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Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 is starting


Just turned the stream on and this is what I’m greeted with in the chat…


So this is event is about video games or just a bunch of mentally ill people? #selfcare


Okay, I need to know, why are there so many "confused" people on this show. It's jarring seeing a dude with a deeper voice than I or putting on his best baby voice being described as a SHE. Man, who do you think you're fooling? I'm pretty close to no-ping the fuck out of this. No matter how much nerd you think you have in you, watch a show like this.
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Isn't it hard to do a speedrun and also do commentary about what you are doing? Or is this not really about the fastest time?


It's actually quite worrying how many young men in America are so unable to cope with being young men in America, that they develop such strong mental health issues around gender and identity.

The direct correlation between social awkward young men who speed run video games, and transgenderism, is made extremely stark when you look at just how many of the people who take part in GDQ are trans.

In the future, there's going to be a lot of examination over how poorly mental health has been handled in America that this is the outcome. I know there's a temptation to laugh at dudes dressed in skirts, pretending to be female (and how that is supported by all those around them) but I actually feel a great deal of sympathy for them, and don't particularly find any of it all that funny. It's disturbing and sad, and something needs to be done about it.
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Isn't it hard to do a speedrun and also do commentary about what you are doing? Or is this not really about the fastest time?
Depends on the game and the runner. Some, like my favorite speedrunner Oatsngoats (primarily runs Super Metroid and is absent from this event), can absolutely talk about whatever and still beat the game faster than 99.9% of the people watching. Others need to focus more and won't talk as much. Regardless, a lot of runs will have a person or three sitting on the "couch" to provide additional commentary and/or entertainment during the run since it can be daunting to perform well at an event and be entertaining to everyone watching. The runs themselves are more about doing the game fast and showing off tricks to entertain people but not necessarily trying to set records.
There's some interesting looking runs coming down the line like Elden Ring vs Sekiro, Resident Evil 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 but I'll have to catch them on the VoD.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
You can tell a fair bit about the crowd from how many people are still wearing masks. Maybe I spent too much time in the PNW. Amusingly, right now there are three people in the audience like 50 feet apart from each other, and all with masks.
I’m going to MAGFest this week and I’ll be wearing a mask the whole time, not because I’m afraid of getting sick, but because I’m getting over RSV and I’m not an asshole.


Completely disinterested in watching this crap just to find out what pronouns these sensitive fuckers have. Plenty of other shit I can waste my time doing other than watching these overly sensitive muppets laugh at shit “jokes” being as woke as fuck.


Isn't it hard to do a speedrun and also do commentary about what you are doing? Or is this not really about the fastest time?
Very hard. Most runners have other people who run the game as well “on the couch” to do commentary. As ssringo ssringo said, it’s more of a showcase/celebration than a competitive event.
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The pronouns was like… I don’t know how much is opt-in and how much is peer pressure so I just ignored it.. they do that shit at the Apple Store ffs. I quit on these “folx” when they moved their event because Florida was “literally” killing trans people.
It’s a shame because I think speedrunning is really cool and innovative. #savetheanimals
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AGDQ and all the other editions of the show became insufferable to watch with how much woke it became across the years. Well, at least, there is ESA to watch but it's not the same thing.


I honestly believe that twitch is viewbotting the channel or they are. There is no way this has 30k viewers with nothing going on.
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Summer Games Done Quick 2024 is here

Luckily for us the guy currently on the couch has a pronouns page.

It's why I don't watch it. Then I noticed recently the European one now shows the speed runners pronouns as well so I have stopped watching that as well. Not too sure why the gaming industry has turned into this insufferable bullshit pandering crap, but here we are.


Have enjoyed a few runs the first couple days, problem is that for every couch that is just 3-4 gamers who can actually talk to an audience and entertain gets paired with a host with nonsense pronouns that wants to spend the whole run shrieking Trans Rights every donation. Wish there was an audio option to mute the hosts (Why doesn't this company hire hosts, their in house woke people are awful hosts). I usually skip Sonic block, because usually it's 270 pounds of dude stuffed into a girl cosplay outfit, but all runners today were actual normal dudes (Think a few I've seen on ESA).

Side note, I didn't think the prizes team could get any worse then Sent...but this Corvimae or whatever that is is beyond awful to listen to. 90% of the GDQ staff are sorry to say really unattractive people to look and listen to. I can't think of any other company that does fundraising for charity where all the hosts are slobs in sweatpants.


I'm watching some dude that's clearly a fucking male playing Pepper Grinder. His pronouns are....."it".
I just can't, man. What is this correlation between speed running and mental illness in America? Serious question. This shit is at least muted a bit with the ESA events.

EDIT: Well, listening and watching him as he plays this game, I guess I can see why. Dude is completely drained of testoserone. While not a she, It would be wrong to call him a 'he" either.
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I'm watching some dude that's clearly a fucking male playing Pepper Grinder. His pronouns are....."it".
I just can't, man. What is this correlation between speed running and mental illness in America? Serious question. This shit is at muted a bit with the ESA events.

To have the time to speed run games you kind of have to be a shut-in type, with low self esteem and a poor social life. That tends to lead to mental health issues that don’t get dealt with properly due to America’s terrible health system. So instead people like that get sucked into ideologies that are online, which is their only real social outlet.
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Looked through the schedule and like usual there's only a couple runs I'm interested in. Grand Poo World 3 because Poo and Barb on the couch and are fantastic commentators and Poo has some good fun speedrun events. The other is the 4 way Super Metroid race between Oatsngoats (any% WR holder), ShinyZeni (100% WR holder), ARC (top contender in both categories) and Imyt (any% contender). I'm hoping that one turns into a fun nailbiter.


They used to have 100-200k average viewership at there peak a few years ago. Regardless if view botting or legit views, 30k at late night and 50k during the day really shows how bad the event has become.

I'm surprised that Doctors without Borders and Prevent Cancer Foundation haven't had a discussion with them about the amount of people and potential $$$ they push away with their identity politics crap. I mean if they could go 24 hours without screaming Trans Rights I would bet word would spread amongst online communities and viewership would go up within 24 hours. Not to mention, the games they don't allow because TRANSPHOBIC, Hogwarts was what the best selling game of last year? and isn't allowed to be run? WTF? Meanwhile we damn sure will get Celeste mods year after year after year. While they do raise a good amount of money, I would like to think a better run event run more professionally could bring in significantly more then they do and that makes me upset
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