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Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 is starting


It's actually quite worrying how many young men in America are so unable to cope with being young men in America, that they develop such strong mental health issues around gender and identity.

The direct correlation between social awkward young men who speed run video games, and transgenderism, is made extremely stark when you look at just how many of the people who take part in GDQ are trans.

In the future, there's going to be a lot of examination over how poorly mental health has been handled in America that this is the outcome. I know there's a temptation to laugh at dudes dressed in skirts, pretending to be female (and how that is supported by all those around them) but I actually feel a great deal of sympathy for them, and don't particularly find any of it all that funny. It's disturbing and sad, and something needs to be done about it.
Nothing can be done about it. Not at the moment at least because the second you say something like this you're labeled transphobic and a myriad of other things.

It really sucks.


Just turned the stream on and this is what I’m greeted with in the chat…


Terminator GIF
To be fair, speedrunning itself is kind of a "must have some sort of disorder" hobby. Doing things (for no pay) over and over and over and over for a chance at a fraction of a second boost over your previous time for a fleeting chance to be #1 on a list that gets you nothing and the vast majority of people don't know about.

No shade thrown if you enjoy it, but there's definitely some sort of specific brain gearing you need to have in order to be able to stomach it, let alone enjoy it.
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No shade thrown if you enjoy it, but there's definitely some sort of specific brain gearing you need to have in order to be able to stomach it, let alone enjoy it.
Paraphrasing here as I can't remember where exactly I heard it but I believe zoast (big name in Super Metroid speedrunning) was asked what a person should do if they wanted to start speedrunning SM and his response was to get a brain exam. Pretty much every other top runner echoes that sentiment (for SM at least). It's grueling and mentally exhausting.


Gold Member
I'm surprised that Doctors without Borders and Prevent Cancer Foundation haven't had a discussion with them about the amount of people and potential $$$ they push away with their identity politics crap. I mean if they could go 24 hours without screaming Trans Rights I would bet word would spread amongst online communities and viewership would go up within 24 hours. Not to mention, the games they don't allow because TRANSPHOBIC, Hogwarts was what the best selling game of last year? and isn't allowed to be run? WTF? Meanwhile we damn sure will get Celeste mods year after year after year. While they do raise a good amount of money, I would like to think a better run event run more professionally could bring in significantly more then they do and that makes me upset
I like how I read your response to me, then when I scrolled up I saw Celeste is the game currently being played in the link in Hrk69 Hrk69 's post.



I'm surprised that Doctors without Borders and Prevent Cancer Foundation haven't had a discussion with them about the amount of people and potential $$$ they push away with their identity politics crap. I mean if they could go 24 hours without screaming Trans Rights I would bet word would spread amongst online communities and viewership would go up within 24 hours. Not to mention, the games they don't allow because TRANSPHOBIC, Hogwarts was what the best selling game of last year? and isn't allowed to be run? WTF? Meanwhile we damn sure will get Celeste mods year after year after year. While they do raise a good amount of money, I would like to think a better run event run more professionally could bring in significantly more then they do and that makes me upset

I like how I read your response to me, then when I scrolled up I saw Celeste is the game currently being played in the link in Hrk69 Hrk69 's post.


And obviously they are screaming trans rights just as I tune in


This is a perfect. Alan Wake 2 speed run. A fat dude wearing a suit with a 'They' pronoun and he's wearing a fucking mask. He and his mentally ill buddies decided to dance along with the dance number in the game after reaching some incentive goal. People like this tempt me into going back into the closet with my love of gaming sometimes.

One more thing to anyone at GDQ that might be reading this:

Pride month ended two days ago, assholes. Quit wishing people a happy pride month.


I used to like watching some of the FF game runs bunch of years back, as the commenters and the runs were pretty entertaining.

But this is just insufferable. I wish there was a “tired” emoji here on GAF.
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Gold Member
No worries. I got you.


Imagine having to read a spreadsheet in preparation for the most basic human interaction with someone, lmao.

"Mister" and "sir" is not good, "bro" and "dude" is okay. But you can also call me "miss" or "ma'am". NOT "MADAM", but "ma'am". You can call me cute or pretty, or even hot, but don't call me sexy or handsome. Please address me as "monarch".

Absolute brainrot.


Studies show that there's a correlation between autism and gender dysphoria. Since there are many gender-dysphoric speedrunners, one can infer an overlap between speedrunning and autism. Although anecdotal, I believe this hypothesis is worthy of further investigation. However, not by me. I'm retarded.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me if they eventually renamed the marathon to LGBTDQ+.


Imagine having to read a spreadsheet in preparation for the most basic human interaction with someone, lmao.

"Mister" and "sir" is not good, "bro" and "dude" is okay. But you can also call me "miss" or "ma'am". NOT "MADAM", but "ma'am". You can call me cute or pretty, or even hot, but don't call me sexy or handsome. Please address me as "monarch".

Absolute brainrot.
And this is just one person. Imagine a venue full of these people. One slip-up and you are fucking cancelled

If you want to have a laugh:

I want to cancel that dog!
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Gold Member
Why are there so few people in the audience? It's afternoon there now right? It's like there are ten people at the event.


Now, there's a fucking motion sickness banner on the Mirror's Edge speedrun. They certainly know the majority of their current fanbase huh? Mentally ill, don't know who they are figuratively and literally and can't cope with life outside of the internet without some kind of Diazepam cocktail and a block button.
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i feel bad for the speed runners who have to fake nice with the overly woke

There is nothing sadder then when there is actually a regular couch of dudes having a good time with a run and the woke host has to read every donation that ends in Trans Rights and everybody is just expected to half caring repeat it so that they don't get blacklisted from ever coming back since they love to dish out the bans for having your own opinions. Kind of Era-ish if you would


I don't know what's more cringe, the state of this event now, or furry / brony conventions

I think I'd genuinely rather watch a brony convention at this point
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Gold Member
I don't know what's more cringe, the state of this event now, or furry / brony conventions

I think I'd genuinely rather watch a brony convention at this point

Eh, there's still some pretty damn fun gameplay to watch at this event. You'll just have to ignore the crowd chanting "trans rights!" every ten minutes. Personally I don't really care. It's a bit much, but whatever.
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Racing game "speedruns" are so boring.

Glad I'm not the only one with that opinion, every time they shoehorn in a couple like 2-3 hour racing runs and it's just the same thing for hours and complete boredom for me. That fighting game on the PS1 that was on at dinner time US time today was also awful watching. It was just a random bad fighting game tourney for a game that probably only has those 4 or so players.


Looked through the schedule and like usual there's only a couple runs I'm interested in. Grand Poo World 3 because Poo and Barb on the couch and are fantastic commentators and Poo has some good fun speedrun events. The other is the 4 way Super Metroid race between Oatsngoats (any% WR holder), ShinyZeni (100% WR holder), ARC (top contender in both categories) and Imyt (any% contender). I'm hoping that one turns into a fun nailbiter.

Hey past me, the Grand Poo World 3 run turned out to be pretty great. 17 hours until the SM race!


Not sure I've ever seen such a boring late morning early afternoon schedule for a final day before, but they had to stick all their They/Them/Any somewhere and figured front and center on normally their biggest donation day was best?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
There's also a disconcerting number of people wearing masks in the audience. You know the type - it's not about avoiding a cold.

I will admit, I have checked in 2-3 times over the course of the week just to people watch for a minute.
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