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Avengers Beta : What are your thoughts so far

What do you think of the beta so far?

  • Beta convinced me to get it day 1

  • Having fun but won't get it on release

  • It's meh

  • It's a beta. But needs a lot of work

  • It's not fun but has potential

  • It's shit

  • Going to flop

  • I hate it! But I will still get it Day 1

Results are only viewable after voting.


I haven't tried it yet. But would like to see what NeoGAF thinks of it so far?
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I had fun but can’t see buying it. The world is dull, the super heroes don’t really feel super at all, the gaas hooks hurt the game more then help, loots boring And missions are super repetitive.

Drop the gear and power lvl, skill tree is more then enough to keep it going. Prob be a better game.
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From the initial trailer I had zero interest.
I thought it was just going to be a shitty MCU style game.
Follow up trailer I became a little more interested and curious.
I must have entertained preordering a hundred times to try the beta but passed due to uncertainty.
Then the open beta happened.
After two weekends of the beta I’m 100% sold.


I played the beta and personally it just didn't do anything for me. The best thing I could say is that it looked pretty nice, but the performance was awful on PC. It would be buttery smooth and then all of a sudden have these random lock-ups for a few seconds.

The combat didn't really grab me or feel as good as I was hoping for. When I think of a superhero game that revolves around combat I think of something that's going to feel good like God of War, Arkham, or Spider-Man. But the combat here can't even be compared to those titles, not even a bit. The heroes felt different enough, sure, but that absent feeling I had with the combat as a whole resonated with every character. With each character I thought, "Welp, maybe I just don't like them, let's see how the next one is..." Rinse and repeat until there were no new characters to play as.

Iron Man was probably my least favorite, which is pretty crazy to think of considering you'd think he'd be one of the most fun to control. My favorite was probably Hulk. I don't think the game is awful, there is potential buried there somewhere, I just think what's there now isn't revolutionary in any way. Could that change? Maybe! But for now I'll just keep an eye on it and see how it's received.


Stupid poll cause I had the game pre-ordered before the beta went live and there‘s no option for that.
Side quests are copy and paste , very much like Anthem, not a fan of that all. Main story quests are quite fun but honestly I don’t like where these some of these big games are going, services or Gaas as it’s said. I’m gonna hold off for the time being.


I liked it. Seeing all the negative comments does make me wonder if my love for the MCU is getting in the way.

Still time to cancel my pre order and get something like Ghost.. I just don't know.


It was absolute piss water.

And when this game dies on its arse on release, all the games companies who have similar GaaS games in production are going to shit themselves. And rightly so.
Something tells me you gone be mad disappointed in a year when it ain't dead and it's making even more money.
The beta has been rated nearly 30k times on PSN with an average of 4 stars. It's probably going to survive or at the very least it will on Playstation.


It's gonna print money, don't kid yourselves. The IP is too big to fail and people love playing with friends, the game just has to be decently playable to be a success amongst the masses.
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I pre-ordered and started the first beta and was into it. I haven't played it during either subsequent beta period... it just kind of rolled off of me.

I will probably enjoy the story and like going through the game, but it's not going to grip me the way I was hoping it would. My friend worked on the game, I think there's going to be a lot to like but I think it's overwhelmed by the overall genre it's going for. I'd like it a lot more if it was a straight up Spider-Man-like single player adventure game.


The beta sold me on it. I was on the fence before. I really enjoyed playing as the different characters and found it fun. I can see myself playing an hour or two a day for a long time


I think the key for this game is it's going to lure in a lot of single player gamers who wouldn't normally play a Destiny style game.

For me as crazy as it sounds the idea of playing one of these games is quite exciting because I've never played one before. My steps into online multiplayer have only been as far as Dark Souls allows it and for fighting games.

Local coop is a totally different story however 😉
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Gold Member
I was not very interested in the game, but after playing the beta I'm kind of interested in it because, well, I'm a sucker for Marvel Superheroes stuff, and the gameplay was way better than what I was expecting.

Contrary to my initial opinion, I kind of dig the way they portrait Kamala Khan, because she basically acts like any of us would act if they were in direct contact with team Avengers. She's like this teenager girl that is super excited and hyped all the time.

Second, Black Widow. I laughed at her but turns out she was my favourite character to play. She kicks ass. Second best for me was Captain America.

I have some grips thought. I only caught the beta for one day and a half:
  • The counter system is awkward, even after tutorial there's so much going-on on the screen that it's difficult to perform them.
  • Ironman is okayish.
  • The whole gear level seemed a little bit to overwhelming;
  • Too many mic kids on this game, for a moment there I sensed I was playing Fornite. One of them even started singing Shakira's Waka.
  • Coop feels kind of clunky. The teams I played in were basically everyone for himself whopping ass.
  • And my most constrain of all: I still don't understand what this game will offer after the main storyline, because every warzone table side mission felt exactly the same: waves and waves of enemies.
So will I buy it right at launch? No, because I need to know exactly what the game offers besides main story line.
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Was more interested before playing the beta and now, I'm super content just waiting it out. Pretty underwhelming as it is now, but it could be much much much better in 6-8 mos. considering it's a "Gaas/live service" and be cheaper too.

If a buddy picks it up for me to play co-op I'll give it a go. If not, I'll wait until it's in a much better state.


Crashed to desktop twice for me, second time forcing me to completely restart a mission on pc. Maybe in 6 months to a year is will be good with extra characters and bugs out of the way but it's a definite no from me
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Tears of Nintendo
This is a really hard pass for me and I don't even need it for free.

It is incredibly boring, frustratingly repetitive and absolutely uninspired gameplay and combat-wise. The absolute worst superhero game I've played since Increadible Hulk, Thor: God of Thunder, Green Lantern, Iron Man and Captain America: Super Soldier. Please people, go find and play X-Men Origins: Wolverine which is miles better gameplay and combat-wise and will cost you nothing these days.
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Loot is uninteresting. Maybe they're saving the exotic level ones out of the Beta, but it seems its more of a numbers game? If it is, its a pass for me.

Its fun to play when it works, performance can sometimes be quite bad on the base PS4. I can see having a good time unlocking the skill tree but I expect the experience to quickly become dull for me afterwards.

Played with Ironman the most, I have to say Anthem flight controls are more responsive and smoother in general. That said, I generally have this sneaking feeling that this game will end up like Anthem. Strong developer communication and support during Beta period, radio silence afterwards.


Even though nothing about the game seemed promising, I still gave the beta a shot on PC. Thought it was trash and would never consider buying or playing it. This kind of garbage game structure and design isn't for me.
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Might need to stop sniffing glue
I canceled my pre order. I’ll wait and see it it is better down the road. The money is better spent on next gen related things or another game coming soon.
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