Ozzy Onya A2Z
Hes dumb as doghshit and has an aura of douche about him..he actually tried to put money in my friends mouth like a pokie machine...thats how smashed he was....crown security were happy to see him blow thousands of dollars but he literally could not stand up properly
so we helped him out pretending to be his friends as buddy of mine is a tennis nut
he kept going on about porking famous women and the incredible amount of sluts that he has on his phone to bang at anytime.....he passed out when we got into fresh air and we had to use his thumb to unlock his phone and we used google to navigate to home but it was obviously set to some overseas location so we had to trawl his messages and we found a recent message from his nanna so we called it and she sent a dude to come and pick him up...the back of his car was decked out in plastic sheets which he got thrown into so he was either a serial killer or its a common thing...no news reports on him being missing so he must of got home
Also most of his messages were girls telling him to fuck off...he also had a fair amount of messages with dick pics ...which most were not his or he spray tans his dick black
he also had a fuckload of money in his bank account as there was a widget on his phone with the bank balance......we should of made some withdrawals but judging by the balance he could of paid someone to make us all disappear
Growing up my brother played against Mark in pennant/state grade tennis, my brother got destroyed and I'll never forget the sound of Mark's serve up close and in person. It was a totally different thunderous sound. Mark's dad, Nick, was a piece of shit all the way back then too. I recall my brother breaking his serve on one occasion and Nick repeatedly slamming/rattling the metal fencing behind play. My old man told him to get fucked or we'd boot him (old man was convener that day). Mark was quite AF, hardly said a work, his old man rode him in all walks of his life.