Oh well... Darwin gonna Darwin!
Maybe we need more moderate Muslim celebrities. Someone these kids can look up to instead of Terrorists.
Yeah, but you could say that all ISIS combatants are brainwashed into believing their own crap, as well.
Basic gang rules. Why would she get special treatment.Blood in blood out.
? this is not Austria's faultHow did Austria let these girls leave so easily.
Not just a bad idea because IS could kill you, but they voluntarily uprooted themselves to go and actively support genocide. If you can get to Syria from Australia you are smart enough that "dumb kids" doesn't excuse you and the best case is upon returning home you should be locked up for the rest of your life.
Some people just don't use their head too much.
"Hey these people are beheading innocents and exploiting children... maybe I should join them ?"
Oh well... Darwin gonna Darwin!
I will never understand what drives girls like that to go to war-torn countries and join an extremist group like ISIS
how stupid do you have to be do even consider doing this? I cant even imagine knowing someone this stupid but apparently they exist
Sabina 15yo (left); Samra 17yo (right)
Samra was apparently already killed last year.
I'm ignorant on this topic, but how does ISIS propose to treat women in their Islamic State?
In a document entitled Women in the Islamic State: Manifesto and Case Study released by the media wing of ISIL's all-female Al-Khanssaa Brigade, emphasis is given to the paramount importance of marriage and motherhood (as early as nine-years-old). Women should live a life of "sedentariness", fulfilling her "divine duty of motherhood" at home, with a few exceptions like teachers and doctors. Equality for women is opposed, as is education on non-religious subjects, the "worthless worldly sciences"
.Oh well... Darwin gonna Darwin!
Eh, I always struggle to sympathize with those who think going to ISIS was a good idea, but end up getting killed.
It's their own fault for being that stupid.
I will never understand what drives girls like that to go to war-torn countries and join an extremist group like ISIS
how stupid do you have to be do even consider doing this? I cant even imagine knowing someone this stupid but apparently they exist
There was an article a while back that discussed how ISIS recruits people from the west. They become close to them online, send them gifts, then slowly try to isolate them from their friends and families. some people really buy into it.
The reason why you can't understand why people join ISIS is that you've never known (or you've forgotten) what it's like to really believe in a religion. These girls have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that the Quran is God's word to humanity and that His prophet Muhammad was the perfect human being, to be emulated in all ways. If you believe that, ISIS's interpretation of Islam is plausible, and the imperative to fight for the Islamic caliphate becomes the morally right thing to do. Add the romanticism of going off to fight in a holy war and the fact that they're teenagers, and I don't see anything surprising about girls such as these joining ISIS.
Of course moderate Muslims can't accept that their holy texts could be responsible for this so they'll blame the girls' decision on anything else they can think of, but they're the victims of their own religious beliefs.
Nah 15 I definitely knew killing was wrong.She was 15.
Just think about the amount of stupid ideas you had when you were 15, couple that with a romanticization element and you get situations like this.
Not to mention it's not unusual for kids in contemporary life to long for something greater than themselves.
I'm very sure that they came from a Secular non-religious Muslim family.
The reason why you can't understand why people join ISIS is that you've never known (or you've forgotten) what it's like to really believe in a religion. These girls have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that the Quran is God's word to humanity and that His prophet Muhammad was the perfect human being, to be emulated in all ways. If you believe that, ISIS's interpretation of Islam is plausible, and the imperative to fight for the Islamic caliphate becomes the morally right thing to do. Add the romanticism of going off to fight in a holy war and the fact that they're teenagers, and I don't see anything surprising about girls such as these joining ISIS.
Of course moderate Muslims can't accept that their holy texts could be responsible for this so they'll blame the girls' decision on anything else they can think of, but they're the victims of their own religious beliefs.
hopefully this smacks some sense into idiots considering running away to ISIS
Are we supposed to extend to young racists the same sympathy that we allegedly should have for these young women?
The reason why you can't understand why people join ISIS is that you've never known (or you've forgotten) what it's like to really believe in a religion. These girls have been indoctrinated since birth to believe that the Quran is God's word to humanity and that His prophet Muhammad was the perfect human being, to be emulated in all ways.
I saw an interview yesterday (i think it was with a woman who escaped Isis) who put it something like this:
Secular non-religious Muslim? I'm not sure what that is. I'll bet you anything that the family was Muslim in more than name, even if they weren't fundamentalists.
I saw this article yesterday about women recruiting others for ISIS in the UK
Don't know if that may be the case for these girls or how much is actually going on with this, but I think it's more than just twitter recruitment going on.
Because you were lucky not to be exposed to the wrong persons (or not to be upset enough to go meet the wrong persons). Kids running away from home isn't really a new thing, and the reason is always stupid ; the difference today is that the consequences are worse. But the starting point is still the same.
Am I the only one that gets angry at posts like this?
That was someone's child that got brainwashed and died a horrible death. No parent or family should have to experience that sort of thing. This kind of dismissiveness/passiveness is depressing as fuck and doesn't even contribute to discussion. It feels like the worlds empathy is running dry.
I mean it's not really rocket science. Kids want to be a part of something bigger than themselves as most humans do since it's in our nature. Being isolated kids that are duped by cunning adults isn't something new either.
And that's my point. What kind of lives are these teens running from that the idea of joining ISIS sounds like a good thing? It can't just be "fuck authority" like some posters say. This is way too extreme. Stealing from a store and such is much more just a teen acting out but straight up joining a terrorist group?
My initial reaction is bye bitch, then I think about it a bit more and I think would I be more sympathetic to a guy who joined a gang and tried to leave and I am (somewhat) sympathetic. What the fuck is wrong with these girls, what do you think happens when you join a deathcult?
Yes we should remember how we were as teens, not always very bright and easily influenced by external pressure.
I mean people who are only Muslim in name like how most Europeans/Americans are only Christian in name. I highly doubt their family was religious.
Every time I see a comment like this it makes me wonder how "You" were as a teen. Where you a damn psychopath or something?(I'm not saying this about you Alx) No, at 15 I was not some easily influenced dumbass who would run off to a goddamn terrorist organization like ISIS.
hear, hear.I think it's sad that people have more sympathy for women than men who join ISIS as "tourists" or "foreign sympathizer imports".
The young males who get caught up in this shit are just as vulnerable an impressionable as the women.
And with assholes like Donald Trump and the rest of the GoP threatening to block all Muslim refugees, it's no wonder these young people feel alienated and look elsewhere to "fit in". They are automatically labeled terrorists just because they are Muslim. Then, they are force-fed lies by these ISIS recruiters and wind up believing all the shit being thrown at them. Next thing you know, they're on a plane to Syria...
They were religious enough to make her believe in the basic precepts of Islam. It wouldn't surprise me that they were moderates, but they definitely weren't non-religious. No one goes off to, as Samra wrote, "fight for Islam" without believing that Islam is the true religion.
I think it's sad that people have more sympathy for women than men who join ISIS as "tourists" or "foreign sympathizer imports".
The young males who get caught up in this shit are just as vulnerable an impressionable as the women.
And with assholes like Donald Trump and the rest of the GoP threatening to block all Muslim refugees, it's no wonder these young people feel alienated and look elsewhere to "fit in". They are automatically labeled terrorists just because they are Muslim. Then, they are force-fed lies by these ISIS recruiters and wind up believing all the shit being thrown at them. Next thing you know, they're on a plane to Syria...
She was 15.
Just think about the amount of stupid ideas you had when you were 15, couple that with a romanticization element and you get situations like this.
Not to mention it's not unusual for kids in contemporary life to long for something greater than themselves.
If I'm completely honest I'm having trouble sympathizing here.