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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Commercial stations are pissing me off. They go from fluff pieces about the Queensland Spirit straight into fear mongering.

That frog has balls though. Fuck going 10pm anywhere near a brownsnake :lol

Also, is it still raining in Brissy?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
HolyCheck said:
Fuck, I'm meant to fly out to melb from Adelaide tomorrow night, then thursday morning I'm flying to NZ.. hope not :(

I'm 200km north of Melbourne and it's been raining pretty heavy for 2 hours now. I can see minor flash flooding if this keeps up for a few days. Radar shows this cell breaking up pretty soon though. Depends how wet the next few days are and where exactly it rains.


that shopping centre on the riverfront in Ipswich is going to go under as far as i can see. big place too.

good luck qld GAF

good morning


Has problems recognising girls
Went to sleep at 11pm in the hopes that I'd wake up early and justify how things were going. Unfortunately I could only sleep 3 hours.


Has problems recognising girls
My street has been designated as a warning zone, though a lot of that will only be reflected toward the houses further down the road. We're about 4m higher than the lowest point there, and then that's about another 4-6m higher than the river. I imagine that warning is reflected for everyone as the lower houses will be flooded and the higher houses will be cut off from everything else.

We've packed the essentials and put everything most valuable at the highest areas of the house. Just before the peak hits in the afternoon, I'll start to fill the bathtub up with water. If we get an evacuation then I'll go switch the electricity off, put everything in the car and drive uphill.

So hopefully things won't be too bad and me being overly cautious will amount to nothing more than that. The prospect of having a house full of that gunky water and the cleanup afterwards will not be fun.


Has problems recognising girls
Jesus christ. Campbell Newman up at this hour talking to ABC local at a sandbagging depot. I take back my headbutt comment.

Gah, was last night.


Has problems recognising girls
Still early days but I think the fact that we're in the internet and digital age is making things a lot easier for the majority of the population. The radio is still one of the most valuable resources for information during these times, but at least I can get updates as soon as they come from the QLD Police and Brisbane City Council.

mandiller said:
Still monitoring the water at St Lucia. It has begun to lap at our driveway. Should be interesting.
Damn. North side of St Lucia is going to be destroyed :(
Ether_Snake said:
I was thinking of going on vacation in Australia next summer, but I might push it to the next summer instead. Not sure if this would have changed anything but whatever, it might be more convenient for me anyway.
Ice cold.
So I went for a drive around midnight tonight and headed towards Southbank. Stood around the banks of the river with a few hundred other sticky-beaks and watched as all manner of crap was swept past us. The lower walking path on the Southank side of the river is completely under, and the water is beginning to spew into the adjacent underground car-park... put it this way, if you had a car parked in there, you can pretty much write it off. :lol

Craziness. The rushing floodwater and burst water mains, coupled with the warning sirens and triggered alarms really contributed to the eerie atmosphere.

I'm going to sleep now. I expect to wake up around midday and my calculations suggest the flooding will be nowhere near as bad as expected, and I fucking hope I'm right. Stay safe, BrisGaf.
Gelry said:
This summer I will be going to Queensland. We booked a trip in july (so winter in Australia and the dry season in Queensland -or so I hope-) We will drive from Brisbane to Cairns in a campervan. I'm afraid the area will not have recovered fully by then and I will feel like a disaster tourist :(

I hope QLD recovers. In 2009 I've been to Australia (did a small tour of the country visiting various parts of it except WA -sorry guys-) and I fell in love with it. Such nice people everywhere, beautiful landscapes and very good food.

By that time, you'll probably see no effects of the flood.


Has problems recognising girls
Power being turned off in low-lying suburbs affected by the floods at 8:30am. No word on which suburbs specifically. Expecting power to possibly be out till Friday.


Our office for ABC News Online on coronation drive has been cut off so no one is at work to update the site. We'll have other staff in other places working on the site but the headquarters is on coro drive so the site is going to be pretty dead if you're wondering why its not updating much. This sucks! That office is for the whole of Australia. Hope you guys stay safe. Water has just cut off the front of my driveway but i can easily walk in it still, I reckon it will steer around the street and not go too much into my place.


mandiller said:
Our office for ABC News Online on coronation drive has been cut off so no one is at work to update the site. We'll have other staff in other places working on the site but the headquarters is on coro drive so the site is going to be pretty dead if you're wondering why its not updating much. This sucks! That office is for the whole of Australia. Hope you guys stay safe. Water has just cut off the front of my driveway but i can easily walk in it still, I reckon it will steer around the street and not go too much into my place.

Maybe you should mention that on the site actually.

Also I'm flying out on friday, I wonder if my connecting flight could be affected... Hopefully nothing else terrible happens while I am away.


Has problems recognising girls
ABC says western suburbs will experience their peak today, CBD tomorrow. We'll see how things go.


So they're saying NSW and Victoria might get the flood? God damn it, stop stealing our floods you bastards, this is OUR flood! *shakes fist at cloud*
I've been hoping a smoking gun would come along to alert the world to the serious danger that global warming poses, but I didn't expect to find it in Australia. Unfortunately however the US media is too focused on the Congressional assassination attempt to comment on the fact that half of Australia is underwater.

Anyways though good luck to everyone having to deal with the flooding. I've lived through multiple hurricane floods so I know how much of a pain it is.




The Gap


Some business owner who apparently spells with a cold



LegendofJoe said:
I've been hoping a smoking gun would come along to alert the world to the serious danger that global warming poses, but I didn't expect to find it in Australia. Unfortunately however the US media is too focused on the Congressional assassination attempt to comment on the fact that half of Australia is underwater.

Anyways though good luck to everyone having to deal with the flooding. I've lived through multiple hurricane floods so I know how much of a pain it is.

There were worse floods in 18-something or another.


mandiller said:
Our office for ABC News Online on coronation drive has been cut off so no one is at work to update the site. We'll have other staff in other places working on the site but the headquarters is on coro drive so the site is going to be pretty dead if you're wondering why its not updating much. This sucks! That office is for the whole of Australia. Hope you guys stay safe. Water has just cut off the front of my driveway but i can easily walk in it still, I reckon it will steer around the street and not go too much into my place.

not trying to get you to work in that situation, you shouldn't

but those not affect surely can telecommute :)?


It's sunny out! Gives a false sense of security. In fact, because I'm home from work and it's sunny, my first instinct is to go to the beach!

Got the word from our man in the office last night to 'work at home' which is code for 'eat rasin toast and play Mass Effect 2'.

Watching the always saccharine morning news crew on Sunrise give a suburb by suburb run down of where the floods have hit hardest. Everything seems harmless and serene, until you realise there's hole streets under water.


wetwired said:
Ipswich looked like that before :p
I knew if I didn't say it, someone else would!

They've taken a meter off the estimate for how high the Bremer is gonna rise, so that's at least something.


Bernbaum said:
It's sunny out! Gives a false sense of security. In fact, because I'm home from work and it's sunny, my first instinct is to go to the beach!

Wait long enough and the beach may come to you.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Now Victoria and south Australia are getting severe weather. It's been raining heavy for like 24 hours now. Melbournes CBD has had flash flooding and I got a txt from the SES warning of flash flooding over the next 2 days.


Has problems recognising girls
Evacuated to a friend's house at Browns Plains. Could've gone to my brother's house 15 mins away in Forest Lake, but the Jindalee bridge was covered in water and Centenary Highway was closed between Fig Tree Pocket and Mt Ommaney.

Went down to the park at 5am and the river was starting to enroach upon it. Went back down at 7am and the water was on the road and people were realizing that evacuating was the best option. Left at 9am and the water still had another 5m in height to get to my house, but I wasn't risking the only way out of my one-way street to circumstances and what if's.

Hopefully the water won't get as high as my house, especially since there are houses further down that would be completely swallowed if this were to occur, but I took most of the important things.
Aww damn, best of luck speedpop.

I'm really impressed with Anna Bligh, she's a good speaker and appears to be getting things done. Her tone doesn't sound forcibly sympathetic like Gillard's, so that helps.
In an email I got from a friend (my hometown is Cairns but currently in Canada).

"Scrap that count, it's 10 dead now since a 4 year old boy was swept off a rescue boat while they were trying to get the rest of his family, 80 missing now. It's pretty intense atm."


Salazar said:
Damn, Speedpop. Good luck.

:lol @ Gillard nodding away behind Bligh. She's like a backbencher.

i find it hard to take your posts seriously. that avatar just will not let me do it. :lol


Has problems recognising girls
I'd just hate to think about people who are further along the river towards the north-east. We're situated near the lowest parts of it due to the hills around the area and we are only just beginning to get flooded in. Saw images of people walking around their streets waist-high in water at 6am and your heart has to go out to them because that water will double in height.

Should be interesting to see what the voters think of Bligh at the next state election. She's been pretty upfront and 24/7 about this which is what people want when they need a leader. Gillard has been hopeless and something akin to a dragon lady. No emotion.
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