Akagami No Shirayukihime Episode 1-3
So I decided to give this show another shot, despite being put off when I watched the first episode when it originally aired.
And it's alright. It's definitely makes for easy watching. It's beautiful, and the characters are expressive without being annoying. I like all the attention paid to how the characters move.
It sometimes comes off a bit too sweet though. Shirayuki is a bit too much of an all loving heroine, especially in episode 2 when she so easily forgives her would-be kidnapper Mihaya almost immediately after he's stopped.
The guy knocked her out, and locked her up with the intention of more or less selling her, and he's basically forgiven after he explains why he kidnapped her. He still gets arrested, but she then gives the guards something for his wounds.
I didn't like that. No one is that forgiving.
I did appreciate her ability to escape (mostly) on her own though.