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Avatar Community |OT| Live. Die. Repeat.

Oh please bruh I'm 31 wasting away in an office job looking at photography as means to make side money. Side money that will probably never come.

I've only been working for 2.5 years and I feel like I'm ready to retire >>

I'm going to have to change jobs like every two years to not go crazy.


I will say in my defense that I think some of the latter posts articulate what I'm trying to get across much better than I did. Wasn't at the top of my game in that particular thread.

If you wanted to see me go HAM though, you should have checked out the OP thread. It wasn't an entirely pleasant experience for all involved, but some epic veelks have been permanently marked into that thread's history.
I will say in my defense that I think some of the latter posts articulate what I'm trying to get across much better than I did. Wasn't at the top of my game in that particular thread.

If you wanted to see me go HAM though, you should have checked out the OP thread. It wasn't an entirely pleasant experience for all involved, but some epic veelks have been permanently marked into that thread's history.
The One Piece thread? I don't touch that thing since I've never even seen a frame of that show.


That Star Wars Veelk though

The funny thing is I didn't even make that thread. I posted it in the SW Spoiler thread, took a nap, and woke up to find it as it's own thread because Evilore liked the cut of my gib. My power is growing. Soon, I shall rule Gaf with an iron fist.


The funny thing is I didn't even make that thread. I posted it in the SW Spoiler thread, took a nap, and woke up to find it as it's own thread because Evilore liked the cut of my gib. My power is growing. Soon, I shall rule Gaf with an iron fist.

Hold off. If you ever go too deep into power you'll go mad.

And I'll be the first to oppose you.


When you say Kaiju battle, you mean like Godzilla vs random white dude that's heisenburg's son but not cool at all in the new Godzilla movie, right?
To me there is only one type of kaiju battle:


I just checked his post history, it's like he spent most of the day in there.

I kinda did. Vacation gives me a lot of free time. Probably too much.

Still, this is like the most successful thread I ever made. Or had made for me. It deserves the attention.


Well, process of elimination. With my walls of texts, I'm clearly godzilla, making you...?

Ah, right then. Normal sized powerless Korra vs Unavaatu. I can see that.
Clearly I'm Bryan Cranston. The only other one people care about.

And no way, super Korra for lyfe:


I kinda did. Vacation gives me a lot of free time. Probably too much.

Still, this is like the most successful thread I ever made. Or had made for me. It deserves the attention.

Pat yourself on the back why don't ya?

Nah, it really is a great thread. Actually the points about Kylo Ren are even better.


Clearly I'm Bryan Cranston. The only other one people care about.

As you will. He dies regardless, so I'm good. Godzilla always wins.

Pat yourself on the back why don't ya?

Nah, it really is a great thread. Actually the points about Kylo Ren are even better.

Thanks, but I really do need to step away. It's become really exhausting after monitoring the thread all day.


Oh does he?

Yes, because that's GINO, not Godzilla.

I just feel bad for not being able to read through it all. Been busy cleaning and all. But talk about a hot button topic...

Given the timing and the fact that Evilore decided that it needed to be a thread, I'm sure it will be around for a while, especially since it's over 10 pages already.

Otherwise, I actually have it saved because it was a Veelk I've was particularly happy even before it became a thread.


Yes, because that's GINO, not Godzilla.

Whatever you say, dude.

Given the timing and the fact that Evilore decided that it needed to be a thread, I'm sure it will be around for a while, especially since it's over 10 pages already.

Otherwise, I actually have it saved because it was a Veelk I've was particularly happy even before it became a thread.

So what you're telling me is, somewhere out there, there's a "Greatest Hits" of Veelks out there just waiting to be published?

I can see it now "VEELK: One Man's Opinion"

Page 345............... "Mary Sue" and Rey

But you know what, I saw it posted somewhere before, but she's the new Leia, unless there's some other Geek Goddess that I don't know about.


So what you're telling me is, somewhere out there, there's a "Greatest Hits" of Veelks out there just waiting to be published?

I can see it now "VEELK: One Man's Opinion"

Page 345............... "Mary Sue" and Rey

But you know what, I saw it posted somewhere before, but she's the new Leia, unless there's some other Geek Goddess that I don't know about.

Eh. I feel I should have something like that. I mean, how many times have I repeated an argument on Avatar throughout the course of LoK's runtime? The contexts were different and in need of adjustments, which helps clarify my positions, but at the end of the day, I'll probably be making similar arguments as I keep talking about topics. The Mary Sue thing is unusually comprehensive for me, so I bookmarked it for later use, but usually, I just rewrite my argument to fit the context better which I think refines my opinion more.

I honestly feel characters like Leia only got celebrated like that because girls had few other recourses for female characters in the OT and PT. Like, honestly, who fangirled Padme? And the fact that Leia's slave outfit is the most iconic image of her makes her position in the series obvious. Rey on the other hand is a fucking force of agency on her own accord. Mary sue or not, she's an actual main character that's a Jedi in a world where the Jedi are the ones who determine the fate of the galaxy. That is a WHOLE different level.


I honestly feel characters like Leia only got celebrated like that because girls had few other recourses for female characters in the OT and PT. Like, honestly, who fangirled Padme? And the fact that Leia's slave outfit is the most iconic image of her makes her position in the series obvious. Rey on the other hand is a fucking force of agency on her own accord. Mary sue or not, she's an actual main character that's a Jedi in a world where the Jedi are the ones who determine the fate of the galaxy. That is a WHOLE different level.

For fucking real.

The series really needed someone like Rey for the longest time, and even looking beyond that, how she's necessary to continue pumping out better female characters in general. The fact that she can stand on her own and isn't sexualized in anyway makes her, on those points alone, great. Now that she's taking lead I'm pretty anxious to see where they'll go with her and how they'll make her a better character. Hopefully they'll do a good job.

Because I would hate to waste, oh, I dunno, 4 seasons wanting to see horrid development on a power-wielding female protagonist.


Toa bringing those sick burns just in time for Christmas.

Also wanted to add my appreciation to Veelk's most epic Veelk yet.


You know, there are a lot of parallels in Avatar with Star Wars. Including how the next installment after the original was kinda shit. If the similarities continue, that means The Elements Awaken are going to be pretty good.


I swear, analogies have become a lost art.

LoK doesn't need to be 'as bad', because it's sufficient that LoK is like the prequels in the sense that it is a significantly worse story than the originals and a disappointment.

It's like someone telling you "Those two are like cats and dogs" and interpreting that to mean don't care about anything and lick their balls. Analogies observe relational similarities, not discriptional.
Love superior way you're talking to me. Keep doing it.

I disagree with the analogy, because Korra isn't even close to being as bad as the Prequels were to the original trilogy. My point was that your analogy was shit.

But yes, keep supporting the ridiculous notion being peddled in this thread that Korra is the worst thing ever and might as well not existent, as you tend to say.
You know, there are a lot of parallels in Avatar with Star Wars. Including how the next installment after the original was kinda shit. If the similarities continue, that means The Elements Awaken are going to be pretty good.

Heh, I'm not super familiar with Star Wars, but would it be accurate to say Raava is the Avatar universe's midichlorians?


Heh, I'm not super familiar with Star Wars, but would it be accurate to say Raava is the Avatar universe's midichlorians?

Yeah, probably. I really only meant it in the sense that it is an unworthy installment though, not that they are alike in plot structure
Yeah, probably. I really only meant it in the sense that it is an unworthy installment though, not that they are alike in plot structure

Oh, I know. I just bring it up because it's another funny trait shared by Korra and the Prequels. They both try a bit too hard to explain and justify the mystical powers from their original series.
The part where they explained the mystical powers of the show was the only good part of that whole season. Lol

I dunno, it's weird. I'm not in love with Raava and the whole concept of the Lionturtles temporarily dispensing bending abilities, but I also thought those episodes were bad-ass and wish we'd gotten to see Wan's story fleshed out further.


The part where they explained the mystical powers of the show was the only good part of that whole season. Lol

I still maintain it was only as well received as it was because of the interesting art (especially after that was the series that had a lot of a animation fuck ups) and the fact that it was a break from Korra at her worst.

Though, honesty, of all the things SW did wrong, I always thought the midiclorian complaint was overblown. One of the few things we knew about the Force in the OT is that it was genetic and there were always people had different degrees of force sensitivity. The only difference between "He is strong with the force" and "His midiclorian count is high" is that one sounds mystical and the other sounds scientific.
I still maintain it was only as well received as it was because of the interesting art (especially after that was the series that had a lot of a animation fuck ups) and the fact that it was a break from Korra at her worst.

I don't think it's a stretch to say it probably would have been received pretty positively even if the beginning half of Book 2 hadn't been so disappointing from an artistic and writing standpoint. No one could have predicted how badly Pierrot would fumble Book 2's visuals based on the trailer, but even then, the few scenes teasing Wan's story were a high point for many. Though if you're just referring to the parts of the fandom that claim Beginnings was far and away the best part of the entire series, then you're probably right.

EDIT: Went back and watched the Book 2 trailer and it's just the coolest shit.


I don't think it's a stretch to say it probably would have been received pretty positively even if the beginning half of Book 2 hadn't been so disappointing from an artistic and writing standpoint. No one could have predicted how badly Pierrot would fumble Book 2's visuals based on the trailer, but even then, the few scenes teasing Wan's story were a high point for many. Though if you're just referring to the parts of the fandom that claim Beginnings was far and away the best part of the entire series, then you're probably right.

EDIT: Went back and watched the Book 2 trailer and it's just the coolest shit.

Eh. Hard to tell with what if's, though this is actually one of the few hypothesis regarding fiction we could actually test. All we'd need to do was find a group of avatar fans who ever saw LoK season 2 before, and just show them Wan's episode.

But for my part, I never saw an actual argument for why it's a positive change to the Avatar Mythos. It's a generic as all hell with literal entities of good vs evil (despite nominally being chaos/darkness vs peace/light, they're obviously framed as such even though destruction has as valid a place in the religion/mythology it's based on) in, which make little cosmological sense with the spirit of peace being pretty goddamn violent, and violence (and the chaos that it results in) somehow being able to subdue the spirit of chaos. And Wan's whole character arc is the generic "We thought you humans were all fuckwads because reasons, but now you have shown me how utterly noble you can be because you clean up the mess you made." And his actual journey is going around and getting the elements like a videogame retrieve question, which the lion turtles arbitrarily give for whatever reason.

It's only real purpose was to give an explanation for wtf Unalaq wanted to do with that tree. On it's own, it has little to offer except an explanation for how things were for those that desperately needed one, however banal.


I must be the only one who didn't care for the Wan story at all. Art was rad, but I just wanted to go back to Korra ASAP. Plus, I didn't feel like the universe needed an explanation for its bending or how the Avatar state started etc. etc. Glad people really like it, but the characters of Vaatu and Raava are meh worthy at best.
I must be the only one who didn't care for the Wan story at all. Art was rad, but I just wanted to go back to Korra ASAP. Plus, I didn't feel like the universe needed an explanation for its bending or how the Avatar state started etc. etc. Glad people really like it, but the characters of Vaatu and Raava are meh worthy at best.
You're not the only one. I'm still surprised people think it's one of the best Korra episodes.
It's probably very easy to take Veelk the wrong way if you're debating him on something, he's cool though. I discuss varies anime's with the dude, he's good for giving you another way at looking at certain shows and characters.
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