Wow. The guy is a total sociopath. He's acting as if the guys of AGDQ are expected to give him free stuff. What a scumbag.
Seriously, what is this!?
It's fake.
Wow. The guy is a total sociopath. He's acting as if the guys of AGDQ are expected to give him free stuff. What a scumbag.
Seriously, what is this!?
I'd love to see Cadillacs & Dinosaurs develop more of a following. Easily my favorite beat-em-up of all time.
Freedom Planet would be a solid choice, too.
It's fake.
Let's remember the awkward...
The Most Awkward Moments at AGDQ 2015:
C&D and AvP were my childhood arcade jams, me and my brother would always play them when we went to the arcade <3
Let's remember the awkward...
The Most Awkward Moments at AGDQ 2015:
That video wasn't too bad.
...Except for 1:34. Yikes.
Why did he hold on to the ring?
That video wasn't too bad.
...Except for 1:34. Yikes.
In the comments to that video, he says he was afraid the ring wouldn't fit her finger.My guess is so she had an opportunity to come back down to earth after the shock of the moment and reaffirm her "yes" without the pressure of 130,000 sets of eyes on her.
Funnily enough, the blindfolded OoT run was one of the few I actually thought was genuinely impressive and worth the time to watch without it starting to feel like a glorified 'Let's Play'.Although I was initially blown away by the Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask runs, I think I've seen those games run enough times that it no longer holds much appeal for me.
Quote from the runner on that video:Why did he hold on to the ring?
Oh God, the one where the guy proposes to his (actually really cute) girlfriend and then's like "I'll hold onto the ring."
I cringed so fucking hard.
That video wasn't too bad.
...Except for 1:34. Yikes.
I'm interested in the "donor's wife slept with runner" as in, how was this found out, and was there more footage/texts that proved this?
oh my god i watched the banjo run how did i miss that donation
and wow at actually reading that comment
Too much nofunallowed and not enough Bonus?
I feel like it's one of those things that can be looked up through Google if you're interested, but shouldn't really be discussed in the thread.
edit: you guys are free to do as you please, I just think it's in poor taste.
Yeah, I'm not out to derail the thread. People were talking about a video on the previous page, and it didn't seem evident from that video why the conclusion was drawn.
I don't know this person, and have no reason to ever think or talk about him again. It's just an interesting story from an event. No worries.
Let's remember the awkward...
The Most Awkward Moments at AGDQ 2015:
This video has a disturbing lack of "SAY IT" from Caleb. Oh well, at least they got the "Mine Mine Hype Hype" portion in there.
This video has a disturbing lack of "SAY IT" from Caleb. Oh well, at least they got the "Mine Mine Hype Hype" portion in there.
Fun is gone when you get that many stream monsters that will whine about everything that isn't perfect. Anyone who looks tired on stream or picks their nose on stream or anything on camera will be scrutinized from now until SGDQ. They pretty much have to make it as vanilla as possible so there won't be some huge backlash of complains about something dumb.
What was this "SAY IT" thing about?
Let's remember the awkward...
The Most Awkward Moments at AGDQ 2015:
Most of the videos on their youtube channel has audio desync problem.![]()
Random comment - Puwexil sounds just like David X Cohen, executive producer from Futurama and host of every audio commentary for every episode on the DVDs. Must be a regional thing.
Oh, and I know I will look really stupid for asking but can someone explain the "Save/Kill the animals" thing? What was that for? What animals? What frames? What is going on? It was only partially explained in passing once in a random stream I've watched and I don't even remember what they said.
Also, what's the story with the asian kid in the frilly dress in the second row who was falling asleep 2.5 hours into it? He seems to have woken up now to watch the finale.
It's for the Super Metroid run. At the end, the player may slightly detour and destroy a wall allowing the tutorial critters to escape, costing the run a few seconds.
I didn't even know about this at all. No one I've ever watched play the game has ever gone in there. So... did they end up saving or killing them? Wait, don't spoil it. I haven't watched that one yet. Maybe after LTTP.At the end of Super Metroid, you can take an optional detour to rescue the native animals of the planet before it blows up. The save/kill the animals bid war is whether the Super Metroid runner(s) makes the detour to save the animals.
Reasons to save the animals: It's the "nice" thing to do and, according to Metroid Fusion, it's canon
Reasons to kill the animals: This is a speedrunning event and the goal is to complete the game as quickly as possible, so you can "save frames" (frames of animation) by skipping this detour
That kind of explains it... wait no it doesn't. (Is he a streamer? Is it some sort of inside joke? I love inside jokes. I hope to be part of one some day.)
I didn't even know about this at all. No one I've ever watched play the game has ever gone in there. So... did they end up saving or killing them? Wait, don't spoil it. I haven't watched that one yet. Maybe after LTTP.
But why bother saving those frames? I mean is the player at GDQ really trying to get a world record at that very moment? Surely that can be done at another time. Just save the animals and show it off! Oh who am I kidding, they're always in "World Record" mode aren't they? lolAll previous GDQs they've been killed (so they wouldn't have gone to that room), watch this years vid and find out if they do again!