of Syrian refugees to minorities which are largely Christian, as passions run high in the Coalition over the way Australia should handle the crisis in Syria.
fuuuuuck me
Senate Leader Eric Abetz has also highlighted the case for Christians to be prioritised.

"It should be on the basis of need and given the Christians are the most persecuted group in the world, and especially in the Middle East, I think it stands to reason that they would be pretty high up on the priority list for resettlement."


So on the radio again this morning (in a segment called "grouse or shouse") I heard someone ELSE complain that there are retired servicemen who are homeless and why aren't we helping them?

I think we've discovered the new excuse for not wanting to bring in more refugees. It's like the racists all go to a referendum, decide on the one excuse for how to be diet racist and spout that shit forth.

Of course, it's the above, along with the "that kid wasn't really a refugee" line that Bernardi and Bolt have spouted.

Edit: I was going to say "Is it that really fat guy who looks like he literally eats from a trough?".


So on the radio again this morning (in a segment called "grouse or shouse") I heard someone ELSE complain that there are retired servicemen who are homeless and why aren't we helping

Yep, I hate to say I totally called this yesterday (no I don't I am smug), but old Georgy Porgy Christensen has done the very predictable "think of the problems Aussies are facing".



but when you've got a problem with policy at home;

Aussies should do tour of Asia & live like locals to put these 1st world complaints re budget in perspective #auspol pic.twitter.com/FR4MvkxxI1


Problems overseas? Think of the problems at home!

Problems at home? Think of the problems overseas!


Just announced, we're taking in an extra 12k people on top of our quota.

Pretty decent, since our quota will probably have decent number of Syrians anyway. We took in 4.4k Syrian refugees last year.


That's a broader term than I was thinking of. I mean something specific for when someone points to another issue, one that they don't actively campaign for, to deflect attention from the issue of the day.

It's the fallacy of relative privation, which is a form of red herring. Dismissing an argument on the basis that there are bigger/more important problems.


Abbott giving press conference now.

The Guardian has an article of a poll on whether we should take Syrian refugees


Lenore Taylor had an article this that the image of Alan Kurdi and the #Lightthedark vigils may be a 'game-changer' in shifting Australian's views against our asylum seeker policies. Perhaps unsurprisingly that has't been the case;

Asked whether they supported Operation Sovereign Borders, which includes turning back boats and offshore detention of asylum-seekers, 54% per cent said they backed it and 46% were opposed.


Abbott giving press conference now.

The Guardian has an article of a poll on whether we should take Syrian refugees


Lenore Taylor had an article this that the image of Alan Kurdi and the #Lightthedark vigils may be a 'game-changer' in shifting Australian's views against our asylum seeker policies. Perhaps unsurprisingly that has't been the case;

As has been borne out in recent years, austrlia is a majority heartless country. The majority of this country are happy to have bad shit happen so long as it is out of view.

The tragic death of Aylan and his brother is not enough for most of the country to change its mind. Lenore Taylor has her heart in the right place, but realistically this country is fundamentally fucked.


Pretty much. Polls on New Ltd websites yesterday were strongly in favour of taking no Syrians, and the above Guardian poll had 43% against any increase of refugees.

If the image of Alan Kurdi can't change peoples minds/hearts, I don't think anything can.

And there it is. Abbott sending in airstrikes. It's as if we learnt nothing in the past fifty years.

Badies v Less Badies you see. Pew pew pew. And bombings will begin this week!


As has been borne out in recent years, austrlia is a majority heartless country. The majority of this country are happy to have bad shit happen so long as it is out of view.

The tragic death of Aylan and his brother is not enough for most of the country to change its mind. Lenore Taylor has her heart in the right place, but realistically this country is fundamentally fucked.

It's baby steps I guess.

Refugee was a dirty word until a few days ago. At least the government has to pretend to be compassionate now.

But yeah, a lot of damage has been done over the years to this issue to the extent that the most base, vile parts of the community control the conversation.


So we'll take 12.5k refugees from Syria, while also bombing them. Is that because there won't be any more to take?

The irony or... something... is incredible.


I like how "whistleblower-turned-fraudster" implies that Jackson was squeaky clean when Abbott and the other assorted union bashers (including that very paper) were lauding her as a hero of the workers.

Unverified, but I'm fairly sure Jackson's total fraud is higher than the combined fraud uncovered by TURC.


No true scotsman, but a pretty nice comeback nonetheless
If the image of Alan Kurdi can't change peoples minds/hearts, I don't think anything can.
I think the only thing that could do it is if Australia turned into a lawless shithole and the rest of the world came together to wall us in. Of course that will never happen.
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