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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I'm pretty sure the Libs started using it to counter the idea. Theoretically it's sort of true, the problem is that ASIC is a disturbingly good example of regulatory capture, they don't even really seem to be trying.
Yeah, but since then they've been reminded that they stripped budget from ASIC, and they've stopped making those noises.
Then we must abolish it.

I'd prefer to get it working properly but I kinda suspect you're right , in that it would need severe changes to management and culture, this is the regulator that lost a letter in which a Bank reported they suspected issues in one of their divisions. Which is a plot line that belongs in an office sitcom not reality.
The possible Banking Industry RC seems pretty popular in the general populace. Now that the polls are all around 50/50 any political capital Turnbull may have had, and has subsequently wasted, is gone. He just doesn't have the capital to oppose the potential RC in any significant way, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if the coming budget introduced new spending for ASIC and other regulatory institutes to counter the call for the RC. Of course the fact that they gutted ASIC will be swept under the carpet, if there is any room left under there. Must be bulging at the seams by now.
Thankfully Tonys hard right candidate wasn't the winner.

Seems like the Moderate wing is in full ascendancy in NSW at the moment. Surprised they didn't go after tones, bet they will next time if he runs yet again.

Looks like Turnbull has given up on the ABCC bill, assuming they were even genuine in the first place. I suppose the clue was when they stopped talking about it and went all in the the Truckies bill, a cause very successfully astroturfed by the IPA and one they were far more likely to get a win with.

Edit: LolIpsos

Labor 50(+3)/Lib 50 (-3)

Support Banking RC 65! Oppose 26.

Should be a comedy 7 week election campaign with the Coalition trying to push shit uphill.
Fairfax/IPOS has joined the 50/50 train. And Newspoll is steady at 51/49 towards Labor. The Libs must be panicking right now.

Oh, this election is going to be amazing. The Libs are utterly paralysed, unable to compete with Labor actually sorta getting its act together, completely stuck with a PM who is unable to do anything of substance (especially not anything people were expecting him to do initially thanks to the right-wing forcing him into a corner), unable to avoid a DD without looking cowardly, unable to boot the PM without being exposed for being just as bad as Labor on leadership changes (even Kevin Andrews declaring he could start a challenge didn't help), and an increasingly belligerent right-wing damaging the party from within and also utterly delusional about how well a 'true conservative' party would actually do in this political climate. The budget, from what we know, will likely be unimpressive at best, and possibly a repeat of 2014 at worst if Morrison really screws up.

Best-case scenario I can see for the Libs, barring a disaster of some sort on Labor's side of things or some miracle that somehow boosts Coalition support? A hung parliament. But if things get worse, Turnbull might have the dishonor of being booted out of government as a half-term PM. And when he is booted out of the leader's seat, there'd be nobody left who could compete against Shorten, even as unimpressive as Shorten is, who won't have their prospects at leadership be destroyed by an election loss, and certainly nobody who can both keep the right-wing in line and provide policies that are actually electable. The electorate won't give Tony a second chance now that they've seen what he's like in office, Morrison's political career could be destroyed by his own treasurership much like Hockey before him, and does anyone think Kevin Andrews would be remotely competitive? Everyone else is either too right-wing, crazy, or inept to give the Coalition a fighting chance anymore. The only genuinely safe seats are owned by right-wingers, and that's not even close to a majority.

Turnbull is literally the Coalition's last hope, and possibly the only thing standing between them and political irrelevance for a generation.


I'd prefer to get it working properly but I kinda suspect you're right , in that it would need severe changes to management and culture, this is the regulator that lost a letter in which a Bank reported they suspected issues in one of their divisions. Which is a plot line that belongs in an office sitcom not reality.

Abolishing a regulator smacks of the general libertarian logic of "there are some problems with these laws so we should do away with all laws ever" but it will never really be fixed unless there is better equality of wealth between regulator and regulatee. Basically concentration of wealth is what should be abolished.
Abolishing a regulator smacks of the general libertarian logic of "there are some problems with these laws so we should do away with all laws ever" but it will never really be fixed unless there is better equality of wealth between regulator and regulatee. Basically concentration of wealth is what should be abolished.

For something like a captured regulator though it's very hard to clear out the connections, informal agreements and cultural practises that embed the capture without applying metaphorical fire. It doesn't help that people often argue in favor of regulatory capture because those are the people with the experience to do the job. An argument that's correct but sort of ignores the inherent flaws.


Turnbull trying to buy SA votes now with boatbuilding promises.

That's the Tory way. Strip out programs/funding/support after an election, then promise to re-invest in a neglected area just before election only with less money than you stripped away beforehand.

Thieves did this to a number of health portfolios and the broken promises of Abbott in 2013. It's happening again. Pyne must be in danger of losing his comfy seat.


For something like a captured regulator though it's very hard to clear out the connections, informal agreements and cultural practises that embed the capture without applying metaphorical fire. It doesn't help that people often argue in favor of regulatory capture because those are the people with the experience to do the job. An argument that's correct but sort of ignores the inherent flaws.

Oh I'm all for fire as long as something new will replace the general idea.
The $1000 fine is applied only if she breaks the good behaviour bond.

Jeez, slap on the wrist. I suspect it was more about restoring Joyce's standing and getting away from his convincing impression of a raving lunatic.

And now for Morgan:

L/NP 50 (-2.5) ALP 50 (+2.5)

I actually find it slightly bizarre all the polls are in such tight agreement. Though Morgan is far more Green far less Labor.

Who is he? A young liberal?

A very young liberal, though he sounds like a grumpy 80 y.o.!
The ABCC just went down in flames in the Senate.

For: Day, Lemonheld, Wang and Xenophon
Against: Lambie, The Brick, Madigan and Muir.

What a sad, pathetic and disingenuous use of Government for your own electoral means. 3 weeks and the vote is on the first day with no effort to negotiate, why am I not surprised?

As a bonus there's a good chance come July 3 I'll never have to even try to spell Leyonhjelm correctly again!


The ABCC just went down in flames in the Senate.

For: Day, Lemonheld, Wang and Xenophon
Against: Lambie, The Brick, Madigan and Muir.

What a sad, pathetic and disingenuous use of Government for your own electoral means. 3 weeks and the vote is on the first day with no effort to negotiate, why am I not surprised?

Well its not like they had any interest in passing it. I hope they end up with an even more hostile senate.

Now comes the 10 week campaign. Thank god for add free streaming.
Well its not like they had any interest in passing it. I hope they end up with an even more hostile senate.

Now comes the 10 week campaign. Thank god for add free streaming.

Hmm, nothing really surprising on the votes apart from maybe Xenophon's vote (he stands to make out like a bandit from a DD) .

Leyonhjelm is a little surprising (given that an ABCC is not exactly a libertarian thing) but not hugely given his chance of being re-elected (~0).


Interesting how these things only happen to save Liberal Party jobs, not Australian manufacturing jobs.

Government for the sake of Government, not the country.

And its sad that they will happily support jobs there because of Pyne whilst letting all the shipping building jobs at Newcastle vanish. Not that its surprising given the Liberal Parties relationship with Newcastle.

Same thing is happening on the state level with various government jobs and offices all being shut down and relocated to Sydney or Gosford.


with the general observation that australia doesn't vote in government so much as votes them out, as well as some thoughts about informal voting, i've developed the concept of the anti-vote. By instead of numbering boxes you draw a wang in a box by a candidate's name, you forfeit your own vote but 'negate' a vote for that candidate. no flow on anti-vote preferences.

I expect bill shorten to get in on roughly - 4000 votes.
Apart from childish allusions involving Turnbull and a set of DDs I like what the writers/twitter account of House of Cards said:

Australian Election (2016) - If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table


AusPoliGAF |Election 2016| Double the Disillusionment
AusPoliGAF |Election 2016| Easy as ABCC
AusPoliGAF |Election 2016| Now with Preferences


There's a joke somewhere about conservatives, abortions and not lasting a full term, but I can't think of the wording :/

The ABCC one works, though! But I think a more internationally appealing/understandable title would be best.


There's a joke somewhere about conservatives, abortions and not lasting a full term, but I can't think of the wording :/

The ABCC one works, though! But I think a more internationally appealing/understandable title would be best.

Shorten termbull abortion is as close as I can get.
Lib MP Ann Sudmalis in hot water over councils petition

Liberal MP Ann Sudmalis could be dumped from her marginal seat before the election, after she ­“accidentally” signed a petition saying she would not vote for her state colleagues because of their views on council mergers.

After a turbulent weekend for the NSW branch of the party, which saw Bronwyn Bishop booted from her seat and Bob Baldwin announce his retirement, the party is looking at disendorsing Ms ­Sudmalis from the south coast seat of Gilmore, which she holds by a 3.8 per cent margin.

Ms Sudmalis yesterday wrote to NSW Premier Mike Baird to ­explain she had ­accidentally signed the petition, which opposed council amalgamations and stated an “intention to vote against the honourable Shelley Hancock MP & Gareth Ward MP, as well as the government in the upper house at the next state election”.






The real culprit is actually climatogenic anthro-change. The climate is having an impact on humans! Just look at the Sahara, you can't live there! We need to reduce the climate before it completely destroys humanity.
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