The game looks like a really expensive demo put together with store bought assets from Unreal Engine.
If you asked me "what does it mean when a game has
soul?" I'd point at this and go "the opposite of Avowed." There is just no identity at all with the game, just as generic of fantasy as you can get. I bet there will be pressure plate puzzles and "match the sigils to open the door" and all the other same boring shit we've been doing for 20 years.
Shame too, I think the gameplay concepts were probably interesting, but it's hard to describe why this doesn't look fun at all. Like it's a kids Saturday cartoon PG version of Bioshock or something. Also everything feels chunky and too big on the screen. Like the FoV is just really small or they're choosing to fight everything SUPER CLOSE to the camera.
Also that promo/presumed box art looks way better than the game deserves: