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Bullet Club

LOL Port. How embarrassment.

EB/Zing have started up their own marketplace.

They have a retro game section. Terranigma in box for $799. Jeepers. I remember buying that from Target for $30.
that was in Richmond right? CBD was like a ghost town, felt ominous but nothing eventuated. No public transport to the city really stuffed their plans

Bullet Club

that was in Richmond right? CBD was like a ghost town, felt ominous but nothing eventuated. No public transport to the city really stuffed their plans
Yeah, in Richmond.

You're right, there would have been a lot more there if PT was running.

Six officers in hospital, 235 arrests.
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It is hard for me to understand how police in a "free" society follow what are seemingly unlawful orders to keep the population from moving freely through society.
smh GIF


It is hard for me to understand how police in a "free" society follow what are seemingly unlawful orders to keep the population from moving freely through society.

There’s a pandemic going on, genius. And Australia made a pig’s ear of vaccine procurement. Melbourne is in lockdown to stop delta spreading like wildfire. Those dickheads should be at home.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
There’s a pandemic going on, genius. And Australia made a pig’s ear of vaccine procurement. Melbourne is in lockdown to stop delta spreading like wildfire. Those dickheads should be at home.
So you surrender your rights because of a disease? Should the people stay home, yes, should the government arrest and make it illegal to move about freely, no.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Don’t be a bell end. If a law‘s been instituted to prevent the spread of a virus, then people should obey it. Then the virus goes away quicker, eh?
We all did when the governments said "15 Days to stop the spread". WE have now been under some form of lockdown or restriction for a year and a half now. The virus hasn't gone away. It isn't going away until there is immunity of some form. I think we just have to learn to live with it.

I am not sure what a "Bell End" is, but I would rather have my freedom than an over-reaching government that can take it under the guise of wanting to protect me. They protected one elderly lady so well with pepper spray she died. Give your citizens the information, then let them decide. If some want to stay home then yay, if others want to go out yay, if businesses want to shut down let them decide. Tyrants always say it is for your own good.

If I am being too political which I probably am, then feel free to ask me to come back and edit it out mods. No big deal.

How do you create a toxic community, Call people names when you don't agree. FunkMiller FunkMiller has called me a genius to imply I am not one, and a bell end which I don't know what that means. I haven't called anyone a name.


There’s a pandemic going on, genius. And Australia made a pig’s ear of vaccine procurement. Melbourne is in lockdown to stop delta spreading like wildfire. Those dickheads should be at home.

I've brought this up a few times in the other thread, but it hasn't really been addressed.

Why were BLM allowed to march june last year? 3 months into this, less known about the virus plus 0% vaccination rate at the time, where its around 60% first dosed now. Oh and part of that whole cause is against police brutality. Yet people who just want to get on with their lives with minimal government interference are shut down and suppressed, blockaded, capsicum sprayed, tear gassed etc etc.

And Delta spreading like wildfire? It's already spreading more then OG CV last year, and yet there's been about 150 people die from this thing across Australia this year in nearly 9 months. 910 last year (in nearly 9 months). Still less combined then the flu in 2019 and 2017. Yet all we hear about are cases, and how they should be used to justify lockdowns and all the bs that goes along with that. Too lazy to look it up, but I'd be almost certain we 've had more cases up until this point this year then last too. Sydney were recording 1200 plus a day for a while, where last year I think Melbourne topped out around 800.

So with that in mind, the disease is spreading more, despite more of Australia being locked down this year (Sydney only did lockdown 1 last year) so they're not really working, less people are dying by a wide margin (good thing!), our vaccination rate is better now with around 60% having at least had the first dose, and yet we're still pretending its march 2020 and have learned absolutely nothing. It's absolute madness what's happening here.

Sent on day 234 of lockdown

Bullet Club


Singing Horses on the West Gate. They got teargassed not long after this.

My Mum used to have the cassingle of this. It's a nice song but not really a stirring right wing anthem.

And in other parts of the city...

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I've brought this up a few times in the other thread, but it hasn't really been addressed.

Why were BLM allowed to march june last year? 3 months into this, less known about the virus plus 0% vaccination rate at the time, where its around 60% first dosed now. Oh and part of that whole cause is against police brutality. Yet people who just want to get on with their lives with minimal government interference are shut down and suppressed, blockaded, capsicum sprayed, tear gassed etc etc.

And Delta spreading like wildfire? It's already spreading more then OG CV last year, and yet there's been about 150 people die from this thing across Australia this year in nearly 9 months. 910 last year (in nearly 9 months). Still less combined then the flu in 2019 and 2017. Yet all we hear about are cases, and how they should be used to justify lockdowns and all the bs that goes along with that. Too lazy to look it up, but I'd be almost certain we 've had more cases up until this point this year then last too. Sydney were recording 1200 plus a day for a while, where last year I think Melbourne topped out around 800.

So with that in mind, the disease is spreading more, despite more of Australia being locked down this year (Sydney only did lockdown 1 last year) so they're not really working, less people are dying by a wide margin (good thing!), our vaccination rate is better now with around 60% having at least had the first dose, and yet we're still pretending its march 2020 and have learned absolutely nothing. It's absolute madness what's happening here.

Sent on day 234 of lockdown

Why do you keep bringing up the BLM marches? They shouldn’t have happened either. You’re what abouting. And Australia wasn’t locked down then like it is now anyway.

And why are you bringing up last year at all? Covid was far less of an issue in Australia, due to the hard international lockdown, and less virulent strains. But delta is far more transmissible, and it got in this year: hence the hard lockdowns now.

The hard lockdowns are needed to keep delta from really spreading and killing a lot more people while the vaccine rates go up. Didn’t you see what happened in the US and U.K. last year?

Australia is paying for the government’s complacency last year. It’s going through now what other countries did in 2020. They didn’t keep Covid out, they just delayed it.
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LOL Port. How embarrassment.

EB/Zing have started up their own marketplace.

They have a retro game section. Terranigma in box for $799. Jeepers. I remember buying that from Target for $30.
he's dreamin. But with games being sold at record prices who knows. Ebay showed it going to 130-170. Had me checking what games I could make some money out of. smash bros has gone for $300 haha

Bullet Club

he's dreamin. But with games being sold at record prices who knows. Ebay showed it going to 130-170. Had me checking what games I could make some money out of. smash bros has gone for $300 haha
Retro game prices are always a bit wacky.

Even PS3 game prices have gone nuts during the pandemic. Stuff I got for $4 from EB a few years ago is now going for $70+.
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Why do you keep bringing up the BLM marches? They shouldn’t have happened either. You’re what abouting. And Australia wasn’t locked down then like it is now anyway.

And why are you bringing up last year at all? Covid was far less of an issue in Australia, due to the hard international lockdown, and less virulent strains. But delta is far more transmissible, and it got in this year: hence the hard lockdowns now.

The hard lockdowns are needed to keep delta from really spreading and killing a lot more people while the vaccine rates go up. Didn’t you see what happened in the US and U.K. last year?

Australia is paying for the government’s complacency last year. It’s going through now what other countries did in 2020. They didn’t keep Covid out, they just delayed it.

Why am I bringing up the past? Because we should learn from it. Isn't that meant to be how the much vaunted science is supposed to evolve? Looking at past results and learning and adapting from them.

The BLM march is a clear double standard and gives the impression the government isn't so fussed about the gathering of people, but more the message being protested. I won't go anymore into my thinking about that whole affair, because I'll be working a fine line with the whole no politics talk thing, but at least we can agree it shouldn't have been allowed to happen. But the fact is it did, without any arrests or pepper spray etc. Oh and Melbourne was indeed locked down at the time. Sydney, I'm not sure.

As for last year I think its pretty relevant given we have dealt with this for about 9 months in each year, and there's a clear fall in mortality despite this year being dominated by a different strain that's apparently worse then the original. Even though the numbers in this country don't suggest that at all. More transmissible, sure, maybe. More deadly, well that's highly debatable.

Last year is also relevant because it shows the people making these decisions aren't taking into account any of the negative effects of lockdowns, of which are numerous, and they just keep on doubling down on power tripping, draconian mandates. Who cares if suicides are up. Who care about kids mental health being affected by not being able to live like kids and go to school and hang out with friends etc. Who cares about all the small businesses that have shut down. Who cares about all the health issues going undetected because elective surgery hasn't been allowed for a lot of the last year and a half. Who cares about dying family members not being able to see loved ones in their final days because they live over an arbitrary border. Who cares if people in rural areas are affected by these, despite probably never even having seen a single local case. The list goes on.

But that last paragraph feels like something I probably wrote this time last year when the discussion around the pros and cons of lockdowns were a more relevant conversation. There's a reason most of the rest of the world has moved on from them. And there's a reason why these protests are getting a lot more people attend then the ones last year.


Why am I bringing up the past? Because we should learn from it. Isn't that meant to be how the much vaunted science is supposed to evolve? Looking at past results and learning and adapting from them.

The BLM march is a clear double standard and gives the impression the government isn't so fussed about the gathering of people, but more the message being protested. I won't go anymore into my thinking about that whole affair, because I'll be working a fine line with the whole no politics talk thing, but at least we can agree it shouldn't have been allowed to happen. But the fact is it did, without any arrests or pepper spray etc. Oh and Melbourne was indeed locked down at the time. Sydney, I'm not sure.

As for last year I think its pretty relevant given we have dealt with this for about 9 months in each year, and there's a clear fall in mortality despite this year being dominated by a different strain that's apparently worse then the original. Even though the numbers in this country don't suggest that at all. More transmissible, sure, maybe. More deadly, well that's highly debatable.

Last year is also relevant because it shows the people making these decisions aren't taking into account any of the negative effects of lockdowns, of which are numerous, and they just keep on doubling down on power tripping, draconian mandates. Who cares if suicides are up. Who care about kids mental health being affected by not being able to live like kids and go to school and hang out with friends etc. Who cares about all the small businesses that have shut down. Who cares about all the health issues going undetected because elective surgery hasn't been allowed for a lot of the last year and a half. Who cares about dying family members not being able to see loved ones in their final days because they live over an arbitrary border. Who cares if people in rural areas are affected by these, despite probably never even having seen a single local case. The list goes on.

But that last paragraph feels like something I probably wrote this time last year when the discussion around the pros and cons of lockdowns were a more relevant conversation. There's a reason most of the rest of the world has moved on from them. And there's a reason why these protests are getting a lot more people attend then the ones last year.

Scotty boy and his band of merry liberals fucked up. That's why Australia is currently in the toilet (right where the UK was last year).

There was always going to be a bill to pay for Covid, and Australia is paying it now - even though it didn't have to, if vaccines had been procured quicker, and the dumb ass politicians on both sides hadn't made AZ a political football. But you have to lockdown when a virus this bad comes along. No other way out until vaccines are in enough people's arms

You may not like the lockdowns, but they have to happen all the time vaccine rates aren't high enough. Otherwise the virus spreads. Just put up with it, like the rest of us had to. And vote the dozy cunts who put you in this position out next time, eh?

Australia got all the luck last year, now it's going through the same shit everybody else has had to. It'll be over fairly soon though, just like it is in the UK.
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FunkMiller FunkMiller is right.

Australia isn't America, we don't need to borrow Facebook algorithm bs about "freedom", the only way to get "free" of covid is to get your vaccines and be patient. Just because you want it to hurry up doesn't mean it will. Saying covid means nothing doesn't mean it means nothing, it just means you're stubborn.

You guys just feel like being tough mothers about something, it means little, I've got two family members living in Melbourne, probably not in Springvale or wherever you bogans come from, they don't enjoy the lockdowns but they get through them and make it work.

Putting shame on Australians, sucking up to yank shitslingers, i remember when all Australians had a healthy disregard for the intelligence of yank celebrities, what the hell happened??


I live in Japan, no lockdowns here, but despite insane population density our numbers are well below international levels. Why? Masks on, cultural reluctance to hug and kiss on greetings, and alcohol in every store entrance. Do i feel oppressed? Shit no.
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Scotty boy and his band of merry liberals fucked up. That's why Australia is currently in the toilet (right where the UK was last year).

There was always going to be a bill to pay for Covid, and Australia is paying it now - even though it didn't have to, if vaccines had been procured quicker, and the dumb ass politicians on both sides hadn't made AZ a political football. But you have to lockdown when a virus this bad comes along. No other way out until vaccines are in enough people's arms

You may not like the lockdowns, but they have to happen all the time vaccine rates aren't high enough. Otherwise the virus spreads. Just put up with it, like the rest of us had to. And vote the dozy cunts who put you in this position out next time, eh?

Australia got all the luck last year, now it's going through the same shit everybody else has had to. It'll be over fairly soon though, just like it is in the UK.

Yes I'm putting up with it fine. I've completely disregarded the whole hour outside rule pretty much everyday of these lockdowns and exercise outside daily for a few hours (specifically playing pick up basketball at a local park) and am as fit and healthy as I've been for probably 15 years or so. Doing that also helped expand my social circle oddly enough. But it doesn't mean I have to agree with what's going on, and I don't enjoy being played a fool. A lot of people have been far worse affected then me.

And trust me, for the first time in my life at next years state election I'll be very eager to cast a vote. Clive and his merry men have mine, and Dan can get the fuck out of there. Though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Dan invokes the old Joseph Goebbels way of thinking and making it about not who votes, but who counts the votes. Wouldn't put it past the piece of shit. Either way, if he's re-elected I'm getting the fuck out of Victoria

And over soon? I dunno. This has dragged on for way too long, and if covid passports are next, there's another shitstorm brewing

As for vaccines being the ONLY way to end this madness? Lets agree to disagree.

FunkMiller FunkMiller is right.

Australia isn't America, we don't need to borrow Facebook algorithm bs about "freedom", the only way to get "free" of covid is to get your vaccines and be patient. Just because you want it to hurry up doesn't mean it will. Saying covid means nothing doesn't mean it means nothing, it just means you're stubborn.

You guys just feel like being tough mothers about something, it means little, I've got two family members living in Melbourne, probably not in Springvale or wherever you bogans come from, they don't enjoy the lockdowns but they get through them and make it work.

Putting shame on Australians, sucking up to yank shitslingers, i remember when all Australians had a healthy disregard for the intelligence of yank celebrities, what the hell happened??


I live in Japan, no lockdowns here, but despite insane population density our numbers are well below international levels. Why? Masks on, cultural reluctance to hug and kiss on greetings, and alcohol in every store entrance. Do i feel oppressed? Shit no.

Another example of the Japanese people having their shit together.

And I'm not from Springy and feel insulted that you would insinuate as much. Footscray bogans> Springy bogans. Both of course pale in comparison to the mythical Frankston bogan though.


And over soon? I dunno. This has dragged on for way too long, and if covid passports are next, there's another shitstorm brewing

As for vaccines being the ONLY way to end this madness? Lets agree to disagree.

These points of view really don’t hold once you look outside Australia.

UK is completely out of lockdown, because of vaccines. No domestic covid passports. Everything back to normal. Economy bouncing back. Only thing we can’t do is international travel (including back to Oz for me, as its such a shit show there).

Australia will be the same once it catches up with vaccine levels. Simple.


Yes I'm putting up with it fine. I've completely disregarded the whole hour outside rule pretty much everyday of these lockdowns and exercise outside daily for a few hours (specifically playing pick up basketball at a local park) and am as fit and healthy as I've been for probably 15 years or so. Doing that also helped expand my social circle oddly enough. But it doesn't mean I have to agree with what's going on, and I don't enjoy being played a fool. A lot of people have been far worse affected then me.

And trust me, for the first time in my life at next years state election I'll be very eager to cast a vote. Clive and his merry men have mine, and Dan can get the fuck out of there. Though it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Dan invokes the old Joseph Goebbels way of thinking and making it about not who votes, but who counts the votes. Wouldn't put it past the piece of shit. Either way, if he's re-elected I'm getting the fuck out of Victoria

And over soon? I dunno. This has dragged on for way too long, and if covid passports are next, there's another shitstorm brewing

As for vaccines being the ONLY way to end this madness? Lets agree to disagree.

Another example of the Japanese people having their shit together.

And I'm not from Springy and feel insulted that you would insinuate as much. Footscray bogans> Springy bogans. Both of course pale in comparison to the mythical Frankston bogan though.
First off: true re: Japanese people but none of them would agree with people associating freedom with super spreader events

I think i can smell algorithm in the water. I reckon you've got your opinions entirely from social media giving you compiling feedback of sympathetic content from increasingly specific sources, your friends too.

I'm insulted that BLM marches are being cited in Australia. That was America, it was under the Trump administration who were refusing to enforce hard lockdowns and losing an election because of it. Also, if you'll indulge me, you'll remember that the police were extremely heavy handed against BLM protests, so i don't know WHAT you're talking about re: them being given the freedom of the city--

You're voting for Clive Palmer? ... ...


I'm gonna edge away now ... You're voting for a man who could be the villain in a wiggles skit

... Have a nice day out at sandown in your ute
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Bullet Club

New Zealand and pretty much everywhere else around there, sure.
We have NZ to thank for this one.

The earthquake that hit Victoria on Wednesday morning is probably the result of tectonic plate pressure in New Zealand that built up slowly and then released suddenly in a rupture at a fault east of Melbourne. Geoscience Australia put the 9.15am quake’s magnitude – a measure of the energy released – at about 5.9.



We have NZ to thank for this one.

i studied architecture and building design in australia for 8 years and, like, there very few provisions in the code for this kind of stuff... the basic more recent residential construction method in Victoria, brick veneer, is like specifically shit with lateral movement lol, i'm surprised more houses didn't keel over. Older houses are just double brick lol.. And I mean god help em if any gale force winds/hurricanes whip up in the coming decades, their roofs are held down by gravity to a large extent

Australia is hugely inactive, tectonically, it's actually kind of freakish and it's why some of the oldest continuously exposed earth on the planet is in australia, so while it may have originated on a plate that also touches NZ, it'd be unfair to say anything could have suggested this was going to happen.. statistically at least... victoria/south australia are probably slightly more active than the rest of the country but yeah, this is a pretty rare incident

yeah i'm glad more houses didn't topple over...

... also not surprised by that shopfront collapsing, for the above reasons, also because construction in the CBD is rife with corruption and cost cutting... Some of the malls in chinatown will go up in flames some day, I'm sure, they have cave systems made of fat and grease stalactites snaking through most of their aircon systems lol

jesus i designed a project in st kilda in uni that i am certain someone ripped off for that building :p someone somewhere feelin' reeeal smart for using in-standard cantilevers to make a building look funky without requiring a novel structural system
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Bullet Club

All the old heritage buildings will need to be checked out for damage, that's for sure.

It's not that uncommon to get smaller tremors around here, usually every few years, which happen out in the country and you feel them in the suburbs. This one was a bit bigger than those though.

Bullet Club

There's a lot going on in old Melbourne town today.

Save the burgers!

The march was at the Shrine Of Remembrance and there were chants of "Lest We Forget" and singing of the national anthem. Some of them were allegedly spitting on the shrine.

And news from Sydney:

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I played futsal in melbourne for like 10 years and, yes, i reckon i probably played against 80% of those riots in matches in brunswick and northcote and mt evelyn and shit, so macho so aggressive so dumb
Australia is hugely inactive, tectonically, it's actually kind of freakish and it's why some of the oldest continuously exposed earth on the planet is in australia, so while it may have originated on a plate that also touches NZ, it'd be unfair to say anything could have suggested this was going to happen.. statistically at least... victoria/south australia are probably slightly more active than the rest of the country but yeah, this is a pretty rare incident

Yep, we're basically a giant rock in the ground. Like the entire country.


First off: true re: Japanese people but none of them would agree with people associating freedom with super spreader events

I think i can smell algorithm in the water. I reckon you've got your opinions entirely from social media giving you compiling feedback of sympathetic content from increasingly specific sources, your friends too.

I'm insulted that BLM marches are being cited in Australia. That was America, it was under the Trump administration who were refusing to enforce hard lockdowns and losing an election because of it. Also, if you'll indulge me, you'll remember that the police were extremely heavy handed against BLM protests, so i don't know WHAT you're talking about re: them being given the freedom of the city--

You're voting for Clive Palmer? ... ...


I'm gonna edge away now ... You're voting for a man who could be the villain in a wiggles skit

... Have a nice day out at sandown in your ute

Hold up there one minute. Can't let you make more insinuations without right of reply.

First off, never done any social media. Never been on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or whatever else, and the only twitter stuff I see is whats posted here. This place is pretty much my sole outlet for expressing opinions online and has been for 9 years now, so no, no algorithms involved. I've said it before but the reporting around this virus smelt off from the beginning. I think the kids these days say that was my red pill moment and up until then I just went along with whatever the news told me. These days though I watch msm news for the laugh and its pretty entertaining when you get the joke

As for the BLM stuff, I got called out on it in the covid thread as well, which I clarified, and am happy to do again. In THIS city it was treated far differently then the US. See below

Again, all unvaxxed, 3 months into the pandemic, but the media and police let them off the hook. If you can't see the hypocrisy then I don't know what to tell you.

Now Clive. Yeah he's a meme, and I've enjoyed him in the past for that reason. But Craig Kellys the face now, and seems like a straight shooting, salt of the earth, no bs politician who wants to put the country and the people first. Which is rare in politics. Plus my other options are basically non-existent. No way in hell am I voting for the current mob of tyrannical dictators and the opposition has been limp as fuck since this all began, and if they get in power then I'm not sure a whole lot will change. So i'm left with options like the sex party or Clives mob.

Now if you'll excuse me I have some burnouts to do in my Maloo

edit- I should probably shut up about politics. How bout that earthquake huh?
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. No way in hell am I voting for the current mob of tyrannical dictators and the opposition has been limp as fuck since this all began,

Now if you'll excuse me I have some burnouts to do in my Maloo

edit- I should probably shut up about politics. How bout that earthquake huh?
son of a bitch predator GIF by Ben L

Current leadership despicable, labour leadership nonexistent, right there with you champion. I'd vote green ahead of intolerance any day though.

Yeah earthquake heard about that, wild

(I actually really like this channel he does hilarious cooking videos but this older one is the most bogan motorhead video ev4r, which is my tribute to your funny joke about burnouts)
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Hearts out to you Aussies. Heard SOF is now deployed to those protests and they're shooting people with rubber bullets.

If you guys fall we're next.
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