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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Spot the odd one out :p
I read something recently about a crocodile found at a police station near or on the outskirts of Darwin. The first people to arrive weren't the animal handlers or backup police officers but it was the NT News.

There must be an Alarm that goes off in the NT News office everytime a Croc is found in a pool, up a tree, in someones beer etc... and they all scramble like the thunderbirds.


How so? I'm missing something obvious here or they all say similar things (ch9 paying for release)
Maybe there's a racist Lebanese/bags of gold association there. Wouldn't put it past them.

Just want to say that I continue to think Daniel Andrews is the best Premier in the country.

$15 million dollars for a Pride Center as well as $6.4 million for gender dysphoria health services.

He really, really is. I'd honestly like to thank the Libs, Abbott and Napthine for all being so fucking incompetent that Andrews got voted in. Because he didn't really get in on policies IMO (because people are shit), just that people wanted the Libs out.

But I'm glad it's him though, he's rad as shit.


He really, really is. I'd honestly like to thank the Libs, Abbott and Napthine for all being so fucking incompetent that Andrews got voted in. Because he didn't really get in on policies IMO (because people are shit), just that people wanted the Libs out.

But I'm glad it's him though, he's rad as shit.

Well, he also nixed that stupid tunnel.


Maybe there's a racist Lebanese/bags of gold association there. Wouldn't put it past them.
I might be reading too much into it because it's the Tele and I assume that they're always trying to be racist but yeah I thought that their use of "bags of gold" was probably intentional.


Looks like optional preferential voting might be dead in Queensland. I actually think it's a fair enough voting system, but having that sort of OPV/ CPV divide has been proven to create a higher level of informal votes at the federal level.
Looks like optional preferential voting might be dead in Queensland. I actually think it's a fair enough voting system, but having that sort of OPV/ CPV divide has been proven to create a higher level of informal votes at the federal level.

Considering we only have district based representation and OPV has become effectively FPTP I'm not going to complain. There's no danger of preference snowballs.


Yeah, Daniel Andrews IS the best premier in the country. The rest (except for Baird) are utter trash. I like Baird but he's put forward a few incredibly dodgy policies. Andrews seems to actually understand classical liberalism and practice what he preaches.
Who wants to bet that Cathy's share of the vote will skyrocket after this at the election? Apparently Mirabella is hated in Indi enough as it is, this won't endear her to them.

There's nothing unusual about that kind of Tit for Tat petty politics its often used as an argument on behalf of government incumbents. Its just incredibly dumb to bring attention when it looks like petty reprisal instead of the reward for backing the winner.
How is this illegal exactly? What laws has it broken (surely something I hope. Mirabella is the personification of the spitefulness the right wing conservatives display)

It doesn't have to break any laws because its not a fine as you'd think of it. Its a reduction in a benefit , as such the act that provides the benefit can be adjusted to remove or reduce the benefit for any reason the government feels like.


It doesn't have to break any laws because its not a fine as you'd think of it. Its a reduction in a benefit , as such the act that provides the benefit can be adjusted to remove or reduce the benefit for any reason the government feels like.

I was referring to mirabella admitting her former electorate lost hospital funding becasue McGowan won the seat instead of her.
Didn't Campbell Newman try that sort of thing in the last QLD election? I believe it was out Ipswich way where they were to get funding for a sports venue if the LNP won and the local member got over the line, nothing if both didn't happen. It's pretty shameless that they say it out loud but not much you can do about it other than voting.

Anyway I'm more interested if whether Mirabella shoved McGowan out of the way at a photo op! I imagine she did, her crocodile tears last night weren't all that convincing.
Didn't Campbell Newman try that sort of thing in the last QLD election? I believe it was out Ipswich way where they were to get funding for a sports venue if the LNP won and the local member got over the line, nothing if both didn't happen. It's pretty shameless that they say it out loud but not much you can do about it other than voting.

Anyway I'm more interested if whether Mirabella shoved McGowan out of the way at a photo op! I imagine she did, her crocodile tears last night weren't all that convincing.

He did indeed. Lots of LNP Members/Candidates did. To be fair they were probably correct about Queenslanders intentions. We (as a state) probably didn't meant to elect a Labor Government just give the LNP a drubbing. Ashgrove certainly decisively meant to toss Campbell out of their electorate though (which is bizarre, it takes a really odd set of circumstances for a Premier to go without the party going but part of it was that Newman didn't take a traditional safe Leader's seat).
I just got door-knocked by the local Greens candidate! First time I've ever been door-knocked apart from some random crazy independent many a year ago. We shared a love of hatred of Zed Seselja.

The Happening!
A delightful analysis of John Howard's legacy, why the mythology surrounding him is so wrong (much like the deification of Rondald Reagan) and how he basically fucked up the Coalition's ability to govern.

Really, someone in the political scene should tell it as it is and say that Howard is the source of most of our governmental and economic problems, but that someone would also make a lot of enemies. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I was in the right position, though, purely to piss off the whole Coalition and the Murdoch media.


A delightful analysis of John Howard's legacy, why the mythology surrounding him is so wrong (much like the deification of Rondald Reagan) and how he basically fucked up the Coalition's ability to govern.

Really, someone in the political scene should tell it as it is and say that Howard is the source of most of our governmental and economic problems, but that someone would also make a lot of enemies. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I was in the right position, though, purely to piss off the whole Coalition and the Murdoch media.
Where's Keating when you need him?


Really, someone in the political scene should tell it as it is and say that Howard is the source of most of our governmental and economic problems, but that someone would also make a lot of enemies. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I was in the right position, though, purely to piss off the whole Coalition and the Murdoch media.
Yeah if I had a voice I wouldn't hesitate to shout it as loud as I could


Fuck me, I don't think I can sit through another Q&A with Lyle Shelton. Probably time to fire up GoT, a far friendlier politic.
Hah, I literally made the same comparison to my fiancee last night. "Watched" about 5 minutes, knew instantly that as soon as the host said "everyone at this desk is a practising Christian" why Tony Jones wasn't there, and turned off the TV.


Whelp the PNG Supreme court has ruled Manus detention illegal. I'd say this continues Malcolm's string of headaches but it's not like Shorten has covered himself in glory on this issue.
Whelp the PNG Supreme court has ruled Manus detention illegal. I'd say this continues Malcolm's string of headaches but it's not like Shorten has covered himself in glory on this issue.

Morally I agree. Politically he can dodge by saying he/Labor trusted the Government to uphold the highest moral and legal standards and he's disappointed that they failed to blah blah blah. That's been the core of Labor's strategy on anything they might be wedged on, raise some minor objections, fold , and then comment as little as possible allowing them to pivot whenever it's convenient. It's morally pathetic but politically very effective.
Wasn't the Labor party responsible for Manus?

This is just going to be a big dog whistle for the LNP, they love it when they can be mean to refugees. "The courts may say we can't send people to Manus but we decide who comes to this country and how." Could just become Turnbull's Tampa. :(
Wasn't the Labor party responsible for Manus?

This is just going to be a big dog whistle for the LNP, they love it when they can be mean to refugees. "The courts may say we can't send people to Manus but we decide who comes to this country and how." Could just become Turnbull's Tampa. :(

Yes, and their track record according to the HRC report was also impressively inhumane, they just managed to somewhat less awful.

I don't think it can become Turnbull's Tampa / Children Overboard / whatever. At this stage in the game I think refugees and immigration generally are so politically polarized that opinion is unlikely to shift significantly. Besides which Labor will immediately match any attempts to settle refugees anywhere up to and including the Bowels of Hell while promising to be more humane about in political arenas that care about that sort of things. The same way they'd pass any national security measure up to and including a Panopticon, while promising to respect civil rights blah blah (which makes them pretty much indistinguishable from the Liberals on this one).


So the French win the sub contract. A little surprised, but then beyond Japans involvement I had not heard much in terms of countries making bids.
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