Yuri on Ice 2-5
Wow, episode 4 WAS rough. Episode 5 wasn't hugely impressive either (compared to the first 3 eps which are certainly above average for TV), but at least the rotoscoped skating sequences are always spectacular.
I really need to watch Euphonium at some point to see what the fuss is about in terms of comparing the two shows as "baiting" (also I just really should watch it and get over my completely unjustifiable bias against Kyoto Animation's work). Yuri feels quite inconsistent in this regard; up to episode 3 the show seems far more explicit about where it's going, then episodes 4 and 5 walk things back a bit more into ambiguous dialogue and physicality (leaving aside hot springs action) that you'd see in pretty much any crummy fangirl bait show. Episode 3 makes it quite clear where Yuri really finds his eros from (slightly disappointingly retrogade "acting like a woman" aside), but this is dialed back in episode 5 to the katsudon inspiration for some reason.
I usually only watch Olympic level figure skating but it strikes me that Yuri is really quite crap at skating to be making all those mistakes. I know there's no drama if he's perfect straight away but I can't imagine getting particularly good scores if someone skated like that in general; presumably he's supposed to be able to compete on an international scale if he's got through to the Grand Prix.
On a more general note, I don't find Yurio massively compelling as a "rival" figure at this stage. Most sports anime don't go with the "young upstart" as the antagonist (indeed, Minami in episode 5 fulfils this usual role) because it doesn't give Yuri anything to aspire towards; Viktor would be the normal rival figure for a story like this. Any moment spent with him feels perfunctory compared to Yuri's progression. Given that the show should be building to the Grand Prix itself - rather than the Russian heat where the two Yuris will face off - I'm not sure what the dramatic arc is supposed to be, particularly as I'm not sure how long the show's going to be.