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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT2| It'll at least last longer than Steve.

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You missing the shows that's only been released on DVD in the US or have you imported from Japan?

I have literally everything (I think) except for the ones I mentioned. Two of my friends are stationed over there so they pick up series for me and bring them back when they are on leave. I imported Amagi because I couldn't wait for them to come back though. xD


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I guess people today really do need flashy action to keep them engaged. :(
It seemed like Koufuku Graffiti had plenty of its own brand of "action" and it's part of what made me stop watching it. Presenting it as something deep or meaningful seems kind of disingenuous when its 4koma roots are so visible, and the interpretation is so simplistic. Like, I don't think it's awful or anything, which is a step up from a bunch of other stuff Shaft did recently, but who is going to actually go to bat for that show being poignant when you have those scenes with girls eating bananas in a bathtub?
I have literally everything (I think) except for the ones I mentioned. Two of my friends are stationed over there so they pick up series for me and bring them back when they are on leave. I imported Amagi because I couldn't wait for them to come back though. xD



I watched Kiki's Delivery Service yesterday - very good film on re-igniting your passion. Liked it more than I had imagined. Lots of good messages and heart warming moments.


The pact is sealed.

Anyone else?

Remember, if you make it to the very end, you get to see stuff like this too:

I will join but not this week

Just T

So, any takers for my Towa no Quon watchalong? No obligation to finish it, just looking for other people who will be willing to watch say, an episode a day or two, over the next week plus, and post about it. If it turns out to be real dogshit at least we won't be alone. It's available on DVD and Blu-ray from Sentai as well as on Hulu for Americans.

There's cool stuff like this:
Ah I remember scrolling past that on Amazon Prime once, I can at least check out the first episode.


So, any takers for my Towa no Quon watchalong? No obligation to finish it, just looking for other people who will be willing to watch say, an episode a day or two, over the next week plus, and post about it. If it turns out to be real dogshit at least we won't be alone. It's available on DVD and Blu-ray from Sentai as well as on Hulu for Americans.

There's cool stuff like this:

Those gifs make it look cool. How much of the show is actually that cool?


Those gifs make it look cool. How much of the show is actually that cool?

The first and last episodes are mostly that cool, because Yutaka Nakamura was on the project full time storyboarding the action scenes for those two episodes, animating the toughest scenes, and supervising the rest of the action done by other super animators.

The four episodes inbetween are not really that cool, but have nice pieces of animation here and there. The third episode has a really cool flashback sequence which used a unique artstyle.

I don't actually remember anything about the actual plot though, which is why I'm doing this rewatch!
Princess Nine 24-25
This is some old school shoujo melodrama. It's a shame that all this clumsy romance has taken over because the first half of the show was quite enjoyable.
I watched some clips of Revolutionary Girl Utena today.

....Where do they get all the cars they ride? How do they never run out? They cut like 30 in half in just one fight?


Concrete Revolutio - 4-5
Wow, these episodes on kaijus are really interesting. Basically, how do you deal with these creatures when they aren't necessarily malevolent and they may be more of a part of nature? In any case, kaijus seem to be different things to different people, from the legit to the bizarre reasons, but regardless I don't think any side in this conflict ended up looking good.
I mean firstly there are the hipster who thinks just because the kaijus are not malevolent and are just part of nature think that people should be all buddy buddy with them. Even the kid who cared for his pet kaiju, who holy crap, what an ass, shining the flash light to the eyes of what he considered his pet in order to deliberately send it into a rampage.
Then there is the Bureau, and considering what I saw from them, I kind of see why
Jiro and the Bureau might be enemies in the Shinka 47.
The episodes also delves deeper into Jiro's character, and what is shown
is self hatred on what he is manifested into his hatred on all the giant monsters. There is also the whole cold war aspect added to the world building, with the kaijus being used as MAD weapons. Basically it's an alternate post world war 2 era.
Anyways, overall it's pretty good and it made up for the substandard third episode.


Ushio and Tora 19-26 (season 1 end)

I finally figured out why this series erks me so damn much.

It's how the story progresses. Either a character does something stupid, something random happens, or something stupid nonsensical unexplained broken and potentially continuity destroying happens (or doesn't happen).

This show is made of decent to premium material stuck together by kindergartner's glue-stick glue.

That and Tora's tsundere "i'mma eat you... but i won't and i will never admit why" shtick got old 7 arcs ago. Seeing Tora regress only to progress and regress again is annoying, not endearing.

I'll say this again, this show could make for a decent Saturday morning cartoon style thing where you might catch an episode here or there depending on the week. But It has way too many problems in its story structure, too many plot holes, and some later pacing problems to the point where I can't recommend people watch this.
watched all of the 7 deadly sins in the past few days and it was very good. i hope netflix picks up season 2 because the english va was great.


Akame ga Kill 10

I didn't realize such a death filled world could be so full of wish fulfillment. Strings guy is my favorite. I'll be sad when he bites it.


Maturity, bitches.
Thanks for cornbread's efforts we're at 16 shows which I think is plenty for now.

Shouldn't you try to have something about why you should watch it?
We if people want to provide that but we'd need a reason for each show for consistency. But can one really say at this stage why one should watch something when honestly it's all pot luck at this stage. I think when they OP refresh in a few weeks when we can have a sense of what is looking good is when we can include that and user quotes.

Does he want descriptions/synopsis' or our marketing?
I was just the graphics guy and I've just kept to the same format I used last time (four numbered posters in a row) since I've had no one to tell me to do otherwise, but the OP content is now a team effort. I believe the idea was the community agreed to what should go in it.


Haikyuu S1

I loved every second of it. This show is fantastic and, honestly, it's not hard to see why it's so highly rated by everyone. The animation is good, the characters are brilliant, the story is good. It's just pure fun to watch above all. It's a testament to how likeable the characters are that while watching the season I was hoping they'd lose against Blue Castle because I felt like it would have been cheap for everything to click for them at their first try and yet in that match against Blue Castle, even though I felt like that, I found myself willing them to score the winning point.

Hinata might be the main character, but Tanaka is the true star of the show. Every scene he's in is hilarious, especially when he combines with Hinata/Nishinoya. Can't wait to start S2 and hopefully it's just as strong.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 172:

I think I am ready to declare Sailor Moon Super S the worst of the seasons because this miniarc had basically rendered what little mattered in that wretched season meaningless and also gave the definitive end to Nehelenia which is something not even the manga really did now that I think about it. While this is a mulligan basically it was the better end because not only did they utilize the entire team this time around but I liked Nehelenia desire for raw naked and total revenge. Still, as good as this was, I don't think we needed to spend a 6 episode miniarc on the whole scene and it still distresses me that more happened in these 6 episodes then in half a season of Super S. Anyway, now that the dreams of the past are all properly sorted out, the real Sailor Moon Stars can begin.
Akagami No Shirayukihime Episode 1-3

So I decided to give this show another shot, despite being put off when I watched the first episode when it originally aired.

And it's alright. It's definitely makes for easy watching. It's beautiful, and the characters are expressive without being annoying. I like all the attention paid to how the characters move.

It sometimes comes off a bit too sweet though. Shirayuki is a bit too much of an all loving heroine, especially in episode 2 when she so easily forgives her would-be kidnapper Mihaya almost immediately after he's stopped.
The guy knocked her out, and locked her up with the intention of more or less selling her, and he's basically forgiven after he explains why he kidnapped her. He still gets arrested, but she then gives the guards something for his wounds.

I didn't like that. No one is that forgiving.

I did appreciate her ability to escape (mostly) on her own though.
Fafner of the Blue Sky 1

People have spoken so glowingly of the new series that I figured I would see what this was all about. And this heavily RahXephon/NGE inspired first episode didn't draw me in at all. Tell me, is this something that doesn't get good until future seasons?
Fafner of the Blue Sky 1

People have spoken so glowingly of the new series that I figured I would see what this was all about. And this heavily RahXephon/NGE inspired first episode didn't draw me in at all. Tell me, is this something that doesn't get good until future seasons?

I watched the original series about 4 years ago, and I remember enjoying it.

I remember the original show being a bit slow at the start though.

OH MY GOD! I just saw the PV for Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress and I am hyped! It's basically Attack on Titan with Zombies and Snowpiercer but it's the exact same team so I'm super excited for it!

Yeah, it does look like it could be a lot of fun.


When are you going to catch up on CR, Mr I-Make-OTs-Instead-Of-Watching-Shows?

As someone who watch liked 7 episodes of CR and mostly enjoyed it, does the show stay interesting? I keep meaning to go back to it, but it's such a weird thing that it keeps getting pushed to the back of my list even though I liked it.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Stars: Episode 173:

So here we are the true beginning of Sailor Moon Stars at long last as the new order is established very quickly with some profound changes. Indeed we are introduced to the cast of Shonen Hollywood who are in fact the new additions to the roster, the Sailor Starlights. If The Outers providing for a very unconventional at the time family unit was not problematic enough the Starlights proved the ultimate undoing of this final season here in North America until right now. We are also sown that Mamoru is heading off to study abroad in the United States and is going to be gone for a measure of time. Before he heads off Mamoru gives a per-engagement ring to Usagi and then proceeds to get obliterated over the Pacific. These are all plot points that mostly mirror the manga save for the fact that Mamoru was obliterated right in front of Usagi to kick off the Sailor Guardian war. Indeed we are introduced to the villainous Sailor Iron Mouse as we are back to formula with Star Seed stand in as the item de jour. Oh, right, Chibiusa is back in the future right now and The Outers are doing whatever it is that they do in their off hours, so right now it is just the core cast of girls and the idols.


As someone who watch liked 7 episodes of CR and mostly enjoyed it, does the show stay interesting? I keep meaning to go back to it, but it's such a weird thing that it keeps getting pushed to the back of my list even though I liked it.

Yes? I'm not into troll recs!


Mushishi Special: Hihamukage

Premise was more of the same (which isn't a bad thing) but I didn't find the character conflict to be all that compelling (which isn't a good thing.) Something about Ginko's design felt off too. Might just be but facial features seemed a little more harsh which gave him something of an older look. Not like I can remember for certain offhand, but thought they felt softer in the first season which created ambiguity about his age and added to the ethereal quality he typically exudes.

The slight difference in how characters are drawn( and shaded I think) as well as Ginko going from that completely mellow persona of his to someone who could exhibit anger and other negative emotions are probably the biggest difference I found between two seasons.

Fafner of the Blue Sky 1

People have spoken so glowingly of the new series that I figured I would see what this was all about. And this heavily RahXephon/NGE inspired first episode didn't draw me in at all. Tell me, is this something that doesn't get good until future seasons?

I'm 5 episodes in and it's baaaad. And the setup is even more similar to NGE than is already apparent to you.

But even the people who sing praises of the franchise seem to think the first half of this season is slow.


Maturity, bitches.
Idea. Would having say five recommended shows from last season in the OP for those lttp be a good idea or is that redundant with the AotY awards?
The Perfect Insider 9-11 End

I think this show got too smart for me around ep 9 and esp episode 11. Enjoyed the mystery of the locked room but I don't get why the characters acted as they did -- either that or I don't buy it. Also is it that easy to
give birth by yourself?

Will go to finish Sakurako next. This is the first time in a while I wasn't really hooked onto any show in a season's offerings.

Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi is going to fix this for me.


The Perfect Insider 9-11 End

I think this show got too smart for me around ep 9 and esp episode 11. Enjoyed the mystery of the locked room but I don't get why the characters acted as they did -- either that or I don't buy it. Also is it that easy to
give birth by yourself?

Will go to finish Sakurako next. This is the first time in a while I wasn't really hooked onto any show in a season's offerings.

Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi is going to fix this for me.

Nah it was the show that was stupid not you.


Personally I found that the first Fafner show only really kicks off at the second half. The first one is comparatively slow and throws a lot of lingo and stuff at you that also only starts getting explained in the second half.
The Asterisk War Episode 12
I realized I never finished this series...or the first half of it anyway.

If it wasn't for the new Garo, I'd say Asterisk was the most soulless show the previous season.
I mean, look at this scene. Look how much crap the animators are just vomiting into this one scene where he just cuts the air.
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