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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I'm more shocked that they brought Big Brother back. I mean, what the f*ck?

EDIT: I dispute the notion that this country was ever great. We've basically been riding on the coat tails of Mother Britannia and Cousin America since Federation.

We do have a great history of achievement in scientific fields, thanks to the work of people in CSIRO, for starters. That may not be an achievement equal in spectacle to the monoliths of a vanished empire, but it is far more useful.
For a narrow enough definition of "great" you're probably right VKS, but there aren't many countries in the world as wealthy and as equal as we've been for decades. If that's not great, it must only be a notch or two under.
"Great" can mean many things. I like to think of the kind of things that give you the appellation "the great", like Alexander the Great, Albert the Great, Charlemagne, John Paul the Great etc. is what people mean to when they refer to a country's greatness. Rule of thumb here being "Are your deeds worthy of renoun?"

With Australia, no matter how peaceful, rich and comfortable we are, the answer is no. We've never been invaded and had to lift a yoke from our shoulders. We never built anything, reached anywhere or invented anything that was so amazing we became synonymous with it. There's no shame in that. I'd much rather live in a prosperous, peaceful, boring country than an interesting one.


In terms of unequivocally great (as in things to be proud of), you could add together things like philosophy, democracy (or the ideal at least), geometry and all sorts of sciences to ancient Greeks, aquaducts and engineering proficiency to Rome, our numeric system to Arabics, along with lots of mathematics etc.

I don't think WiFi quite fits amongst that pantheon quite yet, who knows though.


In terms of unequivocally great (as in things to be proud of), you could add together things like philosophy, democracy (or the ideal at least), geometry and all sorts of sciences to ancient Greeks, aquaducts and engineering proficiency to Rome, our numeric system to Arabics, along with lots of mathematics etc.

I don't think WiFi quite fits amongst that pantheon quite yet, who knows though.
yeah but we invented the goon bag, truly the pinnacle of human achievement



Sperm-filled condom smackdown right on Mrs. Abbot's good crocheted tablecloth.

Well yes, I would like them double-stacked... LIKE I HAD YOUR DAUGHTERS LAST NIGHT. NOW MAKE WITH THE PANCAKES, CUNT.

Fuckin' oath. If Abbott wasn't going to make it in, I'd totes marry you.

This too. I'm not joking.
It's great because it's also a pillow. And you can make a drinking game with it and your ordinary, everyday clothesline (ANOTHER AUSSIE INVENTION, FUCK YEAH STRAYA).

Edit: Oh god, I just watched that Big Brother video... I thought the awkwardness was in standing there with his daughters while dribbling through that speech. THEN HE SAYS SOMETHING ABOUT HOW HOT THEY ARE. I honestly can't believe that cunt is going to be our prime minister. With any luck, he'll serve a term even shorter than Gillard.


I want a tag give me a tag
In terms of unequivocally great (as in things to be proud of), you could add together things like philosophy, democracy (or the ideal at least), geometry and all sorts of sciences to ancient Greeks, aquaducts and engineering proficiency to Rome, our numeric system to Arabics, along with lots of mathematics etc.

I don't think WiFi quite fits amongst that pantheon quite yet, who knows though.

hillshoist cunt
I was getting pretty keen for Antony Green night until I found out Annabel Crabb is also on the ABC's election panel which has dampened my excitement a tad.

Kerry O'Brien
Annabel Crabb
Antony Green
Stephen Smith
Arthur Sinodinos


I was getting pretty keen for Antony Green night until I found out Annabel Crabb is also on the ABC's election panel which has dampened my excitement a tad.
Yep, she's such a bad political commentator. Always makes super-obvious observations and comments, she's like 'my first journalist' for kids or something. No idea how she got to her position.

She's the Will Anderson of political reporting.


Heres a serious question: describe your ideal government (in policy terms, not party/candidate names).

I could spend all night on this question...
I want one which basically stays out of the way.

In terms of services, if it's absolutely necessary for government to be the provider, make sure it is done efficiently. Example, why do both federal and state levels have a separate department of education, and they love to boast about how much money they spend, or how much extra money they're going to allocate? Spending more money won't make smarter students, what is needed is probably something government can't control, for example higher standards or a better culture surrounding the desire to learn.

And please ease up on regulating. In QLD we only just legalized segways on footpaths, why would you ban that in the first place? I know some in AusGAF believe otherwise, but I don't think Aussies are bursting to be assholes to each other and the law is the only thing stopping them. If people obeyed the law, nobody would use drugs. I'll home in on one example: anti discrimination laws. If you want to discriminate, you'll do it anyway (I know it's not Australia, but it's to illustrate the point). If you don't, it's not because you want to but the law says no. And as a result, the most famous example of this law in effect was to censor Andrew Bolt asking a perfectly legitimate question. Any law that compromises freedom of speech, even if it offends someone, is a bad law.

I know your next post will be "this isn't Tony Abbott". I agree. However, the caricature of him has become more and more extreme to the point where people are sending themselves mad over this coming election. Tony Abbott's history indicates he is a smart person even if he sometimes says really stupid things and I think he'll be an OK, if not good, PM.


And please ease up on regulating. In QLD we only just legalized segways on footpaths, why would you ban that in the first place? I know some in AusGAF believe otherwise, but I don't think Aussies are bursting to be assholes to each other and the law is the only thing stopping them. If people obeyed the law, nobody would use drugs. I'll home in on one example: anti discrimination laws. If you want to discriminate, you'll do it anyway (I know it's not Australia, but it's to illustrate the point). If you don't, it's not because you want to but the law says no. And as a result, the most famous example of this law in effect was to censor Andrew Bolt asking a perfectly legitimate question. Any law that compromises freedom of speech, even if it offends someone, is a bad law.

I... didn't see that case that way.


I... didn't see that case that way.

The column in question was what it means to be Aboriginal and whether someone should qualify for Aboriginal-only benefits and programs because they self-identify. He posted photos to illustrate his point. I know this sort of topic is sensitive, but nothing should stop it from being discussed.

Too bad under Abbott they can't get married.

Ah. I wouldn't be so sure about that.



(Feel free to make a ton of money if you still think otherwise, though)


I was getting pretty keen for Antony Green night until I found out Annabel Crabb is also on the ABC's election panel which has dampened my excitement a tad.

Kerry O'Brien
Annabel Crabb
Antony Green
Stephen Smith
Arthur Sinodinos

It will still be infinitely better than the commercial stations coverage.
Abbott passing gay marriage is impossible, Not only would the Nationals and probably most of the Liberal Party shit on it but the various Christian lobbyist groups and pro family interests within the LNP would shit on it as well. Considering all the bullshit microparties the right wing will sneak into the senate...

God it's a nightmare.


Just in reference to the great graphic on the previous page outlining a earring guide to the elections, and a minor nitpick.

I get the impression that people who reference the Economist don't actually read it, and automatically lump it in with the Austrian school of economics and deficit mad policies as if that's the default for any centre right publication. The Economist is the magazine that says Obama's biggest accomplishment was his stimulus bill, only it should have been bigger. It's the magazine that has been slating Europe and Germany in particular for its obsession over austerity instead of growth. It's also backing Rudd for re-election over Abbott.

It's obsessed with free trade, but comes with a healthy dose of liberal social policies and isn't at all in lockstep with the traditional right wing press.


Ta for the reply ventron. Wasnt askng for anything other than interests sake.

That's OK! Sorry if I sounded despondent in the end, I'm not used to internet discussions actually being open-minded :p

Abbott passing gay marriage is impossible, Not only would the Nationals and probably most of the Liberal Party shit on it but the various Christian lobbyist groups and pro family interests within the LNP would shit on it as well. Considering all the bullshit microparties the right wing will sneak into the senate...

God it's a nightmare.

You're not in SomethingAwful anymore, Toto. You don't need a swear word every ten syllables.
That aside, we got a ton of microparties last election and only one got in from the DLP. I think their influence is a bit overestimated especially in this election.


Abbott passing gay marriage is impossible, Not only would the Nationals and probably most of the Liberal Party shit on it but the various Christian lobbyist groups and pro family interests within the LNP would shit on it as well. Considering all the bullshit microparties the right wing will sneak into the senate...

God it's a nightmare.

It would pass IF he was willing to have a conscience vote on the matter otherwise it is doomed.


That's OK! Sorry if I sounded despondent in the end, I'm not used to internet discussions actually being open-minded :p

I may disagree with your philosophy on some points but yeah, just asking without any ulterior motive.

Just dont gloat too much come Sunday :(


The column in question was what it means to be Aboriginal and whether someone should qualify for Aboriginal-only benefits and programs because they self-identify. He posted photos to illustrate his point. I know this sort of topic is sensitive, but nothing should stop it from being discussed.

Does free speech allow you to claim a pulpit of supposed professionalism when the evidence you present is factually inaccurate or presented in an inflammatory, provocative and ultimately misleading manner? Free speech seems more justifiable only if it's entered into in a spirit of actually being open to discussion, of having merit and evidence behind it. In any case, to characterise what Bolt wrote as a 'discussion' of multiculturalism is... well, I wouldn't really agree with that characterisation.

Urgh, it's been too long since I read that case in detail.
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