The Everyman
This is just like the Lego helicopter video from think Islam.
This is just like the Lego helicopter video from think Islam.
i wonder if those that are feeling sorry for these girls also feel sorry for youth that join gangs in the u.s and other places.
Sauce?I don't know if I would call that sympathy, but yes some young racists also become so through external influence. That doesn't make them innocent, but they're still victim of bad indoctrination. Whether we consider they deserved their fate or not, we should still conclude that our teenagers are at risk of being recruited.
Well that's not true for all of them. Many of the terrorists in the latest Paris attacks weren't really religious at first, some of them were big party-goers, drinkers, smokers... according to their relatives they only started showing signs of religious behaviour in the last few months.
As a matter of fact, ISIS is said to be now recruiting in all kinds of environments. 3% of their candidates are even Jewish.
We all remember going out at night and joining the world's worst terrorist organization, beheading a few children, and coming home at 2AM completely stoned.
I'm just confused what propoganda they read that attracted them; was this before ISIS was a household name?
They allegedly had notes for their parents that said, Don't look for us. We will serve Allah and we will die for him.
http://www.stop-djihadisme.gouv.fr/decrypter.html#bloc1Ainsi, certains de nos compatriotes, sans connaissance de lIslam et parfois issus de familles chrétiennes, juives, agnostiques ou athées, basculent dans un processus de radicalisation violente.
I wonder what pushed them, radical leaders within or feeling disenfranchised by society.
Probably both, one is an easier fix than the other though...society might not change anytime soon unfortunately.
If you can get to Syria from Australia you are smart enough that "dumb kids" doesn't excuse you and the best case is upon returning home you should be locked up for the rest of your life.
I wonder what pushed them, radical leaders within or feeling disenfranchised by society.
Probably both, one is an easier fix than the other though...society might not change anytime soon unfortunately.
These young girls are being lured and trafficked, underage, to go into relationships that are completely inappropriate, and so it is human trafficking it is child exploitation, said Hamdani.
I fear how sexually abused these girls who run off to join ISIS are. RIP.
It's very easy to dismiss this as a case of "Serves them right!". But it should be remembered that this was a teenager and teenagers make stupid decisions all the time.
yes, just think about what kind of abuse, psychical and psychological they endured since they arrivednot a land of dreams, justice or freedom.
Yeah, like drinking too much at a party, or TPing some neighbour's door, or impulse buying something they'll regret.
Going out of your way to join a mass-murdering radical terror group doesn't quite fit under "dumb teenager decision"...
It's certainly a tragic story, but as the reason, people often forget teens are not adult, and are even more likely to do stupid things as they lack maturity, knowledge, experience an thus more easily manipulated.
That's the saddest part about this thread, at least one of these girls realised she fucked up, she tried to leave and she was murdered and everyone just thinks she deserved to die.
I wonder if they realize what this picture says about how fundamental Islam sees women. A candy, just waiting to be bought and used by men and it needs to be nice, clean and untouched for them..
Same with many of the Kurdish women who run off to fight with PKK.
It's very easy to dismiss this as a case of "Serves them right!". But it should be remembered that this was a teenager and teenagers make stupid decisions all the time. IS has been very successful in their propaganda reaching alienated youths in the West. If this kid had managed to escape back to Europe, they may have been able to tell others of the reality of the situation, and somewhat blunt the effect of IS propaganda.
I wonder if they realize what this picture says about how fundamental Islam sees women. A candy, just waiting to be bought and used by men and it needs to be nice, clean and untouched for them..
but they probably agree anyway.