A man of taste!, much nicer than the 32 and nicer than most spec 34's too.
But me being the picky asshole that I am, I would still pick a DR30
Entirely random but if you're in Japan sometime (I expect you will eventually or at least want to, having seen your posts in this thread

) let me know, even if you land on Japanese shores having never touched a clutch pedal, by the time you leave you'll be drifting mountains in MT's like a boss.
I've actually been meaning to post about it, but I'm always either too lazy or forgetful.
For people wanting to learn to drift and/or just throw a JDM car around a track, there are plenty of tracks around japan that have companies very close by or on the track itself that will happily sell you a car that still runs just fine, but isn't in a good enough condition to use on streets, either through damage or simply not passing shaken, they're really cheap and the idea is that you pick one out, buy it, turn up at the track and pay for it, take the keys and take it out on to the track for as long as you're there, it's essentially yours and you can *if you want*, have it shopped back to your home country afterwards, though theyre usually too bad to be worth doing that for.
So process is essentially:
Contact company, select the car you want
Pay for it / Pay deposit
Turn up at track and pick up keys (or pay remainder)
The reason for them being so cheap is that they're considered too bad to ever be put back on the road, and since circuits are private land you don't need to worry about any government legislation or paperwork, as far as the government is concerned the car is scrap.
Hell some circuits won't even ask for proof of you even having a license.
If you're a frequent visitor you can also pay a monthly fee to have the vehicle you bought/brought stored at the track so you don't have to mess around with transport to and from, super convenient if you're getting into drifting and just want a beater available, so you can just turn up and thrash it.