I was gonna say I needed another hit of awesome, then I saw a description of pregnant sonic's photo shoot and I'm sure I'm good again for a long, long time.
There is something magical about Sonic that attracts all the crazies for some reason:
My brother and I debated while playing Sonic 2006 if Sonic attracts kids with low self esteem and weird fetishes, or if it creates them.
Creates them I would think. All my fetishes are because of Pokemon. A lot of people's fetishes probably originate from cartoons or whatever they watched as kids.
Eh, while you can make a case for Sonic leading a portion of it's fans into becoming furries, I don't think you can blame the franchise for all the other weird ass shit we have seen in the Sonic fanart in this thread. I mean, I've played my fair share of Sonic games, and I don't remember seeing any MPreg or fart inflation in them.
Anyone still has that image with a guy who turns into a diaper because of the full moon?
Eh, while you can make a case for Sonic leading a portion of it's fans into becoming furries, I don't think you can blame the franchise for all the other weird ass shit we have seen in the Sonic fanart in this thread. I mean, I've played my fair share of Sonic games, and I don't remember seeing any MPreg or fart inflation in them.
Some bronies also have the same issue:
I have no idea what this is, but I'm pretty sure it belongs here...
The title is "Phineas Ottley Murders Dilma Rousseff." if it helps anyone understand what the fuck is going on here.
I have no idea what this is, but I'm pretty sure it belongs here...
The title is "Phineas Ottley Murders Dilma Rousseff." if it helps anyone understand what the fuck is going on here.
Their muscles remind me of the weird, gross muscles in that swimming anime everyone is always talking about.
Those guys look like a California Raisin.
The worst thing about this is the creepy, souless expression all the girls have.
It's called "moe"
Not sure if this is better or worse than what Activision has done with Crash:
...I feel as if my childhood has been perverted ._.
I'm beginning to think that you draw these.
Yes, I just finished watching Madoka.
You know Fluttershy is voiced by Kyubey's VA in the Japanese dub...
Awesome or "awesome?"
Awesome or "awesome?"
Both of these absolutely killed me. Gotta be 15-year-olds, no?
Was the werediaper a character from somewhere, or have we just experienced subject creep to the point where any weird ass thing goes?
I feel like this one has to be a parody. A furry who is transforming into an airplane? I could buy one or the other but both is...disturbing.