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Banished |OT| Its like SimTown, but by one guy instead of Maxis, oh and its great


its rather frustrating to hear he is finished working on it, just releasing mod tools not enough for me, I sorta wish I hadn't bought it when I heard he was finished.

I apologise if I've missed something more definitive since, but I believe the dev said a while back that an expansion was a possibility, but no certainty. The sales figures so far may have exceeded all of Luke Hodorowicz's expectations, perhaps, and might alter his plans a little... perhaps he isn't even sure at this point.

It's one thing to pour three years of yourself into one project, with no stakeholders, and to reshape your vision and time-lines as the game grows... but it's post-release, with tens of thousands of paying customers, that I think the pressure of being a one-man team might be felt the most. I certainly wouldn't be surprised, or bear any ill will, if he simply fixed the most major of bugs, released the mod kit, and moved on to something else (perhaps with a small team next time!).


mate challenged me to do the whole dob seed, this time I did mm/dd/yyyy and I actually got a very nice seed.


main chunk of my civilisation now, there's a little food production place up top which is going to be a quarry/mine area soon and I've just got to setting up a few farms - I've got peppers and squash, I'll probably be setting up walnut orchards and definitely moving my pastures down that way as well. This is the first map where fishing docks are doing me pretty damn good, each on the bottom right are pulling easy 1.7k fish a season.

Going rather swimmingly, nothing major yet happened, had a yellow fever breakout - a whole 1 person that resolved itself pretty quickly and he didn't even die. Plan is after I get the farms down, set up my quarry and mine, get my food production backup and start work on a main city area.


Yeah, I don't really need them with my layout. Every area is it's own little hub in terms of food and they're still close enough for all the other resources. The people up north are pretty disgruntled - they're the ones bringing down the happiness rating, but I've just put a woodcutters up that way so all they're grumbling about now is clothing.


Is it just me or are gatherers kind of OP? Or do they lose their usefulness later? I currently have a ~100 population town and gatherers seem by far the most useful food source because they are a stable food gain and produce diverse food (better health). Also super easy to use compared to something like crops (seasonal so you have to plan a bit).

I guess the only negative in them is that it takes a lot of room but not a huge deal when you can just put a hunter and a herbalist in the same area and they all seem to still do well.


Gatherers need a lot of forest around to maximise their output, it's fine when you're just starting off but when you're trying to expand the amount of area they require becomes a hindrance if you want to keep that output up. It's the reason all of my towns so far have been as fragmented as they are. Ideally I'd have everything in the same area but I need to split off the little villages to keep up output to support the speed of growth. Productivity goes down quite a bit because of the travel needed.

Crops, orchards and pastures have much better food/square density but they're seasonal and/or take a few years to actually give you food.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's finished, it's just lacking in late game depth. He's not going to add any more features, only mod support.

Well, he's said that he won't be adding any new content for the time being. He wants to get the mod tools out there and fix any bugs and then let the game play for a bit to see what everyone thinks and wants. After a couple months he may decide to patch some stuff in, he just has not decided on anything concrete yet.


how do you increase your food when there is a huge increase of population ?

I put more workers into my field/finishing spot/ hunting spot but there are no really increase really


Hopefully there'll be some mods to add combat or exploration. I love the peaceful building, but I like having some greater objective or threat to go with it.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Is it just me or are gatherers kind of OP? Or do they lose their usefulness later? I currently have a ~100 population town and gatherers seem by far the most useful food source because they are a stable food gain and produce diverse food (better health). Also super easy to use compared to something like crops (seasonal so you have to plan a bit).

I guess the only negative in them is that it takes a lot of room but not a huge deal when you can just put a hunter and a herbalist in the same area and they all seem to still do well.

They're not an efficient use of terrain. However, if you had a foresting lodge anyway.. they're very worker-efficient.
Just hearing about this game for the first time. I want to try this. Glad to hear its a nice entry level type city builder and that it runs on low spec hardware. I'm trying to set up an Intel NUC as an HTPC and emulation/indie games box.

Main reason I want to get into PC gaming is stuff like this.


This is a pretty neat game. Kind of refreshing to have something so good built by a single guy.

In my first game, I was having good luck with food production alternating between farming/orchards in the spring-autumn, and fishing in the winter. Also had a hunter to diversify this further and produce leather for coats. Allowed me to build up a diverse stock of food without too many people.

I didn't figure out until several years in that i needed more houses so people would continue to reproduce, so my 9 year old city only has 25 people.

Don't go into this expecting sim city; it's more about building and maintaining your city through careful choices in terms of planning, resource production, growth, trade, etc. If you're into that sort of thing, definitely buy it.


Rodent Whores
Is it just me or are gatherers kind of OP? Or do they lose their usefulness later? I currently have a ~100 population town and gatherers seem by far the most useful food source because they are a stable food gain and produce diverse food (better health). Also super easy to use compared to something like crops (seasonal so you have to plan a bit).

I guess the only negative in them is that it takes a lot of room but not a huge deal when you can just put a hunter and a herbalist in the same area and they all seem to still do well.

Yeah you're right. Gatherers acquire a lot of food per worker (4 workers, and usually around 2000+ total food), but take up a lot of space. Farms don't take up that much space (max size is 15x15), and produce lots of food per area, but don't produce as much food per worker (4 workers at max size farm, usually around 1500 total food).

So, if you have lots of space, gatherers are good. If you don't have lots of space, farms are good.


Yeah you're right. Gatherers acquire a lot of food per worker (4 workers, and usually around 2000+ total food), but take up a lot of space. Farms don't take up that much space (max size is 15x15), and produce lots of food per area, but don't produce as much food per worker (4 workers at max size farm, usually around 1500 total food).

So, if you have lots of space, gatherers are good. If you don't have lots of space, farms are good.

whhattt ?I have 4 person into my gatherer spot with lots of old tree and they only get around 200-500 food!


Rodent Whores
whhattt ?I have 4 person into my gatherer spot with lots of old tree and they only get around 200-500 food!

For optimal resource collecting, put a gathering hut right next to a forester. The forester will plant trees in a dense pattern, so the gatherers will have more trees to gather from. You can also place an herbalist there too.

Additionally, put a small stockpile next to the forester, and a woodcutter there as well, to produce lots and lots of firewood.


how do you increase your food when there is a huge increase of population ?

I put more workers into my field/finishing spot/ hunting spot but there are no really increase really

The amount of workers and the amount of food they output is some form of exponential over time I think, you won't get immediate results but you'll see the differences at end of season.

If you can't accomodate the increase in population it's a sign you're expanding too fast. Drop a school and a trading post to get those seeds/animals.


For optimal resource collecting, put a gathering hut right next to a forester. The forester will plant trees in a dense pattern, so the gatherers will have more trees to gather from. You can also place an herbalist there too.

Additionally, put a small stockpile next to the forester, and a woodcutter there as well, to produce lots and lots of firewood.

I have that, I have 3 forester that only plant with gathering hut nearby and 3 foresters that cut and plant and gathering hut and they collect 500-600 plants each huts. almost my foresters collect only 50 wood with 2 workers but I can't expand my city since I dont have enough firewood and i can't have enough firewood because i need all my worker to gather food and little wood...

Damn it I explain very badly...

The amount of workers and the amount of food they output is some form of exponential over time I think, you won't get immediate results but you'll see the differences at end of season.

If you can't accomodate the increase in population it's a sign you're expanding too fast. Drop a school and a trading post to get those seeds/animals.

but school just take like 10 of my worker and i don't have any manpower left to produce everything!

I also have a question, should I take down all my farmer when winter come or they will find a job and return when spring ?


Experienced my first tornado, luckily it landed out of town and only took out my gather/woodcutter area. It did then make a turn for my newly built expansion area which was terrifying but it died out.

What's everyones comfortable food supply? My town has a population of around 280 and I have 40,000 in food, is that "too much"?
I have that, I have 3 forester that only plant with gathering hut nearby and 3 foresters that cut and plant and gathering hut and they collect 500-600 plants each huts. almost my foresters collect only 50 wood with 2 workers but I can't expand my city since I dont have enough firewood and i can't have enough firewood because i need all my worker to gather food and little wood...

Damn it I explain very badly...

but school just take like 10 of my worker and i don't have any manpower left to produce everything!

I also have a question, should I take down all my farmer when winter come or they will find a job and return when spring ?

Unless you have a very small harvesting area, you don't really need to have foresters just planting.

So you will have a few years where you won't expand fast. The school makes up for it in the long run.

Also, they can survive without firewood. If push comes to shove, they can go without it for a winter.


Rodent Whores
I have that, I have 3 forester that only plant with gathering hut nearby and 3 foresters that cut and plant and gathering hut and they collect 500-600 plants each huts. almost my foresters collect only 50 wood with 2 workers but I can't expand my city since I dont have enough firewood and i can't have enough firewood because i need all my worker to gather food and little wood...

Damn it I explain very badly...

but school just take like 10 of my worker and i don't have any manpower left to produce everything!

I also have a question, should I take down all my farmer when winter come or they will find a job and return when spring ?

Have a forester with the entire circle (or as much as possible) within flat land, so it can grow as many trees as possible. Leave it set to cut and plant. There isnt really any reason why you'd want to have it set to plant only, except for a few circumstances.

Put a small 4x4 or 5x5 stockpile next to it. Put a woodcutter next to that.

On the other side of the forester cabin, build a gatherer's hut.

Build a storage barn either right next to the gatherer's hut, or just outside of the radius of the forester's cabin.

This should be a self sustaining system that provides you with lots of logs, firewood, and food.

Build schools as soon as you can afford it. They are good.

During the off season, farmers automatically function as laborers. No need to reassign them.
Here's my first "successful" town in its 12th year:

Right now it has about 60 citizens and I've managed to keep the food supply fairly steady. Only seven people have died so far, all of old age. I've tried to design my town so that it's split up into different sections. In the screenshot above, the lower-left section is designated for farming, the lower-right section is the town's "hub" with most of the houses, the school, town hall, and also storage barns and stockyards, and the upper-middle section is where the hunters, gatherers, foresters, and herbalists reside. I'm intentionally building around the forest so that they'll have something to work with. As you can see, I've also constructed a quarry to start mining stone in the upper-right corner but since my stone supply is fine right now and I don't have enough spare people to work there, I've shut down its operations for the time being. I've also built two bridges crossing the main river. I plan on expanding down that way rather than clearing out the forest above.
Any indication how well it has sold? I would imagine that would play into whether or not he would be interested in doing an expansion. I would happily for an expansion pack adding new gameplay elements.


I watched sevadus's twitch stream playing banished for around 6 hours today. It seemed to me that the game's difficulty is forcing the player into a very linear/specific progression towards a balanced town , to the point that there are "correct" ways to start/run a city, without much room for specialization or customization.
Is there more to this game than responding in the technically correct way to various events?


I watched sevadus's twitch stream playing banished for around 6 hours today. It seemed to me that the game's difficulty is forcing the player into a very linear/specific progression towards a balanced town , to the point that there are "correct" ways to start/run a city, without much room for specialization or customization.
Is there more to this game than responding in the technically correct way to various events?

That's about it.


Here is my town of 51. Not as well laid out as I'd like, but Its been pretty smooth sailing so far. I've always had 3-5k food, tons of firewood, and everyone seems happy and healthy.


I just bought chickens from the trader, I thought about forgoing a quarry for stone and just buying it, but the trader only brings 50 at a time, which won't cut it when I start upgrading my houses. I just relocated my starting forester's and gatherer's huts to the outskirts of town to make room for pastures. I found it pretty interesting the hunter's lodge in the middle of town is matching the output of the lodge in a more ideal location. The gatherer's hut definitely took a hit as the town grew. The two markets might be overkill but it seems to be working and as the town grows I think they will become more effective.
Got the steam code from the main site and now it's failing to launch because it says it's missing an executable. Any help? I already did what Steam instructed me to do and closed out of Steam, deleted the appcache folder, and then restarted my computer.
Got the steam code from the main site and now it's failing to launch because it says it's missing an executable. Any help? I already did what Steam instructed me to do and closed out of Steam, deleted the appcache folder, and then restarted my computer.

There was something about this. I think you need to download the DirectX redestributable. Apparently he forgot to include a file in the package.
I thought about forgoing a quarry for stone and just buying it, but the trader only brings 50 at a time, which won't cut it when I start upgrading my houses.

Later the trade will bring gazillion of resources. I regularly trade for around 400 stones, iron, log and coal. The trader brings around 1K+ of each resources though I think it depends on what kind of trader visits.
Tried taking some screens of my first town entering year 11 or 12 but can't find them anywhere. I'll try again later. Working on expanding my town but the lack of stone is hurting. Finally got my Trading Post up so hopefully a trader swings by!


What's the fastest way to deal with this?

McAfee is shit. Scan it with AVG's online scanner and see that detects it.

Later the trade will bring gazillion of resources. I regularly trade for around 400 stones, iron, log and coal. The trader brings around 1K+ of each resources though I think it depends on what kind of trader visits.

Ok, I guess I'll ride it out a bit longer. Its nice having the extra builders/laborers.


but school just take like 10 of my worker and i don't have any manpower left to produce everything!

I also have a question, should I take down all my farmer when winter come or they will find a job and return when spring ?

The school will take the kids when they turn 10 and keep them for another 10 seasons, it doesn't reduce your current workforce but slows down the output of labourers. They're necessary if you don't want your town to starve early on.
Could anyone tell me if there are cheats or options to disable negative events/make the game easier?
You can set the difficulty and turn off disasters when you start a new game. I'm playing on Hard and it's not that difficult on a large valley map with fair climate.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
14/36 achievements. 100K food reserve. 600 population. So near yet so far.

I'm running out of wood. :(

When I went to bed last night I had right around 570 pop, just a tad under 600. I'll hit that tonight. For most of my town's history I've been fine on firewood, I've actually been using my surplus logs and firewood to trade with. But now as I'm approaching 600 my firewood reserves aren't holding anymore. I have four cells of forester/hunter/gatherer/woodchopper set up, but I'm finding that now I have an overabundance of logs but I'm running dangerously low on firewood, so I've had to set up a few more woodchoppers scattered around to help cut up all of the logs my foresters are netting.

Had quite a few infestations in some crops and pastures last night too. I'm not sure how to prevent them (or even if you can) but they can sure be a pain to deal with. Learned the valuable lesson that it's best to have several pastures set up for each animal type, because one infestation can wipe out all of your animals if you have them confined to just one large pasture.

I've become addicted to stone too. Every one of my town's houses are now stone houses, I don't even build the wood ones anymore. I have two quarries running with 15 workers each at all times, and I'm slowly converting most of my roads to stone paths. I'm even trading for stone from the traders now.

This game is pretty much all I played this entire weekend, LOL.
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