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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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The column in question was what it means to be Aboriginal and whether someone should qualify for Aboriginal-only benefits and programs because they self-identify. He posted photos to illustrate his point. I know this sort of topic is sensitive, but nothing should stop it from being discussed.

This is a photo of my wife and her father, do you think she's too white to be 'classed as an Aboriginal'?



Edit: Sorry for the ridiculously large photo ;)


Where's the bet for 'same sex marriage won't happen under LNP', cause I would place all my live savings on it. Social progress doesn't happen under the liberals, they can't even make token gestures like apologising for the stolen generation.

Fuck anyone here who votes for them. Fuck you in your stupid fucking asses you stupid fucks.


What mistakes? I mean what mistakes specifically? How is this country worse off in any way apart from asylum seeker policy which Tony Abbott will make FAR, FAR WORSE.

The absolute worst thing you can say about Labor is how divided they are with their factions etc.. except that Tony Abbott won his leadership spill by 1 vote. Supported chiefly by climate change deniers from deadshit seats.
I guess my main concern with Liberals at federal level is that Liberals at state level have royally fucked us in the arse down here.
The fucking premier lives here yet they cut the heart out of the the schools, the hospitals, the TAFE and the University. All 4 of which required massive funding injections from the Federal government to make up the shortfall to stop the job cuts that were rampant down here. Going to take years to get services back up to 2009 rates after there fuckery.
They even had the balls to head to the next electorate over which is only just hanging on for Labor and announce $5 million for roads but zero $ for us. THEIR FUCKING ROAD LEADS INTO OURS! OUR SECTION IS POTHOLED AS FUCK! Cunts.


The businesses that started up due to funding schemes under the Labor state gov had all their tenders opened up to interstate and international competition when Liberals got in. They can't fucking compete with Chinese rates, even when the need massive boats to get the shit here! Again it took more federal handouts to compete, at least for the 2-3 businesses that could wait it out until the state told them "lol nope, no help for you anymore".


Don't ask what mistakes. They never answer.

Something something deficit something something, don't forget the boats.

I think that about covers it. That silly infographic does have a point and I still don't know which is worse, the Coalition using the d word as a scare tactic, or the public equating a nation's finances to their own.

Oh noes the government is in debt, the economy is in tatters, how will we survive?!
If there is enough pressure (which there will be both outside and within his own party) I think it will happen. He won't vote for it though.

I'm not sure it would pass even with a conscience vote. We're almost certain to have a conservative majority in the house, and likely to have a senate that is either conservative or almost so.

Given that there's members of the Labor party who don't support same sex marriage I don't see enough Coalition members willing to cross the floor to pass it. A small majority of the population may support it, but career politicians are generally more conservative than the general populace (for a variety of reasons).

I guess if there was a considerable increase in public pressure in the next few years it could happen (and given that there's been considerably movement in the Western countries in that direction that's not impossible. Seeing the UK legalize it, and even the US taking significant steps may motivate people. )


I have a cunning plan. We build sea lab!

If you're looking for me, you better look under the sea. Cause that is where you'll find me, underneath the seaaaaaaaaaa lab, underneath the water, sea lab, at the bottom of the sea!

Just gotta convince Clive to give up on Titanic and jurassic Park.... and having any say in how its run.


Did I just see someone actually use a betting site to somehow suggest that SSM would be made legal under an Abbott led government? lmfao
Something something deficit something something, don't forget the boats.

I think that about covers it. That silly infographic does have a point and I still don't know which is worse, the Coalition using the d word as a scare tactic, or the public equating a nation's finances to their own.

Oh noes the government is in debt, the economy is in tatters, how will we survive?!

It gets really weird when you realize the majority of those people are in debt by the metric being used (ie they have an unpaid mortgage and unpaid loans with a value in excess of their assets).


Did I just see someone actually use a betting site to somehow suggest that SSM would be made legal under an Abbott led government? lmfao

He isn't the smartest cookie.

As I said, if you think you know better then feel free to earn some money as well as bragging rights. There is a reason bookies are treated seriously among political circles.

I'm not saying it definitely will happen, I'm just repudiating those who say it definitely won't happen.
He's said quite comfortably, in every single debate that a conscience vote will not happen because of how decisive it was the first time. Who's going to tap him on the shoulder and tell him otherwise? Joe Hockey? Malcolm Turnbull?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
It gets really weird when you realize the majority of those people are in debt by the metric being used (ie they have an unpaid mortgage and unpaid loans with a value in excess of their assets).
Reminds me of that classic scene from 2010 when the Chaser showed Abbott that his mortgage was a far greater percentage of his income than government debt was.
"And, and, and, and and....".
Something something deficit something something, don't forget the boats.

I think that about covers it. That silly infographic does have a point and I still don't know which is worse, the Coalition using the d word as a scare tactic, or the public equating a nation's finances to their own.

Oh noes the government is in debt, the economy is in tatters, how will we survive?!

It's interesting (disheartening) how this idea of a fiscal surplus as a universally desirable outcome has become conventional wisdom when it originated as a trojan horse for neoliberal/small government advocates; the idea being that in order to achieve a surplus governments would have to reduce in size and cede ground to the markets. This blog post - "Voting on a lie" goes into it a bit.

So, for example, if a nation has an external deficit, and the private domestic sector desires to save overall we know, that at the current level of national income, the government budget must be in deficit. There are no ifs and buts about this.

That conclusion does not reflect any political (ideological) perspective unless one wants to become overly “post-modern” and quibble the concepts such as the national accounts are in themselves subjective and tainted by ideology.


The point is that within this framework of understanding, a person might prefer to sustain mass unemployment as an ideological value. They might believe it is beneficial to have large pools of unemployment suppressing the capacity of workers to enjoy wages growth, which would make it easier for the owners of capital to extract a larger share of real income growth.


Both positions reflect starkly different ideologies. But they could both share the same understanding of the way modern monetary system operates.

However, the politics would be quite different because the neo-liberal would have to do publicly admit that they were deliberately suppressing the capacity of the government to maintain full employment because they liked to have a pool of unemployed and the disadvantaged that the occupants of that pool will endure.

Imagine what the public would do to a political party that made such admissions.

Instead, they come out with the smokescreen that the government has run out of money or is in deep trouble because the nation is stuck in deficit and deficits are bad and a whole manner of bad things are going to happen if they don’t cut government spending now and so it goes.

It goes beyond the examples given as well. A competently managed "small" government that wasn't comprised of unemployment loving cartoon villains could acknowledge that deficits and surpluses both have their roles just as easily as a bloated socialist one could.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
On the plus side, at least the Liberals will phase out the load of crap that is climate change. What bollocks. What would climate scientists know. Bunch of wanker hippies who should get a real job, like mining.


It gets really weird when you realize the majority of those people are in debt by the metric being used (ie they have an unpaid mortgage and unpaid loans with a value in excess of their assets).

Reminds me of that classic scene from 2010 when the Chaser showed Abbott that his mortgage was a far greater percentage of his income than government debt was.
"And, and, and, and and....".

It's interesting (disheartening) how this idea of a fiscal surplus as a universally desirable outcome has become conventional wisdom when it originated as a trojan horse for neoliberal/small government advocates; the idea being that in order to achieve a surplus governments would have to reduce in size and cede ground to the markets. This blog post - "Voting on a lie" goes into it a bit.

It goes beyond the examples given as well. A competently managed "small" government that wasn't comprised of unemployment loving cartoon villains could acknowledge that deficits and surpluses both have their roles just as easily as a bloated socialist one could.

I was writing a longer reply to these but I gave up. Simple macroeconomic concepts and truths being miscontrued irritates the hell out of me and the public lapping it up even more so.

But hey, as long as they save a few bucks on useless things like modern telecommunications infrastructure and get back to surplus all will be well.



Abbott vows to cut futile research

MILLIONS of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for obscure research projects - such as the role of public art in climate change - will be scrapped or redirected to find cures for dementia and other diseases as part of a Coalition crackdown on government waste.

And a further $1.1 billion is expected to be returned to the budget bottom line from the scrapping of the carbon tax, under the Coalition election promises costings to be released today.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal that as part of the Coalition's budget savings measures, a dedicated team will be formed under its proposed Commission of Audit to re-prioritise about $900 million in annual Australian Research Council grants.

While the overall ARC grant pool - which help fund vital research - would not be cut, a razor would be put to projects that are deemed "wasteful".

And the funds released from the projects to be axed will be put into new medical research programs for dementia, diabetes and tropical disease.

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey will today release the Coalition's election budget savings and policy costings, which will boast a plan to shave $6 billion off the budget bottom line over the next four years.

It would also reveal that there would be no cuts to health or education but is expected to include cuts to the foreign aid program.

Mr Hockey is also expected to reveal that the Coalition would start clawing back government debt - now estimated at about $270 billion - by $12 billion over the four-year forward estimates.

The long-awaited release of the Coalition's spend and savings plan follows weeks of pressure from the government to come clean on how it will pay for its policies and where it would cut from the budget.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal that a list of the types of grants that would no longer be funded under new and more stringent guidelines for the ARC included an RMIT project on Spatial Dialogues: Public Art and Climate Change which sought to explore how people could adapt to climate change through public art.

Coalition sources also cited as waste several grants worth more than $1 million into philosophical studies including the meaning of "I" through a retrospective study of 18th and 19th century German existentialists.

It also suggested that programs such as the $160,000 given to Macquarie University to examine "sexuality in Islamic interpretations of reproductive health technologies in Egypt" would no longer receive taxpayer-funded assistance.

It's the kind of thing that sounds reasonable ("THOSE ACADEMICS UP IN THEIR IVORY TOWERS USING GRANT MONEY TO LOOK AT DUMB THINKING THINGS, WHY AREN'T WE FINDING CURES FOR CANCER?") but betrays a misunderstanding of how research and the scientiifc process actually concludes. This ain't Civ V where we put research points p/year into a number of set paths that will definitely pay-off when we hit 10,000 total science points or found Oxford University.


The Coalition will release its long-awaited costings figures today, after the election ad blackout came into effect overnight, killing Labor's ability to run attack ads based on the figures.

What mistakes?

Don't ask what mistakes. They never answer.

In my opinion:

In practical terms:
The mining tax was a big mistake. There is merit to the idea, but it did stop projects going ahead and it has cost jobs. All for basically no return.

In ethical terms:
Constantly promising a budget surplus that could not be delivered. The way the change of leaders was handled.

From a political standpoint:
Making the mistake of constantly telling the Australian public that "they knew best" or that the reason for decisions was a "matter for caucus". Even if you are not listening, you should always be seen to be listening.

Is that enough to throw them out? Probably not actually, but I doubt the Liberal party will do much different so I don't think it particularly matters. A decent loss will do the party good.
lmaoo. he's in fantasy land if he honestly thinks his party will pickup 10 senate seats

He must have spent some money though. I've been getting something in the mail almost daily from him.

Straight to the bin of course, but I do respect the effort and ... well dinosaurs are kind of cool too.

I'd love to see all that junk mail being opt-in.


Palmer Party polling predicts pretty presumptuous placings, priority put pestering people with printed periodicals.

Damn it so close.
In my opinion:

In practical terms:
The mining tax was a big mistake. There is merit to the idea, but it did stop projects going ahead and it has cost jobs. All for basically no return.

In ethical terms:
Constantly promising a budget surplus that could not be delivered. The way the change of leaders was handled.

From a political standpoint:
Making the mistake of constantly telling the Australian public that "they knew best" or that the reason for decisions was a "matter for caucus". Even if you are not listening, you should always be seen to be listening.

Is that enough to throw them out? Probably not actually, but I doubt the Liberal party will do much different so I don't think it particularly matters. A decent loss will do the party good.

Yeah the mining tax was a disaster. They should have either stuck to their guns or scrapped it. Basically allowing mining companies to write the mining tax was stupid, it means people can say there is a tax, while it's not adding anything to revenue.

The change of leaders/caucus thing was also bad. It undermines the appearance of democracy which is more damaging for them the their opponents (the LNP can basically fall back on appeal to tradition).



It's the kind of thing that sounds reasonable ("THOSE ACADEMICS UP IN THEIR IVORY TOWERS USING GRANT MONEY TO LOOK AT DUMB THINKING THINGS, WHY AREN'T WE FINDING CURES FOR CANCER?") but betrays a misunderstanding of how research and the scientiifc process actually concludes. This ain't Civ V where we put research points p/year into a number of set paths that will definitely pay-off when we hit 10,000 total science points or found Oxford University.

Yeah but I mean, come on:

Public Art and Climate Change which sought to explore how people could adapt to climate change through public art.

Coalition sources also cited as waste several grants worth more than $1 million into philosophical studies including the meaning of "I" through a retrospective study of 18th and 19th century German existentialists.

$160,000 given to Macquarie University to examine "sexuality in Islamic interpretations of reproductive health technologies in Egypt"

That reads like an Onion satire piece on Government waste.


He must have spent some money though. I've been getting something in the mail almost daily from him.

Straight to the bin of course, but I do respect the effort and ... well dinosaurs are kind of cool too.

I'd love to see all that junk mail being opt-in.
There's no doubt the huge amounts of money he's spending helps but it sure as hell ain't "10 senate seats" levels of help, especially when he's polling at around ~4% Nationally (8% in Queensland).

Saying that it would be hilarious if he actually did pull it off.
So, Mirabella might lose her seat? That would be unfortunate.

Just like Lionel Richie i will be dancing on the ceiling if this happens :)

Don't ask what mistakes. They never answer.

I went to bed not long after my post, the only way they are accountable to their actions is to send them packing in the election.

I am more unhappy about the state of the budget than anything else.


lmaoo. he's in fantasy land if he honestly thinks his party will pickup 10 senate seats

e: oh my god the chinese spy bit. he's out katter'd katter ahahhahahahaaa

Considering that Abbott is about to become the prime minister of Australia, anything is possible at this stage...



Yeah but I mean, come on:

That reads like an Onion satire piece on Government waste.

The first two more than the last. But more to the point, you almost never have any idea what research is worth until it's completed and placed in context with all the rest of the research in its field.

Or are you suggesting we just scrap all Arts research funding? Dead languages not so useful irl, after all.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Just like Lionel Richie i will be dancing on the ceiling if this happens :)

I went to bed not long after my post, the only way they are accountable to their actions is to send them packing in the election.

I am more unhappy about the state of the budget than anything else.
Why? Bottom line or structure?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Tomorrow I'll pick up some nice stouts, and a couple of strong, hoppy beers. That should be enough.
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