Wouldn't it loop to the other side?
Speaking of that... what's on the other side?
Antarctica. Yep, according to them Antarctica isn't actually the continent at our sothern pole - it's a wall of ice surrounding the flat earth in all directions. We only think it's the South Pole because the North Pole is the center, so everytime we reach the wall we are as far "south" as possible.
EDIT: An illustration:
The hovering spotlight is the sun.
But... But... But what about the now thousands of pictures taken by satellites, telescopes, and probes that we've put into space? How do we launch stuff into space then?
In 1884, meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day and ignored the other 3 days. The bible time was wrong then and it proved wrong today. This a major lie has so much evil feed from it's wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.
We actually live in the head of a blue eyed giant. That's why the sky is blue.Flat Earth is so 1500s. Hollow Earth is where its at.
Flat Earth nutters can't even pass the first question in Dumbass Conspiracies 101 - Why would people in power even want to make you think the Earth was flat? What benefit is there to that?
Because heaven is above and hell is below. The realms need to be protected.
It's a conspiracy from the globe manufacturers so they can sell more globes.
I wish I was kidding, but this is actually how it was explained to me.
If the earth is truly round how come we don't walk up or with a slight curve?
Why wouldn't you be able to see the sun at all times no matter where you are on the disc?
Neil deGrasse Tyson ✔ @neiltyson
@bobatl Duude to be clear: Being five centuries regressed in your reasoning doesnt mean we all cant still like your music
Leaving aside contemporary Flat Earth truthers for just a moment, this
is wrong too. For example, De sphaera mundi was written circa 1230, and considered mandatory reading for centuries. And it's not as if it was a controversial work - pretty much no learned person for like 1800+ years thought the Earth was flat.
Antarctica. Yep, according to them Antarctica isn't actually the continent at our sothern pole - it's a wall of ice surrounding the flat earth in all directions. We only think it's the South Pole because the North Pole is the center, so everytime we reach the wall we are as far "south" as possible.
EDIT: An illustration:
The hovering spotlight is the sun.
So does flat earth theorizing go hand-in-hand with climate change denial or nah?
if you don't "believe" in everything that humans have learned about the Universe through mathematics, geometry, astronomy, physics, etc, I'd imagine you believe just about anything. So, yes.
(more seriously, I'm also curious about just how many things flat earthers might buy into, but how could one ever trust any polling or survey data collected from them?)
I wish the earth was flat.
Shit would be badass tbh.
@bobatl Duude to be clear: Being five centuries regressed in your reasoning doesnt mean we all cant still like your music
I wish the earth was flat.
Shit would be badass tbh.
Well then
I like it. No more effing New Zealand.
Übermatik;193289381 said:If you could put the universe into a tube you'd end up with, er, a very long tube umm, probably extending er twice the size of the universe because when you collapse the universe it expands and and it would be, err...
You wouldn't wanna put it into a tube.
I've read that a common explanation for believers of the flat earth hypothesis is that the earth disc is accelerating upwards at a constant rate of 1g, meaning that if you jump, the earth is literally accelerating up to meet the bottom of your feet.
That's some good mathI was thinking about this question. 16 miles is 0.06425% of the Earth's circumference. That's loosely around one twentieth of a single percent (more exact fraction being closer to 8/125).
This translates to around one fifth of a single degree with it comes to angles (0.2313 degrees exactly).
If my math is right and I didn't screw this up, please someone tweet this to him:
Short answer: None. This is a real circle I created in Photoshop, zoomed in to display only "16 miles" worth. Just because it looks flat doesnt mean it is. That is literally a circle we're looking at.
stahp confusing me with your numbers and pictures. imma trust my gut on this one.I was thinking about this question. 16 miles is 0.06425% of the Earth's circumference. That's loosely around one twentieth of a single percent (more exact fraction being closer to 8/125).
This translates to around one fifth of a single degree with it comes to angles (0.2313 degrees exactly).
If my math is right and I didn't screw this up, please someone tweet this to him:
Short answer: None. This is a real circle I created in Photoshop, zoomed in to display only "16 miles" worth. Just because it looks flat doesnt mean it is. That is literally a circle we're looking at.
If the earth was really flat the extreme edges would be awesome turist locations.
The images would be aweesome ... like the ocean falling into space
I like it. No more effing New Zealand.
But when i fly from Perth to Jo'burg I just go west across the ocean. Shouldn't I be flying north over Malaysia and Thailand and India and...
Anyone with enough money to tie a GoPro to a weather balloon can see the curvature of the planet easily. The flat earth argument has never looked dumber than it does these days.
How could it be five centuries ago when even the Flat Earth Myth is a myth? Many scholars in the Middle Ages knew the earth was spherical, and while it's true not everyone in every part of the world did believe this, there have been traces of Ancient Greece calculating the radius of the Earth. These people are literally 2000 years behind.
Does the Earth become round if you think about boobs all the time?The Earth is flat because life is flat. You only think its round because you try to live your life in circles.
I'd love to know if it's something they learned from family and friends or if they just realized one day that "Holy shit, the earth is actually flat"How could it be five centuries ago when even the Flat Earth Myth is a myth? Many scholars in the Middle Ages knew the earth was spherical, and while it's true not everyone in every part of the world did believe this, there have been traces of Ancient Greece calculating the radius of the Earth. These people are literally 2000 years behind.