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Avatar Community |OT| Live. Die. Repeat.


Beginnings is still dope. Fight me, mate.

I still maintain it was only as well received as it was because of the interesting art (especially after that was the series that had a lot of a animation fuck ups) and the fact that it was a break from Korra at her worst.

That's what I think too. Mainly the bolded.

Ok opinions and all, but I never saw what was so amazing about those episodes. At least for me, flashback scenes usually automatically put me in a weird state of mind where I can enjoy what's going on, but at the same time I just want the actual story to continue so I usually don't want to linger in the past for too long. It's a bit worse when it's showing all new characters because I can't watch it with the same context/rapport I built with the regular characters, so it's just a bit less satisfying.

Also, the fact that it was only two episodes telling this guy's whole fast forwarded saga leaves me not appreciating it in the same way I would if it were paced as a normal show would be. I didn't think the actual "story" of it was all that either.

I liked the episodes and all, just didn't find it to be a super highlight of the series.


It's probably very easy to take Veelk the wrong way if you're debating him on something, he's cool though. I discuss varies anime's with the dude, he's good for giving you another way at looking at certain shows and characters.

Yeah, I'm pretty awesome. Talking about this stuff isn't personal for me, and I have few filters other than what won't get me banned on gaf. Truth be told, I rarely think anyone is dumb or whatever, even if I heavily disagree with them because most of what I think comes from a very lengthy experience of studying stories. If I was an engineer, I wouldn't expect most people to know engineer stuff off hand either, and I just don't see the point in excessive tact on forums most of the time. It's just a discussion with mostly strangers, unless it's a community like this where we know each other a bit. And I understand narrative really, really well, so I typically have interesting things to say, and I go out of my way to justify them. I feel most people see that and if they don't interpret it as aggressive (which helps if your not the one I'm responding to), they see it for what it is, just a guy giving his opinion about fiction.

That said, you're not going to really entice me to respect your intelligence if you fail basic reading comprehension. Hate me, love me, I'm fine with either, but for the love of god, actually read what I write, not whatever you make up in your head.
I'm of the opinion that Mako's arc in Book 2 was the most interesting part of that season. It was certainly more interesting than Korra's plot. It had an interesting villain who wasn't a piece of cardboard (Seriously, though, we needed more of Varrick as a villain. He was so interesting in that role.) Also, it felt like an actual mystery, and being an actual mystery, it didn't keep information from you (One of my main problems with the Raava-Vaatu arc was how it was introduced with barely any build-up, and how it was a completely binary good vs. evil plot) by having all of its reveals fit with what we knew of the characters.

Also, it felt like a film noir, which is always a good thing. And while some of you here don't care about Mako, I was rooting for him to unravel the conspiracy, and certainly felt more invested in his struggle than in Korra's. Being the only character not to suffer a brain aneurysm in Book 2 (for the most part) also helped (he only got the aneurysm after Varrick was caught, at the end of the arc.)

It's so strange that a conspiracy to drag Republic City into a war was more compelling and felt like it had more stakes than the end of the freaking world.
Beginnings was always lame to me (mainly due to the shitty additions to the lore) but as said it was a break from Korra being a massive ass so it seemed like an improvement
I finally saw Star Wars and decided to hop on tumblr for cool gifs and fan art.

I get slapped in the face with ships upon ships upon ships. Like an entire fleet full of ships.
I finally saw Star Wars and decided to hop on tumblr for cool gifs and fan art.

I get slapped in the face with ships upon ships upon ships. Like an entire fleet full of ships.
But there's no lesbian ships in a force awakened. Only ship I can think of is Po and Finn since people think Rey friend zoned Finn.
Got back up to episode 10 of season 4. After doing this rewatch, I think I can comfortably call the worst season now. Season 4 is the weakest to me. The story premise is fine, but the weaknesses come to structure and Kuvira's actors performance. Korra's journey to re-balance herself was fine, but there were some questionable things regarding it. The visions she saw of herself first came across that it was just in her head, but then the spirit dog could see it, and then she actually fought it and it hurt her. I remember being perplexed the first time and this time around thinking that maybe it was actually Toph testing her, but the next scene revealed that she found her passed out when we last saw her sinking into the ground.

I'm on episode ten and from what I can remember I don't think they ever properly explained it. Aside from that I felt that Kuvira didn't come across as intimidating as she should have. She came off very dry and I didn't feel her like I could feel the other three villains. I thought Unulaq was sort of weak as well, but I could feel his emotion completely while I felt that Kuvira's wasn't real. I also never really felt that her and her army was an actual threat to the situation until about the last episode where the big thing comes into play. I think I have 3 episodes to go, but from what I can remember I don't think there's anything to assuage my feeling on the matter.
But there's no lesbian ships in a force awakened. Only ship I can think of is Po and Finn since people think Rey friend zoned Finn.

I got introduced to both the StormPilot (Finn x Poe) and JediStormPilot (Rey x Finn x Poe) ships via tumblr. With the latter gaining A LOT of traction.

There's also Rey x Kylo

And Kylo x Hux

And all I was trying to do was look up cool Finn gifs and art but damn near 95% of the posts in his tag ship the hell out of him. I know John Boyega is heavy on Twitter and Instagram so someone needs to send him some of the art that's out there.

Fandoms are weird, but I love them.

Got to make this post Avatar related somehow.....

Kylo Ren is totally Zuko. Finn is gonna be Sokka ain't he? :(


So apparently my sister and her friend are Avatar fans and for Christmas my sister got The Promise graphic novel.

Like how did I miss that?
They make Toph yoda? She's obviously Han.

Any picture that implies
Mako getting stabbed through the heart and falling into the abyss of Starkiller Base then the whole planet exploding
is fine by me.

Mako should've been Poe honestly, then Bolin = Finn.

Korra as Rey is fine
Kuvira is Phasma ,
though Book 2 Lin can also be Phasma since they both do next to nothing
Toph is Maz
Amon can be Kylo Ren
I finally finished the last few episodes. I jumped the gun earlier when I said I was on nine/ten, I was actually on episode eight so I apologize for that. The stakes did seem to go up at ten when the Bei Fongs and Bolin went to rescue the family. The finale in republic city was exciting to watch and I did like how Kuvira didn't hesitate to kill Batar Jr. We had some growth with Wu, but the resolution of the fight I didn't feel quite hit the mark on Kuvira turning herself over and feeling the weight of her actions.

I still feel the same overall in regards to the season, but the show is more than excellent and unique in a space that's lacking diversity. From season 1 to 4 the heart, soul, and dedication put into this cannot be disputed and this will be a series that will forever be regarded in good words.


gonna watch season 3 and some choice selections from other seasons over the weekend.

And probably finally get on with that large community census/post summary I promised to do.
I've been watching a good amount of Naruto lately. Who takes the L harder? Sakura or Mako...cause god damn Sakura's L is huge, probably can't even lift the fucking thing.
Stoked for the track. Though I imagine the "fuck it" he tweeted right before sharing the link means he hasn't yet been able to make Nick budge on the soundtrack.


You can do it, Zuck. ;~;
Just put it all up, homie. ;_;

I asked him if he could put all the soundtracks up on SoundCloud and he said "technically, no". Hopefully there's some sort of loophole because that's some bullshit that he can't post the music that HE made without Nick suing him. Despite the fact that, you know, they won't sell the fucking things.


Zuckerman doing the Lord's work. I wonder what percentage of the soundtrack can be pieced together from his Soundcloud now. I know there are people on YouTube who have gathered together fairly comprehensive-sounding ATLA music compilations.


This was kind of the key to a conversation me and my wife had really early on, and we were bullshitting about pop-culture (me? doing THAT? imagine!) and she said she was a big fan of Janeway, and I did the thing that was pretty much the verbal equivalent of the gif Forester keeps hitting. And we went back and forth, her bringing up Janeway's good moments, me pointing out what a bullheaded, illogical DIPSHIT she often was.

Eventually she was like "yunno, I can't say you don't have a point, and that a lot of Voyager was pretty crappy, because you do, and it was, but you gotta understand how important to me that it was HER being the bullheaded, illogical dipshit. And they had to listen to her. There weren't too many examples of that for me to look at back then, especially not THERE. So even when I knew she was fucking up, I liked that she had the strength and the weight to make those fuckups, and come back from them." Couldn't really argue with that.

It's part of why the Mary Sue arguments that popped off about Rey were so disheartening. Because there are so many examples of male ineptitude that are either handwaved, flat-out ignored, or even celebrated in our popular culture, and it's not really that big a deal. So when a woman gets to steer the ship, a flawed woman at that, it hurts a little to see that yardstick pushed a couple inches (or a foot) higher than we're typically inclined to measure our heroes by.

Janeway didn't stand so tall, but at least she was standing. Rey stands pretty goddamned tall, and it's fucking awesome.

This is only barely relevant, it's head here anyways, so I decided to post it anyway.

There is a lot of shit that we can very rightfully fling at LoK, but this post reminded me that it's very existence as an action cartoon with a female lead, that eventually ends in a gay relationship, is something to be celebrated just as a point of representation. Imagine what that does to little kids, boys and girls and kids that are just realizing that they are a bit unusual, and know that they have a hero they can point to and see themselves in. I guess it just reminded me that there was a reason people celebrated Korra and Asami getting together.

It's a shame LoK failed in so many other respects, but I still hope it atleast left it's mark declaring that female characters can be lead an action series. If there ends up being another avatar series, it makes me hope the lead is a female earthbender.


Funny, Veelk, I was just thinking the same an hour ago as I was watching the finale. LOK has a ton of issues, but it's pretty amazing that the show featured a brown woman as a protagonist in addition to the relationship at the end even having allowed to air. LOK has a lot of lows, but damn did it have its highs, even if they weren't earned.

I miss this show.


Korra earned its highs. Season 3 is a legitimately grand season of Western animation.

Only shame I feel for the production is how mismanaged the IP is by Nick.
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