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Autumn Anime 2017 |OT| Makes us all rotten

Dragon Ball stopped giving a fuck about logically scaling upwards in power somewhere early, either on Namek or after it. Once the androids who have been on earth forever show up after Freeza who are stronger then Frieza is when you should have tuned out on all of that


Himouto Umaru-chan R 1

Yup, that's more Umaru, though Umaru herself has become noticeably less of a jerk compared to the beginning of the first season. Character development is a thing even in this type of show after all.
Dragon Ball stopped giving a fuck about logically scaling upwards in power somewhere early, either on Namek or after it. Once the androids who have been on earth forever show up after Freeza who are stronger then Frieza is when you should have tuned out on all of that

Which begs the question if earth can make robbits who are as strong as goku, why doesnt the whole army of universe 7 rival that one universe full of robbits?

Himouto Umaru-chan R 1

Yup, that's more Umaru, though Umaru herself has become noticeably less of a jerk compared to the beginning of the first season. Character development is a thing even in this type of show after all.

yeah maybe now I won't shed silent tears for poor onii-chan who had to deal with all of her shit.


Is Dragon Ball Super any good or is it basically a guilty pleasure for everyone?

I've genuinely liked it from about the point they introduced Champa after the movie remake stuff, but opinion on it is probably dependant on what you like about Dragonball. I don't particularly give a damn about power levels, and I'm finding it to hit a good tonal balance between what I liked about OG Dragonball and Z, so it's good for me.
mother of fucking god. There's another siscon anime about an otaku dude. Anime industry confirmed to be ran by a certain individual.



Miyazaki was right.

Anime is a mistake lol.

Animegataris 1

Oh look, an anime about people talking about animes. We have our rich ojou who has a butler and secretly loves animes, a girl who is quite normal, and a strange beret and a... hey, the cat is talking. I thought this was only a slice of life anime.

For now on my 3 episodes to decide list. Would have dropped it but the cat asked me to not do it.


Bones panel @ Machiasobi

- Second season of Space Dandy will happen if Minami finds a treasure.

But budgets don't matter r-right ?

Hope we'll get some footage of Bungou soon.



"Hey brother, it's been like 13 episodes and you still have done fuck all to help me."
It was okay. Production values are seemingly still there, so is hit&miss questionable quality of those episodic stories. I get that this was probably a vehicle for reminding the audience about the setting and characters but the anticlimatic ending just underlines, that even with the usual enjoyable franticness, there was no real meat to this plotline.

Houseki no Kuni 01

Have to eat bit of a crow here. The CG, while not spotless, is mostly easily digestible, it's better than it seemed to me after PVs. Kumiko's VA is a great fit for phos so far. Wonder where they will end this, the manga takes a long while to actually get somewhere and it doesn't really have some natural stop point. Maybe after


KiraKira Precure À La Mode 35

Where's Elisio during this Diable arc? Grave is the only one sticking around at the moment. Anyway, we finally have the Himari/Aoi episode we should've had 20 episodes ago. I'm not really fond of Himari getting cold feet around Aoi when they've known each other for this long, but I've complained before about the Cures not getting to know each other well enough. Not sure if those critiques are contradictory or not. Besides that, this was a solid episode of Himari stepping into the world of ojous, and feeling that she doesn't fit in. She's hesitant to make a scene, but she stands up for herself when she has to. Aoi knows how to handle everything either as a proper lady or her usual wild self. Good for her. One of those jerkfaces made me think of Kawarino oddly enough. If the show had more episodes like this early on, I'd probably like it more.


Himouto R - 01
Its like the show never ended. That ending to the soccer match was... Something.


Just how it is.

Kino is an episodic series, so it's pretty safe to jump in at almost any point. The original series and OVA covers some of Kino's origins and backstory if you wanna go back for that and this new series will readapt some episodes that introduce certain characters so you won't be left out.

And yes, it is an accepted fact in the universe that some motorcycles can talk. There are stranger things happening in some of the other countries that Kino visits.

Thanks for the advice. Will certainly look into the older ones once this season is finished then.


No Game, No Life Zero

Yeah, I really liked that.
Some of the stuff with Shuvi was eh, but at least it wasn't just bath scenes for bath scenes.

The payoff really felt earned here.
The stuff with the other Ex Machina felt too convenient, but still was fun.

Definitely something I'd watch again.


Welcome to the Ballroom 13-14

I was actually thinking of dropping this show after the end of the last arc mainly because I was unsure about the new character, mostly because a) Mako and Tatara made such a cute couple and b) it was unfathomable to me why Mako would want to go back to being Gaju's partner, considering how much of a douchebag he can be but I'll admit the new characters and the dynamics they've introduced have managed to sink their hooks back into me.

All the previous criticisms I've made regarding the depictions and animation of the dances are still very much present and I'm honestly resigned to the fact it'll most likely remain that way for the duration of the show's run but dammit, I am so into seeing how Tatara and Chinatsu's relationship develops from here. For the moment, at least.

Those that identify as otaku sicken me.

Hear, hear!

Especially so when considering that everyone knows weeb is the correct nomenclature.
This seems way, way, way worse then what you'd expect


So, I actually watched this all the way through and the first five minutes are misleading. The show is actually a lampooning of authors who are obsessed with Siscon, as the lead writes that shit yet has never ever had a sister before. Once you get past the sheer shock value humor they're going for (YMMV on how funny it is) the show's more about the lead, his writer buddies, and the romance between him and a girl who fell in love with his writing (which is kept a bit in check for its siscon tendencies by his editor) and turned to writing herself.


Land of Lustrous Episode 1:

We are the Crystal Gems; if you're evil, and you're on the rise. You can count on the four of us taking you down. Cause we're good and evil never beats us. We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.

Right, with that out of the way, this was certainly an interesting first episode and the production values are a step above, say Infinite Tastunoko. I do like that these Jeweled Golems are not only made out of the material of their name but that is incorporated into the core of being and thus could be construed as a subtle commentary on disability.
Land of Lustrous Episode 1:

We are the Crystal Gems; if you're evil, and you're on the rise. You can count on the four of us taking you down. Cause we're good and evil never beats us. We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas.

Right, with that out of the way, this was certainly an interesting first episode and the production values are a step above, say Infinite Tastunoko. I do like that these Jeweled Golems are not only made out of the material of their name but that is incorporated into the core of being and thus could be construed as a subtle commentary on disability.

As much as I like the look of Land of the Lustrous, on a purely technical level its production values are certainly not as good as those of Infini-T Force. Digital Frontier is the top CG animation studio in Japan, one of a small few (along with Marza) that can claim to be in a similar realm to Hollywood CG productions. Orange, while an excellent studio in its own right with good ideas on how to use CG, simply can’t compete.


As much as I like the look of Land of the Lustrous, on a purely technical level its production values are certainly not as good as those of Infini-T Force. Digital Frontier is the top CG animation studio in Japan, one of a small few (along with Marza) that can claim to be in a similar realm to Hollywood CG productions. Orange, while an excellent studio in its own right with good ideas on how to use CG, simply can’t compete.

Maybe it is an artstyle thing then.


Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond - 1


All these Trigun references... It's a sign or rebooted Trigun anime, right guys? RIGHT?!

Man it's great to have this series back, the frantic nature of the series still remains and the characters haven't lost their appeal to me.

I think in terms of opener, this was stronger to me than the first season's opener. I'm not sure if that's just because I felt the narrative here was less hectic and focused or if my familiarity with the characters is what gave me a more enjoyable time. Some definite highlights like the recall or whenever Klaus did any of his attacks with the animation work, now that's how you open a series!

I'm just so happy to see this show back on TV, the mix of black humour and action is just what I've been lacking recently!

Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond- 01

These assholes better not be teasing me.

She's in the OP too;

I don't want to hazard a guess where this might go but it'll end awfully for Leo again.


Watamote, Completed - This shit was cringey as hell, but I still enjoyed it.

Wish we had more. People exposed so many truths about themselves when it aired.

I cannot stress this enough: read the manga. The anime covers only what's basically the prologue, which served to establish Tomoko's character. The direction the manga goes in around the midpoint of year two (the anime only covers her first year of high school) is unexpected and superb. It goes from being a funny parody of slice of life manga into one of the actual best slice of life style works ever made.


I cannot stress this enough: read the manga. The anime covers only what's basically the prologue, which served to establish Tomoko's character. The direction the manga goes in around the midpoint of year two (the anime only covers her first year of high school) is unexpected and superb. It goes from being a funny parody of slice of life manga into one of the actual best slice of life style works ever made.

The cringe is just much too real for me though, unfortunately. :(

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Damn it, why is Girls Last Tour only available on this Hi-Dive thing? Literally the only one I was super looking forward to. It doesn't even have a PS4 app.


It's not cringy, is a faithful depiction of people with social anxiety (like me).

Well I found what I saw cringey, but I dropped it first episide where she threatened her brother with suicide. Mental health professionals should have been called in then. As a shy person I certainly did not relate to what I saw.


I cannot stress this enough: read the manga. The anime covers only what's basically the prologue, which served to establish Tomoko's character. The direction the manga goes in around the midpoint of year two (the anime only covers her first year of high school) is unexpected and superb. It goes from being a funny parody of slice of life manga into one of the actual best slice of life style works ever made.

Yep I cannot agree enough, the manga elevates from a good slice of life to one of my favourites around the time she goes on the school trip. The expanded cast really help to make it a more humorous and enjoyable and the character development Tomoko goes through feels really satisfying. It's such a shame there isn't a season 2, most people won't know just how far she goes in her school life.

The cringe is just much too real for me though, unfortunately. :(

It's pretty heart warming later on in the manga if you ask me!

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
It's available on Amazon too, at least in the US. Not sure about international distribution for the Sentai licenses.

Nope. From the UK streaming thread on AUKN:

Sentai Filmworks titles will also remain exclusive to HIDIVE unless there is an exception.

Fuck. Just tried it in the browser as well, no luck. Guess I'll have to wait a year for a fucking app to surface.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
I messaged their support before and they were saying Q4 for apps.

I'll believe it when I see it. Ugh, I should just get myself a cheap media PC for this sort of thing rather than relying on consoles. Doesn't help the PC and laptop I do have are so ancient they struggle with a web browser.


Blend S 01

Heh... Not sure if want.

Train to Busan

There were some pretty good moments and more unintentionally hilarious scenes which kind of differentiates between Western zombie movies, but like everything else, there are absolutely unnecessary choices near the end that are only there just to be a dramatic device that just ruins it. Things where it was so easy to avoid turning when they were doing it earlier in the movie and it's only there because it's a good way to drum up the drama the Korean way. Every zombie movie just falls apart as it gets towards the end.


Yep I cannot agree enough, the manga elevates from a good slice of life to one of my favourites around the time she goes on the school trip. The expanded cast really help to make it a more humorous and enjoyable and the character development Tomoko goes through feels really satisfying. It's such a shame there isn't a season 2, most people won't know just how far she goes in her school life.

Main issue here though is that "year one" is the first four volumes, while "year two" is volumes five through twelve (which isn't even out yet and due to the varied length of recent chapters I can't really say whether twelve would cover up to the end of it). We'd need a 2 cour anime to cover everything without cutting out all of the one-off chapters.
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