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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT2| It'll at least last longer than Steve.

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I think the best part is how the X-men Academy here is a theme park instead of a school. Looks like BONES beat KyoAni to the punch in adapting Amagi Brilliant Park, but no one noticed! :p


Talking about BONES and superheroes, is that Stan Lee anime, Heroman, worth watching? It doesn't look particularly interesting, but I remember wanting to give it a shot.


Owarimonogatari episodes 7-12

I wish Kanbaru was real so I can hug her. Sometimes, she's the best Monogatari character.
Talking about BONES and superheroes, is that Stan Lee anime, Heroman, worth watching? It doesn't look particularly interesting, but I remember wanting to give it a shot.

I thought it was fun. It was very "comic-booky" in style, as you'd expect from Stan Lee. It's by no means a masterpiece, but as a fan of mecha, it was charming and enjoyable enough.


I thought it was fun. It was very "comic-booky" in style, as you'd expect from Stan Lee. It's by no means a masterpiece, but as a fan of mecha, it was charming and enjoyable enough.

Is that the one where the girl runs around in a cheerleader's outfit all the time?


I thought it was fun. It was very "comic-booky" in style, as you'd expect from Stan Lee. It's by no means a masterpiece, but as a fan of mecha, it was charming and enjoyable enough.

The mecha is the thing that mostly put me off tbh. It's not that I dislike mecha but I prefer a bit more "traditional" super heroes on a super heroes anime...
If you like Chuunibyou, then all rules are out the window :p

Chuunibyou is an oasis in a desert of anime. D< It's a peacock that needs to fly. A tuna hunting tigers in the ocean. I could keep going but I won't.

Also, School Days has 12 episodes? I think I finished the manga in a little under 40 minutes. Is the anime an adaptation of the manga or was the manga written afterwards?

Edit: Google'd it. VN >> Manga >> Audio Drama >> Anime
Fafner of the Blue Sky 1

People have spoken so glowingly of the new series that I figured I would see what this was all about. And this heavily RahXephon/NGE inspired first episode didn't draw me in at all. Tell me, is this something that doesn't get good until future seasons?

They replaced the original writer (first 11/12 episodes), but kept his scripts. It does get a lot better after that point, and those episodes themselves are actually pretty decent on a rewatch. I do remember feeling the same way when I first got into it, but now that I'm rewatching Dead Aggressor, they're definitely a lot better with context and knowledge of the setting and characters.


They replaced the original writer (first 11/12 episodes), but kept his scripts. It does get a lot better after that point, and those episodes themselves are actually pretty decent on a rewatch. I do remember feeling the same way when I first got into it, but now that I'm rewatching Dead Aggressor, they're definitely a lot better with context and knowledge of the setting and characters.

I am not even sure if the original writer was an actual person rather than someone else's pen name or a collective one (in true "Hajime Yatate" fashion), given that his credits are surprisingly short.

Either way, I do think it's worth dealing with the ups and downs of the first Fafner series because Exodus was a major improvement in almost every possible way.

PK Gaming


The main characters are still going strong, but the Shingensumi are awful

I hope they change gears with them because none of their jokes are funny
The problem I have is the ease and predilection people have to dismiss specific types of entertainment as "mindless". The overarching purpose of art (as far as I can see it, I dunno if there is an objective purpose to art :p) is to communicate and provoke thought or emotion.Making someone excited through exhilarating, well choreographed action and/or making someone laugh with well-time comedy aren't any easier or a lesser endeavor than a strong deconstruction of a particular genre or a carefully woven character study. Love, passion and skill goes into the creation of the higher quality examples of any form of art. It's that same mentality that precludes most comedies or action films from getting Oscar recognition regardless of whether or not it may deserve it or if the pool of films in other categories is weak in a particular year. As if Drama is the only/primary genre/style of film worth acknowledging. I highly respect works that not only offer many avenues for interesting analytical thought but also those that succeed in garnering the strong emotions from me they intentionally sought to invoke (laughter from good comedy; hype and excitement from good action, etc.).

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't expect or want all works of fiction to be grounded character dramas.

A "monocle" isn't someone who expects or strives for quality in the art they consume, I'd like to think that should be everyone even though I know its not :p, its someone I feel acknowledges only the analytical aspect of art and downplays the emotional aspect of art - especially when those emotion fall outside the realm of contemplative drama.

Intellect and emotion are inextricably linked in both my own art and in my experience of others' art.

SnS and Graffiti aren't the same in this regard but I don't think they are different enough to call one "classy". I feel that isn't sending an appropriate message to others/onlookers.

I am using the word "classy" in the context of the presentation of erotically suggestive material, as a way of distinguishing different approaches to eroticism. I have no intention of hiding the existence of eroticism in these works.
This episode is awesome!

Ând so is the next one (double pack episode after all).

Gotta make some screenshots and gifs from it later. Just glorious. Karasuma-kun had such an amazing scene. He's gotta be among or might even be the best deadpan wacky character in all of comedy.

These two episodes were a very well directed action spectacle. Even got a bunch of gun-kata sequences/references.

The main characters are still going strong, but the Shingensumi are awful

I hope they change gears with them because none of their jokes are funny

Trust me. The Shinsengumi get MUCH MUCH better. I don't wanna spoil any of their great comedic moments, but they're fantastic.

Also they have a fantastic serious arc or two. You haven't even gotten to the sad episode dealing with one of the Shinsengumi.

God I'm so jealous to people who start Gintama. Get to episode 25 and then be blown away the rest of the episode

Chuunibyou is an oasis in a desert of anime. D< It's a peacock that needs to fly. A tuna hunting tigers in the ocean. I could keep going but I won't.

I'll forgive your liking of Chuunibyou, aka "we wrote it in the plot why the relationship won't ever go anywhere", if the bolded was a sick reference to The Other Guys


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have not seen the scene dimb describes. But here is a representative example of the erotic content in Soma (not coincidentally also the exact moment where I decided to drop the show):
Shokugeki no Soma is definitely worse. Way worse, and the anime plays up those parts of it in a tactless and thoughtless way. I think that's part of why I think people interested in that story should just read the manga instead of watching the show, because it takes something puerile and tries to dice it up for an even wider and more braindead audience.

With Koufuku Graffiti that stuff is definitely more subtle, but I found it harder to ignore in the context. It's more about the posturing of bodies, the movement and focus on tongues and lips, things along those lines really have a strange vibe to them that makes the product feel less sincere. If this came out after Soma and my viewing order of the two was reversed I might feel more desensitized to this presentation of food. I still believe that Wakako-zake is notably more wholesome and thoughtful about its approach to food than either of these shows. That's the gold standard for that stuff.
The Asterisk War Episode 12
I realized I never finished this series...or the first half of it anyway.

If it wasn't for the new Garo, I'd say Asterisk was the most soulless show the previous season.
I mean, look at this scene. Look how much crap the animators are just vomiting into this one scene where he just cuts the air.
You picked a really unique animation cut to complain about the show not having any personality.
Shokugeki no Soma is definitely worse. Way worse, and the anime plays up those parts of it in a tactless and thoughtless way. I think that's part of why I think people interested in that story should just read the manga instead of watching the show, because it takes something puerile and tries to dice it up for an even wider and more braindead audience.

With Koufuku Graffiti that stuff is definitely more subtle, but I found it harder to ignore in the context. It's more about the posturing of bodies, the movement and focus on tongues and lips, things along those lines really have a strange vibe to them that makes the product feel less sincere. If this came out after Soma and my viewing order of the two was reversed I might feel more desensitized to this presentation of food. I still believe that Wakako-zake is notably more wholesome and thoughtful about its approach to food than either of these shows. That's the gold standard for that stuff.

Yeh that describes my feeling pretty well. I got that vibe in the first episode and wasn't liking it. Seeing some more gifs later on certainly didn't make it better. For how much worse Soma is, it's also completely upfront about sexualizing just about everything. Meanwhile Koufuku Graffiti appears to be this very pleasant slice-of-life (god I hope it's appropriate here) show with a focus on food and cooking but then portrays the consumption of said food so overly sexualized, it's a stark contrast. I certainly wouldn't call it classy in regards to how it is portrayed. Maybe with adult characters I could stomach this overly sensual and seductive consumption approach better. But when it's in part some relatively small girls, eh.

Again, Soma is worse overall but I at least is consistent and I don't have this disconnect occur whenever the characters start eating.

Now you got me interested in Wakako-zako...and maybe even given the Soma manga a go. Even with less sexualized content and so, I still don't know if I could enjoy the manga as much. Soundtrack was solid, voice acting great and I simply thought the food presentation and analysis was on point and benefit a lot from colorization. So I'll probably read some of the stuff that already aired so I can compare how I like it.

Joe Molotov

Shokugeki no Soma is definitely worse. Way worse, and the anime plays up those parts of it in a tactless and thoughtless way. I think that's part of why I think people interested in that story should just read the manga instead of watching the show, because it takes something puerile and tries to dice it up for an even wider and more braindead audience.

With Koufuku Graffiti that stuff is definitely more subtle, but I found it harder to ignore in the context. It's more about the posturing of bodies, the movement and focus on tongues and lips, things along those lines really have a strange vibe to them that makes the product feel less sincere. If this came out after Soma and my viewing order of the two was reversed I might feel more desensitized to this presentation of food. I still believe that Wakako-zake is notably more wholesome and thoughtful about its approach to food than either of these shows. That's the gold standard for that stuff.

Koufuku Graffiti made me legit uncomfortable a few times, but it felt like they toned it down a bit after reaching peak lewdness with the eating ice cream in the bathtub scene.


Towa no Quon - Episode 1
Fantastic animation, really nice color design, and sharp direction. This is a pretty solid start! Aside from the lack of originality, I would say my only other minor complaint is that Kenji Kawai's music is a little -too- Hollywood. It's clear what he's going for, and it's effective at that, but I tend to prefer his more melodic compositions rather than the louder and bombastic ones.

I think perhaps the "problem" with Towa no Quon, at least from rewatching this first episode, is that it's underwhelming. I think you're right to describe it as "solid", but it doesn't offer much more than that, and certainly nothing that justified its "movie" status. I would venture that it's not really as good looking as I'd expect from an OVA series. While the fight sequences, especially the opening, are impressive (I love the shot where the rain starts falling just before Quon goes all out, for instance), there's very little flair to the rest of the direction, which feels like a lesser Bones TV show; super consistent but nothing exciting to report.

Towa no Quon 1

That was actually pretty solid, even outside the eye candy of the opening scene. It's pretty X-Men in setup, but there are nice touches which elevate this above generic superhero stuff. The drama surrounding the girl's awakening of her powers was well handled - touching without being too melodramatic. And, even if some of the character and costume designs made me raise an eyebrow, the visual depiction of body transformation was really great. I love that stuff. I also appreciated the acknowledgment of the importance of teamwork, and that a solitary hero can't do everything by himself.

While I cannot deny that I agree with all these points, I just feel like it's not enough to make me really like Towa no Quon, at least in this first episode.

Basically, when I watch it I'm reminded of things I liked better. All the shots of that bridge and the canal beneath it remind me of the OP for Darker Than Black when Hei is staggering down a similar canal, and I found that more effective at creating atmosphere. The creature designs remind me of Skullman which had a far more striking style - and so on, and so on.

While it may not be fair of me to fail to judge the work on its own merits, I don't feel it stands strongly enough on its own.

But then I've only ever seen this episode (and the last time I watched it before today was four and a half years ago) - perhaps I'll find the rest more impressive.


what are the chances of a Himouto Umaru-chan Season 2?

I'll drink to that!!!

Really though, I haven't heard or seen a word, but there was not much critical acclaim for the anime, so I it may not happen...
Yeh that describes my feeling pretty well. I got that vibe in the first episode and wasn't liking it. Seeing some more gifs later on certainly didn't make it better. For how much worse Soma is, it's also completely upfront about sexualizing just about everything. Meanwhile Koufuku Graffiti appears to be this very pleasant slice-of-life (god I hope it's appropriate here) show with a focus on food and cooking but then portrays the consumption of said food so overly sexualized, it's a stark contrast. I certainly wouldn't call it classy in regards to how it is portrayed. Maybe with adult characters I could stomach this overly sensual and seductive consumption approach better. But when it's in part some relatively small girls, eh.

Again, Soma is worse overall but I at least is consistent and I don't have this disconnect occur whenever the characters start eating.

Now you got me interested in Wakako-zako...and maybe even given the Soma manga a go. Even with less sexualized content and so, I still don't know if I could enjoy the manga as much. Soundtrack was solid, voice acting great and I simply thought the food presentation and analysis was on point and benefit a lot from colorization. So I'll probably read some of the stuff that already aired so I can compare how I like it.

I'll also vouch for Wakako-Zake. Due to it's short length you really can't go wrong in checking it out if you're looking for a mature depiction of eating food. At the very least it's a nice and comfortable take on the idea of dinner and the Main Character is super relatable at some points. I really hope more people will check it out and enjoy it. I loved it myself, it's a very sincere show.


Osomatsu-san 13

Holy shit. "Weird" does not even begin to describe that first skit. This was so creepy but sad. Strong start for the first episode of the season. The other 2 skits were pretty funny.
Japan/anime industry question:

Is there a particular reason there are so many english words used in anime? Do they actually use these words on a normal basis in japanese or is it a situation they expect people to know a certain degree of english?
You picked a really unique animation cut to complain about the show not having any personality.

Throwing a lot of effects on screen does not equates to having personality.

At least not an attractive personality, unless you're the type of person who likes Michael Bay movies.


Japan/anime industry question:

Is there a particular reason there are so many english words used in anime? Do they actually use these words on a normal basis in japanese or is it a situation they expect people to know a certain degree of english?

Unlike the French, Japanese people really like to incorporate words from other languages. The target demographic seems to have an education too so that would help.
I'll also vouch for Wakako-Zake. Due to it's short length you really can't go wrong in checking it out if you're looking for a mature depiction of eating food. At the very least it's a nice and comfortable take on the idea of dinner and the Main Character is super relatable at some points. I really hope more people will check it out and enjoy it. I loved it myself, it's a very sincere show.

Yeh, didn't know it was that short at first. No excuse not to then.
Ace of the Diamond Second Season Episode 39 – Meeting Expectations

KAWAKAMI, my ace, is starting the next game, Im so excited, finally he gets a chance to shine!

I also loved Raichi, who knew that he would be shy and such off the field. That was cute.

I wonder what will become of Miyuki and Furuya if both are out how could Seido even hope to win?
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