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Banished |OT| Its like SimTown, but by one guy instead of Maxis, oh and its great


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Huh, no kidding? I haven't looked at the boards in a few days. I've not had a single crash or slowdown at all, even during an eight hour marathon session. And I passed 600 pop long ago. I did have one issue when I had the game paused for like four hours and I came back to it and the mouse seemed to be off a bit from where the cursor was, but a simple restart fixed it.


Like I said, looking at the official forums many experience the same issue. It's somehow save-related, and doesn't happen with every map/saved game. But it's happened on 2 saves/maps for me so far, so for me and many others out there the game is pretty much broken and unplayable past a certain point. I haven't been able to play it for a week now which sucks. I have sympathy for the dev being alone in this, but I'm still bitter about it. Just hoping he is doing his best to resolve the issue asap.

Yeah....not sure what you're talking about Skinpop.
Also this game is managed by a single guy.

So patience is key when dealing with issues.
It's the "fatal error crash", which happens on some maps/saves when you save or the game autosaves. It only seem to happen on fairly progressed maps with high population. Basically it makes the game unplayable past early game.

Yeah I feel kinda bad complaining a lot about it knowing he's a single guy developing this, but I expect something game breaking like this to be fixed within a week, not weeks or months.


Rodent Whores
With a lot of hunters, I was able to make a pretty good profit off of trading in the early game.

Venison has a value of 3, so you can trade 1 venison for 3 grains, 3 fruit, or 3 veg. Or, trade one venison for 1 of each type. This way, you can get both food volume and variety up.

With the excess of leather, you can make lots of hide coats, which have a high trade value as well.

Add a few trade ports, and set them to stock venison and coats. Also set them to auto purchase grain/fruit/veg and/or stone/iron/tools, and you can have a lot of your needs set without having to have farms or pastures.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Like I said, looking at the official forums many experience the same issue. It's somehow save-related, and doesn't happen with every map/saved game. But it's happened on 2 saves/maps for me so far, so for me and many others out there the game is pretty much broken and unplayable past a certain point. I haven't been able to play it for a week now which sucks. I have sympathy for the dev being alone in this, but I'm still bitter about it. Just hoping he is doing his best to resolve the issue asap.

It's the "fatal error crash", which happens on some maps/saves when you save or the game autosaves. It only seem to happen on fairly progressed maps with high population. Basically it makes the game unplayable past early game.

Yeah I feel kinda bad complaining a lot about it knowing he's a single guy developing this, but I expect something game breaking like this to be fixed within a week, not weeks or months.

So its only an issue with certain maps? Wow that sounds like an odd bug. Maybe I just got lucky with my random seed as I've only played on one map so far.

I wonder if you tried to play my map seed would you still crash or would the game work for you? I wonder if I tried your map that keeps crashing, would it crash for me too?

Bah, the programmer in me finds this shit fascinating. That's only because it's not my game and it's not affecting me right now though, lol.


Rodent Whores
Regarding the lack of terraforming -

Unlike SimCity, the lack of terraforming doesn't bother me as much in this game because there is a lot of room to expand. Actually having to work around the terrain adds to the challenge a little, and forces your town to grow in a slightly more organic fashion, if you let it.

That being said, not being able to flatten a tiny bit of hill that isn't that steep is a tad frustrating.

I'm not sure what a happy balance would be.


Rodent Whores
If anyone wants to test a map that has a place for fishing that is almost entirely water, try this out:

Seed 723089954
Map Size Large
Terrain Valley





Started up my new town on a large hard map, 1 Gatherer, 1 Fishing Dock and 1 Hunter Lodge and I have surplus of everything, about 7k food, 50 tools, 50 coats, steady 200 firewood, I built myself a school, town hall, market and about 3 storage barns and am going strong at about year 10. Hopefully things keep up for a while as I expand, though I need to find areas for more Gatherers as I go. Planning to have satellite areas based around a market with some gatherers and foresters on the edge with their huts and stockpiles/storage barns nearby. And then expanding to a second area for when I eventually get seeds and animals to put to pasture. Planning to get some screenshots of my current setup and post them later on, when I get home from work.

I find myself wishing that the Fishing Docks actually functioned as proper docks and that fishermen would use a section of waterway with a boat. Like putting a fishing dock on a lake would give them access to a section of the lake. Though I don't know how you'd balance that like the area of water thing. As they are they can be reasonably useless apart from providing a little variety of food.


I still don't understand how hunting works. Apparently the deer are just visual effects. But occasionally I still see my hunters generate meat and leather out of thin air and leave it lying around until they come and pick it up.


I still don't understand how hunting works. Apparently the deer are just visual effects. But occasionally I still see my hunters generate meat and leather out of thin air and leave it lying around until they come and pick it up.

I've been having the same issue, have a hunter in a mostly open area where I've seen at most 2 deer, and they gather around 800-1200 meat and 18 or so leather a year.I wonder if they'd still pull that in if you put them in a crowded urban area...


ugh, a few bad seasons of food production maybe the end of this village. Food output from 52k/year dropping to 33k/year all because of early frost, it has been the same for the past 2 years. If this early frost continues it's going to be bad news :'(


So its only an issue with certain maps? Wow that sounds like an odd bug. Maybe I just got lucky with my random seed as I've only played on one map so far.

I wonder if you tried to play my map seed would you still crash or would the game work for you? I wonder if I tried your map that keeps crashing, would it crash for me too?

Bah, the programmer in me finds this shit fascinating. That's only because it's not my game and it's not affecting me right now though, lol.

it's happened twice in a row for me so I don't think it's related to a specific map seed but I've heard terms such as "corrupted tiles" thrown around. The debug dump points toward some multithreading-thingy but that might just be a symptom and not the cause.

I guess tiles somehow get corrupted(which might have something to do with converting dirt roads to stone roads) and when the game then attempts to save something breaks and the game crashes. Also, I'm not 100% sure about it but I think the risk of crashing increases when you run 10x speed with a large (500+) population which might indicate some memory/multithreading issues.

There are actually seeds that are straight up bugged, but that's a separate issue.


Rodent Whores
ugh, a few bad seasons of food production maybe the end of this village. Food output from 52k/year dropping to 33k/year all because of early frost, it has been the same for the past 2 years. If this early frost continues it's going to be bad news :'(

If you're having early frost troubles, overwork your farms by one more worker to help get the harvesting done sooner.


my last save was too late for that town. The food spiral started, I noticed that snow was still occuring well into spring. Even with all of my farmers living next to my farms, most of my crop were only at 30%~ at the end of summer thanks to this -including the pepper/bean farms. Tick over to mid autumn, most of them start harvesting and only manage to take 10-20% of the crop before the frost sets in.

Going to need to seriously work my food stocks if I want to break 500 it seems.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You know what I would like? A Banished set in the 80s.

It probably sounds weird, but I would love to have a similar concept but more with having to deal with pop culture trends in addition to what your people want. Like a 'you build a huge mall and profits are way up.' Then it rolls closer to modern day, 'No one goes to malls anymore idiot! This thing is empty. Burn it down and make something else.'


You know what I would like? A Banished set in the 80s.

It probably sounds weird, but I would love to have a similar concept but more with having to deal with pop culture trends in addition to what your people want. Like a 'you build a huge mall and profits are way up.' Then it rolls closer to modern day, 'No one goes to malls anymore idiot! This thing is empty. Burn it down and make something else.'

maybe in a mod!


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Patch coming soon

Hope that fixes some of the problems you guys have been talking about.

A little over 1 week for a patch. Not bad for a single guy dev team.


You know what I would like? A Banished set in the 80s.

It probably sounds weird, but I would love to have a similar concept but more with having to deal with pop culture trends in addition to what your people want. Like a 'you build a huge mall and profits are way up.' Then it rolls closer to modern day, 'No one goes to malls anymore idiot! This thing is empty. Burn it down and make something else.'

On Hard, mall workers would freeze to death while wandering aimlessly around the mall parking lot.


I'd personally like a game like this with tech upgrades. Starting at the stone age as nomads.

Patch coming soon

Hope that fixes some of the problems you guys have been talking about.

A little over 1 week for a patch. Not bad for a single guy dev team.

well that's great news. The first problem addressed in the dev post is the issue I've been talking about so I'm hopeful about the issue being resolved.
peeked at Banished reddit and saw someone cover his center town (or any gaps between house clusters) with roads and was like how come i never thought of doing it (when i have resources)
peeked at Banished reddit and saw someone cover his center town (or any gaps between house clusters) with roads and was like how come i never thought of doing it (when i have resources)

That's what I've been doing. It makes it look nicer and more townlike.

Fill in places with dirt roads that you won't be able to put anything into and make main stretches of road two or three tiles wide.

Although I wonder how paths are treated. If grouping multiple paths togerther becomes a single path. Rollercoaster Tycoon3 had issues with that where each path tile was a single node and it got really overloaded with pathfinding when you did that.


peeked at Banished reddit and saw someone cover his center town (or any gaps between house clusters) with roads and was like how come i never thought of doing it (when i have resources)

For ultimate style points, drop a well in the middle; you can actually pave it's 3x3 area so it looks nice. Throwing a market at the other end doesn't hurt either.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So this is what happens when you run out of storage space:

Workers start just laying goods all around the barns, lol. I had crates of stuff everywhere.

I had my first tornado today in year 91:

Managed to wind it's way from one corner of the map right up against some farms of mine on the outskirts of a major pop hub, but it just stopped moving right there and then petered out. Didn't lose one building or citizen. Very lucky with the disasters so far.

So I'm trying to get this first town of mine over 900 population for the achievement, and it just wouldn't go over the hump tonight. I peaked at 849 in year 92:

And then had a mass old geyser death party that took a chunk out of my populace.

Seems to have leveled off now at around 750 and the next generation is starting to graduate and start new families, so hopefully tomorrow I can get this city over 900. I had a group of 147 nomads drop in but I didn't want to jolt my food industry that sharply, I'm sure I can get over the hump gracefully and naturally.



Damn it! I want to play it again right now because of you guys! At what speed do you play? My friend play at X2 and im at X10 and we started around the same time and he seems to have much much more population than me


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
You've gotta vary the speed depending on what you're doing.

Don't just leave it at a single speed all the time.


Damn it! I want to play it again right now because of you guys! At what speed do you play? My friend play at X2 and im at X10 and we started around the same time and he seems to have much much more population than me
Probably because he can react better and more efficiently to certain happenings and conditions.

As Gattsby said, vary speed dependent on what you're doing. I use every setting.


Gold Member
How accessible [for lack of better term] is this game? I'm really interested, but watched a couple of livestreams and the Giantbomb Quicklook and everytime things seem to go south for no apparant reason and everything goes to shit. People die and there seems a point of no return where there basically is no recovery possible.


How accessible [for lack of better term] is this game? I'm really interested, but watched a couple of livestreams and the Giantbomb Quicklook and everytime things seem to go south for no apparant reason and everything goes to shit. People die and there seems a point of no return where there basically is no recovery possible.

If it ever does go wrong, it's because of something you've done. The game requires a bit of foresight but it's something you pick up as you learn about the game. With that it is pretty accessible, if you're playing you just have to be willing to learn at the same time.


I got to 30 citizens and then it seemed to cap me at that number. So they all got old and died. Anyone else had this happen? Thought it was housing but then I built loads of houses. Maybe they were all to closely related or something.


I got to 30 citizens and then it seemed to cap me at that number. So they all got old and died. Anyone else had this happen? Thought it was housing but then I built loads of houses. Maybe they were all to closely related or something.

You might not have built the houses while your citizens were old enough (or young enough) to produce offspring.


I bought this game after a friend showed it to me , seemed like something I'd like- reminds me much more of an ANNO game then it does simcity though, dozens of resources and things to take care of. I find it's actually a lot more complicated then it needs to be and it takes a while to really get going too. Also I have the strangest bug, mousing over to the right fails to move the screen but I can still press D at least.

With a little more fine tuning I think this could be something quite special, the ground work is definitely there, really impressive for one guy.
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