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"Awesome" Fan Art |OT2| James can see everything

the chris


I already hate that 'Little League' webcomic because to me it takes a concept that was done really well with Tiny Titans and just uses the Justice League instead, but this just makes me hate it more.

Guess I'll post a pic too, but I'm still annoyed.


I already hate that 'Little League' webcomic because to me it takes a concept that was done really well with Tiny Titans and just uses the Justice League instead, but this just makes me hate it more.

Guess I'll post a pic too, but I'm still annoyed.

it just looks really lazy too.

tiny chibi Batman holding super realistic roses, standing over a gray square on the ground that says Colorado.

i can tell he put so much thought into his heart wrenching tribute to the victims.



Just seeing those two words juxtaposed like that sends a chill down my spine.


The amount of creepy conservative/rightwing/religious drawings on Deviantart continues to amaze me. But why is there virtually nothing from the other side of the political spectrum?

Leftwing Sonic fan art would be an interesting change of pace.


CHEEZMO™;40209896 said:
I'd do it.

Do editoral cartoons count as fan art now? This may have some interesting implications...

Some of them are certainly as poorly drawn as the things in this thread. ZING!


Some of them are certainly as poorly drawn as the things in this thread. ZING!

The problem with pictures in this thread isn't how they are drawn, but what is drawn. Just look at the "lick our feet" picture. Art wise it's really good, but the theme is really disturbing.


The problem with pictures in this thread isn't how they are drawn, but what is drawn. Just look at the "lick our feet" picture. Art wise it's really good, but the theme is really disturbing.

In that case, I think editorial cartoons should just be left out completely. It's one thing for us all to laugh at furry Kurt Cobain in a diaper because that's wacky and zany, but editorial stuff seems apt to cause actual anger.


A Sonic the Hedgehog Christian Stage Play:


[Amy is sitting in an arm chair in the study. She is reading by candle light, since the electricity went out. Sonic walks in to the room.]
Sonic: Hey am what are you reading?
Amy: I'm reading revelation.
Sonic: Why are you reading the bible?
Amy: Because I can.
Sonic: Okay…. Have you ever wondered if the bible was true?
Amy: No, Why? Do you think it's not true?
Sonic: I didn't say that.
Amy: But you implied it.
Sonic: No, I didn't.
Amy: Yes, you did.
Sonic: So what? I mean I don't think it's real.
Amy: So you're saying God's not real.
Sonic: Pretty much
Amy: How could you say that?
Sonic: If he's real prove it.
Amy: (looks at Sonic) You
Sonic: (surprised) Me?
Amy: Yes you.
Sonic: What do mean by that?
Amy: If God was not real, you would be dead by now.
Sonic: Not True!
Amy: Sonic
Sonic: Ok, so I'm a little…
Amy: on edge.
Sonic: Sort of, but I mean if God was real; then why didn't he protect my parents.
Amy: Well he sort of did. Both of you parents are alive, but their robots.
Sonic: Then why did I loss Sally?
Amy: God puts us through trials for reasons. He wants to see how we would react to the situation.
Sonic: (looking the other way and a little upset) Then do you think I passed or failed that trial?
Amy: I don't know Sonic, Its God's choice, not mine.
Sonic: If he is real, then why can't I feel him anymore?
Amy: Maybe you've lost sight of him.
Sonic: But he's not there.
Amy: Sonic, He's always there. You have just turned your back to him and ignored what he is trying to say to you.
Sonic: I don't know Amy.
(Amy get's up from the chair and walks up to Sonic)
Amy: Just think about it, If you listen maybe God has something to say.
[Amy leaves to room]
Sonic: (thinking) Maybe Amy's right.
God: Of course she right. I have so much planned for you. You were raise in Christian morals, but why did you turn your back on me?
Sonic: (sits down in the chair) What have I done? I never wanted to go so far away. What do I do?
[Scene change to Amy, She's lying on Sonics' bed with her bible open. Sonic walks in the room and sits on the bed]
Amy: Hey Sonic.
Sonic: Hey, I… just wanted … to thank you.
Amy: For what?
Sonic: For what you said earlier.
Amy: (a little confused) Uh?
Sonic: If it wasn't for you I would have never noticed that I was stupid enough to turn my back on God.
Amy: (overjoyed) I knew it (She hugs Sonic) I'm so proud of you.
Sonic: Thanks.


In that case, I think editorial cartoons should just be left out completely. It's one thing for us all to laugh at furry Kurt Cobain in a diaper because that's wacky and zany, but editorial stuff seems apt to cause actual anger.

I thought they were tacky. A badly drawn and goofy lookin Batman facepalming with a news paper that says Aurora Shooting on it, and then the caption just made the whole thing even worse.

But yeah, I wont post any political cartoons about Obama or religion or anything.

Dear Pony fans, stop it.

wtf is that one letter, a 'p'? an 'o'? a 'b'?

learn to write fan artist.

This is amazing.

damn... lookin so HOT.

ok i got some:












Sonic's Gone Surfing? by Jeremy Lannigan

Ever since his up-close experience with sharks in the Caribbean, Sonic the Hedgehog had completely gotten over his fear of water so much so that he actually swam for fun. In fact, when he heard that Sally had booked a week-long trip to Puerto Rico for their honeymoon, he needed tranquilizers to calm him down. The hotel the newlyweds stayed in was in the Old San Juan District, a few minute's drive from the beach and El Morro, a fort built by the original Spanish colonists. As Sonic staked out a spot on the beach while he waited for Sally to rent a couple surfboards, he gazed at the turquoise waves that billowed from the ocean. They seemed to beckon to the blue hedgehog, practically calling his name.

A dark shape in the water immediately caught his attention; upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a bottlenose dolphin. Sonic relaxed and shook his head. He was not particularly worried about sharks, but worried for Sally's safety if there were sharks. He could not imagine what he would do without the intelligent, sexy, auburn-haired chipmunk that was his wife. A tap on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts. There stood Sally, holding a long surfboard under each arm, one dark green and the other neon yellow. "You awake, my azure blur?" she giggled. "I don't want you to fall off your board!"

Sonic smiled. "Don't worry about me, honey," he replied, taking the green surfboard under his arm. Without another word, the two lovers raced to the blue water and paddle out to sea. Once about twenty yards from shore, Sonic stood on his board, performing tricks that would make a career surfer green with envy, all the while shouting, "Cowabunga!" Sally simply moved with the waves, content to see her husband have a good time.

As he caught another wave, Sonic felt something brush past his leg; it felt a bit like sandpaper to him. He looked down at the water beneath, but saw nothing. 'Must have been some driftwood or something,' he thought as he rode the wave out.

Sally paused to catch her breath, a weight forming in the pit of her stomach. The churning surf had stirred up the sandy bottom, making the water unusually murky. Something bumped her calf muscle, causing her to look down. As she did, though, a jolt of pain ran up her leg, making her scream as she was pulled under. The water around Sally turned red as she was shaken around like a ragdoll; in that moment, she knew her attacker was a shark. She felt around her lower leg area, still being shaken, and felt the blunt snout. Running on pure instinct and adrenaline, Sally delivered a hard punch to the shark's snout; she heard a pop as the shark sped off into the murky water. She began to black out when she saw a hand grab her arm and pull her from the deep.

Sonic heaved the injured Sally onto his board and rapidly paddled back to shore, screaming, "Shark! Get out of the water! Shark attack!" Once onshore, Sonic rushed her to the nearest hospital, where a tourniquet was applied to Sally's leg; it had been completely ripped off.

Hours later, a surgeon came to Sonic in the waiting room. "Your wife is stable," the man said, "but she has lost too much blood; I give her an hour to live." Sonic nodded sadly, trying to hold back the storm of emotions that swirled to and fro in his heart.

"Can I see her?" Sonic said shakily, a lump forming in his throat. The doctor nodded and led the blue hero down a hallway to a glass door. Beyond that, Sally laid quietly in a hospital bed, a weak smile on her face. "Hi, honey," Sonic greeted, stroking his dying wife's long, auburn hair.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Sally said bluntly, that same smile on her face. "That's okay; if God says my time is up, it's up." Tears began to roll down Sonic's cheeks. "I have one request, Sonic," Sally said gently.

"What is it?" Sonic gasped between quiet sobs.

"Don't let my death make you afraid of the water again. I want you to be happy, and that means you have to risk a little." Sally wiped away Sonic's tears and kissed him. Sonic kissed back. The kisses became more passionate as time went by, and before he knew it, Sally's heart rate flatlined. "See you soon, Sonic…Hedgehog," Sally cooed into Sonic's ears as her soul left her body. The blue hedgehog broke down, sobbing loudly.

Psalm 34:18:The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
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