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Awesomenauts |OT| - 2D MOBA - [PC/XBLA/PSN] Now on PS4!


36 hours to get this at $3.39 on Steam! Get a 3-pack for $6.79 and give them out to friends. I've only played a few games so far and I'm enjoying it a ton.

Picked this up on a whim yesterday, and I've already sunk 8 hours into it. Can't believe how much fun it is.

Card Boy

Don't forget to pick up your free Honeydew Yogscast skin from the Steam store page.

Also Swords & Soliders HD is 75% off for the whole sale and you get a free Tribal Voltar skin. Its a excellent game too!
Don't forget to pick up your free Honeydew Yogscast skin from the Steam store page.

Also Swords & Soliders HD is 75% off for the whole sale and you get a free Tribal Voltar skin. Its a excellent game too!

Yeah was a huge fan of Swords & Soldiers when it was originally released on WiiWare and it was introduced me to Ronimo as a whole. The moment I saw that their new game had released on PSN (Awesomenauts) I made sure to buy it day of.

Picked this up on a whim yesterday, and I've already sunk 8 hours into it. Can't believe how much fun it is.

Played the console version of the game for ages and had an absolute blast before picking up the PC version. The game is SUPER addictive and I'm really loving the amount of support Ronimo's putting behind the game. The free content updates are amazing and I can't wait to see more of the new map they're building for the game as well.

Speaking of the new map ... anyone see the footage of them testing a new map for the game? Some REALLY cool ideas I think.

2 solar bosses at the top to rain down mayhem down below? Sign me up!


Yeah, I've had 0 problem dropping coin for costumes. Well worth the support.

Raelynn is my fav. Got a triple kill with her last night.

Card Boy

The two Solar Bosses on the top of that beta map have me concerned, hopefully it gets changed completely. Yes it's different but it hinders lane pushing if you get Vinnie or Yuri trolling up there. I like the Tree in the middle with the Golden Fruit.


So I've finally been able to give this game a bash. Spent 5 hours playing it while watching the cricket on Sunday, in practice mode, unlocking all the characters and the other odds and ends.

Terrific game, just really great. Gnaw, Voltar and Yuri are my favourite characters, though I haven't taken on any people yet, just bots on the highest difficulty.

What's the Steam community like these days?
So I've finally been able to give this game a bash. Spent 5 hours playing it while watching the cricket on Sunday, in practice mode, unlocking all the characters and the other odds and ends.

Terrific game, just really great. Gnaw, Voltar and Yuri are my favourite characters, though I haven't taken on any people yet, just bots on the highest difficulty.

What's the Steam community like these days?

Always people playing, so you never really have to worry about finding players. Matchmaking can be a bit screwy though. I've found myself entering games where the core was 3 seconds away from exploding.


Always people playing, so you never really have to worry about finding players. Matchmaking can be a bit screwy though. I've found myself entering games where the core was 3 seconds away from exploding.

Awesome. Gotta polish off the last episodes of s5 Breaking Bad then jump in against some people tonight.

Card Boy

Free Minecraft Creep Clunk. You earn it from a viral/infection achievement.


Also Patch 1.13

Patch 1.13

New features
- Creeper Clunk skin! Obtain the unique Creeper skin by killing an enemy Clunk wearing the skin. Initially only developers have it, and we will be playing using the skin in the coming days. Try and beat us!
- Matches will now start with full teams much more often. The host of a game now waits for six players to be ready before starting the match. It waits a maximum of two minutes and then always starts. The time the host spends in the Character Select and Loadout Select menus is deducted from the waiting time, so the maximum waiting time is the same as before (the average waiting time is longer now).

Character balance/fixes

Froggy G
- Whirlwind, Boom box upgrade damage increased from 2 to 4.

- Tongue snatch, Base range increased from 6 to 6.6
- Tongue snatch, Tongue stretch now increases range by 2.4, instead of 4.

- Weedlings, creation cooldown increased from 0.5 to 1
- Weedlings, reduced base health from 80 to 50 hitpoints.
- Weedlings, increased base attack speed by 20%
- Weedlings, improved bullet speed from 4 to 6, and improved homing.
- Weedlings, improved Wild growth: +60 to +150 per minute regen.
- Spit, spit will no longer fly through enemies, will instead drop to the ground upon contact.
- Base health reduced from 135 to 125.
- Base speed reduced from 8 to 7.2

- Mighty Throw, Oily Bronze speedup effect reduced from 100% to 75%.

- Vacuum bite, Reduced Screamer Engine duration from 1 to 0.7 sec.
- Explode, Universal Charger now reduces charging time by 0.7 seconds, instead of 0.9.
- Explode, Thermonuclear cleaner price increased from 210 to 240

- Ball lightning, Blaze particles left by the Heavenly Fire upgrade have 50% duration compared to regular blaze particles.
- Ball lightning, thunder striker upgrade now also induces a mini stun, making the knockback non-interruptible.

- Homing missiles, improved homing and movement speed from 3.5 to 4.5.
- Homing missiles, cost reduced from 275 to 225.

- Nuke, improved movement speed from 2.5 to 3

- Protoblaser, fixed that after HC-Bomb the extra damage would often apply to several bullets instead of just one
- Protoblaster, Skull Bracelet price reduced from 155 to 135
- Protoblaster, Joe doll price increased from 135 to 175
- Protoblaster, base damage reduced to 7, extra stage added to Skull Bracelet
- Timerift, movement speed during flight reduced from 10 to 7.5
- Timerift, base duration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Timerift, 1.21 Gigawatt Battery duration bonus reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
- Timerift, cooldown increased from 7 to 9 seconds.

Vinnie & Spike
-Shot, Sharky & Remora upgrade now also improves the range for The Godfish
- Shot, it is now possible to start a Spike Dive or Smokescreen while shooting.
- Dive, the spike graphic has been adjusted to better match the damage range of the spikes.
- Dive, unlock of Rigged casino games now shows the correct icon.
- Smokescreen, Mammoth Sock with Holes upgrade stage 2 now adds 2 seconds of invisibility, instead of 4.
- Smokescreen, Coco will no longer stay invisible while holding down the attack button.
- Reduced camera vertical deadzone size.

- Heal, the height of the droids has been increased slightly, so that controller players can now normally hit them with the heal beam.

- Silence now works consistently on all characters: skills are locked during Silence, while main attacks and jumps still work.
- Removed limitation of multi-jumpers (Lonestar, Vinnie & Spike, etc) where they couldn’t jump in-air when reaching a certain falling speed.
- Improved flying droids: base health from 75 to 100, shot homing, speed and range.
- Updated loading screen to improve Coco and Raelynn’s representation.
- Reduced turret deadzones in Ribbit IV and AI Station 404.
- Power Pills Turbo, price increased from 135 to 175.
- Power Pills Lite, price increased from 110 to 160.

Major fixes
- Bots have been made a bit smarter, and easy bots have been made easier.
- Fixed that on AI Station, the red team would often get one droid less than the blue team.
- Fixed that using two Keyboard-only control schemes in splitscreen would always claim to have conflicted buttons.
- [Mac only] CMD+Tab now works on Mac (also with CMD+M and CMD+H).
- [Mac only] Fixed that Retina displays would only use part of the screen in windowed mode.
- [Mac only] Fixed that shift+tab sometimes did not work until the game was restarted.
- Changed colours in shop to make what has been bought and what has not been bought distinguishable for colorblind players.
- Removed Christmas decorations.

Minor fixes
- Fixed that achievement for unlocking three characters could not be gained if all skins had been bought before unlocking three characters.
- Yuri now has two buying quotes in the shop, instead of only one.
- Fixed that the interface would sometimes not update correctly when switching controls during gameplay.
- Fixed that the last unlock level was shown as empty.
- Fixed that special characters (like ‘ø’) could not be used in user names.
- Moved some glass platforms on Ribbit IV to fix that players who kept touching them after a downjump could not jump up again.

That list of Gnaw nerfs, god DAMN. The spit not going through people seems like one that might hurt the most. And boooooo at nerfing Skolldir's Oily Bronze.

Card Boy

Small patch

A small balance update went live today, patchnotes:

- Power Pills Lite price reduced from 160 to 125
- Power Pills Turbo price reduced from 175 to 150
- Free Power Pills effect increased from +30 to +40 hp
- Gnaw Weedling attack speed reduced by 10%
- Raelynn HC-Bomb damage effect corrected to 14 instead of 16.
- Raelynn HC-Bomb effect cooldown now matches that of Timerift.

Also skin voting contest


Please vote for Coco McFly!

Jesus christ, why are they buffing the free power pills and dramatically decreasing the price of the Pills Lite? They're only making even more incentive to stack the health upgrades on the squishy classes, they're supposed to be squishy for a reason!
Jesus christ, why are they buffing the free power pills and dramatically decreasing the price of the Pills Lite? They're only making even more incentive to stack the health upgrades on the squishy classes, they're supposed to be squishy for a reason!

Well they have to choose between a quick start with Piggy Bank and the like, or a slow start by forgoing all of that and hoping they get lucky with quick kills.
Well they have to choose between a quick start with Piggy Bank and the like, or a slow start by forgoing all of that and hoping they get lucky with quick kills.

Or they can be like me and go with a Pills - Piggy/Solar - Free Pills and reap the benefits of a build centered around that. Frankly the only characters I could imagine that wouldn't benefit from stacking the pills are Clunk (who has better health upgrades to compensate), Voltar, Raelyn (Boots are too good), and Lonestar (Boots are too good).
Boy, there's nothing like losing a game and getting ranked down because you were teamed with a Leon player who doesn't know how to play because he's drunk.

Back to the Future wins ... barely!


Boy, there's nothing like losing a game and getting ranked down because you were teamed with a Leon player who doesn't know how to play because he's drunk.


I feel like they maybe need to find a way to split up matches between ranked and player format. Maybe something like a ranked format having options like waiting for a full 6 players before beginning and having more emphasis on team creation, just to reduce the amount of random that can come about with having a string of matches with less-than-ideal teammates.


I always want to play this game but the online is broken to me(and for a lot of other people) and Ronimo just don't help they said is my fault one of the worst support( same thing happen with Sword and Soldiers)

Ronimo game...never again
A Coco player, of all things, was raging at me because I was beating his team with Cat Derpl. Said something about Derpl being one of the easiest classes to play right next to Gnaw.

A Coco player said this. :lol

Card Boy


New features
- Seasonal Leaderboards: a new leaderboard every two months, starting today! The History screen will show your previous results in the leaderboards. Favourite class in the leaderboards is now also shown per period instead of for your entire playing history.

- Pimpy G Character Skin (for Froggy G): Them superfly leather suede jeans. That's Pimpin'! That black belt of bling. That's Pimpin'! Them "eyes on the money" glasses. That's Pimpin'! That gold 'n diamond "smack you fools" cane. That's Pimpin'! Pimpy G is pimpin' and you know it.

- Double-O Yuri Character Skin (for Yuri): Double-O-Yuri's instructions are implicit. License to kill. From elegant clubrooms to exotic islands, Double-O-Yuri carries out the Secret Simeon Service's dirty work. An action filled adventure of intrigue, treachery and romance. In the world of adventure, the highest number is Double-O-Yuri!

- In the loading screen you can now see how many other players are ready to start the match.

Major fixes
- Framerate has been improved quite a bit for less powerful videocards, especially during fierce battles.
- Fixed that sometimes a player would enter an empty match, while the others were still waiting in the loading screen for the match to fill up and start.

Minor fixes
- Super Breed 2.0 now correctly increases the size of the Bull
- Leon’s clones now have the same healthbar size as Leon himself (not the same health, of course!).
- Fixed that free Power Pills was always unlocked, even at a too low level account.
- Some improvements to the bots.



I'm glad the leaderboards got reset. I'd been in league 2 since those were introduced, but recently I was having way more games against premade teams, which as a solo player isn't that fun after a while. My rank was slowly dropping but it would've been ages before I changed leagues. Now hopefully I'll just get into league 3 or 4 and stay there.
Still waiting on the Space Butterfly, I'm hoping he's a Healer. This should keep the game fresh for a while longer though.

Yeah I'm really interested to hear news about the new naut as well and I always gravitate towards support characters in most games if I can. Here's hoping the new naut can play a slightly more offensive playstyle than Yuri and Voltar can manage if he does turn out to be support based.

I'm glad the leaderboards got reset. I'd been in league 2 since those were introduced, but recently I was having way more games against premade teams, which as a solo player isn't that fun after a while. My rank was slowly dropping but it would've been ages before I changed leagues. Now hopefully I'll just get into league 3 or 4 and stay there.

For whatever reason I think my matches went a lot better when I was in League 3 then they've gone since the reset. Comfortable chilling in league 8 at the moment.


The game and all its DLC is 66% off on Steam until Thursday. I picked up the pack with the initial 9 alternate skins they released. Need to play more of Clunk and Gnaw now, since those two are the coolest.

The game and all its DLC is 66% off on Steam until Thursday. I picked up the pack with the initial 9 alternate skins they released. Need to play more of Clunk and Gnaw now, since those two are the coolest.

I find myself REALLY liking Yuri's space suit skin but can't justify purchasing it because I absolutely hate playing as the character itself. Oh well, at least I have Disco / Mayan Voltar. Clunk is a character I used a ton in the console version of the game but haven't really adjusted to in the PC version and Gnaw was <3 for me since the moment I got my hands on the guy.

Ronimo posted up the preliminary 1.5 patch notes by the way. Gnaw gets destroyed, it's pretty brutal.
Acid Spit
- Tentacle Soup cost 130 -> 150
- Overcharged Metabolism also adds 1 second duration to the spit puddle

- Weedling base health 50 -> 60
- Fertilizer Health +50 -> +35
- Fertilizer cost 165 -> 180
- Wild Growth cost 140 -> 120
- Change Flex Neck effect only works when weedlings are full hp
- Flex Neck cost 295 -> 260
- Corrosive Spores cost 140 -> 180
- Base weeds Gnaw can carry 2 -> 1

Base attack
- Base Attack speed 150 -> 120
- Base attack damage 6 -> 7
- Rotten Teeth damage 7 -> 8
- Dental Braces cost 225 -> 165

- Health upgrades no longer give health bonusses to Weedlings

Hit up the link for everyone else. Thankfully they've addressed Leon's damage against turrets when crit / cloak slash are involved.
Why are they nerfing Clunk!? D:

EDIT: They're adjusting Derpl's trap/nuke costs, which is a welcome change.
EDIT 2: Now I see why they're nerfing Clunk, at least regarding his missiles. Being able to freely shoot turrets was a huge pain in the ass.


Overall it looks like a good set of changes. The ones I like most are the nerfs to flying droids and Skolldir. The only things I'm not sure about are the increase in Raelynn's base snipe damage from 35 to 50, and the (admittedly minor) buff to Yuri's bubble's max slow %.
The voice sounds annoying, but I'm totally interested in Genji. A friend of mine was just asking about a support character, so this seems right up his alley. :lol
The voice sounds annoying, but I'm totally interested in Genji. A friend of mine was just asking about a support character, so this seems right up his alley. :lol

Yeah ... this new naut may make Voltar completely obsolete. He can upgrade his aura move with a burst heal of up to +42, his basic attack has an upgrade that gives it 4 heal and because of the way his auto attack works it hits like a boomerang so 4+4 = 8 heal right off the bat if the upgrade is given. His aura move also has passive defense boosts, he can disable nauts with his cocoon ability and do an instant 40% damage on them if it lands with the attack upgrades. He can create ridiculous pushes by turning enemy droids into flying droids ...

Voltar + Genji may be a decent combination because hes gonna be able to push REALLY well but in any situation where a team has to decide between Voltar or Genji ... right now it feels like hands down people are gonna want Genji.

Overall he's gonna be pushing more, buffing more, and contributing to the well being of the team in a much more active way than Voltar was ever able to manage.
Genji's voice is pretty grating, he won't talk so much in game though so it's all right. I'm hoping he gets released this Friday, I play Voltar a lot right now so it'll be nice to try out another support.
He makes voltar look really boring.


b-but there's no other naut that can make the amount of money Voltar can.

What happens when a solar tree + dreams of greed + maxed heal (3 stage) Voltar gets stuck in a stalemate for the majority of the match?


Level 68 Voltar happens. Fun match.
I think I'm gonna make a thread for the new character, and hopefully get some new blood playing from GAF.

b-but there's no other naut that can make the amount of money Voltar can.

What happens when a solar tree + dreams of greed + maxed heal (3 stage) Voltar gets stuck in a stalemate for the majority of the match?


Level 68 Voltar happens. Fun match.
Pair that with Solar Burgers and have him backed up, and it becomes EXTREMELY touch to kill him with anything short of massive burst damage.
Patch 1.15 is LIVE! Genji out in the wild!


... and his DLC palette proving once again that the support characters in this game always get the most awesome alts

Apparently people get mad about kill-stealing even in this game. I had a Leon complain about me killing his targets after we won the game.

I was Voltar. :|
There's a tournament streaming at the moment:

Quarter finals are just about to start.

Was just about to post this, really awesome show so far and I think the team playing right now is definitely demonstrating why Genji > Voltar. Red has 2 teammates and an accessory, Blue has 3 teammates. Not to mention the crazy synergy that Derpl and Genji have together, if nerfplz had gone Genji over Voltar they definitely would have been able to get off some early game ganks.
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