Dammit why is Stinkles banned?
I was getting ready to make a Nintendo Switch joke with his nVidia Tegra powered Audi lol.
Wait, it's on a Corolla?
IIRC the door jamb on my 2009 Corolla recommended 29 PSI, I can't imagine it'd be different with even the older and newer Corollas.
Maybe you just got a bad tire?
I was getting ready to make a Nintendo Switch joke with his nVidia Tegra powered Audi lol.
K well I'll try not to get killed! The only thing I'm concerned with right now is premature wear like alphasnake mentioned. I will hit them with a pyro soon and see about that. There is no visible bulging, though. My curiousity is peaked tho so I might try to get in touch with an engineer at bfg and ask what the story is on this tire. I do suspect that it is more ideal for lighter cars. On the site, it says the load rating for this model is 1200 pounds and the tire only weighs 22 pounds. But with the corolla being so nose heavy I think I may be carrying 900 on a front tire, static. So that's kinda getting there. Seems to all add up, tho. I don't doubt I'm asking more than the average user but I don't think I'm exceeding spec and i certainly don't plan to run them ragged. I guess I'll keep ya guys posted.
Wait, it's on a Corolla?
IIRC the door jamb on my 2009 Corolla recommended 29 PSI, I can't imagine it'd be different with even the older and newer Corollas.
Maybe you just got a bad tire?