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Back From Gamestars Live - Forza Sucks Ect....

This is the first time I have been to anything like this; I thought it was hectic and a little bit annoying at time with lots of pushing and shoving and some dumb security guards. It makes me wonder what E3 would be like (shivers!!)

First comes first, Exclusive: Halo 2 rocks. It was good to play Zanzibar at last myself after seeing so much about it for the past 3 months I played for about 8 minutes after queuing for about 2 hours, ouch my legs. Everything was about the same as e3 so there is probably not much to say here.

Outrun 2 was defiantly a nice surprise, I was always looking at this game and I wanted it to have the feel of the original and I did not think it would but to my surprise it had. Even with all the layers of textures and polys the core gameplay of the original is there and it has been improved up one. This has now gone for a "maybe I will buy when the price lowers" to "Give me the damn full game now". I played the same track over 3 times and was about to play more till I was told to move.

I also played Mortal Kombat Deception which has ALOT to do if it is going to stand up in the crowed beat-em-up market. Sure the game feels like classic MK but classic MK is now dated in today’s market. I wont be buying this at launch.

I also played second sight which felt like an upgraded psi-ops, it also feels much more exciting than Midways effort. I will be getting this on Friday when it launches for sure now.

Star Wars Battlefront felt a little less than what it could be in my opinion maybe it was just the level I was on but more could have been done with this game. It feels like a average game with Star Wars characters or are all Star Wars game average (oops "Grasps copy of KOTOR* sorry)

I also played a few others

Prince of Persia 2 - Big step up from original, cant wait!

Metroid Prime Echoes MP - Feels differnt than any other FPS Multiplayer, it wont please the FPS crowd but it managed to imprees me. Fells different than anything else i played before. Should be good with a few mates.

THUG 2: Yawnnnnn.

Burnout 3: Doesn’t feel like a Burnout game, the "Takedown" aspect takes something away from he original formula but also adds something special into the mix to give the series a small change and a kick start to stop it been boring and more of the same. Will be getting this at launch to.

Now onto the biggest disappointment for me, Forza! From what I heard about this game I was expecting BIG THINGS but what I saw left me and some others very unsatisfied. Firstly the speed seems all wrong 60mph seems like 30 100mph fells like 50 and so on, the game just fells extremely slow also the drives just like the GT games but with something important missing. There was no excitement there. I certainly would not want to buy the game in the state it is now as I would be bored after a few races. I noticed some people walking away in the middle of races as they just got board after 1 mins play. PLEASE FIX THIS GAME. Oh and one more the! THE HUD IS UGLY fix that to.

Thats all i can remember right now, i think i should have wrote this beofore i had a few drinks.


Sims will always feel slow... I mean take a good look around you when you are driving 50 mph down the road. It's slow, especially when compared to arcade racers where 100 mph is probably actually 200 mph.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Thanks for the impressions. I knew Forza was nothing special, and the frame rate made me officially not care one way or the other.

Seems like:

good grfx = highly anticipated
Redbeard said:
It's a sim. What do you expect?
I expected the developers to make something to rival GT4, Forza has no heart at all it liveless. it is on life support and fading anway. It feals DEAD. In GT every car/track has a different exciting feel about it. The developers of Forza have a LONG way to go to achive this, maybe they might turn it around.

atomsk said:
i would think after playing burnout 3, anything would seem slow in comparison...
Forza was the first game i played after goin in. I played it after drivieng a few 100 miles and it did not simulate very well.


hyperbolically metafictive
tell us more about prince of persia 2 - does there seem to be as much platforming as there was in the original?


DaCocoBrova said:
Thanks for the impressions. I knew Forza was nothing special, and the frame rate made me officially not care one way or the other.

Seems like:

good grfx = highly anticipated

talk about being very impressionable.


Keyser Soze said:
I expected the developers to make something to rival GT4, Forza has no heart at all it liveless. it is on life support and fading anway. It feals DEAD. In GT every car/track has a different exciting feel about it. The developers of Forza have a LONG way to go to achive this, maybe they might turn it around.

Forza was the first game i played after goin in. I played it after drivieng a few 100 miles and it did not simulate very well.

Impressions from the PAX thread:

"In general, there was a much better feeling of weight and inertia along with a much more subtle feel to the controls.

Slamming on the brakes would throw you into an uncontrolled skid every time and bringing that skid under control was not a simplistic sort of counter-steer drifting.

You need to be more gentle with the steering at higher speeds and more precise in picking and sticking to your line rather than making mid turn adjustments when you are already up against your friction limits. This is very much more like just the way you drive in a real car which I haven't seen so much of in a racing game outside of Ferrari 355, the GTR demo, and the older Papyrus games.

Power sliding/drifting through corners is just not feasible the way it was in GT3. The feel of the suspension and how the car will just break loose in a discontinuous fashion felt much more like the times I've skidded and controlled skids while driving in real (albeit less impressive) vehicles.

Some of the concerns that this game may be "too sim" for some players have a great deal more validity in my mind after playing the game (and watching others play the game). But for someone like me that wants a heavy sim experience in my "sim" racing games the experience was deeply satisfying once I got the hang of the controls and inertia (3 races or so... not long really)."

Mabye it's "too sim" for you.
drohne said:
tell us more about prince of persia 2 - does there seem to be as much platforming as there was in the original?

From the part i played it was about 60/40 in favor of fighting (but that was only one part of one level the whole game could be drasticly different. Speaking of fighting, the new fighting engine UBI talked about is not just hype. It feels very fluid and different than anything else out there. It also feels like you in control all the time. It is proably the most exciting new fighting system i played since LOZ:OOT


hyperbolically metafictive
well, 60/40 is at least better than the pr would lead us to believe. and if there's going to be lots of fighting, it's good to hear that it's handled better. thanks.
Redbeard said:
Mabye it's "too sim" for you.
But I loved GT1-4prologe and will love GT4 aswell. Maybe it was just the occasion with a small screen almost no sound because of crowd noise and just not been in a right gaming enviorment (it might be better been at home infront of my own TV)

I still want this game to be good though, i will still rent it when it comes out. I hope I was wrong and this game will be a AAA title but dont forget i am not the only one that disliked it at the show, like i said i saw at least 10 people walk away mid race before/when i was playing.
TekunoRobby said:
Can you share any more opinions on Metroid Prime 2? Thanks!

I only played multiplayer and i went into it stupitly expecting it to feal like a FPS and i was wrong. Like i said it feals different to FPS game and many FPS gamers will not like it, it has the ability to be a good multiplayer game though when a few mates are around. Sorry i cant talk about the Single Player mode as i did not play it.


How hard is it to "get into" Outrun. Such as the drifting and whatnot.

I'm not a big racer fan, but I always try to get into a few random arcade racers, and with my more recent purchase of F-Zero GX, I'd just say I didn't make the curve.
Alex said:
How hard is it to "get into" Outrun. Such as the drifting and whatnot.

If you have any knowledge of racing game at all drifting is easy. The first time I did it I hugely over compensated and hit a wall but then I figured it out simple enough then. It almost as if the car drifts one it's own once you press the button and you just have to keep it going in that general direction. But it is not as boring as my words make it seem! There is no counter-steering or anything like that either but it is GREAT.

It is a good racing game and even if you are not into racing game I think you should get it. It is not like F-zero it is more like a polar opposite of it but still very exciting all the same. If you play it you will either like it or love it. I don’t think it is possible to hate Outrun.


Oh, no. I'm not comparing it to F-Zero. Just curious about the mechanics/difficulty curve. Thanks.


Seems like:

good grfx = highly anticipated

While that can be true for many games, I don't think it applies to Forza. Forza doesn't look as good as existing racers such as PGR2, RSC2 and GT4 (from an artistic perspective...because technically it's pretty impressive).

I think what causes the anticipation for that game is how extreme of a simulation it is. From what I've read, it even goes beyond F355.

If it's boring, the first thing I would blame is the track design. This is based on the assumption that the game controls decently and the cars behave normally.


seems like the event was fun



more at cubeeurope.com


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
XboxGamers said:
Humm.. This slow speed must mean one thing, It's runing 60fps?

Ah, spoken like a true XboxGamer...

"You don't need 60 fps, I hear it makes games feel WAY slower!!!11"

Don't worry, XBG, I'm just messin' about. :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Speevy said:

The guy on the end is just high. He's not even playing.

The look on his face(the one on the far end), is like... uh... where am I?


here are a couple more from watch-impress


Look at the older guy , try to get some serious playtime among the sea of young children. :D


Forza is a new game on the table. People have no references. When you play a GT game you have a reference, you have something real to compare it with, how the game feels different from prequels, whether it's better now or then, you can make up your own fun just trying to detect the differences.
No sim car game will be fun for itself when played surrounded by huge crowds, in small TVs and in an uncomfortable place. Nor GT, nor Forza, nor TOCA, nor nothing.

Forza mightn't even be all that, but what i can tell you is that a game like rallisport2 or outrun2 can make get away with a far better impression of it than Forza's case, simple because it's a fun quick fix. Games like forza, PGR or GT go for endurance pleasure, not quick pleasure.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
JMPovoa said:
Forza is a new game on the table. People have no references. When you play a GT game you have a reference, you have something real to compare it with, how the game feels different from prequels, whether it's better now or then, you can make up your own fun just trying to detect the differences.
No sim car game will be fun for itself when played surrounded by huge crowds, in small TVs and in an uncomfortable place. Nor GT, nor Forza, nor TOCA, nor nothing.

Forza mightn't even be all that, but what i can tell you is that a game like rallisport2 or outrun2 can make get away with a far better impression of it than Forza's case, simple because it's a fun quick fix. Games like forza, PGR or GT go for endurance pleasure, not quick pleasure.

...You say Forza has no reference to compare it's style of gameplay to... but it does... so I'm lost.


DarienA said:
...You say Forza has no reference to compare it's style of gameplay to... but it does... so I'm lost.

Come on Darien... that's not what he said. He said there's no previous game to compare it to. Splinter Cell and Metal Gear are in the same genre, but you can't compare them on equal grounds. Forza is doing so much more sim than GT, but GT is also doing things like rally and ice racing.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
jedimike said:
Come on Darien... that's not what he said. He said there's no previous game to compare it to. Splinter Cell and Metal Gear are in the same genre, but you can't compare them on equal grounds. Forza is doing so much more sim than GT, but GT is also doing things like rally and ice racing.

In continuing to use your SC/MGS comparison... you may not be able to compare the storylines because one is grounded while the other is... out there... but you certainly can compare the stealth aspects and what pieces of gameplay are included that encompass that stealth aspect, be it moves, weapons, how you maintain stealth in each game. Those you can definitely compare and contrast those pieces of each title.

With Forza and GT you at the very least can compare and contrast how it feels to control the vehicles, how they respond to analog gas and pedal pressure, how AI controls other vehicles etc. You definitely compare and contrast those pieces of each title.


Face it. Forza already has three strikes against it.

Strike 1 : 30 FPS
Strike 2: No FF Steering Wheel.
Strike 3: It's not GT4


Chili Con Carnage!
thought that was hair at the back of his head, second glance reveals its his sword hilt, alwell.


SpoonyBard said:
So it is called Minish Cap in Europe, what was all that Magical Hood nonsense a while back...

It was a mistake by NoE, they wanted to call Pokemon Box Pokemon Memory Magic...
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