Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
Cold blooded
Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
Cold blooded
Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
Whenever Macross Delta airs.
Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
It still jumps around in time and has similar pacing, but I feel like it has gotten better about making the specific "episodes" compelling while also setting up the overall plot.
Still, if you thought the plot was "utter crap", I guess you dislike the very premise of the series, which means that I doubt you'll take any enjoyment from it.
I watched 3/4ths of the first episode of Concrete Revolution and I don't remember anything but thats still more then I remember of Comet Lucifer
Around when does the first show of interest start?
Whenever Macross Delta airs.
I want to watch Initial D. One day I will watch Initial D.
I think this character was made for neck fetishists.
...isn't a moving shot.
Did Concrete Revolutio get better? Because the plot and characters were utter crap and the pacing was even worse.
Did it stop being shitty all of a sudden?
Yeah, the actual animation shots looked fine. Next episode is going to be solid too.One Piece 722
I think this character was made for neck fetishists.
...isn't a moving shot.
It's a still shot, on the screen for around 20 seconds.
I shouldn't make fun of this episode too much though.
Other parts looked pretty solid.
The fake shogun scene last week was pretty grotesque. It's getting there for sure.Gintama 302
Is it R-18 time yet?
So I'm pleasantly surprised by the show now, and very much on board. I'm not exactly watching for the plot (which is another Bones-style overcomplicated web of conspiracy), so much as for wanting to see how the show will use the plot to comment on this era of Japanese history, almost completely unexplored by anime. I'm definitely looking forward to the second season.
Just as an aside, the minor subtheme of inhumane American military experimentation on superhumans feels strange to me in light of Japan's own wartime past.
Now cue the next episode coming out at the end of the week, and me being totally wrong.
Gundam Build Fighters 01
Boy does this feel like a huge ad for the Gundam models lol. The concept is cool. It looks like they are piloting the models and the action scenes are well done too. Just who is this Reiji that shows up upon wishes though
Useless stickers seem to be the hotness with anime Collector's/Limited Editions, sorry I mean temporary tattoos.
I had already completely forgotten about Parasyte
I'll hazard a guess and say that what this is leading to isJiro discovering through Claude what he really is and how his "father" and "lover" have been using him as an experiment. I think he might be a clone or derivative of Claude who might have been a fellow researching with the team before leaving them. In the end, Claude will be deemed "evil" by society and be put down, but not before he entrusts Jiro with his mission and makes him take on the mantle of exposing the truth and fighting from the shadows. He might also share the true nature of his power with Jiro, which would explain why he can control his fire powers much better in the future.
I'll hazard a guess and say that what this is leading to isJiro discovering through Claude what he really is and how his "father" and "lover" have been using him as an experiment. I think he might be a clone or derivative of Claude who might have been a fellow researching with the team before leaving them. In the end, Claude will be deemed "evil" by society and be put down, but not before he entrusts Jiro with his mission and makes him take on the mantle of exposing the truth and fighting from the shadows. He might also share the true nature of his power with Jiro, which would explain why he can control his fire powers much better in the future.
Would you be happy with that storyline?
I feel like your idea is a strong possibility.
Getting 00 and Marina Ismail flashbacks from this image
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 1
All right, this was a pretty well done first episode. It sure does revel in the Gundam tropes though.
We've got the big incident from long ago, mobile suits controlling the battlefield until the main Gundam shows up, the princess who wants peace, etc.
Which was presented well, but I understand the complaints many have with this just feeling like the tried and true Gundam story heard so many times already.
Interesting. As someone that never watched Gundam before, to me it was all new.
I can definitely understand how you'd feel that way because of that.
I felt the same when watching Gundam SEED for the first time, which many long-time Gundam fans say re-hashes elements from the first Gundam show in 1979.
I personally really enjoyed SEED, especially in its second half. But once I finished it I checked out the movie trilogy of the original series, and that's when I began to understand what people were talking about.
Both series at their core were essentially the same story with minor alterations here and there, and that's not what many of the long-time Gundam fans would like from the series now, 30 years later.
Maho Girls Precure is a Precure season where the Cures will be Witches.
Someone here said that there's no such thing as a bad anime with witches in it (Soul Eater disagrees, so boom) but...
Not even large hats.
Tiny hats
Tiny fucking hats
We have a new bad witch anime.