It's not that hate speech is illegal, it's that it is abhorrent. A business should not be expected to provide a platform for it just because a customer says so.
I could've sworn I read somewhere that the bakery did offer to give icing to the guy so he could write the message himself, but I cant remember where.
They did offer to do that.
A business (bakery) should not be expected to provide service to a customer who requests a product that the business owner considers abhorrent???
Careful, pitfalls abound.
Now, do I think they should be forced to make the cake is another question. If I'm remembering correctly, the other bakerys that got in trouble because they refused to make a cake for gay weddings, right? Like, they wouldn't make the cake even if a straight person requested it, so I find it really hard to understand how this situation is that different. But I may be wrong, again, I'm open to hear arguments and interpretations.
But it goes against my idea of free speech but I'm open to hear arguments that come from a rational basis.
I know I'm going to be in the minorty but they should have just made the cake. And I'm not saying that because I'm against LGBTQ crowd, cuz yaknow , I'm in that. But it goes against my idea of free speech but I'm open to hear arguments that come from a rational basis.
As long as this person (even though, I agree they're a homophobic bigot) doesn't directly refuse or cause harm to LGBTQ persons with violence, they have every right to have the cake made for them. I also believe that Westboro has the right to say anything they want to, as long as they don't actually you know, do more than that.
I find it really hypocritical for people to support one and not the other, even if you are against one you should still advocate for the right for these people to have their voices heard because it's a slippery slope otherwise. I liken it to Christians whom whole-heartedly support the Mohammad comics by Charlie Hebdo but will outrage if you were to create am equivalent satire of Jesus.
Now, do I think they should be forced to make the cake is another question. If I'm remembering correctly, the other bakerys that got in trouble because they refused to make a cake for gay weddings, right? Like, they wouldn't make the cake even if a straight person requested it, so I find it really hard to understand how this situation is that different. But I may be wrong, again, I'm open to hear arguments and interpretations.
I'm not going to write something on a cake which would reflect poorly on my business. That's not going to happen, sorry. As benji posted earlier:
"There's no law that says that a cake-maker has to write obscenities in the cake just because the customer wants it," said Mark Silverstein, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Colorado.
If I'm remembering correctly, the other bakerys that got in trouble because they refused to make a cake for gay weddings, right? Like, they wouldn't make the cake even if a straight person requested it, so I find it really hard to understand how this situation is that different. But I may be wrong, again, I'm open to hear arguments and interpretations.
False False False. You're premise is entirely incorrect. He has his free right to say and believe whatever he wants, that doesn't mean businesses (and the rest of us) are required by those same rights to humor him. If he wants an anti-gay cake he can make it himself. THe issue with the other bakeries is that they made wedding cakes, this was their business, but when they found out the customers of this particular cake were gay, they refused. I guess if this guy can prove that this particular bakery specialized in hate cakes, and would gladly make anti-black or anti-asian cakes but was refusing to make him an anti-gay cake because of his beliefs, you could maybe make the comparison, but that is not at all what is happening here. They are not refusing to offer this man service. If he wants a cake that says "Happy Birthday" or "Happy Retirement!" I'm sure they'd oblige him.
If I walk into McDonalds and order a Big Mac and they say "No because you are gay" that's discrimination.
If I walk into McDonalds and order a Big Mac with chocolate syrup instead of special sauce and a donut instead of a beef patty and they say "No because we don't make that" it's not discrimination.
False False False. You're premise is entirely incorrect. He has his free right to say and believe whatever he wants, that doesn't mean businesses (and the rest of us) are required by those same rights to humor him. If he wants an anti-gay cake he can make it himself. THe issue with the other bakeries is that they made wedding cakes, this was their business, but when they found out the customers of this particular cake were gay, they refused. I guess if this guy can prove that this particular bakery specialized in hate cakes .,.... etc
And I'm not suggesting you should have to, just trying to illustrate that this situation is more of a legal quagmire than most seem to appreciate. The ACLU sure doesn't -- they're effectively defending the position taken by the baker who refused to bake a same-sex marriage cake a few years ago, i.e. there's no law that says a business has to cater to a customer with an offensive request. A lot of the posts in this thread arguing in support of the baker for refusing the gay-hate customer are using arguments that, with new words plugged in, could equally support the baker in the same-sex wedding cake case. He found same-sex marriage "abhorrent", even obscene perhaps. Also on his side, at that time, was the fact that same-sex marriage wasn't legal in Colorado. He still lost because he was discriminating against a protected class in that state. Religion is also protected, which is where the pitfalls are in this case.
I think the "customer's" mistake in this cake is the choice of offensive material he asked the baker to put on the cake. His personally chosen messages of "God hates gays" or whatever are not specifically/explicitly supported by any recognized religion, so his argument for religious discrimination is spurious. In other words, there is no specific statement in accepted Christian dogma that, "God hates gays."If he had asked that the cake be decorated with some specific verse of scripture condemning homosexuality (Leviticus) and that was refused, he might have a stronger argument.
Edit: Dammit, my wife clogged the toilet (she uses too much TP) while I was typing that and CrimzonSamurai beat me to it. I'm thinking he might have the same job as me. "Professional asshole", my wife calls it.
So, can a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes refuse to bake a cake for a wedding between three men and one woman? What about a wedding cake for a grown man and a 7 year old girl? What about a cake for a satanic wedding between a 7 year old girl and a Billy Goat, complete with pentagrams and shit? They're all "wedding cakes" that a baker might find offensive to make ... can he refuse those customers?
Is remaining in the realm of reality really too much to ask in these threads?So, can a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes refuse to bake a cake for a wedding between three men and one woman? What about a wedding cake for a grown man and a 7 year old girl? What about a cake for a satanic wedding between a 7 year old girl and a Billy Goat, complete with pentagrams and shit? They're all "wedding cakes" that a baker might find offensive to make ... can he refuse those customers?
Do those people fall under a protected class?
Ah yes, the religion of children marrying goats. We all know that one.Sexual orientation and/or religion. yeah. : )
Is remaining in the realm of reality really too much to ask in these threads?
But nice of you to illustrate for us what gay marriage us associated to in your mind. Very illuminating.
If your made-up bullshit would constitute a class, then no, the bakery couldn't refuse them on that basis alone, as already stated countless times itt.That wasn't the point at all. If you're not able to hang with a grown-up discussion just go outside and play or something. Ninja Scooter's theory/argument was based on the idea that the same sex cake case can be distinguished from this because that involved a shop that specialized in wedding cakes, and a wedding cake is a wedding cake, regardless of who the customer is. I agree with this, but it leaves open the attack that not all types of weddings are acceptable to all people, which in the extremes can bring you back to square one. As I mentioned above, when that same-sex marriage cake thing happened, such a ceremony wasn't legal in Colorado (the actual wedding they were purportedly ordering the cake for was happening in Massachusetts). Neither are those ridiculous examples I gave. That would've been the better defense for the baker then, instead of citing his religious objections.
If your made-up bullshit would constitute a class, then no, the bakery couldn't refuse them on that basis alone, as already stated countless times itt.
Putting aside the girl-goat one, which was intentionally absurd, the other two are far from made-up bullshit. (A mention of gay marriage would've been called made-up bullshit 30 years ago) Polygamous marriage is certainly coming. And marriage to children happens in the Muslim world .. as we see more immigration from Islamic nations I expect to see that issue tested at some point as well. On religious grounds, of course.
If you think the marriage of 7 year-olds and their respective need for wedding-related pastries is a looming prospect for American bakeries, you should seriously reexamine your connection to reality.Putting aside the girl-goat one, which was intentionally absurd, the other two are far from made-up bullshit. (A mention of gay marriage would've been called made-up bullshit 30 years ago) Polygamous marriage is certainly coming. And marriage to children happens in the Muslim world .. as we see more immigration from Islamic nations I expect to see that issue tested at some point as well. On religious grounds, of course.
That wasn't the point at all. If you're not able to hang with a grown-up discussion just go outside and play or something. Ninja Scooter's theory/argument was based on the idea that the same sex cake case can be distinguished from this because that involved a shop that specialized in wedding cakes, and a wedding cake is a wedding cake, regardless of who the customer is. I agree with this, but it leaves open the attack that not all types of weddings are acceptable to all people, which in the extremes can bring you back to square one. As I mentioned above, when that same-sex marriage cake thing happened, such a ceremony wasn't legal in Colorado (the actual wedding they were purportedly ordering the cake for was happening in Massachusetts). Neither are those ridiculous examples I gave. That would've been the better defense for the baker then, instead of citing his religious objections.
Yeah I'm going to go ahead and predict that the issue of "Man marrying children" is not going to be 'tested' in America at any point and in any way regardless of immigration.
Also, the protected class isn't "gay marriage", it's homosexuality. The bakery can be against gay marriage all they want, what they are now allowed to do is refuse service to someone because they are gay, whether it's a wedding cake, a birthday cake, whatever.
I can't believe we're actually having to discuss the differencd between refusing normal service based on discrimination, and providing service but expressing your right not to print hate speech as a business.
We're far past that. Now we're just entertaining the likelihood of immigrated Saudis ordering wedding cakes for their underage brides. You know, the really pressing issues.I can't believe we're actually having to discuss the differencd between refusing normal service based on discrimination, and providing service but expressing your right not to print hate speech as a business.
Right, it's in general tricky to figure out whether two cases are about substantially different services. Are you in the business of making wedding cakes or are you in the business of making straight wedding cakes?
But obviously this line's got to be drawn somewhere. If you're going to allow people to say that a "gay wedding cake" is a substantially different thing than a "straight wedding cake", because the celebration that the gay wedding cake is intended for involves gay people whereas the celebration that the straight wedding cake is for does not, then you don't really have grounds to forbid any sort of discrimination. You can refuse to serve black people in your restaurant, for example. Not because they're black, of course, but because you don't serve "black lunch", which is just like "white lunch" except black people eat it.
AFAIK the law is pretty clear that the case here counts as a substantially different service. I don't think it helps the guy wanting the hate-cake if he requests a verse from Leviticus either. It certainly doesn't help if the bakery turns out to be willing to bake him a cake with a different Bible verse on it - that just proves that they're not actually discriminating against him on the basis of his religion.
Edit: Also note that the ceremony the cake in that other case was meant for was perfectly legal in every state. The police weren't going around breaking up wedding receptions, and the right of even gay people to have private, religious marriage ceremonies is protected by the first amendment.
We're far past that. Now we're just entertaining the likelihood of immigrated Saudis ordering wedding cakes for their underage brides. You know, the really pressing issues.
1) NoSo, can a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes refuse to bake a cake for 1) a wedding between three men and one woman? What about a wedding cake for 2) a grown man and a 7 year old girl? What about a cake for 3) a satanic wedding between a 7 year old girl and a Billy Goat, complete with pentagrams and shit? They're all "wedding cakes" that a baker might find offensive to make ... can he refuse those customers?
How the hell did this thread turn into Muslims invading the west and turning everyone into pederasts?
Maybe for one of their camps, donate now, friendly staff and cake.
Gots damn...white text on bright white background driving me nuts.
The customer is on private property and only has as much of a right to free speech as the property owner allows them. It's like how you can't go on a racist tirade on NeoGAF without being banned. NeoGAF's right to free speech trumps that of the people who use their service - because it's their service. Free speech is only ever an issue if you're on public property and the gov't is trying to stop you from expressing yourself.
The gay couple in Colorado didn't want some special gay cake, they just wanted a wedding cake. The business owner objected to how the wedding cake was going to be used and by whom, and resorted to discrimination by refusing to serve them. The bakery in this thread did not refuse service, they only stopped at the part where they were requested to write an obscenity. They would have refused to do that for anyone, not just this guy because of his 'creed'. That's what differentiates the two cases.
Is it just me or is there a different bakery under fire every few weeks for a cake they refused to make?