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Bakery under fire for refusing to make anti-gay cake.

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A Klan meeting?

All it says in the article is this:

I'm in agreement with others that this is a total set-up.

Maybe for one of their camps, donate now, friendly staff and cake.



So not worth it
Thanks to this article this bakery is gonna make SOOOOO much money this month. He will be very happy this happened when all is said and done.

No doubt the person asking for these cakes was like... "You know what, the bakery's that refuse the wedding cakes for gay couples go out of business after this right, I'll pull that shit too and show them all!"

Of course it'll backfire as it should, so well done sir.
Does America disallow hate speech of this nature? If not, then I suppose the bakery can't refuse for personal moral reasons.

Hate speech is still protected free speech in the US, unless that hate speech is directly motivating violence towards a group. But, for instance, I could say "I hate Christians" or something, and that speech is protected. But I'd likely be arrested if I motivated a group of like minded people, stood outside a church, and vitriolically shouted that I hated Christians.

But even so, a business can certainly refuse. I recently had a contract to do a website for a company that makes a morning after pill, which I only got because other agencies had rejected it because of the moral questions that some people have with that product. For what it's worth, I get why some others would be against that... It's a touchy subject and while your'e getting paid, it's not a product that you would necessarily want to add to a portfolio of work. I don't have any problem doing it, but I'd get why a bigger agency might where they have employees who may not feel comfortable working on something like that, or they're worried about their larger image.


Difference here I suppose (other than the obvious ones) is that the bakery did not refuse to serve THEM but rather the cake they wanted. I'm not sure they have a case.

Difference from what? That's exactly how the other cases went down: bakeries weren't refusing service to gay patrons, but specifically refusing service for cakes made to celebrate a certain event that conflicts with their own beliefs. No one, on either side of this set of cases (all of which feel like set-ups to some degree, the above being particularly egregious), has ever refused to serve a person for who they are; it has always been about refusing to create a cake celebrating or declaring views that conflict with the baker. And yes, one shouldn't have to make something which carries a statement contrary to one's beliefs.
Edit: nm, I'm dumb. Should've read more carefully.

I'm not sure how a feel about this. It almost sounds like a setup to counter the story from a couple months ago where a baker refused to make a cake for a gay couple.
Men holding hands equals gay now? So...uhm....


....this changes everything. Does this also mean if I see a man drowning or fall down and hurt his back, I can't offer a hand or else a giant X will come to kill us?
I was confused at first and thought I saw this story last year...then I double checked and saw it said anti-gay cake.

What the hell


...hate me...
I don't see the fire they are under tbh.

There's the complain from the moron who ordered the cake.

And a mandatory investigation following his complaint, which should lead to nothing.

Hope some good publicity comes out of this.

So basically:

"Make me a super gay cake" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "BIGOT, GAY HATER"

"Make me a super bigoted cake bro" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "MUH RIGHTS, FREEDOM HATER"


Difference from what? That's exactly how the other cases went down: bakeries weren't refusing service to gay patrons, but specifically refusing service for cakes made to celebrate a certain event that conflicts with their own beliefs. No one, on either side of this set of cases (all of which feel like set-ups to some degree, the above being particularly egregious), has ever refused to serve a person for who they are; it has always been about refusing to create a cake celebrating or declaring views that conflict with the baker. And yes, one shouldn't have to make something which carries a statement contrary to one's beliefs.

They are not discriminating against anyone by refusing to make this stupid cake though.


I don't anything about the legality of this and refusing to serve somebody or whatever, but they made the right choice in not making that cake.

So basically:

"Make me a super gay cake" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "BIGOT, GAY HATER"

"Make me a super bigoted cake bro" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "MUH RIGHTS, FREEDOM HATER"

It is a clever way to get a chance to win some lawsuit money. I wonder if we will see more of this kind of stuff?


Difference from what? That's exactly how the other cases went down: bakeries weren't refusing service to gay patrons, but specifically refusing service for cakes made to celebrate a certain event that conflicts with their own beliefs. No one, on either side of this set of cases (all of which feel like set-ups to some degree, the above being particularly egregious), has ever refused to serve a person for who they are; it has always been about refusing to create a cake celebrating or declaring views that conflict with the baker. And yes, one shouldn't have to make something which carries a statement contrary to one's beliefs.
If I recall correctly, those other bakeries made wedding cakes in general. But they selectively refused to make one for a gay wedding.

This bakery refuses to put hate speech against gays on a cake. And I'm assuming they would also to refuse to put hate speech against anyone on a cake.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Looks like someone decided to pull a stunt based on that issue with understanding false equivalency a lot of bigots seem to share.

If I recall correctly, those other bakeries made wedding cakes in general. But they selectively refused to make one for a gay wedding.

This bakery refuses to put hate speech against gays on a cake. And I'm assuming they would also to refuse to put hate speech against anyone on a cake.

I'm reminded of the case where the bakery refused to make the cake with what was basically a photoprint of a marriage equality campaign poster on it. They invoked moral policing when they could have said they wouldn't print political campaign material.

Likewise, the joker in this case is clearly trolling for political reasons and asked for a cake intended to function as part of a (hate) campaign.


The Autumn Wind
It is a clever way to get a chance to win some lawsuit money. I wonder if we will see more of this kind of stuff?
I expect after June, we'll be seeing plenty of "freedom of religion" and "religious discrimination" stories.


The business has the right to freedom of speech, and that includes refusing to partake in hate speech. What they don't have is the right to refuse service based on religion, gender, sexuality, or any other protected class.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The funniest part is these bigots probably think they're being clever.
This guy knew exactly what he was doing when he went there.

It's really crass that he has to use a bakery to get his message across.

He can also shove it, implying that he knows what God says regarding gay Americans. The nerve of this guy.

I hate these people. They tarnish what should be a peaceful religion.
Sounds like a set-up.

Of course it was, which is an excellent way to show a business should ALWAYS be able to decline a commission without having to give any reason whatsoever.

It just highlights how stupid those cases about bakeries declining to make special cakes for gay weddings were. No one can force you to make something you don't want to make.

This is completely different than refusing to sell someone an already premade cake just because it's gonna be used on a gay wedding. Denying a commission is NOT denying service, which is and should be illegal.

It hope this clears this ridiculous issue once and for all.


It is a clever way to get a chance to win some lawsuit money. I wonder if we will see more of this kind of stuff?

I disagree with you. I don't see this as clever. The patron's lawyers' should be sanctioned and their licenses should possibly be suspended for this absurd complaint if they advise their clients to take it to court.
They certainly can refuse. You can personally say hateful things if you and not be in legal trouble, but a private company can refuse to do work like this if it goes against their values.

Is that legally the case? And why can they refuse to bake this cake because of values, but can't refuse to bake a gay marriage themed cake because of values? Legally I mean.
Yep. Set up in response of how other bakeries got sued for not baking cakes for gay weddings.

I love the stupidity of thinking there's even the slightest bit of moral equivalence between a cake made for a gay couple and a cake with hateful screed all over it.
No one can force you to make something you don't want to make.

Actually, if it's against a protected class (for example refusing to make a cake for African Americans because they're black), you can force them to make the cake, or suffer legal consequences.

Being a bigot isn't a protected class though. And using the religion excuse to try and weasel homophobia in as being protected doesn't work either.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What a fucking piece of shit.

So basically:

"Make me a super gay cake" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "BIGOT, GAY HATER"

"Make me a super bigoted cake bro" - 'Nah dude, I don't really support that please choose a different bakery' - "MUH RIGHTS, FREEDOM HATER"
There's a pretty big difference in them.

Of course it was, which is an excellent way to show a business should ALWAYS be able to decline a commission without having to give any reason whatsoever.

It just highlights how stupid those cases about bakeries declining to make special cakes for gay weddings were. No one can force you to make something you don't want to make.

This is completely different than refusing to sell someone an already premade cake just because it's gonna be used on a gay wedding. Denying a commission is NOT denying service, which is and should be illegal.

It hope this clears this ridiculous issue once and for all.
A private company can decline service without having to give any reason (at least that I'm aware of).

But if they do give a reason, or if it's found out that it was discriminating based on things like sexuality, gender or race, then it is absolutely wrong. A company exists within the influence of a government and gets heavy support from a government by default. Thus they must abide by the government's rules (and it makes sense to enforce that you can't discriminate on certain grounds).
Is that legally the case? And why can they refuse to bake this cake because of values, but can't refuse to bake a gay marriage themed cake because of values? Legally I mean.

One is discrimination, the other is disliking an opinion. Tomorrow these bigots could go and change their views and love gay people. No such case for a gay person. It's why you can't refuse based on race or sex either, it's entirely out of the person's control.

Being homophobic is a choice.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
This is really how they want to play things, huh?
Misdirected Internet ire is a powerful tool and it looks like bigots have figured a way to use it to their benefit...

Well until people find out who they are and where they come from.
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