Any word on early Car Club functionality in the demo? *obvious wink*
GAF club birthdate is 30/9
be ready for it 8)
Any word on early Car Club functionality in the demo? *obvious wink*
No Peugeot 205?
No Peugeot 205?
aahh, a man of fine detailsThat would be enough to elicit a picture of Homer drooling if I were the type to use image macros.
Gonna build me a slammed RS2 Avant with a pile of negative camber and then cruise around the place upsetting fictional purists.
Good, I hated that 205 race with passion.
It was literally the worst.
La Ferrari not in a DLC/Pre-Order/Season pack, YESS!! Playground doing it right.
Edit; AND the Lambo Veneno, keep it going.
Was hoping for this one as well. Even if it's just for fun and you couldn't use it in races.Was hoping they added the Warthog with the last update.. ah well there is still going to be some DLC right?
No Peugeot 205?
Warthog is a barn find...believe!
A Clio Williams, in this setting, what a great and unexpected addition!
Excellent car roster.
Now the car list is great, any news on the map/location?
How varied is the enviorment? how large is it? cities to town ratio etc...
Very important.
No doubt the physics will be good.
1980 Renault 5 Turbo