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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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JC Sera

Yeah this is totally going to solve youth unemployment
my work hasn't given me any more shifts in 3 week, casual employment how boned am I?

JC Sera

Have you had absolutely no shifts for 3 weeks? :/
Take it up with boss?
I only got shifts on my first weekend (its a cafe/restaurant)
first time employed after lots & lots of job searching (suffered from the catch 22 of no experience➤no job➤no experience, and being over 21 therefore I am expensive)
Signed all the forms handed them in ect ect.
Get told I have shifts next week, the night before my shift I get a text of "we don't need you tomorrow, playing around with the roster and other newbies" (my friend told me this actually against fair work laws, but I don't wanna rock the boat)
Next week passes, no shifts I text "Is everything ok, I'm getting worried?" got a "Everything is fine, still figuring out rosters"
nearly to the end of this week no response still
I feel like I finally got what I wanted and then my hopes are dashed

but youth unemployment aint a problem

JC Sera

I really really really don't want to rock the boat
just putting that out there

also reminds me of this video

reminder that charlie on always sunny has a better grasp of the jobs market than this government

get in touch with the fair work ombudsman asap

Does this mean what I think it means?
Minimum hours

Each time a full-time, part-time or casual employee works they have to be given at least:

6 hours in a day, for full-time
3 hours in a row, for part-time
2 hours in a row, for casuals.
If they aren't given these hours, they still have to be paid a minimum of:

6 hours for full-time
3 hours for part-time
2 hours for casuals.
Check the Restaurant Award for different minimum daily hours on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.

Source reference: Restaurant Industry Award 2010 [MA000119] clauses 11, 12, 12.5, 13, 31.2 and 34.4 external-icon.png
I only got shifts on my first weekend (its a cafe/restaurant)
first time employed after lots & lots of job searching (suffered from the catch 22 of no experience➤no job➤no experience, and being over 21 therefore I am expensive)
Signed all the forms handed them in ect ect.
Get told I have shifts next week, the night before my shift I get a text of "we don't need you tomorrow, playing around with the roster and other newbies" (my friend told me this actually against fair work laws, but I don't wanna rock the boat)
Next week passes, no shifts I text "Is everything ok, I'm getting worried?" got a "Everything is fine, still figuring out rosters"
nearly to the end of this week no response still
I feel like I finally got what I wanted and then my hopes are dashed

but youth unemployment aint a problem

Speaking as someone with a lot of experience in the hospitality business (including management), they have to give you a minimum of 2 hours per week and you can force the issue with them.

If the manager has decided you don't fit into his plans, he'll basically just cut you off until you quit as a cowardly way of firing you. This could be for any number of reasons, but if you're over 21 and he can pay an 18 year old to do the same job, that would be a significant factor.

Hospitality sucks, but if you need to stay in the industry due to study or whatever I'd suggest going to him for a written reference and then finding work elsewhere. If you've got any value to him then just asking him for the reference might shock him into giving you some shifts. If he's treating you this way though, you should get out and go to a place where you're more valued.


Does this mean what I think it means?

That refers to the length of your shift when you are at work. E.g. you start at 6pm, the earliest you can finish is 9pm.

There isn't a obligation to give a casual employee any number of hours per week.

Edit: Thanks Yagharek

JC Sera

Speaking as someone with a lot of experience in the hospitality business (including management), they have to give you a minimum of 2 hours per week and you can force the issue with them.

If the manager has decided you don't fit into his plans, he'll basically just cut you off until you quit as a cowardly way of firing you. This could be for any number of reasons, but if you're over 21 and he can pay an 18 year old to do the same job, that would be a significant factor.

Hospitality sucks, but if you need to stay in the industry due to study or whatever I'd suggest going to him for a written reference and then finding work elsewhere. If you've got any value to him then just asking him for the reference might shock him into giving you some shifts. If he's treating you this way though, you should get out and go to a place where you're more valued.
That refers to the length of your shift when you are at work. E.g. you start at 6pm, the earliest you can finish is 9am.

There isn't a obligation to give a casual employee any number of hours per week.
I'm getting mixed messages here guys
Casual work in its nature is, casual. If there is work available from your employee you may be given a shift. If you are, you must work for at least 3 hours.

Actually strictly speaking they just have to pay you for 3 hours. They are free to bring you in for only 1 hour , as long as they cough up the cash for 3. I don't know about Victoria, but in Queensland yeah, there's no minimum hours per week for casuals, just a minimum on paid time if they are worked.


In 1996 The Victorian government relinquished its industrial relations authority to the Commonwealth government. So, the Fair Work Act 2007 (Cth) covers Victoria.

There isn't a settled definition of a 'casual' at either statute or common law. The adopted line within Modern Awards is that it is anyone 'engaged as a casual and paid as such'. Cases such as Melrose Farm, and Hamzy v Tricon (2001) have essentially confirmed that the characteristics of casual work are: absence of firm commitment to duration of employee’s employment or the days and hours which they will work.

Getting no shifts at work, especially in the hospitality industry (Been doing it since I was 16, I know your feel) is unfortunately not that uncommon, especially in small business.

You should talk to your employee and see what's happening, if there is work likely to be available. Should also mention that assuming you are under the Award, there is no obligation of employer to give notice of termination (S117(1) FW Act). So perhaps you have been terminated by a fairly cowardly employer.

This is largely drawn from my last semesters Employment Law notes. I'm confident in it's accuracy.

Actually strictly speaking they just have to pay you for 3 hours. They are free to bring you in for only 1 hour , as long as they cough up the cash for 3. I don't know about Victoria, but in Queensland yeah, there's no minimum hours per week for casuals, just a minimum on paid time if they are worked.

Yeah this too, but a pretty rare event in the first place.
Am I right to think it's bullshit that we have a "productivity commission" who are specifically concerned with that one metric? I mean, I don't have a problem with their output per se, I think a lot of their reports have raised good points, points that get frequently ignored by both major parties. But raising that one metric above all else like it's more meaningful than everything else seems rubbish.

It's really just output vs input, so spend a bit of money on inputs and your magical productivity number goes down. Give employees a payrise, lower productivity, invest in infrastructure, lower productivity, sack half your work force but only cut output by 40%, higher productivity, implement literal slavery, higher productivity.

Productivity seems to be used as a weasel word for "pay workers less, give owners a bigger cut". Is that wrong?

Well productivity is the most important metric so it is more meaningful I guess.
I don't think there's anything inherently bad about productivity, you're moreso describing the way the term has been misused by those who like to mislead for their own benefit.


Sorry for derailing thread with my employment issues btw :T

No, no its completely relevant to the majority of us on Gaf. Casual and Part time employment have overtaken full time work for youths (Not sure what cut off ages were in report I read).

I have two jobs but work about 15 hours max a week. Even Eric Abetz touched on it today that the problem with how employment data is measured is that it includes those who work 1 hour a week. Which completely fails to address the growing rise of underemployment for young people.

Which in turn makes Morrison's 'dole bludger' plan alarming, as there aren't enough jobs for youths, who in turn will probably be employed casually and then get no hours!

JC Sera

So here is what I texted
"Hey Emma I'm just wondering if I still have a job. If the answer is no I understand why. I am experienced and over 21 (therefore expensive). For a new business starting out these are very legit reasons to not have someone onboard. I would just like to know, I feel very unsure and in the dark."
I got this back
"Hi Hannah, we've been trialling every weekend, including this coming weekend. We have discovered that we need staff with some experience, especially the weekends. We had a meeting today about whom to keep, and unfortunately yourself and a few others haven't made it through.I'm so sorry Hannah, You are a very hard worker, who gets in there and work as a part of the team, we just need the experience to start the business up. Again so sorry"
Thing is when I started, they expressed that they want new people to train up "the way they wanted them"

just fuck me


So here is what I texted

Been involved with two restaurant openings, the amount of staff who get churned through is incredible. If it's anything I would say half the people who have the job now won't be there in two weeks.
Chin up, it's there loss ultimately anyway!

Give a one star review on trip adviser, that'll show em!

JC Sera

Been involved with two restaurant openings, the amount of staff who get churned through is incredible. If it's anything I would say half the people who have the job now won't be there in two weeks.
Chin up, it's there loss ultimately anyway!

Give a one star review on trip adviser, that'll show em!
its more thats the first job I've managed to get ever, with my circumstances
I wouldn't have at least liked 2 weeks of work, so I had enough to write a reference on a resume
According to Abetz one percent unemployment is too much. Liberals are inflation doves confirmed?

Wait what ? As far as I'm aware there's approximately 0% of Liberal economic theory that wants employment that low since it greatly reduces labor mobility (availability) and increases labor price.


Wait what ? As far as I'm aware there's approximately 0% of Liberal economic theory that wants employment that low since it greatly reduces labor mobility (availability) and increases labor price.

(Paraphrased): "unemployment number with a five in front of it is too much, as is four, three,two and one"


This explains my three hour shifts at EB Games. Apparently they can be dodgy as hell but they're not getting a single second of unpaid work from me.


No, the ABC regularly represents the view that a budget surplus is an inherent good and a deficit an inherent bad. They also regularly do it with a level of journalistic and academic rigour suitable for a primary school report. The terms foreign debt and public debt are thrown around interchangeably, the fact that the Government has retired all external currency liabilities and exclusively issues $AUD denominated instruments is ignored and so is the reality of voluntary debt issuance regardless of budget balance.

In fact, they often go beyond that and fully embrace the all too common gap in logic that basically treats the economy and the budget balance as the same thing. My respect for Chris Bowen has recently gone up because a number of times in the past weeks he's been asked (on the ABC) how Labor can criticise the government for poor growth and employment figures given they're blocking "reasonable" savings in the Senate and he's actually had the gumption to say "what on Earth are you talking about, cutting spending doesn't increase growth or employment."

The unbiased way to ask these questions is to simply say "what does this policy do to the budget balance in what circumstances and why is that a good or bad thing?" Unfortunately that makes for boring television. But if the ABC wanted some actual balance, not "Labor deficit bad but now Liberal deficit bad," they could start with things like asking Hockey why his long term goal of making Australia's private debt to GDP ratio the highest in the world is responsible economic management, or how he can justify the Howard government's policy of issuing debt for the financial markets even with a surplus given that the Coalition treat every dollar of debt as the moral equivalent of armed robbery against our unborn great-great-grandchildren.
Oh man I totally agree.

It's infuriating the sloganistic Liberal attack positions on Rudd Labor have now become 'fact'.

Peter Costello was pretty poor at his job as treasurer (sell 77 billion is assets, any idiot can 'balance a budget' that way - he sold the house to pay off the car), but he was great at his main job, which was spending 11 years telling everyone Labor is bad with the economy.

It's crazy bullshit, Keating pretty much single handedly SAVED Australia from being a useless backwater. And half of the debt he left was carried over from Howard/Frazer through the entire 12 years of Labor!

But it's tough now, how do you attack Abbott for failing to balance the budget like he promised, while somehow also saying that's not the best idea anyway?


Our productivity is low

Compared to what? Numbers wise I mean.

Well productivity is the most important metric so it is more meaningful I guess.

Most important to who and for what?

I don't think there's anything inherently bad about productivity, you're moreso describing the way the term has been misused by those who like to mislead for their own benefit.

I don't mean to say that it's bad, just that it's another metric, but we seem to give it a higher importance than a lot of other metrics that are in my opinion equally important.

I Googled around for a few articles and it sounds like you're right about its misuse though. Here is a good one: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-03-14/jericho-productivity-in-a-nutshell/3887922


Speaking of insensitive...


Mr SNOWDON (Lingiari) (15:43):
I'm concerned about underlying insufficient funding for lawyers on the ground.
This is not us speaking, foreign minister. This is not us speaking, justice minister and Attorney-General. It is the Chief Justice of the Northern Territory Supreme Court. Following the 2015-16 budget, where the federal government funding was found to be insufficient to keep up with the exploding case load, Chief Justice Riley described the funding situation as 'a blow to the heart of the Northern Territory justice system'. Call me naive, but you would reckon he might know. You would think the foreign minister might actually think before she opens her big fat trap and says stupid things in this parliament.

Why would you say that about a female MP?


Speaking of insensitive...

This is bad, and I don't want to downplay it, but since you're inviting the comparison already, the guy representing our country making fun of other countries problems while refusing to act on those problems feels worse. One is an old white guy being a cunt, the other is a diplomatic incident with negative impacts on how Australia is seen in those countries. I'd rather not compare them, but you already did.


This is bad, and I don't want to downplay it, but since you're inviting the comparison already, the guy representing our country making fun of other countries problems while refusing to act on those problems feels worse. One is an old white guy being a cunt, the other is a diplomatic incident with negative impacts on how Australia is seen in those countries. I'd rather not compare them, but you already did.

Even so, the comparative reaction is still way off-balance. You know why I had to link to Hansard? Because this is not being reported anywhere. Absolutely anywhere.

I should've made the more apt comparisons I wanted to make, like to Tony Abbott winking or that damn menu thing that a family printed out or the meow to Penny Wong. Journalists went nuts over those.


Even so, the comparative reaction is still way off-balance.

It's a silly comparison though, so there's no point measuring the reaction between the two.

You know why I had to link to Hansard? Because this is not being reported anywhere. Absolutely anywhere.

I should've made the more apt comparisons I wanted to make, like to Tony Abbott winking or that damn menu thing that a family printed out or the meow to Penny Wong. Journalists went nuts over those.

Tony Abbott made fun of a member of the public, the menu thing was gendered, I don't even remember the meow thing, but that's gendered too. I mean I'd rather people not tell people to shut up in parliament, but he didn't use a slur. Closest comparison recently is this: http://www.9news.com.au/national/20...ishop-appears-to-call-tanya-plibersek-a-bitch but it didn't "blow up" near as much as the Dutton thing and seems to have happened because an MP spoke to the press about it.

So I dunno, I think you're reaching. I see you got a mention in Bolts blog though, so well done there.


So I dunno, I think you're reaching. I see you got a mention in Bolts blog though, so well done there.

You said you didn't want to downplay this, but to me downplaying this is exactly what you're doing. AFAIK I haven't been mentioned by Bolt, although even if I was how does that affect anything?

I don't see the gendered slur there, just a generic insult. Which is bad, but why are you bringing gender into it?

See now what is happening when the shoe is on the other foot? Accusations of reaching. Wondering why gender is being brought into the equation.
If the line is whether or not something is explicitly gendered, then here's another Hansard extract, from Julia Gillard:

I will not be lectured by sexism and misogyny by this man. I will not!

If he wants to know what misogyny looks like he doesn't need a motion in the House of Representatives, he needs a mirror!

Misogyny! Sexism! Every day from this Leader of the Opposition.

Now looking at his watch because, apparently, a woman has spoken for too long. I have had him yell at me to shut up in the past.
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