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Banished |OT| Its like SimTown, but by one guy instead of Maxis, oh and its great


Can bridge prevent traders from coming into town? My trading post is a dead buidling, and I can't figure out why.

To attract traders, all you have to do is assign one of your villagers to the tradepost, they will start coming in from there on. Bridges have no effect.


Egbertha, died doing what she loved



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It should be a criminal offense to release any kind of building game without giving players terrain tools. I love everything about this game except when my town's entire layout is stopped because of an anthill that I cannot flatten and cannot build on.

To be honest, the lack of terraforming tools is my only solid complaint about the game. In no way will it stop me from playing, I simply build with the terrain however I can, but sometimes very small "hills" prevents me from placing a large building or a field right where I want it. Even if that "hill" is ridiculously tiny and barely even noticeable. It doesn't even have to be a God mode thing, it would be great if we at least had a toolbar button to tell laborers to flatten out an area.

It's only one negative amongst a laundry list of good, but if I had one feature request to be granted in the game right now, it would be some kind of terraforming option, even if only minimal terraforming.


No patch yet and game is pretty broken for me. Crashes on save or when playing longer than 5-10 minutes with a big town.
nope, how often the trader visits depends on the map size I think. Playing the game alongside a mate, traders probably came every 5 minutes on a small map, maybe every 15 on a large.
I believe the help menu said its dependent on stock in trading post + once a season max + need someone working it


It should be a criminal offense to release any kind of building game without giving players terrain tools. I love everything about this game except when my town's entire layout is stopped because of an anthill that I cannot flatten and cannot build on.

I'm done until terrain tools are modded in. Too bad, it's a great game otherwise.

You should adapt your town to the terrain. If you want flat map seeds you can find some on the forum or other sites. I got a really hilly seed too and finding area to building a large town with ample room for farming is rough but it's fun trying to make it work.

I have 5,000+ food and I just got a notification that the reserve of food was low?


this game is fun to play drunk.

also i am very conservative and am super obsessive over food. have < 100 people and over 12000 food. I should expand some. I did finally trade for chickens and corn

Beware. I let in some Nomads with 20000 food and in 5 years that dropped down to 2000. Barely managed to avoid mass starvation.

Can bridge prevent traders from coming into town? My trading post is a dead buidling, and I can't figure out why.

Nah, they just go right under the bridge. Traders take a while to come. Probably obvious but make sure the river connects to the outside of the map.


You should adapt your town to the terrain. If you want flat map seeds you can find some on the forum or other sites. I got a really hilly seed too and finding area to building a large town with ample room for farming is rough but it's fun trying to make it work.

Beware. I let in some Nomads with 20000 food and in 5 years that dropped down to 2000. Barely managed to avoid mass starvation.

Nah, they just go right under the bridge. Traders take a while to come. Probably obvious but make sure the river connects to the outside of the map.

how ? do U build more farm or go with gathering hut ... I feel the end is near cuz my production is very low


You should adapt your town to the terrain. If you want flat map seeds you can find some on the forum or other sites. I got a really hilly seed too and finding area to building a large town with ample room for farming is rough but it's fun trying to make it work.

That's not at all what I'm talking about. I don't want a perfectly flat map with a perfectly straight river so I can just build unchecked. I'm talking about tiny (sometimes 2-3 tile), barely-noticeable bumps that appear flat but cannot be built on, usually just hanging out in the middle of an otherwise flat area.

I have no problem with building around the terrain, I have every problem with the terrain generator leaving little artifacts that should be smoothed out.

This is not a problem with Banished either, but most city-building games.


how ? do U build more farm or go with gathering hut ... I feel the end is near cuz my production is very low

I start with gathering huts in secluded woods. Having a forester next to one and setting it to plant seems to increase the production of food. Hunting cabins+gathering hut+ forester close together seem to be good combo from what I've noticed. Once the gathering huts supply a decent amount of food I expand to farms, they provide tons of food if you have a lot of farmers focused on that during the harvest time.

Once winter hits, switch them to fishing or hunting. If you can find a really good fishing spot, you can get 1000+ food a season from one, I haven't been able to yet.

That's not at all what I'm talking about. I don't want a perfectly flat map with a perfectly straight river so I can just build unchecked. I'm talking about tiny (sometimes 2-3 tile), barely-noticeable bumps that appear flat but cannot be built on, usually just hanging out in the middle of an otherwise flat area.

I have no problem with building around the terrain, I have every problem with the terrain generator leaving little artifacts that should be smoothed out.

This is not a problem with Banished either, but most city-building games.

Ah, I see what you mean. I noticed that building roads near a bump in the terrain seems to lower it a bit but not enough to use it as a flatten tool. Seems like the engine is capable of doing it. Odd


I just built townhall, in a year 22. Now I found out that I have been under producing the food for the past few years. All those time and my food reserve has been very well above 1000. So I built a new orchard and all of a sudden my food consumption has gone crazily high and food reserve has been very low even though the population has only increased by a small number.

I wonder if there's some sort of mechanic for this to happen.


Ah, I see what you mean. I noticed that building roads near a bump in the terrain seems to lower it a bit but not enough to use it as a flatten tool. Seems like the engine is capable of doing it. Odd

Yeah, I don't mind building little towns nestled into the mountains or taking odd shapes to match rivers. That stuff is fine, and honestly part of the joy of city-building games (otherwise you just find the optimal grid for meeting the citizens' needs for growth and replicated it).

It's the quirky little spots that look flat but technically aren't, and can't be gotten rid of that drive me up the wall. Believe me, Reddit has been trying everything, nothing works; even if the terrain is essentially flattened the game still treats it as unbuildable tiles.


it's just irritating that you can't carve bits outta the mountain or something

make it cost like 10 stone per square or something, i dunno


How can you "prioritize" a task? My builders rather collect stuff from the other end of the map than to fucking carry materials to their building sites or actually build something :X
How can you "prioritize" a task? My builders rather collect stuff from the other end of the map than to fucking carry materials to their building sites or actually build something :X

in the 2nd option from the left there is an Arrow button. Drag it over the task you want done like a building or shit to cut down/pick up
I have pop of 111 now but they hate beans. I don't produce note then the other crops but massive amounts stay in storage that I had to turn off a farm to use it up.

Also I hate every merchant that isn't Ryana. More so Beth and her stupid seeds and only accept non food


I...I don't know what just happened... I have at least 70 adults and 18 children, sudently, about 40 person are cold and 24 need food badly and about 18 died in less than 1 minute at X2 speed... what just happened ?


Made it almost 20 years... I could still keep going, but what I've got is unsustainable. I guess what you'd probably want is a lot more farm fields, orchards and stables? Forester huts do not bring in enough wood, and the supply lines for iron/coal/stone get clogged up when you don't have enough laborers to carry stuff. Can anyone post some screen shots of a successfully self sufficient city?


I...I don't know what just happened... I have at least 70 adults and 18 children, sudently, about 40 person are cold and 24 need food badly and about 18 died in less than 1 minute at X2 speed... what just happened ?

Food production goes through a boom/bust cycle, so it's good - required, really - to have a proportional reserve in check. If my food dips below around 2k (for 70 adults) I know I have a problem on my hands.
I...I don't know what just happened... I have at least 70 adults and 18 children, sudently, about 40 person are cold and 24 need food badly and about 18 died in less than 1 minute at X2 speed... what just happened ?

make sure you only select duties that they can actually reach. If not, they will walk to the edge of the map and starve/freeze


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well, Amityville (my first town) finally broke 300 people tonight in our year '53. I actually ended the night at 377 people. Grew too fast at the end there as my food supply dipped below 10K for a year or two. I had to quickly build some new farms and fishing huts in order to make it through, but I reacted fast enough and now it's stabilized again.

My map has lots of mountains, so my town is rather spread around currently. Tomorrow I'm going to expand into the NE which has a real nice large section of flat land. Gonna grow a huge town complex and see if I can't break 600 by tomorrow night.

I also now have traded for all of the crops, seeds, and livestock. Got an achievement for it too. This game is addicting, so much like Civ in that regard.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Is this a good game for an entry level city builder?

I love the look of this game and it seems easy overall to grasp.
speaking of death spirals i got cocky and let 26 nomads in and promptly started to mass expand and death spiral down 26 people. I refuse to let my food matter and building myself into corners b/c of it

How to manage food like a boss
i even let my gatherers get down to like 5 of them at one point because of my farm production but couldn't let it stay that way when i got over 200 then i started to crazy over produce to the point all my storage barns were full of food and my people still starved traveling around a river running through my place (and everywhere)


Mh once you hit the sweet spot with Fields it's rather easy to play and expend endlessly really. Roughly 40% of population turned into farmers and you never run out of foot really. Game got very boring very fast after that point. That said, it's impossible without crops. I played a few hard mode towns and gathering + hunting + fishing is just not enough. It's very luck based if a trader comes around with any kind of seeds AND if you have enough resources to actually buy it.


Well, Amityville (my first town) finally broke 300 people tonight in our year '53. I actually ended the night at 377 people. Grew too fast at the end there as my food supply dipped below 10K for a year or two. I had to quickly build some new farms and fishing huts in order to make it through, but I reacted fast enough and now it's stabilized again.

My map has lots of mountains, so my town is rather spread around currently. Tomorrow I'm going to expand into the NE which has a real nice large section of flat land. Gonna grow a huge town complex and see if I can't break 600 by tomorrow night.

I also now have traded for all of the crops, seeds, and livestock. Got an achievement for it too. This game is addicting, so much like Civ in that regard.

I always order seeds from that one trader and he never brings them. I want those pumpkin seeds and achievements!


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Hard mode:
Harsh \ Hard \ Mountain \ Large.
Current challenge: NOBODY LEFT OUT - if nomads pop up, accepting without delay is mandatory.
Wish me luck.


Damn, I really wish this was on Mac right now. It'll be a good 6-12 months I bet before it goes to other platforms.


Damn I was doing so good. I was going slow expand had like 60 people and 2k food (was 5k at one point) expanded to 75 people, built 3 farmer's fields and a fishing dock..... and then I didn't notice my blacksmith died, I had a -30 tool shortage and everyone died from starvation... when you see the message "so and so THE CHILD died from starvation" makes you feel bad.


I can't stop playing this game. Really fun. Don't make the mistake of having all your kids be students else they're not going to multiply. Ended up with a super old population with my first town and it was too late. Shouldn't have been so impatient and sped up the game...


Ok so was expecting this to be like Settlers but how do I get a villager to chop a tree down or mine some stone?
Sort of expected to just click on one and send him/her to task.


Did you try the tutorial? It's relatively comprehensive on the basics.

The gist of it is that you need to assign an area to be mined (from the removal menu) and then have enough free labour to do so.


Did you try the tutorial? It's relatively comprehensive on the basics.

The gist of it is that you need to assign an area to be mined (from the removal menu) and then have enough free labour to do so.

Yeah, I just thought maybe villagers could be controlled.


No, they're nearly as irritating as dwarves at not doing what you want them to do. Of course, that's part of what makes the game fun!

At least these guys don't go insane and massacre your entire settlement.


I can't stop playing this game. Really fun. Don't make the mistake of having all your kids be students else they're not going to multiply. Ended up with a super old population with my first town and it was too late. Shouldn't have been so impatient and sped up the game...
What? Why?


What? Why?

Actually, it was a combination of them being in school too long and not being available for the new houses I built to found their own families. I sped the game up to get some resources, food level was great, everything. By the time I realised the birth rate was nonexistent, it was too late.


The guy is still working on this game right? It looks a bit unfinished.

its rather frustrating to hear he is finished working on it, just releasing mod tools not enough for me, I sorta wish I hadn't bought it when I heard he was finished.


But on the other hand, it's one dude, so it's really hard to be mad about things. I mean, I've played games that've probably had like a hundred or more people work on it that were less satisfying.


You guys have such nice city setups that I am ashamed to go back and play mine even though it's been doing well for itself.
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